Nigerian Tribune, 26 july, 2011

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9 Tuesday. Niger}:l} Tribune 26 Jul y. 2011 PurChase of refuse bUcks: Ajimohi to deal with culprits


By Dare Adekanmbi HE Oyo Slate gOI·ernor. Senator Abiol.. . Ajimobt has silid his administratio n w ill deal with lop evil servants and others found culpable in a shady deal conceming the purmaseo( refusecompartment trucks by the immediate past adminis\r.ltion led by Chid Adebayo AlaloAMla. Governor Ajimobi. 11110 made tJlis known in an inleniew with newsmen, after an inspection of some mi\Ikets in lbadan. also solid work on dilapida ted roads wi thin and outside the me-• tropolis wou!d conunence during the week. He Slid the last administration bought aboul IS trucks for N40 miU;on eadl. nlC6lofwhichstoppcdworking Olfler a while and left fal.low for three rears. adding tJla t the vehides were also gh'el1 toa COfItractor !ook 80 per cent of the fe''e'!'lUe, while the state govemment got 20 per cenl 1his is a sin 0; it is not good o. Whoever is involved, if they are s till in the ministry. we will deal with them. If the). are outsidc the ministry. Cod will deal with them," Ajimobi said. The gO\'emOr decried the lco.'el of em ironmental filth. particuJarly in tJ"lestatecapital and promised 10 rid the stale of refuse. in order to al·oid a repeat of the nood dis,lster caused by indiscrimi nate dumping o f refuse in drainage paths. He ch"rged t.he media to help in scnsilising the people on the danger inherent. in dumping refuse anyhow.

RECENT efforts to de\'elop agricult ural sector in Nigeria have sparked a ray 01 hope. with til(' country's renewed atte ntion to good guvernance. infrastructure and human R'SOUrt"e dC\-eI·



TIle Director-General, International Ins titute of Tropical Agriculture (ITT A), Dr Peter Hartmann. said this on Monday. According to him. "the elections were a milcston(', and agriculture appears to be getting the attention it merits, especially WiUl tile calibre of people appointed to drh-e the sector and other segments of gOI-entmenL" The liTA boss said the focus of the FEderal E:tecutiveCounc:iI (FEqun impact 0UeIofStal!. deputy governor, and its spotlight on investDUelMCl"Jf!5 AJake and the Senior Speda1 Assistant to Dr Festus Adedayo. lllent-dTiven activitics lvould altTad inl"estOr'S intc during dH! inspection of 8odija. 5IJnso, CJu&be at£'a! of Ibadan. m'I Monday. 1'troto: AIoI.M Qniyu. tl"le coun try. On the growing popuIationand the high unemploy. Illent rate among youths. B 0 ... Ad,k.nmb; • .lAI dushial Court on tJle lead- Hartlllann said "Nigeria is chieftain of the ershipofthestateNURTW. a young country, by ~ age Peoples Demo (Auxiliary) and· Bisi promised lhe sacred duly A fonnermemberoHhe of its population and like the emtic Party (PDP) O lopoeniyan. as hench- of law enfora!ment. i\S he state House of Assembly. youth 1ln)'wherc. they can be inOyoState.SenatorLekan men to a ttack political op- provided policemen as se- Honou rable Abiola Ayo- a powt!rful motor for growU ... Balogun. on Mooday. said ponents. in a desperation curity cover for the hench- rinde. also testi6ed berore but if not productively enthe immediate pMt admin- for a second tenn in office. men when on mission to the cO"lmission ilnd al- gaged, tlley pose complt!X He made these revela- unl eash a tta ck o n rivill legcd that NURlW mem- challenges." istration in the slate. led by Chief Adebayo Alao- tions while testifying be- members. bers invaded the House in The ra te of unemployAkala,. allegedly p rocured fore a judidal commission Whi le recalli ng the al- 2010, during a disagree- ment among the youth in weapons used by members ofcnquiry.setuptoaddn>M tacks on him by Ala o- ment with former gOI·cr- Nigeria. according to him, of now proscribed National the pererUl.ial problems of Akala-sponsored NURnv nOf. was high adding that Ule Reilctini Alao-Aka la. view of the MInister of AgriUnion of Road Trans port the ouUawed union. add- assail ants, last year. he Workers (NURTW) in lhe ing tha t tI"Ie fanner gover- said he escaped because he through his s pokes man. culture, Akin Adesin... on series of bloodb.1ths that nor ··adequatel), funded lvas t.ipped off by thl' Dotun Oyelad e, said tilt! link between agriculture claimed man y innocent the NURTW members to people around his house "l..ekan Balogun's submis- and the youth. as rxpressed Jives in lhe stale. dis rup t the peace o f the thai AuxHiaryhad beenpa- sion at the panel o n recently WCIS "lost enQ)lIr.tgSenator Balog un a lso state." trolling around the house NURTW crises does not ing. s,l id the former governor The Ibadan high chief onthe eveoftheonslaught. worth the.> paper it is writdeployed the late Alhaji also told the commission Balogun. who came to le n on." Abdul-Lateef Salako. also that the im mediate pas l the commission with one Oyelade. in a statement Revival known as Eleweom o; commiSSioner o( police. of 11 is allires wh ich was made available to the NjTHE Christ Apostolic Alhaji Mukaila Lamidi AlhaJI AdlSil Bolanta. corn- shredded in one of Ule at- gerian TribWlf!, said "it is Church (CAC) Agbar. OloTOn Nii Gban} Power House (De ACbara Alalia) was taken as a major part- on Sunday, issued a stil te- spector General of Police. peddles untruth 10 remain Olnshe/ Elesh ingodogbo nero given that 80 per cent menl confirming tha t the suggestoo the insu1atiml of reJcvillll," adding that "no Bus/Stop. Q.lsis Filling Stao( the highway fell wiUti n state government had ap- the union from politics one belie\'~ him. except tion.. on LalufX"\. Iyana Offa Ule state. proved the s ile for Oi. and tJle enforrement of the his ro-lravellers with pre- Ro.ld. IbadaR. Dyo Slate will "Ogun Slate was togive Courtney. ruling of the Nalional I".. detennined agenda." hold Ibadan for C1uist 201 1. with the therne: UnlimHed us land as its own contri. ~~ J..-!nn! . . bution to the project_ The Blessing, from MondilY. fonnerRCCyardwasidcnJuly 25. till Friday, July 29. tified, visited and allocated ~ Bkldun Muhammed Board (NABTEB). would co ntinue to im- between 10.00 p.m and 3.00 Professo r Ojerinde prove. as the Federal Co\·- 3.m daily. I\·linis tering are to. us by the s tate govern- A LL the newly essaid the new universities emment had been help- the chief host.. J>ropl"let Ml. men!. The process entailed lab lished federa l joint vis it and assessment universities in Ni- seemed not to have enough ing 10 ensure Iha t the Olagwlju O~ resident pasbeforeallOCiltion. following geria may nol be able to prep.lmlion to receive s tu- board was not fa ced w ilh lor. Pastor Opatola; Prophet all due process. admit thl'ir first set of s lu- dents ror now, just as he financia l challenges. 5.0. Igbilgbosowon,. special "Tobu~thisf<lct,we den ts through the re- lamented the inabil ity of On the appointment of guest; Lady Evangelist duly seUled tJlC land 01\'"- cenlly condUded Unifk-d the boa rd to provide ad- Awora nli as NAOTEB Hannah Oseloba O luwilm;.promplly.todcrnonstr;Jte Terliary Matriculation mission for all eligible boss, he said the appoint- toyin and Lady Evangetist candidates. ment was done on me rit, Adeniyia.k..a. ~Goodncss. our commitmentlo lhe sit.e. Examination (UTME). He sa id the pressule 3S he was a member of Ihe "The paymen t to the The registorof theJoi nt landowners was done, after Admission a nd Matricu- on the board for admis- panel thai interviewed due consul tation with the lalion Board OAMB). Pro- sion was increasing every candidates for lhe post. Professor DIu Aina. a stale govemment and con- fessor Dibu. said this on year. The JAMB boss, w ho renowned professor and finnal;onof the landowners Sunday. during a get-toal a joint stakeholdelS meet- gether o rganised by the said the cut-off ma rk for forme r registra r of t.he ing with officials of the Bu- chairman ofMicCom Golf this year would be fi xed on board. who was the s pereau ofL.-md.s. TI1I!s"'tegov- Hotel i1nd Resource, Ada Thursday, m.,d~ it known dal guest of honour on the emmenl actually brokered Osun State, Chief Tunde that the cu t-off was not occasion. sa id he was til(' meeting \\itJlthe family Ponnle. in honou r of Dr. likely to be different from confident that Awora n ti land OWTl('f5.~ he said. O latul1de Awora nti, the thoscof Ule previous ),l'ars. would perform well. On the success re- while he urged the manAccording to the s ta te- rcrenlly appointed Regismenl, the s tate Commis- trar and Chief Execu tive corded so far by the agemen t team and starr of P rofessor the board to cooperate sioner for Mr o f Nationa l Bus iness and board. sa id with him. Technica l Examinations


Alao-Akala bought weapons for NUR1W members -Senator Balogun


LIe's a liar -Alao-Akala

Lagos-Ibadan Expressway: Amosun moves to stall Bi{ourtney


ESS than 24 hours

after the Federal Co\,cmmentgiweBiCourtney High way Services Ltd a 6O-day ultimalum to complete p"lIiatil.-e \\'orkson Ule Lagos·llmd"n El(pressway, th e Ogun St;"1te government, a t the weekend. has alleged ly sto pped the installation of the $6.5 million aspha lt plant thai the compa ny need s for the project. TIle slatego ....cmor.Scnator lbikwlle Amosun, who stormed the Rq'llOld Cons truction Company (RCC) ya rd, whe re Di-Courlney's plant was being installed wilh a detachment of policemen and bulldozers, on Sunday, 5.1id he wou ld not allow the concessionilire to go on with the work, because he wanted to usc the site for a trailer park.. In a statement I

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