Nigerian Tribune 11 Thursday. 28 July. 20 11
Ekiti students trueaten protest over non-payment 0 ursary T
p(! di e~1 to lake to the street.. . They siud lhe sh ift of the payment of the local the sla te
Job.. c.reation: FG leaving no stone unturned -NDE
Sam Nwaoko, Ado~Eklti H E Fede ration o f Ek ili Sta le Studen ts Union (FESSU) has dec rit'd the s lale g o\'e r nmenl' s non-payment of bursmy awa rds to indige nes of the s ta te. s.1ying "the s ta te bursary is the o nl y tlirecl war through \\'hich o ur st u · dE'nlS call bendit fro m the state go\'emment." FESSU, in a s tatement issued in Ado Ekiti, on Wednesday . and made a v ai lab le to newsme n. said it was d isa ppoi nted o,'er the continued dela y by the s tate government 10 hea rken to the agitation of its members for the paymen t of buJ"SiIry to all the indigenes of the slate in va rious tertiary in stitu liOnS of learning across the cc>unl ry. FESS U. in the sla tement Signed by its n aliona l president , Mr Adebayo A~·iti . said "the only w ay thro ug h which the presen t Dr Kayode
able, saying i.t was wrong_ tertia ry ins titutio ns to 1I..1c;1nwh.le, II~~ henceforth p;!lIem t11eir adDeputy Speaker of EkLII ministration in a way that 51.11e House of Assembly, would enhance the discO\'Chief A~e lunji Ori~ll a~e. ery of youn 1.. lrots. has advlscd the NIgen;l!\ Orisa li'l~e ca lled o n
high s take in the mi nd of Y k J h L0 k 0 j 8 who d isclosed thi s in Ekiti students is to aWilfd e 1m Imo, sta te bursary." T HE FederalGove m . L?koja. identified Ihe TIll:' students Solid Mo m ment is leavi ng no lug h rate of unemployagitation in this regard is s to ne u nt urned to ment as a major causc of nol and wou ld never be generale employment op- the a nti·social and criminegotillble ,w add ing tha t portunities in the country, nalte ndencies among the "it is nur hope Iha t lhegov- Ihe Director-Gene ral of yout h in the country. e rnme n t wou ld see o ur the Na tion .. 1 Directo rate Speakmg In l.okoJa at clamour from the confine o f Em p loy ment (NDE). the o(>Cnmg ceremony of of objectivity and expedi- Mallam Ab ubaka l' the ,,~~ .. injng-of-Tr .. iners ency before we find it ex- Mohammed. has said . (TOT) workshop for en" S e'd" a ll amO Mnol."mh de' ~ "'th 'SCS deveCl oP a rm e nte o r-
i lE Federal Go\'emme nt has been ad v is e d to foc us on community- bas ed social hea l t h in su ra nce as a s t r u c tura l frame work for tak in g t he prim a r y h ealth care to th e 1'('('1'1 (' a t th e g r ass roots. This was the submiss io n of the Premier Medicaid Internalioni'll (PM I) a l its .mnual ge neral meet i ng (AC,., I) he ld at the H }'perlension Clinic, Governme n t RE'sidcntial Area (GRA), I}'aganku, Ibi'l dan. o n
Tuesday. presided over by its chairma n. Emeri1115 Professor Oladipo Akink ugbe, u rg ing the Na ti oni'l l Assembl,' to g iVe prio rit y a ttentio n to the National H ea lth Ins urance Ac t because of the uni ve rs <ll cove rage of th e sch e me whic h
~:;T':'I,'e!~pPM~;I,t;ohdlo5".t:e,'eb,e, "'g,d lhe NH IS adm,' nist rato rs to review its s tra teg,v so as to e ns ure that sta te a nd loca l gov-
~rnmen t
lake up .hea llh Ins urance to their e mees plor , .a nd it s aid that a s lluatlOn where th e
YOUTHS have b~n advised to maitain 3 good relations hip with God in a bid to achieve grealnes..o; in life. Wh ile speaking at the valedictory s ervice and prize·giving ce remony of Geo rge and D uke Intemational College, Tbadan. on Wednesday, as the chairman o n t he occa s ion , Property Ma nager, Afric.ln Newspapers of Nige-ria (ANN) Pic, Mr Wole Akinlo}'e. e n joi ned stu de n ts to des ist from youthful lust and fecuson thei r studies. !-Ie added th a t the)' s h o uld e ngage them · selves in M II"iti es thill wou ld add value to their lives and ha ve r<'Spect for their p<lrents. According to the g uest speaker, Pasto r (Mrs) Ol uso l" Ale re. Ihe decision tlken by someone toda y would determine w hat the pers on wou ld become in ruh' ~. She urged the grad uat. ing s tuden ts tu be dis cip lin ed, humb le <lnd teach ... ble in order to successful in lire.
Federal Gove rnm e n t wo r kers were thebeneficiRries o f the sche m e Wi'lS no l good . say in g Ihal eve ry ci tizen o f the coun t rv dese rved to en. ' J joy th e sc h eme an d tasked the Nation:ll Assembl y to make thi s a " t r rl o rl y .
fi cers, ,.,-lilllam Moh.:lln nled explained that In an effon to furthe r contribute 10 the resolu tion of lhe problem, the governmenl had made em plorme nt gene ratio n a cardinal o bjecli ve in o rder to tackle the p roblem headon, and President Good luck Jlmathan had indicated thai he wo uld appoint a special adviser to handle the portfolio I'l l th .. t level. The direclor-general, w ho was rep resented by an ass is ta nt d ircclor, Mrs Henrie tta lJeseman, noted · t h a t t IIe cu rrent emp h ilS'S h i Fed lGo 0 le · era vem ment W:lS on the mi'lnd:l \eof the NDE, adding th a t the s ma l1 scnle enterpriscsdepart ment, w hich was re-
sponsible for enlrepreneu ri al d e"el ~pment and busI ness cstahshmenl by the youth, had renewed its Ir.. ining man uals 10 re£led not o nly the req ui reme n ts of fin.mcia l institu tions, hut a lso 10 foresta ll project fa ilu re among young e nIrepreneurs. In his own rema rk, the Director of Small Scale Ente rpri ses. MilHam Habayo Ilello, pointed out that the focus of the department was the d evelopmenl o f the e nt re preneurial abili ties amo ng unem~ l oyed d II g ra d u ates h an SC 100 eavers, \V 0 Id \I d' wou even tua y n ve the informal sector, a major e mplo)'erorlaboutand Iheengineofgrowth ofthe cronomy.
" A;
L 0 il, agos ....... isnowset OI'"UlC a mendme nt of the oc I t a governmen
declaring open a five--d ay semi nar o n good gover· nance and d C'\'e lopment in La SI t I I gos ole 0C0l gove rn·
wo u ld e nhance s mooth Ioca I governme n t a d . ministration. 1-1 •d HLet esa, : hs, asTeP-
him the authentic t:a ndih dateof! ereol'lesDemoh cratic Pa rty (PDP) in t e April House of Reprcscn· talives elec tion for th e
Speakcr, LlgosStateHo use of Assembl y, Honou rable Ade}'e mi Ku' o riji while
Spea king through his deputy, Honourab le Ko lawo le Ta iwo the
height in govemance. We s ho uld s ee ourseln!s as partners in duty ."
cons tituency a nd the conscquent wi thdrawal of the certifici'lte of relum e arlier iss ued by the Indepen -
a dV l Dy Tol.u O lami riki
school managers to h~lp thegov~~elll~y. helpm~ the pupils In ~ah5m~ thrir potential. saying IhlS was Ihequic.k~1 way to revamp the educal10n sector.
Briefly _ Youths advised to work hard, fear God
By Ebunoluwa Ogu n sa nya
Ekel slakenolders endorse of Eyiboh S
T AKE H OLD ER S from Eket Fed era l Constituency ha ve endorsed the swearing-in o f Honou rllble Eseme Ey iboh as Ihe member represen ting £keIJOnna / Esit/Il>eno Federal Constitue ncy of Akwi'l loom SI .. le despite the contreI h as vers)' w h'IC h tleitction .
contmuo:u to gener3te. "The former chairma n o f the House Committee d on Medi:l a n Publici ty W3S sworn in on June 30,
Lagos .Assembly set for amendment of LG constitution ~~;~'::~:~;;:,~~ d':I~~~ 5"';; AI b I
OOI~~!:~~rzb~~lt: :rili~ C;:~lt~~IS in Ikeja arm =;:~:~~o ~f~li:J:;~:t
"' Intensifies efforts to boost cocoa prOQucnon ~~~:~~: f~:e~:~i~~O~:~ sen~i~~~~nl"ii~ga;~r~!~~ ~~~~i~~\~:III( I~~~)r;~
Ylnka Oladoyinbo. in Ahuja 10 mobili:!;c public- coa prOduction and farm cause o f the re lev3nce of the Pe rmanent Secretary C hief Di'ln Abia. Akure priva!t! inn!5tmcllts for 5U5- productivity, as well as re- the third tie r to Ihe deve!- a nd C lerk of the AssemEyiboh had i'lrgued that HE Federal Ministry tainablecocoo production in spend 10 marke t demand o pment of the grass roots. bly, Mr Ta iwo O lat unji, the p rima ries t hat p roof Agricultu re has Nigeria. for high quality cocua. as well as provision of so- said it was aimed a t e n· duced Di'ln- Abia as the inlensified movcs at AstalBntrtby Jon;tsMva They added that the cial infrastructure for the trenching democracy and candidate we re conmobilising public-private Mva of the IOH and ls3iah con fe re nce would d raw people a t the grass roots. ensuring e ffecti ve a nd ef· ducted in Uyo,lhe Akwapartners.hip for the devel- Al:cllb oClhe f-edcral t-,.r.ni5- participants 1T0m relevant The ch ai r man no ted fi cient service delivery to lbom Sta te ca pital. instead opm e nt of cocoa in the try of Agrirulture said the minis tries, departmen ls tha t there were anom alies citi zens of the state. of Eke t. the fede ral country. movewasaimedalrn:U~ a nd agencies (MDAs), the th a t needed to be cor· He sai d : " As you arc cons tituency's office. and To this e nd. the minis- supportfortheaxoa indusby organised private sector, Ii- recled in the existing aware, the admi nist ra· faulted the prolest to the ., in the ...... ""'...... censed buying age n ts, co ns tituti on which had ti o n of Governor action as co ntrary'o~try. in colla bo ration Wiul ~~"Vl l. the Dutch Sus tainable The initiative, accord- mrmers' associations and been responsible for the Dabalunde Fas hola ha s lion 75 su bsection 2 of the -~ I . . . IDH ._ .•• , ing to them. was in tancoopt'rati ves, key players. in larses noticed at the level continued to receive aeroTr....'e mbalive. m.... utC Acl as wi th current efforts of in Iemalional cocoa trade 0 gove mance. lades and comnlelldatio n Electoral United N,ll ions Deye Io p- dem h d I I d h i'lmended . 01<.'111 Pmgramme (UNOI'). t e Nigerian go\'emment a n c lOCO ate in ustry T e amendment, a c- from people far and near. h.\5 ~Iuk:d a .(Qfl~""",,,-ct=oCre ='C·'""' ::::c:the :::.:dOed::::'Cn='n,gCro"'-_=·C"'CI:":"=~ :.:::.=,='o:n=':1,PC ·rt::::n':"' =---,,=o=,:d:'n=g,-,t:o_t=h='CO'PCe:.:k:e:,~,_= in=':lu:d:':n~ g ':h'::...::o!p!"", =':":oo ::c,".L"Chri =::=·'~":'an ~ Okeke, ~u j~