NI.ertaD Tribuac 25 October. 2012
Why I kicked against sale of PHCN frrm -{fduaghan AlpbOD.llU ""barb , A,.ba
Dr Emmanuel Uduagllan, has solicited Il1Ie,"enlioll of the Nil 1I0n.I1 A!o!.cmbly 011 pro cos adopted by the Fed G~"n,",,,,, with ref 1101'
crcnt."C 10 the sale of dis (rlbullan companies of the Power UokUng Com pany of N!gena (Pl ICN) Dr Uduaghan, who m ade Ih(' call when lhe 1I0W1C of Rcprcsclll311"'c::I
Commillec on Petroleum
man, lIooourabk Dakuku I'clerslde. paid him /I COUftellY call In Asaba, expn:s5Cd worry thai the compana 'A'OUkJ rail UlIO wrong ll<&lld!i Ac,ordl ng to him, a sltuallon where Ihe com
11.CliQurcci ldowlliilrc.lm) . Icd U. chair ._....
lined do nO( pOflcnd good for thc-lXOplc Ilnd «r' lalltly would n()t make for peace UI lhe areas Besides, the: ~mor Aki Ihat such a ~y pr~ of sale. fraught wnh fraud. was bound to throw up Incornpclc n l hands who woukl not be:
and and o..r-Iop",..,.t Agency (ItASRDAJ. II,. Fe lix Ale and 'he chairman. Ch lcif £JC"eeuti.... 01/lCft' of the Public RelatlolU Society of America. Gerard CorbeU, at thejU5t-eonciudN annual co'\ference of the organisation In San I"Tandsco. Call· fornla. United Stat.- .
Lagos tyre marketers plan relocation Lat o. over msecunty
Odldlsoa OlDa.kba,dcQ, WING to Insecu I'll)'. congeli'llun and constanl h a r.u.lolocnt by area ~. Ihe Assoclatton or NIgC rlan T)'re Marketers IANTMI hs. decided 10 nlocale lUi actlvlUes from the current base at Enu Ow.. Street. Idumota, 10 It JX'mllUlc.1lI SHe at the Intc.maUona.l Trade Fall' Complc..-.;. aloug lAgos Uadagry uprcssway b)' Ma)" 1\c.X1 yur l'reskknl 0( the Il105OcIa lion. AlhaJI Issa Akoillnb6 Mohamrned, who dlKloscd Ihlll 10 news men In Lagos, also ex prea.Kd dellghl and sal isfacllofl O\lU t he rale of work al the alte, and callc.d on other lyre deal ers lind Ill4!mbe." of Ihe general pubUc who wtbh
10 jc:Nn I~ assodorotlon 10 come on board by ~ tering Ihell' Intention al Ihe S.SOCI:;lIlon'. secre. lariat at Enu Owa Sll'ttt According to Mohammed. the new lyre marke.t at the Tnidc Fall' Compkx would be ca.lled AirtCan Mubllit)' Centre, slating thai Ihere. was adequate space. <lnd ac curtt)' in the new klcaUon
'11le I)'re. edifICe was named Arrlcan Mobility Centre. bccau»e all t h e faclllUea and Inrraalruc· lurc were of world sian dard ANTM is the wheel or Alrica. therefore. . we cannot compromise qusllt)' and obje.Cllllcs Mobility Cc.ntre wlU provide adequale space, frc.cdom , security. qual lIy acrvlccs and afford
and move to Ihe. flrs l phase of the centre. b)' May nut ),ear, whllec:ou slrucllon works will continue on phase two of the p roject - I Invite all Intcn:»lcd tyre dealers to come on board a n d own a s h op there by rcgtStertng al our secretartat.· he. saki
ETIIERLANDS gOllenmlc.nl has dLscIo8cd Its In terest 10 booSI agrlcul lure In Nigeria wllh - 20 million ~ as to aJd NI gerta In dellclopl lIg agrt culture. In Ita IIarloua
value chains DUlch's depuly am · bauador to Nigeria, Mr lIans Dc Orabande r , made lhls known durtng a visit or the Prhtcc.58 of Netherlands, Princess
C ollias Hasbulle. .
"'.-We hope to complete
Netherlands to boost Nigeria's agric AbuJa sector with e20m-&tooy
NAICOM to introduce micro-insurance for low income earners
AbuJIl OMMlSSlONER ror In.urance Nauonallnsurancc ('onuni!>JiIUn INAKOMI, Mr Ful.16 I).tnlel. has re\lealed Ihe wllllngueWl 01 NAI( 'OM to Introdua mil"rO iru.urance 10 take O;OIre (II low Income ealTlCn Mr 1)00niei mOide thl~ kllU\lio'n at a wuruhop IIJI !ooldkeholde.rs on micro IIlSUrtUlCC In Abuj.l lie SOlid Ih.t tlie tit \'C'iopmelll of rnl cru IIl!oollrdULr was Ie~ed
able prtcc:s ror the shop. ping pleasure 01 all t)'re dealers an)'where In Af
to serlle a" a tool ror economle emPOWerllleltl and povcn)' alleviation fw ova- 70 IllImon population bl Ntgc:rta lie called on Insurance bldustrlcs to key bUO the mk:ro-In:.urana: 8CCt0f" QI order to del/clop II» prodUCts and ~ervlce8 wlndl would In lurn proia:. and asal&1 Ihe low IUcurne populace to .Utl/lille poveny. 11(' emphasl:.ed thai micrO -I nsurance wa, largeted al low IIl(;Ome
eanlets 10 pcolc.cl t lu:m
&giIlnsl spcc&l\c pa1ls. tn exchange for regu lar premium payments proportionate 10 (he likelihood and COli! 01 r1sk Involved nan lei said Ihal Ihe comml:.sk)n had engagal In a sensillsation programme which was auned al t"ducaung rural dwdkrs on the Icmw and the need for them 10 Inloure IIOlile or their be.longlngs, Including llielr health
Maxima, 10 the Mlnhnry of Agriculture and Rural Delldopment The - '20 million, according to Ihe deput), ambasaador, wou ld be uliCd 1O Improve agrtcul ture In NIger1<l along Its value c h ains li e a lso said thai Netherlands was re ..d)' 10 offer tech nleal ass15lana to Hlge ria If Ihe: ~ aro.e In her ope:nl n g re · ulOlrks. l>rtnccu Maxima commended tile ministry ror Its dton. towards de vdoplng agriculture In Nigerlol She added that II waa on l)' IIgrlcu lture lhal could e.n~ure proper ItnplelllentaUon or the II nanclal Inciu»lon. ex plalnlng thai It • .is the ministry that had dlrfi'l dealing wllh nlrul dll.,t.1I m
Briefs Lost Items
able deliver as apcct~ A bag belonging to Mr He aald the Nallonal Tunde Ogunesan of the Arrlcan Ncwapapers or Assembly should Intcr IANNI Pic. venc. In order to ensure Nigeria lbadan, was tmatched b)' llUilI due pr'OCCli8 Y,-ciS 1'01 a gang of armed robbers 1owuI. laking 1n10 cognton Tuesday night. on h ll,!e: h uge InveslmcllIll Hasaan Odukale Street, of Slate govcrlllnenl.s In oil Imaldai<l(I.ii, lba<b.1l Ihe l"tICN Items in the bag were. The governor who a mini laptop . three urged llial IlOVilllsallon Internet IllOdeffiS_ bl<ack uerclM: should be done berry charger, IWO Iden rlgllll),. regrelled Ihat lily cards. three writing wh.lI had been done could pad~ <llId 1110'0 cheque creale 1lI0re problem» lor book' If found, plcaK. COIl U..e cou'llry Dr Uduagha" appea)cd taci the Tnbullc Housc. hllalc/lllafia. lbadan to the authoriUca not to allow pollttcs to lake away the essence and need 10 proVide regU lar CHRISTIAN Congrega power »upply to the lion of ..JehOllah·. Wit peop lt", stressing Ihe -lIes8e5 110'111 commence need for roles playt"d by ItS anuual diStrict con stall:, III the energy 5«- lien lion tomorrow. en lor to be a(;knowledged IIIled -Sa feguard your hearl ." and colllpenS;lIIt"d ror The conllentlon will According to him, I.. ke place. at lbadan All - .. tatc goverlllllCntli play scmbl)' lIall or ..Jehovah·~ crucla.1 roIC'3 In the ttlCrgy Wllneuo. I(.uumo. lwo !>eCtor, with provtswm of Road, lbadan tran$lonners, kHlng up It will hIghhghl Ulbll lIetwwk 0( clCC:U1c lines cst rderences tu the -Go~'CnlOnt are dttply hearl, whUe l>arts (Jf the concuned ovt:r the powu programme Will alao e.n couuge sel[ serutln), slluatton and when lhe chips are down. It Is stule and renc.ctlon, whtch IS equal 10 it Ihl'tt-da)' ex gallemmenl:. Ihal com slnlnOlllon 01 one's own IIIUnltlCS run to rOf" 1f.....n5 figunlilve hurt rormers, among ol h er Alttndeeli will sec equipment, - he said how protecting one's figurative heart can help to make wLK declSlon$ tmprove rsmll), lire. »trenglhen Ihelr rela 1I0nship wllh God and find happtnes. All the three days 01 the COIwen lion session. begtn at Sam H.noko, Ado EkltJ 9_20 a m while admlS ston .. frcc CE Chancc.llor 01 the Federal Unl \lenity. Oye Eklll IFUOYEI , Prafeuor TilE flnsl pra),er sud Chlnedu Nebo, haa la- burial ccremony 0( AlhaJa menled the penchalll rOf" IChleO Mrs Waallat rorelgn unhersllle8 by Gbonjubola Abake, will rich Nigerian., .a)'lng take plaa: 011 Salurda),. Ihls was the one or Ihe ill Methodist Prlmar)' greate"t chaUenges fac- School playing ground, Ing growth of Nigerian InlSa -Okua Road, IniU, Osun State . • 1 1 100 unllleraltleS Professor Nebo, who .m Rece.ptlon takca plaa slated Ihls while Inler acung with IlCWSIll4!II In al the . .me IIC.nue She hili ofrice al Ihe main dkd and was burled on campua oflhe ulliveflilty. November I I . '20 I I Until her dleatlt said slatlsllcs had AlhaJa Abake. WilS Ihe lihown Ihal 50me arnu 'Jlolaje Adlnnl or enl Nigeri.. ns spend a. much as N400 billion on Inlsaland She IS $UI'VlIIed b)' elill their children's educa dn::n. l.uKl Uon OIlCr.iCall. while unl \lerSltles at home arc undc.r Str~ as a roull 01 underfundtng Nebo .iOlki -Nigerians pa)' huge 5ums of money In United Kingdom and Ghana 10 educale Ihelr children. but lhe)' don't wilnl 10 pa)' for the »dme quality 01 educallon here In Nigeria It Is a wtsh rul Ihlnklng 10 expect (nee edU(;aUUII at lerllary le ... el -
Conve n tion
VC laments penchant for foreign varsities