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.. Propert1~ Environment

Nigerian Tribune MondilY. 27 June. 2011

200m people to be displaced by climate change Stories by Dachi Maduako, Lagos



much as 200 m illio n peop le stand the risk of being displaced by problems ema nating from climate change by 2050. Th e unp recedented di sp la ce ment of thi s nu mber of people by climate change would lead to the disruption of local econo mies, migration and possible con nict glo-

ball y as the d ispla ced people wou ld be forced to look tor new homes. This was made known in the Global Report on Human Settlemen t 20 11 by the United Nat ions 1·luman Se lliement s Programme (UN-Hilbi tat). "Urban enterprises, individual u se o f vehicles and rising con sum e r

NIESV prepares members for assets management


popu lations a re key sources of greenhouse gases. Not only arc cities major contributors 10 di ~ mate change. but with increasing dens ities. they will also be the hardest hit w h en nature s trikes back." the UN -Habitat Execu ti ve Director. Or. loan Clos said . Delivering the report. the UN-Habita t Di rector of Research and Monitoring. Proft!sso r Banji Oyeyinka. sa id that the p redicted calamity 39 years ahead wo uld be as a resu lt of a projected powerful aSS-lult of natural forces. ~ I ncreased oceanic warming, melting and thawing o f ice a nd the subsequen t sea le\'el risc presents a threat to m illions living in coastal cities. With it will come hequent storm surges - caU$ing floodin g and physical damage, inundation. coastal erosion, increased

salin ity ilnd obst ructed drainage. Natural disaste rs such as H u rrica ne Katrina in 2005 or the 2{)10 nooding in Pakis tan. will only become more common. and affect the thous,'nds of major coastal cities in de veloped and developing countries alike." the report said. Already. the report had earlier been la unched at the United Nations headquarters in New York and London. The report further sta ted that climate change would likely hit the social fabric of citi es and increase poverty thro ug h the high costs of damaged water supply. tl7lnsportation systems. health services, and energy provision. industry and commerce and the very «0systems themselves. The repo rt warned cites to brace up against the assault to be un leashed by climate d13nge

as sea level rise and its associated impa cts wi ll by 2080s affoo fi ve times as many co.,st,,1 residents as they did in 1990. The repo rt indicated that the coasta l North African cities wou ld experience one to two degree increase in tem pera tu re which portends the danger in sea level rise il nd would expose between six to 25 million residents to nooding. By 2070. all cities among the top to ci ties such as China. India, and Tha iland would be exposed to n ood ing risks. Those cities in the de\'eloping world would stand more risk than others. Other a larming risk climate change might throw the nations and their economies 10 include an estimated rise uf financial impact to a whooping USS38 trillion by 2070 to a population o f about 150 milli o n

people li vi n g in a 100 yea r flood plains. C urren l records show that 40 million people live in these nood plains while tota l loss suffered by thenl in 1999 was US$3 trillion. Latin America the report added, would not be s p a red as between 12 million and 81 milli on residents could expe rience in creased water stress by the 2020s and could rise to between 79 million and 178 million people. To s tem the tide. the report called on the cities of the world to take immedii'lle action. because if no co nce rted effo rt is taken to reduce green house gases and promote more e n vi ronmenta lly sustainable and fai re r urban development. there would be a deadly collision between urbanis,ltion <Ind climate change.

ITH prospects AMCONandforthattobc of billions of eCfective there is the need naira waiting to differentiate between to be tapped fr o m th e facilit)' management and ne wly es tabli s h ed As- property mall<lgemenl." sets Management Co rOdudu stated that the po rati on of N ige ri a cent re had been designed (A~'I CON), the Nigerian to train estate surveyo ~ Institution of Estate and other nllied profesSur veyors and Va luers sionals to rit inlo the cur(NIESV). last week gath- rent practice worldwide. ered its membe rs to seek Throwing more light L. way s of making t h em on the syste m whereby reap from the project. outstanding properties of The recovered proper- cor porate world are ties from owners of bad managed a fomler Pr:esiloa ns in banks Tribune dent of N IESV Mr. Property unde rs ta nds Charles Adebiyi said that are wo r th bi lli o n s o f facilit y management naira and would requi re provided to lal activity repro p e r management quirements of itn which the estate survey- o rgan isa tion in a way ors are s upposed to o rga n isa tion se parates h andle. To qua lify for core acti vities in s uch a this. th ey need to be way tha i th e cost trained in facili ty man- harmonises with the exagement which is quite pectation of the owner. new in the cou nlr}'. He pointed o ut that Apart from this. es- government was losing a tate sun'eyors a re con- lot of reven u e by not cerned that its members m<loaging its assets well have to diversify. their but noted that with facil practice and adopt more ity management and an inte rnati ona lly ac - inven tory of th e assets cepted prin ciples in would be able to r«over ma nagement of proper- whatever is lost and gen- . President of International Facilities Management Association (IFMA). Mr Tony EzeaA:u, former ties other than th e erate revenue from them. President of Nigerian Institute of Estale Surveyors and Valuers (NTESV), Mr Cha rles Adebiyi. Head"isedprofession- former President of NlESV and Director-General of NIESV NLC, Mr Willia.m Odudu and Mr known proper ty m a nagement to a m o re ex- als in the countr y to K.O. Balq8un at the facilities management training in Lagos, recen tly. p<lnded Fi'lcility Manage- streng then themselves by being coherent :md cohe· ment (FM ). Ord inarily. people frel sive 10 be able 10 get govtil a t property manage- em ment listen to the m. ment is s yno n ymou s Howeve r. the chairReal Esti'1le Debe using a foreign format with Facility M ... nage - man o f the facilities man~ velopment Assoin the pu rs uit of this ment but the Director agenlent department of cia tio n of Nigeria dream. Genera l of the N [EV S N IESV, Mr. S te phe n (REDAN) ha s sa id it com mitment of the the s tatis tics s how Iha t 11 will be te(:a lled that, Learning Cent re (NLC), Jagun noted that Facili- wou ld make ava il ab le orga nisa tion to thai vi- th is is a vis io n tha t Chief Molayin made the Mr. William Odudu says tie s Management now 40.000 unit s of houses sion. saying nobody REDA N can achieve." he 40,000 housing units decit is not so and tha t ill- wo rks towards making nationwide. a declaration should have any re<lson to disclosed. laration at the inaugu rafonned thl! move to train the work place a safe and which has been taken doubt REDAN. The rea l estate expert tion of REDAN Committhe members 011 how to comfortable plilcc. with a pinch o f sa lt in "Curre ntly. REDAN ,, [so s tated that the tee on 40,000 Units Nabe competent amI remain " 't also emphasizes some quarters. has kicked off with a pilot scheme wou ld be done in ti o n wide "Iousing re leva nt to the cu nent s u sta inabil ity a nd reHowever. in a recent sche me of 100 units o f partnership with Federal Scheme ",hich was iua upractice world w ide. placement of what is taken chilt w ith Property and houses in Abuja and 100 Mortgage Bank o f Nigeria gurated by the the n Min· According to him awa), from the e nviron- Environment. the Na- un its in Lagos. We have (FM BN), and members ister of State for Works, Ihe mem ~rs have been ment while adopting tech- tiona l President of members who a re cur- could lat er key in under "l ousing and Urban Oeea rmarked to participate nologies that are en\'iron- REDAN, C hief O labode rently ha ndling several certain cond itions. add- velopment a few years in raci lit)' management of _ _ friendly_ ." _ _ __Afo te d_ _ Ihe_ uni ts o f houses. therefore ing _ that REDAN would __layan, _ _ _resta _ __ __ ____ __ _ lIgo. _ __ _

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REDAN committed to 40,000 houses THE nationwide -President




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