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'JSC complex to be completed before one year anniversary' Muhammad Sabi a ,

lis kind In the stale because of the iE NSOM Judldal governor's resolve to see S e r v i c e lhal the JudiCiary does C ommission not suffer. nOllng that ~II complex In Zamfara will be a penonal pride State will be completed for me to see that I Ilntsh before: the onc ycar the project 10 time and anniversary of the make sure II Is listed present admlnlslraUon among the projects to be under Governor commissioned by His Abduladz Yan. Excellency ~ The assurance was The complex, given by the contractor disclosed, Included the handling the project. office of the Chief Judge AlhaJI Naslru Nahorc. as well as those of the while conducllng state's newsmen round the General multi - million naira Commissioner complex on Frtday. JusUce. Other omces He said be was were that of lhe compelled to put In his directors, deputy best so that me project directors and a library. would be among those to Nahoro was be commissioned by the optimistic thai what he Slate governor during had done would stand the first year the test of Ume, saytng anniversary. that in 50 years or so. According to him, the lhe complex will have no edifice was the first of cause to crack.

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-The Jakadan Haytn Bankl, Abba Abdullah{: Gado da Masun Gundums, and Sacdaunan Haytn Banld, Alhajllbrahfm Hauan. during their turbanlng cen!mony at Hayfn Bankf &tillage in Kaduna North LocaJ Go~rnnumt Area.

'IFAD office disbursed N180m to communities in Katsina' SelWl Olanly•• , "atliiDa

ATSINA State ofrtce of the International f'und for Agricultural Development (lFADI has dJsburKd NI80 mUilon as asslstsncc: LO var10us communities for the eIecution of 'arlous projects. The ~ila[e coordinator of IFAO. Alhajl Kablru Rabe CharanC!hl , disclosed this while InspeC!lng projects execuled by IFAD In Outslnma Local Government council on ......y. Rabe wh o noted that, the amount waa expended within the last slJr: years. said the exeC!uted projec15 have


greatly Improved the lives of the benefictaries. Accord ing to him, about 36 comm unltles have benefitted from IFAD lntervenUOn In the Siale. stressing thaL the communities were selected from 12 out of the 34 councils In the state. He a tt ributed the success reco rded by IFAD 10 the payment or counterpart fundIng from the a tale and local govemment councils. In his remark. tbe chairman transition committee or Outslnma cound1. Albajl Babang\da Hablbu promised that. the coundl would ensure the prompt rcJeasc of Its counterpart runds to


Sulefman Yahoya Rfc.hifa a n d a consultant,

Emma Ado, during a press coriference on projects ,u-ecuted in the s tcue. Photo: BCIJSCUI lbrohlm

Katsina govt approves N3.4m for take-off ofagric programme Se,UD OIaa.lyAD. Kat.La.. WARDS ensuring an .11 year round agriCultural activity . the Kats lna Stale Governmen t has

approved the take-ofT of 2,000 hectares of land produ. lion of primary a three-year programme would be:: cultivated at crop as well as agro· u n der the Songha l- Yanlumald and Makem foresl - y ro r the Katslna Agricultural dam slles, whJle 1, 000 producUon of both food Agro Allied Project worth hectares will be and cam crops. N3.4 million In the cuilivated In Daura The commiSSioner WAD. state . senatorial zone at said the InIUatlve would Speaking to newsmen Dabernm and Sabke dam ensure an aU -year round on F'r1day at the end or sites . aC!Uvlly in the producUon the state executive He added that In of cash and food crops In a ....D Ibrahim , of the NatJonaJ Ear Care jobs for lhe teeming council meellng, the Punlua Senator1ai Zone, the three senatorial It.dull. Cenrre Kaduna. unemployed youths as state's Commissioner of a totaJ of 1,200 hectares :tones. Dr. Pate. who part of measures 10 h Sa MlnlS'-olS.. ,. He t.ald the project 15 for Heahh , Dr. IdenUOed measles and sustatn peace. In(onnauon. Al aJI nl are 10 be cuilivated at Muhammad Ali Pate polio as major problems Yakowa said the Glde Batagarawa. said Gangara and Malruwa to Include hatchery. meal processing. has said In Kaduna militating against transformaUon of the the lnltlatlve would be dam sites. weekend. that the Feder.LI hellrlng ability. region shouJd cut across executed in the three Batagarawa fu r lher mechanical workshop, Government would commended the health, agr1culture and senatorial zones of the explained that the hoslelE , accommodation (mnsronn the National managemenl or the olher sectors for rapid stille. project Included a and rC:;laurants. among Ear~Centrc.Kaduna, centre for u :ecuUng soclo - economlc According to the technology park 10 be olher amen ILles for to be class in AfrIca quailly projects, saying development. commisSioner, under the used In ImprOving soil those that will be In Its bkl to ensure that the mlnlstry would equip -We should tmnsfonn Hrst year, N 1.1 mUilon Is fertility and post-harvesl worktn ~ in the farms quality Medicare are II to be a flnll class Northern Nigeria to to be spent, while Nt.4 activities , with the bdngrende~todU%ens. specialist hospital In create Jobs for our million Is to be spent In enhancemenl of Bat4garaw8 however The minister spoke Africa. teeming youlhs. Ihe second year and renewable energy as asaun'd that Ihe during the Earlier. the Kaduna Investors arc yearning to another N814 , 000 would benefil to be:: deri ved In ventule would ensure commissioning of Stale governor, Patr1C!k come to the North and be expended In the third the atate. the cn: a uon or more job projects and graduauon Ibrahim Ya.kollia • call ed Invest. what we want year .. He maintained [hat oppur unities for Ihe of 2nd batch or 2012 on alakehol de~~ . to now Is malntenan~~ of .... In ~"'Iqi\ SCl1al.W;tal an Ind1l",Ir1a~prk would ~ It!.ellllrg..yCHHh.s .!n . lJle l )1 PrtmaryieID'CaTel::0llrsc: "'trans~ th~ rn;i1pErn peae.:: law and order, he UKbrJ,: hlh'e ~~\ttl j,l1al ' 1, 00J I;I~... es ~hil.s\.!e for'ihe i1 AJal.e ,'/ II 11,.11'1 'Jdl nr 1.I::IoItr 1:r.lO:JIIl:lulJ rrbd ::..... \4-.,1 ~ 1:'I !latd.!>I" It;. ;>lUI: '1 ... I . :t. I , .. ui' I ... . rl


'National ear care centre to be fIrst class in Mrica'


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