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NIg e rian. Tribune


Briefs CAC authorities call for prayers TI-lE aulhor1Uef of Christ

Apostolic Chu rch (CAe) Wor1dwkie ha~ organl:ged spcdaI mJI1thly pnlyeB h Ule counlly and 1m caJUng on

Nigertarul to JOin rtleITIbcrs ~ the dmn:l'1 In the: pra)'eB that '~ be held on the last thn.!C days of every month t1uvughout the:

year. The General Evangell5t of th~ church, Prophet Sarnu·!1 Kayode AbIara, saJd thiS was the divine \nsu'uctb' u ~



the present

poUUcal. eoono-Imc. ~ and security dlaDenges It faced at preacH!. The programme . >NUh ihe 1heme: M& at peoc:e wlLh




APGA's founding chairman dumps party, floats UPGA TI Chrisllan Ok-eke, Ahuja """""'Il naUonal chairman of tile All Progressives Grand AJllance IAPGAI, Chid Chekwas Okorle, has n· oaUy dumped the party and formed the Unlled Peoples Grand All1ancc UJPGAI He had volu n tarily halted the IcadcfllhJp dis· pule In APGA and dtscon· Unued aU court acUons to t.hat erred., after what he descr1bed iL!I soul·seatth· tog meeting with poHtka.I assoctates rrom the aiX· geopolitical zones or the

he Wl~ l iro./\. which he termed a better and more aoph1sUcaled poI.IUca1 machine. ChldOkorle said the death of Ux: leader 01

APGA, cwer Emeka OJu, kwu, had scaIcd the dlafl.. ces 01 advancIrC tJx: pcaoe InIUatl~ h1I.tlated to re· solve the Itngertng disputes

In Al'CA.

AttonUng to him. as It beca m e clear tha t l he lime to move on had come, rollowlng tbe demise or OJukwu. he cou ld not, 11OWeVa". ditch his former party until the oompleUOn of Ole runeral rUes of Ole fonm:r Bfafnm !eadu.

He carpeted persons who were saki to have writ· len a protest letter to the Indepen dent National Electoral Commission UNEC) LO hall the reglslra· lion of UPGA and won· dered why alle.gauons arose that Ole new party conIDcted wllh APGA. ~Anybodywho Is l1tcrnte up to primary school, who can read APGA and UPGA as wen as other acronyms "'ill know that INEC ar· ranges ballot papers In aI· phabeUcal or-dcr.' he said. Speaking further. ChId Okorlc said the consUtu-

UPGA among othc:!" things. would safcguani Internal party democracy , level· playing fleld ror all party members, dt.sctpUne.. ac· countablllty and pcriodk: change or IeadCBhtp at aU I~ lhrough: elecuons. He fwtJlCI" notfldlhat the mantfc.sto of lhc party laid emphaSiS on the cconomtc. paUtJcal and 80daI ClllpOW"ermenl of the Nigerian lnasses In whom NJgcrta's ~ty~

Ihe kicoklgy d UPGA Is a.nchored on wdfar1sm. IlbcaUsm and progn::Mlv, tsm. - he said. addIng thai the of UPGA

(lU people - Hc- b 12; 14. \WUId be aaunp8lUrd with

rasung. between 5.00 a.m and 7.00 LIn an:1 5.30 p.rn and 7.00 p .rn In all CAe

assemblies. The March edmon would «llllmcoce today and e1d 01 Sf.ltwWy.

Abuja BookJam

holds tomorrow

TI-lEAbuja.£b:Jlli.kun.. a 001laborauon bClwrcn the Ahuja Uterary Society and SIh'O'blrd. wtll. tomorrow. hold the March cdl.UOo of

the monthly UtCt'Ql)' event. al lbe SUverbird Uallcria, Ahuja. nus month's edition will feature PruCe5SOJ" Akacbl Mimonlh-E:«Igbo. a profess« of Enltllsh at tbe Unlvcnlty of Lagos: Ada- Okere Aghaslmalo, the author 0( The Forest Dames and iSlal,a Allagan. a mul"U" In the DepartmentoiMass Commu-



of a

~formn- head qf In.rmm Natfonal ODm~fum

of selected

Gouernmen.L, Chi(/"

lectures cmd


qf Chi(/"

n1catJon and D I~Lor of

= Ii";ili,s marking her 8 0th birthday, in lbadan., on Wednesdag.

University Relations . kwara S ta le University. who ha5 about 10 Ulcnuy worits to hl5 ~.u.

Kwara Assembly approves N335m loan for govt

Buria l TI-IE final bur1aJ cntmony of toll's ComJort Ol~ f83OO1imJ Ia.k.a Sl.1i ~ who died o n 1 hursday. JanuaJy 26. 201 2 at the age of 86 . •111 begin with a C hristian wake today. TIlUr!lday. Marell 29. at her residence. 1. CoIIc;IC Road (Essal Ondo. 01l0) State, by 5 .00 p.m. Funeral !!Cr' vlcc / tntmnc:nt wID be held at SL Stephen'a Cnthcdnd OllU1:h. Oke·Aluko. Ondo IO.OOa,m . ~ UOn folk7ws Ir.. medla tely after Interment al St. Mona Gtrl's G rammar School playgro und . Ife Road. Ondo. ~ FMom.Inu is survI\-ed by hI~ hus-Ch1d" Emmanuel

Biola Men. DOriD HE Kwara 5tat~ House of Assembly has approved the request. 01 the state government to sccurt: N335 mUllan loan to purchase addUlonaJ moneUSed ~. hid es for pollUcal office holden in the state.. Thea~. which was


oro purchase vehicles JIlor political ollice holders WI

M:qUel 'to a Icuu

paid within the pcr10d of39

sent to the legbJntu~ by Governor Abdulfalah Ahmed. said N200 million was to be secured from fl· c\dItyBank.,,"iillcN I35mU. lion would be obtained from GuarnntyTrust Bank. The lener of approval al90sald thcktan would be


The request . II was IcamL made the assem· bly to Invite. lhc.state CommissJoDer for f1nancc. Mr AdcmoIa Banu, for rurther clartJ]caUon. In his rcaponse toques· uons £rom the lawmakers.

I'll fight against sharp practices Yeklnl Jlmoh, LokoJa KDg1 Slate gover. nor, Captain Idrls Wada. has .said h1s adml.n.lstraUOo would en· countge the fIgJll agatnst sharpoorruptpracUcestn the syslem and warned that any public officer caught in the act WlJuld not be spared. He also promised to In· sUlule Ule culture of ac· countabllltyand transpar. ency in the ru.nntng of the affairs of the state.. Wada gavoc the prombc whlle declaring open a two· day senslUsaUon workshop on Freedom of In formallon (fOil Acl. the Housed Commit·


tee on Reform ofGovcrnmen! Institutio ns In Lokoja. lie commended the Federal Governme.nt for brtngtng the Act to reality, while assuring thai hl5 adminlstnltlonwouklpart. ner with the government

~ ;:k=..'::. Act ",""'",

H e observed that the Act would ensure public prot.ecUOn. freedom of cx· pression and creation of IIW8I""C1CM on ~mmcnl acUvtUcs and the SCK:Icty at large. Eadlcr. in his welcome addresa. the chalnnan or the House. of Repraen la· Uve Committee 00 Rcfonn of Governme.nt Inatllu'


",mmJss""~' ""'" u~

been captured In Ule 2012 budgcL He said there were ad· dltJonal appotnted polltJcaJ omce holders who ~ the state govc.mment to eqUip them for dfccUvc pcrforma.ncc 01 duocs. The majonty leader or lhcassc.mbly. DrAbmham AshaoIu.. D"1DY't'd thcmoOon loan had

would soon embark o n ~t"e amsultalJOn and senslUsaUon or NIgCrtanS at home and abroad bcfon: the forma] launching of the party. after It mUSI ha~ been fonnally registered by the INEC.

More farmers to benefit from NDDC'sNlbn agric loan -MD ~/~= .1. ~~' the Niger Delta Devt:lopment Commission I NODe). Or C hristian Oboh. has aillcd on farm· en ln the Niger Delta to mme together and IOrm c::o-opr::ra~ sodelleS. so as 10 acc ess the N 1 billion NDOC agrk:ultural revolvIng mn scheme. DrOboh. who made the call during Ux: 1601 Nigerian Aglp 011 Company Green River Projec t INAOC-GRP) farmers' Day cdebralJOn and launch of 2012 fanning season, at Obrikom, b1 Ogba/ Egbcma Loca1 GaYanmcnt AmI of Rivers State, aald many I'anncrs had benefited from the agr1c ktan to boastlOod production In Ule reg1on. thcrdly buildIng thdr own capadUes. The NODC boss. who was Jmp~sed With the display of farm produce from \~ cooperative soc:ieUc:s Wldcr the NOACGRP. announced the dooa·


=:::""','! NAOC b '15

H, """'" adtvelrMlMmcnUnUx:pID' moUon d agrIc:ultwal and soxJo.oxa .... dcdc\dopment b-hcBt CUllIl1lU1IUes In RJy..

ers. 8a)dsa. hno and Ddta through Its GRP. 1hc Managing Dtrectoc d NAOC. Mr Om Antonio Pagano. said the annual Green River Farmers' Day celebraUon. which coin· stateo!.,

Wada ~~.::'u':'-;;;: =':-ih,~.:=-=

thew Omcgant. had said the committee was man. dated to ensure clfecuve Implementallon of Ihe Freedom of Infonnatlon Act, which would go a klng way In glvtng credcntIaJ to the nation's democl'8.tJc process.

RaHatAremu.Adlfa. In their contrlbuUons, thedeputyspca.kcr.Pro(es· ~ Mohammed Gana YIaa and Honourable. Abdul· karec:m AtxIuI-Garuyu said obt.aI.ntng the loan was in ordu. alnce It had been captured In the budget.

Icf1cctnNJgeI1a, wasprtma.· rilyorgaruscd to bring to-geU1er tndMdual fanners. flltITICIS' oooperalfvc sodet·

lea and othu agro--allled organJsatlon.'!l In the Niger" Delta toshowca5c thdrproducc fn a at· mosphcrc,

Group chides Oyo govt over threat to sack workers


iE Oyo Stal.c" of the Peoples Democratic Parly (P[)P) Synergy League. has desc:r1bcd IIlI berefi. the tbrea1 by the Oyo State pcnunenl 10 sack workers who JOIned In the ongotng stnke in Ux: state. In a rdcuc ~ by lIS


I1CYtT cany

out. ~I

should Implement the new salaIy rtglme and 5lDp de~ haIf· truth 10 dJuun· vent Its tmpk:mcntatlDn. TIle rdra9r: drs::rIx:d the gavcnxra parley v.1th WIXfI:era lasl Monday lIS W· ad· vBcd and a drcU!!I show; a

reason Il said the In· IcrracttI.-e sc:ssIoo achleYcd tho

The group said the argument of"the government was spumus. adding: Olat It could COI1V'C1llcntJy lib.!IOfb the waeewtthoul. break· tng tho bonk. It also challenged the ~t 1Onamt: the~

caJIed 190 road rehabl1JlaUon or corulilrucUOO It had

embarked upon. saying IheoIc ~ mere media Cf1!--

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