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NEWS Briefly

tribunal: ACN

witnesses present evidence Yell10J JLm.oh, Lokoja


ESO(Ihe AcHon eongrcu of Nlgerta tACH)

testifying bdore Kogi Stale Governorship £leclion Tribunal havlC brought tom dreMeS and vkleo clips to pl'"OVe massive rtgglng and violence

durtng the Oecembtt gubernatorial e lection .

TeeUfylng on Saturday. about 30 wtlnCMeS alleged that PDP agents unleashed terror In some polling unlta . Intlml-The mGnQge.rrumt and . lU1O, o.un State. led ' dated voters and aa seulted ACN agenls . b y t h e VI ce Ch QAeellor-. Pro.!e5S0r Timothy OlQ9bemJro (middle). 0.1 thejlrst inaugural lecture of the leartng their clothes unllHerSfty. dellDl!red by Prof(!;UOr John Akande. Hend. Deportment of Crop Producaon, SOU and Many of them said !:nt1frorunental Management. on T'huJ"3dOll. lhey refused to sign lhe

Akure residents urged to support Mimiko's second term bid Tlnka OJadoyLDbo. Ab.... ESIDENTS of Mure have been c hargw to support the second lerm bid of Governor Ol u segun Mtmlko as s 'Ma l- of spprcclaUng his e rfo r l!l at tran.sformlng the state capital Into II ml'g:l city and glvtng It thf" statua or a state capllal. A former member of the House of Rt>p reaen. lallves . Derln Adtslda, who said Lbl& after the governor bagged the Trfbune's Governor of the Year award. lauded the governor for tile In · troducUOn 0( &ome Innova lions Into gove rnance In the country. "ccordtng to him, Mlmlko hsd demon strated his res o lve to transform the la nd and


prople. adding lhat hls admlnls t rallon de aeI"Ved the support or progressive people or the s tale Adealda aald Mlmlko had. In Ulf"« years, re corded remarkable a c hievement.. which Included the duallsallon or ever - busy Arakale Road . which he said s o me past administrations In the slate at tempted to do but we~

unsuccessful due 10 dU(erent rCllSOna . .and re c onstru c tion of Oba Adeslda Road "Ith modern car parks and bus shellers _ Ade.alda. who represented Akure South and North Federal conSlllu ency In t h e lower cham ber of the NaUonal As aembly. said thai the governor had alliO Im pacted on the IIvea of the people with his


""'.. <DIP"< afT~".alJon

a serIoUs auenUOrl In lIle country. He made he: aU ul lite malden Bowen Untverslty'a Ina '.lll ural lecture. which he ddtvered last Thursday. Proru80r Akande . In his Ic:ctu~ enllUt d. -the basllonolgrttnatlvoc:acy: our foresta. our welfare.attributed the uncontrollable. Rood!I and the CXCC5Sh-c heat being u:pok:....edtnthecounuy In rec ent lime 10 the felling or lrees In the envtronmenL Acc ording t o him . forests and woodllinds

recognlUon by the World Bank of the stale government 's Save Motherhood project , known as ABIY.E snd Its recommendaUon 10 all African countrlu for the reduction of matunal mortality was a con RnnaUon of the ability of the governor to deIIver _



result ofwldeapread malpracuces. saytng lbat r1gglnglnaevenllwardswas open to all to see as securlty agents , where present , did not help maHers One of the w1tnessca, Danladl Sunday . ACN ward supervisor for Bagana In Omala Local Goyernmenl area , brought a clip of Yldeo recording made w1th hls handset of PDP agenls lhumpprtnUng ballot pa_ pers at a .secn:llocaUOn_

Edo: Coalition candidate, Edebirl, adopts ANPP as platform for guber poll Uchec:.buJt"" OU. . b. Seola Cit CoII.llUOn of Pro ~ POlItbl Par lies (CPPP) In Edo Slate has &dopted the All M.gena ~·s Party tANPP1 as UIC pIatbm on .....n Ita gUbernator1al candidate. -Olk:I' SODllon F.debat. ....-Ill KICk the actua&atlon d hB


ambItJln TIle coallUon. c:omprls-Ing t h e ANPP, lhe CongreH for Progressive Chang!: (CPCl. the oUzcns Popular Party (CPP). the Labou r Party ILP), t he P!:opk:8 Progressh~ Pany (PPP) and four others took the decision to jotnily use the ANPP as the party on wh6ch platform Ita candl·

Mforestation, solution to global warming Br Itehlade Adlo ROFESSOR John Akande. the Hrat appoblted professor of Foreat Rt>s ource Management b y the Bowen University. lwo. Oaun State. has cfllJed on the government al the k)caJ. state and f«kral

health care programmes He atated that Ihe

were declinIng primarily

as a result of the Increased wood ruel colleclion , clearing of foreata ror agriculture. Dkgal and poorIyrqtuJaled Umber extraction. land tt>nure eonnicis. increasing urbantaaUon and InduslrlallsaUon.

",... 'ng lba'

-Don :'.:.~ =:,w~ ~

the roreslly lIub-acctor, and release them prompUy 80 that fo reat departments and commlsalons could dTecUY1:ly carry out and ma.nage regene~ratlon. extenek)n and protecUY1: services.

w, muot Tukurt

date would conlest Ule July 14 gubernatorial decUon to the stale durtng a rneeungat tileweckentl bI Bc:nJn Ctty. After narrow1ng thdr 8Clln:h u a suuabk: platI'orrn to the CPC and ANPP. mc:mbera of' the ooaJlUon deCided to choose the ANPP rotlowtng the dIM:Iosure by the coallUOO's can-

ANPPhadgtvenllsClDl"ll!ellt to the arrangement thn:Jugh a ktter. The kadenI dthe CPC had b'ls6.sted that the coauuon should awalt • ~cr from the party'. naUOnal secrdar1at bel'on making the dc:ds6on. but EdeblJ1

said the~ would be no need uthe ktt.e- alta- he had ~ a text message sent to him by lhe Ieadc:rship ollhe CPC In AbujIL The decl!llon to adopt the ANPP was, thcrdor'e. the result dan agJftmCIlt reac:hedbyaD tllemembcnl and that Was how Edebir1 olf\daIIyaecuredtht:gubernator1al Ocket at the ANPP

"",'::' -::.: =.-,anco

speech, Edeblrt extolled mcmbenJ or the coaItUOn lO.-theb-dedlcaUOn,justM

hc:.caUc:don traditblal ruIers In the stale to stay awayfium partisan poItdal and c:oncenlnlte on how to Ilnd solution to the lnsc:curtty problems In Oldr c:ommunlUe8.

Oyinlola good for PDP says Senate deputy whip

always be ready to gI\-C back to the foreal 'Whal we took rrom II In order to power a grccnu nauon_ While Profeaeor Alumde appeaJc:d 1O the media Industry to pport

T I E emergenc e of Alhajl Bamanga Tukur and former govc:mor or Osun Sta le . Chief OIagunsoye

the promouon: tree plantation In Nigerta. he: ataled thal Ule country must partldpalc acllvely In the forest law and enforcement procuses. adding thai ther"e W1l!I no 'WIthoul roresuy_ It Is Important that the government shou ld substantially Increase allocations to

reapectlvely of the Peoplea Democrallc Pany (PDP) have been described aa a good development for the perty. This disclosure was made by the Senale Deputy Wh ip. Senator H0SC8 Agboola. his aide , Ayo aHer the conYCIUon held

8, MOliea Alao


on Saturday. According 10 Ihe Sell8LorrqJrclenUngOyo North senalortaJ dlstrtct. the chok:c of the duoWtls a step In the right

message to the chalrman . 188ued by the Chid Pres. Secretary to the Governor, Mr Sunny Ogdere . the gove.-nor said lhat the party _-ouId

party and IILrenglhen It 10 wtn in rutu~ dc:ctJons_

strength Ir party slructure was not sidelined In the a(fain of tile party. In parUcular, he saki

~!~~. a~~ ~:t:~ :~~~~tI:~~b~l~t~1 l:o~~~ ~~t,ter ~~!~eterm:n~ Meanwhile. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State h as urged the newty elc:c:ted naUonal cha1rman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). AlhajI1\lkur. to always respect the party atructure In aD hts dealings 1.0 a congratu latory


unJty In Ule Ddla Slate chapter 0( PDP could be sustatncd II' the natJonal leaderwhlp or the party uaed theatateatnJctun:oC the party 10 ~Ialt! with mcmber.t tn the state.

PDP is not evil -Publicity secretary TIlE new naUonaJ publicIty secretary o r the Peoples Ot:mocmUc Party (PDP). C hid Ollu Metuh, has said that the party was not CYlI as be:tog projected In the public. s sylng thai Ita new na uonaJ working committee (NWC ) would corrc:ct the bad Image. Chief Meluh . who wa5 the Immediate pul national vic e chlarma n , South -East . disclosed Ihls 10 newsmen In Ahuja on Saturday. aftu the naOonl convention or the party According to him. -now that our congrcsac:s and convention are over, our plonty ls to put pop In the correct shape and corr«t Image Ula, It Is supposed to be We are nol cvtl; W!: arc not bad The pe:rttpUOn Is wrong and ..e will correct the wrong perception· Ch~ Metuh declared that the just concluded naUonal c onventio n of the party. whk:h was orderly. conlRly to the ex· pectatlons of the opponenta. was a good omen to Ule party and the nalion at large. Jacob Se.I.lD OlatWljl . Abuja

Oshlomhole picks Odubu as running

mate EDO S .... te governor and standard-bearerofthe.Aclion Congre:ae of Nlgerta (ACN) In the July 14 80bematortaJ elecUon In the alate. Comrade Adams Oshlomhole. has announced hls deputy. Dr PlUII Qdubu, as his run nlng mate.. The govanor. who discloeed I.hI5 in Ocnln City at a campatgn. said the chotec: of the deputy govenlOI' W1U ant\I'ed 8 t after extenalve consultallons and In line w1th the guidelinea olthe ACN. According to him . "there Is no need to change a Winning tcam stnce: the present admlnIstraUon w1thin the last three years snd four months haa made t~ ­ mc:.ndous ImpaCI on the lives of UIC people.· He dlsc:.loscd that the campaign for the dc:ctJon had been christened -VOl' ers MoblllsaUon Enrelse. - adding thai a former Secretary to Edo Stale Government and SouthSouth senatorta.1lc:ader 01 the party. Paslor Osag1e 1zc lyamu. was to serve as director-general or the campaign organluuon. whtIe Mr Henry kIahagbon was to ftmcUon u sccrc-uu-y and the secreuuy 01 the ACN , C hid Ida h. would be EdoSouth co-ordinator of Ule cam-

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