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NlJerllUl Trl bune WMnesday. 28 Ma rch. 2012


Hong Kong elite choose Leung as leader former propery consultant has been elected as the new chid e«('(' ulive of lIong Kong. a<:ttordlng to a live Icl~il1('d stream of the vote «tunt Leung Chun·lin., I .ad been ('onsld('red he faVOUrite to wtn SUllday's vote arter securln" Ihe support of the sen I- IU tonomous territ o ry's main pro-Beijing part,.. Applause bro k e 'Iut from delegates 011 t he Roor of the tally roc; m as his count Ucked U\ 10 a wlnnlng tally ornSR_ well ahead o( his main rival IIe:nry Tang with 28; and pro-democracy candidate Albert 1-10 on 76 Just 1,200 Iiong Koctg business. labour and poIIUcalleaders we!-e e Iglhk: to vote In the eleclJon of the city'. ne., lelder. which had prompted the hardest fought c&nlp!'-IKJI since the IWlIKkrYer \I) Chj . ncse rule In 1997. An ofDclal (01'" China'. lIa15011 omce 1I011h Ho ng Kong congratulated Leung on hls Vk:tDr( Rnd


told lhe atate Xinhua

news agency l h nt he vmuld lead an adMinistration "to unlt~ all drclcs of societYHundredll of pro-democracy acUvis15 polcked the streels aroun J the harbours Ide conv('nllon c('n lre wh('re the Cllmmlttee mttUng W8!l lakIng plac(' _ shouUni! Jlogans d«'.mandlng "'lirect elections" The vast maJorltl or Hong Kong's sevel mil lion residents hae no right to vole In t.he -small clrc.le" poll. according to the One Country Two Syslems aJT'Il1li'em. n f by which China rules the ronner BrlU!lh colony Tang. a fonner bllsl nessman. had Inltlllly been ae('n all OelJ lng's prdured choice 10 re place outgOing chid execullve Donald Tllang.

but his gaffe ridden cam~ palgn disappointed his backers among the city's powerful tycoons and

saw his pubUc approval nlUngs plunge be'ow 20 per<:ent

Leung. 57. aaclr~madc l-tong Kong-born .!Junrq"OI'" with d~p China COflnttUon5 and a reputaUon Il5 • tough political opc.rator. told reporters earlier that he hoped to build broad community .!JupJXX1. (or his lcatknlhlp. "Every resident haa their own View.bout the election I will try my best 10 gel rid of people'. negallve perception about th~ elecUon." he sald

Sarkozy to bar radical imams from entering France vlted 10 a congres.s OI"ganlzed by the Union of French IslamkOrganltationa (UOlf). The UOIF. one 01 three Muslim federations In France. is regarded as dose to Egypt's Lslarnlst Muslim Brothe:rtx.d. "I have c learly Indlcated that there certain people who have been Invtted to this congress who are not wekome o n


RANCE will bar radical Muslim preachers from entering the country to parUcipate In an islamic confereD~ Dexl mon th as part or. CIlIckdown alter shooUngs by an aJ Qaed.... nsplred gunman. President Nicolas Sarkozy saki on Monday Sarkozy. who has announced plana to puniSh those viewing Isla m lsi Web sites and going abroad rorlndocU1nauon. said he would bkx:k the enlf)' 0( lIome Imams In-


France Info racUo. He cUed Sheikh y~ a1-0arMlawt. an


does not reqUire a vtsa to enter france. "I Indicated to the Emir of Oatar himself that this peT50n was not we.lcome on the terr1tory of the French republic." Sarkozy aa1d. "He will not come _" Qaradawlwa.sdc:nieda visa to ¥isll BrUaln In 2008 on grounds of seekIng to °JusUfy acta of lerror15tvtolenceord1sburse vlewa that could (oster Inter-commu nit y vlolen ce". a Home Office ~keswoman said at the

Hunger crisis in Niger turnmg into a catastrophe -oxfam


Xf'AM'SNlgerdlrector. Samuel Bralmah said on Monday that -all signs polnl 10 an Impending catastrophe· In the crlsls-hlt country According to the Britlsh aid group. 1.9 mUlion people an: al severe risk In NIgcr and that nurnber could 11K to 3 .5 mllUon next month Samuel Bralmah said failed harvests. yurs or drought. and reg'nna1lnstability an: all fueling

the crtsis. He says a rebdilon In Mall has aent thousands of people over the border Into Niger. pUlling extra pressure on the country's limited food ~un:es The Odam orrtclal spoke wtth VOA OYU the phone rrom Niger. and says trouble In Ntgcrta ts cruung rurther IMUes. ~e acUv(lIes o( religious fundamentaJlslS In northern Nigerta hu re-

US, Eur ope agree to a deal on medical isotopes

IE United S-.alu and leading E uro pean suppllrrs of medical Isotope~ flay they wtUI"IlOVe aW8} rrom the use of weap0n5-gr.tde highly ~nrtche:d uranium (HEU) to • leu pot-nt (0110 of the material In a push to boos l glo:>al nuclear IRCUrtl)' Medl~al 1!IOlope'l an: used 111 the treaun--n of cancer and heart <.lsease SclenUsllli b Ive been working to ,hlrt 8"'"<1'( frum HE U t(, I·)w -

Egyptian cleric based In Qatar who is one or the most prominent Sunnl Muslim clerics In the Arab world and. houaehokI name In the Middle East due to regular sppearances on the AI news channel. A ronner member of Egypt'a Muslim Brotherhood. Qanldawt is Inde-pendent oIlhe group but remains close to It . SarkoZ)' ARid the slluaUOn was complicated because the Imam holds a dJplomaUC passport and

enriched uranium be cause the highly en rtched material can be: used to build nuclear bombs US Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the deal Monday at a gJobaJ~rgysummillnUle

South Korean cap ital Seoul attended by US Preludent Barack Obama and more than 50 other world leaders ·We are reductng the

availability 01 hlgh1y en r1Ched uranium. weapons useable material. and It reduces the chance or the malerIaJ falltng Into the wrnng hands Currently. Moly -99. which Is used to produce a medical IlIiotope InvoJ,,'ed In 100.000 medk:al procedures everyday, ls produced by Asian fadll tJes prtmarlly using highly enrtched uranium.' Chu explalnw


suited In limited access between Niger and Nigeria . espeCially In the southeaslern part of Niger. Niger gets quite a number o rgnalns coming rrom across Ihe border and the limited access to those border polnll makes access to rood a bit more dlrrt cult. ° Bralrnah explained According to Oxfam. more Ihan 6 million people need Immediate assistance to prevent more families In Niger frum gOing hungry It says In some areas I 00 perc~nt or ramilies are already rationing and redUCing the number of mea ls lhey eat each day Bratmah .says Niger ls only one of a number of countries across the Sahel lhat Is In crtsls. "It is not only tn Niger. It is 8croMi the Sahel It has alfectw Mall. It has alfected Burkina faso. It has affected Sc:ncgal. II has affected Chad. So a

lime. The clertc had de(ended Palestinian sui c lde bombers In Israel and attacks on U.S .-led coalition forces In Iraq Sarkozy. campaigning ror re-election . rebutted criticism by opposition poliUdana that the SttU rltyservlce.s blundered In allowing 23-yur-old Mohamed Menah. a petty crtmtnal known to have vtslledMghanlstan twice:. to ahoot dead seven people In a IO-day rampage In aouthweat Fnmce_


comcs a very acUve ter-


crtsts across that \.\.1dlh there was no cell." of regions means that It SarkOl}" said Is n ot easy to Just buy 1l1e:conscrvaUveleader gratns rrom across the announced plans last border as was the case week to make It a crtme earlier," he said to repealedl)' consull tie aays the good Internet sites advocaUng news Is that Niger's go.- Islamk: extremism and to emment delttted tnlUaI punish those who travel signs that a food crtllts overseas for Indoctrlna was looming and took UOn or t.ra.1ning. early action The legislation will But Oxram says It have to until after a needs 820 milli on In two - round Aprll - ~fay emergency relief to help presidential election bethe most vulnerable cause the SocIalist oppopeople . And Bralmah sliion has resisted an aayll aid groups are not emergency _ ' nn ofpargelting the money they lIament to approve them . new_ The killing spree by "Money Is not coming Merah . who shot dead early . But the call now three Jcwtsh chJk1ren and (rom every humanl tartan four adults bd"on he was organisation and from killed by police cornmanthe UN system and from doe atlhe end 01 a 3O-hour the aovcrnmenlS ls that siege on Thursday_ has s upport should come pushed.secw1ty to the top early or the poIJUcal agenda. People should not Sarkozy. who made his walt unUI they see dytng name: as a hardJlnc lntcchlldn:n before they re - r10r minister. has recctV'ed spond." Bralmah stated. a slight popular1ty bounce -We want to respond be- but stUl tTaJls SoclaUsl nro re It gelS to a critical val Francois 1I0llande In situation . "_ _ _ _ _ _-"' po O'Clsc.:.o for a May 6 runoff

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