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Nige rian Tribune 33 Tue:sday, 27 M arch , 2012 ~~~------~~----~~-----

Briefly FADAMA 111

disburses N280m to farmers n-tE FAOAMA 1 I I scheme

hasdlsburscdaboul N280 million to a lolal of 682 fanner groups In order to Improve their fanning a ctivities . said the north western zonal coordinator of th e proJec t. AlhaJI Am lnu Marafa. Marafa. who disclosed this In an Intervtew with n ewsmen in Gusau at the weekend. said the FADAMA User Groups (FUGs ) were given the money as direct aSSiStance so thaI they could utilise II in prodUCing mo re and to eradlcae poverty. He also stated Ihat a monitoring mechanism had already been put In place through Ihe FADAMA Cooperative Association rFCAj to ensure that the money would be properly used so that the association would be encouraged todo more In the state. The project offiCial also revealed that a n assessm e nt camed out recenLly over the success o f the project under the c~nt FAOAMA III had Indicated that 55 per cent success had been recorded while Llle project had not reach ed h alf way ye t.

Oke book presentation holds on Friday THE public presentation of the book, e ntitled "11le Nigerian Financial Syslem,- will be held on Fnday, March 30, In Lagos. The presentation of the book . published post· humously since the death of the past president. Institute of Chartered Accountants o f Nigeria IlCAN I. the la te Ebenezer Folorunso Oke. According LO a statement by th e wife' o f the lat e accou nt a n l. Mrs Ronke Oke, the book presentation wou ld ha ve Governor Ibrahim Hassan Da nkwabo of GombeState as c h ief present er. The eve nt. billed for Ihe Aglp Hall of MUSON Centre at O ntkan. Lagos. has the doyen of the accountJng profession , Mr Akintola Williams. as the special guest of h o nour while the Managing 01r eclo r. Gua r anty Trust Bank Pic, Mr Fola Adeola. Is the book reviewer. Prince Bola AJlbola is expec ted to chai r Llle occasion.

Ogun: LG chair candidate warns govt not to rig election By Ruth Olurounbl

ORMER Commissioner fo r Youths and Spo rt s In Ogu n S t ate, Mr Bukola O lopade , has warned t h e Ogun Sta le government not to fig th e up coming local govern m e nt election , most especia lly th e Abeokula So uth Local Govern ment area of the Slate. Olopad e, who sa id h e was conlestJng the local government chairm anship to help th e Ibl kunle Amosun-Ied govenl m enl so as to constru ctively run governance, warned that It would be difficult to rig th e election h e was contesting for. Olopade . who gave the wa rn ing at the weekend during a c h at with th e Nigerian Tribune. said that. ~ I am appealing to the ruling govern m ent In Ogun Sta t e no t to make any a ttempt to r ig m y election beeause you know I am p o pular at the grass roots an d with the youth. I hav e the support o f th e people of Abeokuta South Local Gove r nment area and even the people tn gen eral. "It wil l be diffi c ult for yo u to rig m y dec·


lion because th e pu b IIc will defi nite ly m o n ltor and scruti ni se It . The will s tan d

Ih e ballot boxes to mak e sur e Ihal the eiecllo n Is not rlgged . ~ He revealed he would


I FE of Kw a ra State governo r, Mrs O m oiewa Ahmed, h as sought th e coop eratio n of people In the state lowards sustainIng pea~ In the soclety_ Speaking wilen she em· barked o n a pea~ walk tagged. 'Together we can ," o n some m ajor roa ds of 110rtn at the weekend. In conjunction with members of ctvU socIeUes, non govern m e n t a l organtsaUons and dlgnllM' les, Mrs Omolewa called on clUxens to assist th e government In Its efforts to suslain peace and harmony In the stale. Mrs Omolewa, who said th e peaceful match was a senslUsaUOn elTort to crea te aWiln:ncss o n Importance and need for peace In the s tate and the coun· try at large, added tlmt people should be ca reful n ot to be used as Instruments 0( destruction and violence. M rs O molewa a dded that no COUnI.f)'. a nywhere In the world, could enjOy life and meaningful development without peace. ·Wltho ut peace, you ca nnot have a n ything.

state, b II ~I'll be going to help U,e go venlment to run t h r g overnment as It shuu .d be. ~



,. j'

-Wife of the Residenf ElecforaJ Commlssloner (REQ. La.g05 State, Chi(f[(Mrs) Adebisi OcJunlnola. receiumg Ephome of Womanhood award of the Pen Junior Group of Schools from the coorailtator. lntematlonallnsrttute of Jownalism {lJJJ. Ibadan campus. Alhaji Bolaji Kareem (rig htJ. being Cl3Sisted by chalrman. Nigeria Union ofJownalists {NUJJ, Dyo State Council. Mr Gbenga Opadotun. during t he 15 th annl· versary of the school a t the Press Centre, lyaganku. lbadan, recently. Photo; ~ter £m.l.ola.

Delta to ban motorcycles on major roads Alphonsus Agbmb. Asaba OMMERClAL motorcycle operators In Delta Stale may have to klok elsewhere for Llle lr dally bread. as the government plan s to replace them with tricycles in majOr townS of the s late.


Already. 500 tricycles were d elivered while a n ~ other batch of 500



peeted la ter to commence the sch eme. T h e Sl ate Co mmls ~ slone r for Transpor t , Honourable Benson Igbakpa, who announced

Kwara gOY'S wife harps on peace Biola Azeez, lIortn

not be gOing In to the 10cal governmenl c h al rmanshlp to fight the cu rIn the

This is the totality of It. even when you don 't have food : you don'l live In fear as you can put your head on Lhe pillow and s leep.s he said. ~ Even Jfyou have all the m o ney In Lllis world and there Is n o peace. where wou ld you spend It, - she quened. She, therefo r e, I m ~ plored all stakeholders. especially mothers. 10 be vigilant and e nsure their chllren were not parties to creation of destrucUOn and violence In Llle society . Th e first lady co m m ended the clUxen ry o n

thei r peaceful co-exlstencc and called on people to do m ore for peace 10 continue to reign.

this a t a news conferen~ In Asaba, the state caplt., I, Said the tricycles would operate o n routes with reduced accident rtsks. Acco rding 10 him , th e government was aooUl lakIng delivery of 50 Marcopolo buses Iha l would ply some urba n routes willI hlgh density of passengers movement. partJcularly at the peak period of the day. TIle commisSioner said betwecn 2009 and 201 1 Itscal year. 505 units of 18-

Falana, Me, Olaiya, others receive excellence awards Sylvester Olwruwa. Logos


KITI Parapo, on

Saturday. gave out a wards of exce llence to 10 Indigenes of Ekltl Stale during the assocIatio n's 20 12 EklU Day held a l the C Uy Ha ll. Lagos. The 10 awardees

were C hief Afe Babalola , for his contrlbullon 10 the development of u niversity ed u cation In EklU S t a te: Chief Victor D la lya, fo r his musical prowess over the years : Mr Feml Falana : Chief Wale O lanlpekun: Mr O lufeml Ajayl: Mr Gbenga Oyebode a n d C hief Jlmoh AlJu r e-

Financial constraint, serious challenge ~ pilgrims Imrd 8y Tolu Olamlrlld


'lE chalnnan. Dyo State Ptlgrims Welfare Board, C hrls ~ Uan wing. Reverend Fadey! Theophllus, h as Identified financial constraln l. lang uage problem, c ull ural difTeren~, among others. as some of the challcnges faced by the board In rt:~ cent yean, adding that Llle board had enjoyed tre ~ mendous assistance from the state governmenL Reverend TheophUu5 made the sub miSSion when h e was addressing foreign C hristians from

seater Toy:)fa buses wt:re purch8Sl:d out ofwhich40 we-n:: alloca ted to the Slate school shu LIe bus scheme to boost Llle mass urban transportadon. Also, an approval was gtven by tI .e state ~'(:m­ menl for ti,e pnx:urement 0( 10 cargo and 46 speed. 100 big and 30 small bOo1.ts for the nvtrtne; commun1~ tJes. whl1(' 60 mOlonsed fishing boa IS for fishennen In Warrl South cou n c il wen: aJsoapprCJllo'edin 20 11 fiscal Y('SI , Llle comm lsskmer s.tlr

Norway and PalesUne al l he welfare board In tbadan, on Thur.iday. saytng that the board would continue to pursue v1gOro us sen s ltlsatlon of the members of public so as to develop interest In perforoll ng h oly pllgr1mage and promote cordial inte raCtIOn wlLll relevan l assoclatlons whtle meeUng wlLll the Christian communtlk:s In Israel and Palestine. He said that pilgrimage la ilie h oly land was un d e rta ken as a means o f splntual healing. repen-

tance and rededJcaUOn for aU pllgr1ms. and added that II was an exercise of moral refonn 10 renew indlvtdual splnl so as to tum a new leaf. TIle chairman disclosed furtherthattheboardwas eSlablis h ed In con sonance with the law Ilnd changed w1th the responslbility of protecUng and safeguarding the Interests and welfare of pilgrims of the Slat e as we ll as organising h itch· free p il _ grtmages 10 th e holy lands of Is rael/Sinai, Rome.

celved t h e DlsLln gulshed ',ons o f Ek tt l award, ..vhlle Mrs Duro Ladlpo, Proftssor (Mrs) O ladunnl Olaniyan Taylor an d Mrs Toyl n OtHOJ u w ho we re the seeond b('s t Junior Secondary School C ertifl ca l e l~ xamlnatJon (JSSCE) studtnts In Nige r ia In 1993 and the best S ~C g s tudents In 1996 hi Nigeria . were a ll awa r d ! d the DlsUn g ui sherl Daughte rs of EklU awa ·d . In all ~ ddress by the governo r of E kltl S tate. Dr Kayo(k Fayeml. durIng the el'e n t, he promIsed to w ork with Ekltl Parapo agri culture Initiative b) making su r e thal aJi local govern ments .n tJl(' state were empowe n d for the developmen t of t h e agriCultural sec t" r which would help to ooost producuon o r cocoa , r ice . amon g others .

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