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Nlge rJan Tribune

22_ l1lUrsday. 25

August, 2011




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oyolegion boos thumbs up B~~~~U!~~~PII~!~e HE

C hil1 r man.

o f (bada n


the pas t

T ~I~O StateKL::~~n~ ~~~~r~~~t~~I1~~~~~:r ~~~

Adigun, co mm e nded

I,., the

O/ubadan Obo,f Ibadan land , Sam u e l O du la n a Odug bade I , fo r hi s

pur posefu l lead e rsh ip a nd

hi s

relentl ess

effor ts to se e to th e and g row th

U""""..,;,,"',, ,(0, E>' '';;;;;;;;:;;;;;~d!;:;~;ii,:~p;~;;;;;;(ii<;;;:iB;;k;;f,~~;;;;;: pf!OpJe at Oke-FJ.. Osogbo, during die weekly s.anJra6on . Plroto: Yunde

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deve lopme nt o f Oyo State in ge n e ral an d Ihadan land in par ticul a r.

Mr Ad ig un sa id the O /ubadan lea d e rs h i p had

b ee n

impa rting

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SUN Stale Commiss io ner for " Envir o nment and Sanitati Ofl , ProCesso r Bu kola Oyawoye, has urged all communitiesoC in the stilte to s u pp o rt th e n ew ly in tro duced O'Clea n project of the state gover·lmenl. Speaking w , th Commllllity News r-renliy in Osogbo while IT onhoring the weekly cleaning exercise, the comm issio ner charged the co mmu nity Ipaden; across I.I le sta te to make su re lhat residents of their VAriOUS ( ommunities com ply w ith O'C1ean policy of Covelllor Rauf Aregbesola. Oya woye, w ho w a s hi g hl y e lat erl se e in g ma n y peo ple cleaning their su rround ings in Osogbo and b o th O lo rund a local g!Jvemmen ts area of he state, s aid the deve lop m en t wou ld bril1l: good h ea lth to th e p eo ple w hil e go\''!!: rnrn e nl would cil s u re t hilt every community gel; its own s ha re o f d iv ide nd s of d emocracy.

used themcdlUm locom mend A regbesola for h is e Horls al ensuring th a t the sla l'e was cl ea n and ty d y, A lso speaking with

pori of Ine people of the state (o r the policy of the gove rn o r o n O'C lea n, say ing the policy was fo r the bette rmenl of all and sund ry a ~ the)' say,

Osun Osogbo fe st iva l wou ld be free from crisis, adding that security pe rsonnel wo uld be a t eve ry co rn e r o f t h e g roove to ensu re peace-

(or En viro nm ent and S.1nitation's entourage was the Sta te Coo rd inator NESREA, M,r Julius Anjorin. t.he Personal As-sistant 10 the Commis-

Governo r on EI1Viro n mell i, H o no ura b le Bo la

The e n viro nm e nt Sp eci al Ad viser further

pul in place to usher in the v is itors.

Slate NAWOJ, Adesola Jacob among others.

w ritt en 11\5 names on

gold .

ch~~~an5!::~ w:~~il~:

wisd om and the fear of God the OJublldan had been re igni ng ove r the peop le, Tbadan, w hich is. the s t ate ca pita l, had remai n ed p eaceful. H e said the O/ubadan had li fted Ibadan to take it s r ig htfu l p os iti on in t he s lat e politi ca ll y, economica ll y and socia ll y . "Yo ur leadership ha s bro u g ht p os it ive ch an ges to Ibadan la nd a n d Oyo S tal e in gene ral. T he las t fou r yea rs of yo ur leadershi p . has been pur poseful and eventful and ha s impa cted posit ive ly o n t h e liv es o f Ibad<ln

resid ent.s,~ Adigu n said.

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B· enID

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legion to ens u re sec urity o f lives a nd p rope rt y in th e s ta le,

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Biu , B o r n o l a t e, h a v e taken to soya bea n cultivation due to its low p rod uctio n cost. !=;

SOyil bean is a leg ume

s peci e 1o E"I Asi.

a n d wid el y-g row n fo r it s h ig h nutriti o n a l va lue . Some farm e rs who spo ke w it h th e News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Biu rece ntl y, expressed s atisfil clion w illi tI~eir y ie ld . Mr Jose ph But Ndahi, a far m er in n earby H aw ul in H I L I ~ Ct G aW ll ovcrnme nl area 0 t le sta le, h ad it cont rary v ie;;dahi d escri bed soya bean fa rming as a gamb le. " It is a very ri s ky bu s i n ess becaus e, th e soya bean crop is very easy to a llac k b }' .Insects an d rodents. '" o nce cu lti vated the crop but a ba ndoned it beca use o f the hi gh cost of insec ticides, " Ndahi said. I-I owe ver, Ma lam Us man Mod u, a fa rme r Sa bon-B o rn o in


was a b ig t ime ~a l ze fa rme r befo re lurm ng 10 so>:,a bean . . I h ave been il mai ze fa rm er for abou t 20

years produci~g several b'g' 0 1 mo m harves t. " Bu t two yea rs ago, m y crops refu sed to g row, so I d eci ded to ex p e rim e n t wi t h soya bean culti va tion," Mod u sa id . Acco rding to him , the expe rime nt p aid off as he h :uvested se ve ral ba gs o f t h e crop fro m the farm . "W hen I re a1ised lh<1t I could produ ce several bilgS o f soya bean o n th e farm , I did n o t was te ti me the fo llow ing yea r. "The e ffort pai d of( as I am now a big lerm soya


b ea n farm e r ," Modu 'd sal. !-Ie ad ded that unlike olher crops, soya bean farmin g did no t require fe r ti li ser, making its culti vation chea per and easier. '" mus l tell yo u th at another adva nta ge o f soy a b ea n farm in g is Ihat it doe s n o l n eed fe rt iliser. This makes

engaged in i ts c ul tivation , Modu sa id . Madam Caro line ISil , an o th e r (firm e r , W

d" Mod u 's cla im , say in g a genci es and corpo rate that most farm ers in the organi s a ti o n s i n th e area had s hined to soya s tate to secu re lives and lIeil ll culti vation . pro perty.

Tradili'onal ruler canVWNW ~c""" better pay for teachers


Jagbolu of lrele Kingdo m in O ndo State, Chief Adeolu Aroloye, has called for an impro\'ed slandardofliving for teilchers n<1tionwide. Aroloye t~ld ~le News Agerq of NJgl'l'l1l (NAN) at Irele, Dndo Slate, tha i im proving. t.e ac h eu' standard ~f Il\'lng ,~ou l d help In nah onal de....elopment. H e said th<lt "i n s pite o f the en ormou s and fri volo u s a lloca ti o ns enjoyed by po liticians, government has failed to realise lhat teachers also dese rve a pa r t of th e 1'0' I c.k " na I I a e. Ar o l o)'e a dde d Iha t te<lchers a t th e local government Ieve I s IlOU Id be see n as eq u al to teachers at the Federal go,'emmelli level. "Teache rs in p rimary schools w ith the required qualifications sho uld be allowed lo enjoy what thei r counterp..1rlS in secondary schools w ith same

qualificalion enjoy, 3S Lhey areboth seenasprofessional teachers," he said. The tradi t io n a l rul e r comme nde d Ihe D ndo ~ I'nte Government for .,g the be~efits ~ f tl w ho retired III 2 til pri mary and se... ~ ry schools, but


complai ned tll a t those w ho retired in 2010 had yet to be paid. "As they Imve paid the 2009 retirees, let them also pay teacllers who retired in 2010 beca use most of lhem are dring in silence." •

Arernu Vanguard commends LadOJa RMERGovcrnorof now th a i th e politica l Oyo Stall', Senato r horizon in the the s til te - Ra s h id i Adewolu ·has become hazy. Ladoja h as been "Senalor L1doja is a co mm e nd ed for po li tician who has provid ing exe mpl ary de m onstr a ted a dear leadership to the people co mmitmen t to th , o f 0 /'0 Sta te. . . 1 I comme nd ",I ,' o n e m a nc i pation 0 t l' " people o f Oyo Stale,"h was given by Alhaji Mufutau Bolildale saidAccordinglo him, thl A d ero IA fo rme r govern o r a n d remu,ioun Vangua rd durin g a stand ard bearer of Accord meeting o f the group held Parly in the la s t. at Iba d a n No rth Eas t governo rs hip e lecti o n, Loca l Govern ment Area re m a ine d the o nl y of the state recent ly. politidan in the stale who Al h aj i Are mu has a clear-cu t vis ion on described Senator L.1doja how the st<'lte can m ove as a politician worthy of forwa rd . e mul at io n, especia lly


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