30 ~
Nig&tan ""nne
_ _-,M'e:0,,-n,d~?6Ma.rclt. 2012
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Kwara House raises commit ~ ee to look into emergency accident cases Biola A%eez. Do rin
COMMUNITY NEWS igeria Natio nal Petroleum Cor poratlon (NNPCI I Mobil Produtlng Nlgerta 'MPN) J o int Yentun: has been charged to take: up the Challenge of supporting schools w1thln Its host communities wi til laboratory fa clllUes
NNPC/MPN joint
venture spends
by tht: MajOrfty Leader of the Ho use. Dr. Abraham OLLOWlNG a fatal Ash80 lu and seconded by mo tor a cctden t thai emeJIency c::asc:. g o ne through It s first Mr. Topoe Layonu. claimed about nine Mea nwhile, the Kwara reading on the fioor of the TIle Clerk of tile Ho use lives. Including a nine- State College o f Nursing, State: House: Assembly. Elder Ayotunde: Oyen lyi month old baby In 1I0rtn Oke· Ode Bill 2012 . has TIle moUon was moved read the bill. last week , the S pe aker, Kwara State HOUM o( kJIn addlUon to mere sponsembly. Barrister Rasaq sorship of quiz competJ Atunwa . has d lrccl~~ the Uons and other minor 118_ House C ommitte e o n sJslance If their social reHealth and Envlrollment Sponsibility must be bento liaise with the Stale eficially dlrttted. Ministry of Hea.IU I, the This charge was re University o(lIo rtn TeachcenUy Issued by the PrtnIng Hospital and th e- Road clpal. Girls High School. Safety Corps, 10 (ashlon Eket, Princess Grace B. out an effective e merEtang. one of the bc:nefll~~ncy re!lcue s yste m In Ing school5 of the recent the state. N13, 754 .000.00 donated The Speaker ga ve the for the exec ution of directive while n:ac t lng to prOJecta In some of Its s mailer of general public host communlUes In Ekel Importance rais ed by a Local Govunmcnt Area of member represenllng Akwa lbom Stale. nonn East Constituency, While applauding the Hajla Nlmota lbrahlm, on NNPC / MPN joint venture the falal a CCident that oc· and G10beatar for ILa er· curred at the Agba Darn l fon 50 rar In the area of C BN junctton . Gaa science development . Akanbl. Ilonn. recently. she. however, requested The: Speaker a lso dl· MPN's support In the area rected the House Commita! a laboratory as only onc tee on Energy , Works and laboratory Is c urrently Transport to meel with being used for all the scithe Mlnlstry of Works and -The trndftlonal head ofOke ' Bad(ll\ HOU5e at Beere, lbadan. Oyo State, ChI~FO$Ola (famapowa (Hated ence subject : fenong or the s c hool : tea c hers ' Tl'tUl5por1 to look Into re- second l~ otherfamUy members and tradlaonal worshfp~rs. during the celebration ofOkf!"'Bad(lll quarters: and additional destgnlng the area for the 2012festfDOJ h e ld recently in lbadan. Photo: ~ Aden lMl hostel. bendlt of the people. Speaking on thc IIcci dent that also saw property worth millions of lives . · h! naira destro yed . Hon . lage head of 11 vision of water projec i Nlmola Ibrahim blamed Upenekang, a fishing mencement of oU ex-plo- otlier sea food. le vllJage head said (borehole) and a block of the federal Road S afety settlement In lbeoo A L-.. _ ration at the Qua !boe 011 -W did h that the sleps taken by 6~cla5.~m and ga,.-th. ""..... e not ave to go Mobil I vldJ th n h ....... ....... Corps ror not responding lbom State. has lamented fields. the Qua lboe RIver far Into the se:a 10 make n pro ng e: II assuran c e that the promptly to distress c alls the negative effec ts lbat was a habitat to vartous bounUful calch , fishing processing facUlIy for the eqUipment will be well from the scene o f tile ac- various 011 spills In the species of fish and sea was pleasant and we women In the community utilised. c Ident. lamenting that area Is haVing on fishIng food . where fishermen used the proceeds to was a welcome and develReceiving the Items on the corps only got to the activities. earned their living. train our children In opment. behalf of his school. the s c ene with a stre t c her . E3hett spoke In lbeno He regretled that 011 schools, but 011 spUis and He said that the: sup· PrinCipal. St. francis Secand nol with a fi rs t aid at the Inauguration of spills and exploratlon a c- 011 exploration related oc- ~ort fro~ded by the 011 ondary School. Mr A. P. team fish processing (acUity do· tlvllIes had taken II nega- tlv llJes have made our rm or shln g acUvltles Nkonduok . thanked was capable o( revivIng NNPC/ MPN JOint Yen She also expressed dls- nated by Mobil ProdUtlng Uve toll on the fishing fishlnglnlde to suffer set· the r:;»no,;;y o( the com- ture (or the ktnd gesture saUs(all:Uon with Ule at- NigerIa IMPN I to a vocation of the communl- back. -Maklug good catch mun tyan restortngsla - and assured all that -the titude put - u p b y the women-group In lbeno La- Ues resulting In dwtndllng cal Govemmenl Area of catch and poverty. has become dlrrtcuit bUlly to fishing buslnesa. eqUipment will be used Emergency Sec:Uon o f the -Bdore , our waters Ulese days as Ule fisher- SIO~pe;:~n: ~t lh ' OC C8 ' appropriately 10 develop Untvu81ty of Ilorin Teach· lhe state. ll OI Acco~'-g to th- -y81 were filled with various " .UU ... '... men are nowcompell«lto rect ' f lII M...CU bll ve M • the students In the area Ing Hospital fo r n o t re:o( fishes ; from the go deeper Into the AUan- G I ~r EO a , rs of s c lences-. spondlng promptly to the faUler. prior to the com- spccles blgsharkstocra fish a d ora ss len-Dannar, lie which Is posing dan- said that the prOject was He also prayed fo r y n
N13.7m on
community projects in A/Ibom
Traditional ruler laments effect of oil exploration O'~I~~:';"~~'~:';o~~; :e~:::;e~. ~~~~~ ~~~~::~ C ~~~:tt. ~;:e~~ spills on fishing business :~:at:e~.helr
f adama proiect disburses N350m to communl'tl'es ln' Kaduna J
aimed al "duclog po.· lh. 'u«<so of th. JolOI erty and creaung wealth venture In their opera · H.usanIbrabim. part o( the state areas. He urged bcnefltUngcom . In Us host Commu nity. lions and appre Ciated Kad.u .na government's efJort to alKaduna State fadama munlUes to ensure Judi. Esslen · Da n ner. who Globestar for complying ADUNA S tate Icvlate poverly In the project has also assisted clous utilisation o( lhe was represented by Mrs with the NNPCI MPH fadama Develop state. fadama user groups wtth assIstance given to Ulem. Rita Umoren, a manager JOint venture advice In menl ProJt:'Ct has The stalement added productive assets . In He tha n ked the In the 011 finn, urged the the area of community so far disbursed over that about 17.254 beneD- cludlng 1.082 lrt1gauon Kaduna State Govern - benefitUng community to assistance p r Ojects . N350 million to radluna clarles had a c cessed pumps, 489 process ing men t and the par UClpat- manage the scheme to At C oA Secondary Communlly AssocIa Uons funds from the project machInes , 936 sprayers Ing 23 local governments ensure: liS School. Esit Urua. the as grant to tmplement out of which 5 .496 were and65IWOt'kbullsarnong (or the payment o( their sustaIn ability. PrIncipal. Mr Okon E . their vanous subprojects women. represenUng 32 others. counterpart contrlbu Responding, Deacon- Umoren, elilpressed to enhance agr1cultural per ccnt. The State Project Co- Uons to dale. us Martha lbok, Presl· gratitude on behalC of productivity In the slate. Some of the sub - ordlnator of the Project Fadama III project Is a dent of the benefitting the students . Parents . In a statement s igned projects eltccuted by the Mr. Isyaku I. oauda has World Bank aSSisted Multl · Purpose Coopera- Teacher Assoclallon by tlle project's Commu- benefitting communlUes called on the: communl- project being tmple - live SOCiety . eltpressed (PTAI and the entire nlcaUon Omcer, Yu nusa with the projects' funds lies wIth approved local mented In Collaboration appreclaUon to the 011 slaff o( the school (or M. AbdUllah!, In Kaduna, _ Included construetlon development plans to with Kaduna Slate gov- finn (Of' the gesture. the donation and promhe said that the prtlj ll:ct and rehabUllallon of over quic kly lodge Ulelr com- emment In aU the 23 10' Mobil operate.a the Ised °to ensure that the dJsbursementtocolnmu _ 30 kUo metre roada: con- munlty con lrlbutlon In cal governmenl areas of 960.000 barrels per day students will be ex . nilies In t h e state has struCllon o( 100 veg- their bank accounts as the state. It aimed al In · capacity Qua lbot: 0 11 Elil' posed to mo re o( pracU . reacl1.Ed61 JXrcen t.. add- etable market stalls In the project was ready to creasing t h e Income o( port Terminal, ofT lbeno cal learning than theory Ing that more communl- 81mln Gwart. Sanga and aulst them to"mple- users o( rural land and Coastline Ln Akwa lbom to meet up with elilter-ties would be aSSis ted as Zaria local government menl their Subprojects. water resources on a .~ . In jOlni ventu.n: with the nal elllamtnations re ----______________________________________________~I~a~ln~.~b~I~.~... ~~I.~.'_________~N~N~P~C~.________________cq~U~I'~.~'"~.~o~ts . o