24 Tuesday. II'...... 1'111>.... 30 uelober.20 12
Tompolo donates educational materials to schools in Warri Sfl.uter Ido_ u , WarTi
x M I LITANT I('.du, Chid Governmenl Ekpemupolo. a . t .o . Tompolo. hu donaled school malerlals worth
millions of naira to all publlcpr1marysc.hoolaln W.rrl.South West Area of Delta Stale In hla drive to encourage cducaUon.t the "rass roota Mr Job IJ('bl:'nlmlbo, O l rl:'clor of Educallon, Foundation,
made the donation 011 behalf of Tompolo at Tccbllos 11011'1. Errunm Job rcvulcd that the he.llh arm of t h e foun dation had al'JO donated r l:'l1('( mO I(' r lals worlh 51:'vl:'nli millions of n aira to amrlioratt Iht 'lurrl:'r
In,; of lhe' victims of the Rood at Bomadl According 10 Job. 'what you wttncII5cd to day Is the genuine droft of our chairman, Chic' TompGlo towards n:yly In g a n d encollra~lng «Ill cation Ills Inlrresl Is 10
) w1'rom I~. Ihe Direclor. lbadon MOlherless Home. M,... Julianah Ok~ ... ~I"'"g a g(ll donated to .he Home b!I the Chicif EKecuHvc 01J1~ (C~ Akin Alob' Founda.jonfrom ..... AlabI, recently. f"hoto, Tundl:' Ogullesan
Kogi to house displaced victims in FG houses
OSE b 10 -. ul Ing on 1horl:'II II I:'S have been advl~t'd 10 learn a les"on from Ihl:' rl:'('1:'1I1 nood Ihat aub ~ b 1111 nd d e 1J1 1:'.&~_ u ( ngs a slTOyW pmpt'rUl:'tIi worth billions of naira
lain klrts Wada. stal('d tills
"'hlk laklr~ a~ II of tlJe'200unltsrtFo1em.I{,oOY ernml:'nl I louses In A;wJkuta.. 10 be' BcrJl.IIrC'd by tlJ(' state """"""mcnt 10 IT .-..... localC dlsp lacw pef'llons from Lokoj."' Reprl:'sC'nll:'d by h is dl:'puty. Mr Yoml Awonlyl. h~ said the slate: govt"nl
ment had alrl:'ady lakl:'l1 Ihl:' hWl:' n lory of Ih(' bulldlltg5 and whal would be required to provldl:' Ugh I , watl:'r altd olhl:'r fa I ('Ilties I Ilal ""'{lU Id rna k e the platt habllabll:' TlI(' govl:'rnor whll frowned on Iho,e who ha~ TUslK'd loca-\! Ihr
Edo farmers assured on wealth creatlon Uebeebu.lt. ...u Oll.ah .
Benlo City ARMERS In y'do Sta t e h ave bel:'n assured orlllC' !!llp port Ih l:'V n eed 10 Imprnve Ihl:'lr II1('oml:'. er('ale ~allh and I,romote aRM eultuf(' In ordl:'f 10 make the slal(' a major player III Ihe agrlf'ullUrC "r('lor Thl:' Slllll:' Commts slolll:'r for Agrlcullurt' and N81ura l R(,~\lr('e5. Abdul Oroh. gave 11t(' assurance wh«'11 mrmlxrs of Rub ber f"annenJ" ,,-,,-__ lallol1 of NIgc-rla. Edo Slall:' challll:'r. \'lslIl:'d hIm In his officc Oroh "aid thr "tall:' Ministry or A~r1l:'lIllurl:'. "Urr I)Mt'rvh lC Ihal nib bl:'r omitted In thl:' on~olll~ Agricultural Tralt,(ormallon A«('nda IATAI. had dm,,'n llir al tl:'lIl1ol1 of Ihe Frdrral
Mlnlslry of Agr1t'ultur(' to Ihr II('W 10 caplure eash crop In U1(' ATA nul yta r 11le comml5slonl:'r said Ihe stale gOVC'rnment was rradv to llar1 n l:'r wllh Ihl:' prlvall:' SI:'('lor, JU!lt ,." Ill: pmml'Kd a oon51deralloll of Ihl:' rC"(lueslll of llit' 85 !IOC"lallon which Includl:'d provision o f land Oroh addt'd that Edo Slate govl:'rnment was rl:'ady to 85.,1'11 farml:'rs wllh Cl:'rtlncalt' of Occu panc-y Ie of 0110 e ltcour a~1:' Ihem and to also help lhr rubbc:r rannr:~ 10 ap pmaeh local govemmC'l1t c h alnnl:'n for assista n ce and to n('.!toOat(' with communities Ill' furtllrr aalll thai ruhhrr c u ltivation wa" 011(' of Ihl:' ra,h cmps to lurn around (hI:' fortulIC''' of th(' ~Iatl:' and Ihat Ihr Urhonl4br l ~lIhbC'r fo:~lnrr Wit" r('('tntly ad\'t'rU"rd
for I('ast' 10 ('lIglbll:' ~r 15011' Coordinator of Rubhrr AMorI8UonofN~, Edo Slatrl:'hapt('T. Df"l1mo1hy ESl:'khadl:'. had told Ihl:' rOIlIlIlI"l'llolt('r Ihat Ih('v .TR'ln his otTltT 10 apply for allocaUon of lA n d for nlbbt-r culth-.tlon
house a from Ajaokuta kl I b n II II
sa II~ U ( II~~~ w~ ~1I:IYct'd 111«'~~ Of! I I I!;p a
0 a, W 100
~ f'urf('I~~,f('Sldlllg III
M',""" bulk" ......"I
.... . mnry
~~ Lok"''' 10 n: I . ""'hlk II wouIdah-J!W'O~I1""'SiderQ' lOr Iho!Ir' thai woukllx rdo~Inl In,", tilt" st~
Prople ar(' advlCIt by UII:' ~OVC'rnor 11001 10 hulld closr 10 the w"ll:'~ a~aln In v lC'w o( tht le!l!lona learllt (rom th(' reel:'nl noodln,!:, said the alalr will rome up with build Ing rl:'gulallO Il w h lrh mak" It offemlvt' fOr3nVonr 10 build outside th(' !llill"lated guldrlln"
lay III solid educallonal foundation (or all the children. Irrupcctlvc of Iht'lr Irlbfo ~115 15 III pilot projnl as we lifT In tilt: process of glYln~ frl:'l:' bonks school uniform", ,,('hool bags. undals and r«rr allon .. 1 facllnll:'s 10 Iht "I sdlool'l In thl:' an~a W(' havt' also C'aTlnlukl:'d Illcellllvrs for all Ihr le3('h('r5 10 C'nroliralll:' them' Job addl:'d On hla pnrl Mr KC'atilt Pond!. Gtn('nl Mana~C't. 011 Facility Se ('url1y 1.lmlled and I>ITrc lor of Flnancl:'. Tompolo Foundatloll. added IhAI Ihe donalloll wa. prr I:'ursor to Ihr proposl:'d do n a lion of (re(' rduca 1101181 male-rial" and ('n ha n c('d parkajl,r ror Il:'achl:'r., Pondl I:'xp l a lll Ihal MTompGlo yaluf'!l educa lion Ix('.usr hC' kllow" Its Imporlancr In rapac tty bUlld! lllit, Chid Dl:'n nl" Otuaro. Paul Ikbl:'ltlmloo and mvself arl:' among Ihose- tralnl:'d by him III:' call U"C' hl'l lasl r(''1ourcr'l (0 Iralll "omC'ollr I1r wan IS to makl:' All Ih(' pupil" alld "tudrlll., of "chools In Warrl ~ulh WI:''l1 10 beabll:' 10 roml)('II:' with otht'r" III the world Mr GlIdspowt'r lIyabrlhlllde-. SI:'C'Tl:'tary. l..oc'aJ (;ovemmrJlI Edtl cation Authorltv Wanl SO\llh WI:'"I whll(' rr celvln/!! Ihe malrrlal'l ~ald. 'w(' arl:' IIIdl:'rd "'l:'rY hapllv_ rdu('atlnll I~ a vl:'ry .!tood IhlTlg. loday. WI" arl:' I:'lI;pC'rlenrln~ a new dt'yC"iopm('nt In our etlll ('11111)11 ,rl up MTompGlo 1111'1 IRken a new dlmt'nsloll and slC'p In Imprnvln~ th(' ('du('a lion or our p('ol,le .....1:" shall pul Ihl:'''(' malrrl als 10 bt''11 u,r . ....1:' ('om ml:'lId his hlln~('r 10"'ard, ImprovlliC Ih'e'l tit ~oplr and wr I:'II('ouragr him 10 kl:'l:'p II up. w(' c911 011 welllJ1('allln,ll: NICrrlan'l to emu laIC' him, hI:' 115 a dl'ltlnguls h ed Irlldrr M r Paul Ilrnlmlbo_ SI:'('r('larv Tompolo
Found.llon. also added thattduraUont"lthcbfod ro('k ofdf"(,"f"nlllvln~ and Ihal tin (ound.Uon ." pol5('d tn dcllvrr on f'du callan. our ('Ounlry 1!!Ila( gi n /( Ixhlnd 111 rdu('aUnn
'630 schools submerged by flood Delta' l' D
F.J.TA Slal('
Dr F:rnrnalluel lIduall,hall, ha~ ..al<1 Iha' 630 primaTV allli 'W'('Ond arY "f'honl~ III Ihr ~Iatl:' w('TC' .,,,I),"l:"fll,t'11 bv n.......1 lIduilAhan!t;wr Ihl:' nil, urr_ r('rrntlv_ whllr rr f'C'lvlll~ lhr South Soulh TnldlllonAI nlll('r .. - Fo rum, Ird h,'II'I nlalnnan. /)r F.dmond Oakoru. In hi' ornc('. In Asaba 11(' lamrnted Ihr dr" a"lalloll r811"irll b\' Ihr nood. addlllll, 111l1l thr "Iall:' .!to\·('rnmrltt had !lei lip rarnp'l ror 1)l'r 'J01l'l dl~plal:"rd h.,. Ih(' In eltirnl -It ha, 1l'J1 Ixl:'ll ra", rnanaJtIIli! Ih(' nutHI vII lim'l Ihr stOllr 10"1 ahout 4~O lulmar,' ~rhonl~ and I An "I.1:'('ond ArY ~rhon'" 10 Ihr nnn<1 TIll:'Y havr all twrfl ,,"h I1Icrtl:'d- Uduach .. 1I "llld Thr II,l)v('rnor .'h ... c'(rnlllll:"l1ll('fi Ih(' Frlkral Governmrlll for '1pprov In~ N!lOO million r... r thr manall,l:'m('nl of Ihl:' vl(' Om'J In Ihe '1lalr '1al(\ Ihf" Slntr ttO\'rrlllllrnl had "I:"t HI' .. romlnlltl:'r 10 lIIallOlll,r Ihr hllld'l IIr IhAllkrd Ihl:' Irartl lIon .. 1 flllrr'l lor lhrlr rolf' In maintalllln~ peacl:' and ~rrurlly ilnd IIr~l:'d Ihrlll to 'I1I'Ilalrl IlIr dfOiI EariIN . Dakurn lold Ihl:' ~o"Nllor Ihat Ihl:" ITlldlllolial nllrr~ ram,. In ",I:'rk 1)1"lIIrr~hll' wllh Ihl:' poliliral rla'l"l 10 ward" "Irl'nglhrlllll~ "'r rutlly III 111,. TI:"Jtlon HI:' addrd Ihat Ihl:' ftl rum ..a"l al"l.o rOllrrrnl:'d about Ihl:' ,,·t'lfart' tlf nood vlcllm .. and ho"" IlIr prohlcm wa., bl:"IrIJl; mall a t'd III thl:' Affl:"rlrfi Jt ~Iales In Ihl:' rr(!on lIor
Ageu.~cwy hs~'~d?~n~P.£rt~~~h~!,~~,e,,~,~,~~g
rvu. atl:'r UI) ply alld Sa n tiatiflll ~ (' II e v {RUWJ\SSAI. KORI Slate. ha5 admonished parl:'nl'l 011 Iht IIf'«'d lolncu lcale In Ihelr rhlldrell thr
habit or w"!lhlllJ{ thrtr hands with soap Thl:' "cllll,ll: proJrf'I ManaltC'r Mr David Umaru. dl'lcltl~ed Ihl" dllrlnf/: the fifth allllh'rr sarv of Global
slfltr Ar('1)rdlll~
10 him, "I" local Jtovl:'rnm('lI t ar('as In KoJtI StaIr had b('t'll dC',IAnalC'd A("fOSS thl:' l li rl:'l:' "('llalorl,,1 dIs trlrt"l. of Iltr "Iatr 10 ('lIrq' oul Ihr sell""I'Iallol1 Thr 1m-a I guvrrnmcl1l arra~ a'l:'re Mnpamuro Kabba "unll Adavi Ok('hl. Illalamf'lil . Odolll and Ofu
tlf Ih(' Ilro~ramm(' wa'l 10 moblllsl:' and moll vnle Ihousands of par t'nla and jit:ulul1lan5. !'Ilrl:"'l'lln( Ihal '1lmpll:' handwlI!IIhlng with soap ('an rl:'ducl:' thr Inrldelll of diarrhoea In rhlldrrn lIJ1drr n",r by Ahno'll 1;0 prr I:'l'nt and fl:''1plralorv inf('rtlon'l bv n('arlv 40 pl:'r Crltl a' hleh wa .. ron ",Idrr,.cl thl:' l1Io~I rrrl:'f' (1\'(' v.'f'rlnr a~aln"'l
In a ~oodWIIi ml:""1 thr 1.1&1.011 or fletr 1 of thl:' dt'''I~ nated 10(81 ~ovrrnml:'l1l arC'II'I frltrratrd that h andwa'lhlnl!. Wllh ~fI;tp Will' 0111:' of Ihl:' mo"l t'f fr(""ltvr and Inr'fj1rll ,,,'1:' "':'\'" 10 I'r('\('111 dlo;(' .... I:""> I1lIrI I'"I1(,lIIonlll ",,-1111"1, ~('th('r \lrrr fr",1U1I '1lhlr rOI 1 ~ mll\lolI rhlhl dr.,111 illlIlII.,II\ ~ajil;l:'