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Youth development campaigner tasks FG


youth dt- velop

m('lll ('rusadf'r "Ihajl lIrnllll Isma' il . h"., ur~('r1 thC'

Pedenl Gov('rnmC'nt 10 strclIglhrn povt'rty alit' vlatlon prO(rammts and

employmC'nl 8t'"('ra,lo" agrnett's In rrducc pov eny lind vlccs amon~ youths !lun,, ' I!. Pn:s ld('nt of

Champions You th l"kvd opmcnt As.oc la ll ol1 of NI~er'"

(CYDAN). II non

govC'rnmenta' oo!(ranl"allon IN CO) . madt' Ihe ap)X'al durln,c • co url!!.y visit ICI Ih('

l<fl, OnlkOJl{


Oba Abesan, I~:;~:~;~~~:~::;~~~ Chltif' AdOJrd. Professor JI(olaUlO'e Raheem a.nd Altolu 8 Dba during th e cefd".o.tfon qf Olokun fesdual at Sunta.n Beclch. Badagrv, Lagos, recenUJI.


BAT donates cassava factory to Achoze tY communi T ilE Orlll~h Amc:n can Tobacco NI,Wla Foundallon hu don alw cassava prOC'HSlng couage IndUlitry 10 tltI: ~umoF.dama Users Group, Ac hozC' commu nil)' of Okcnc Local Gov

crnmenl Area 01 Kogi Stale Gbcnga Iblkunle , whoDr "P"""". 'to

c1llalrn~al:' dDr Chdrlllt,O'

p IU 0 a e. sal tie foundation . which 15 all Independent arm of DATN f Kledtl • UI Ie cottage factory 85 part of It.. corpon.le social respolIslbll

the Keg! State would conUnue to partner private Ind ividuals and organlsallons and live up to Its respon sibilities to (armus Bnd the entire 1~1)le of the IIlate by cre-

Ol.,lnlr.a,a, Abeolr.uta N

EOKUTA Club. a soelo-cullural rgalilsaUon



Interaction for .11 Egbas .and their fl1~5.-wtf1 t'd-vlronmcntal prote c tion ebrate 1t5 40th annlverand educaUolial develop Pry belween November I ment and November 3 II~ . hrM~"'~r. cmptlMlScd As part of activities lhal th~ foundllUon ~.dd lined up fo r the cch:brannt~anycontrolOVft" ttoll .acconJlngto ardea.5C II In Icnrd of"owneratttp or by the Presldenl of t h e opcraUon!la!llhe6:tctDryhad club. Profcssor Afolabl ~ the proper1y ellhe Soyode. the club members oommwlily will viSit Ihe School rorTIle lie aald Ih e,cIIs.ava" ~l andbPpedatAdtgbC. JlI collage InduatJj was the ~eJ1i l e Remand lI ollle , second proJea compleled and Stella ObasanJo In Kogt Stale afttr the Orphanftge. Ibara. Ogun waler project In Odo.F:re, Stal~. on N<m!mw I Vagba Wesl Lon l GovThere will be

~ Iale

nle Indll.lllry, he saId. lpanrromreductngwut. 'ge, would lmpro~ pro luc tlvlty and Increase d · tcleocy In the 1~llIg .ragrtcultunll l produC'tton ";pc.aklng on Ihe occa Io n. the Slall: gove:nlor. aplaln Idrts Wad. , aald.


annlve:f"$58ry lecture and bOOk launch with the


that the c holee o( ag_ot-umo Fadama Usera:' Group In AchoU'. to which the (aclory was handed. came 115 a ITsull of the agmrlan nature of Ihe area a nd dlsnJssknls held wilh Ih~ coordlna'ora: or Fadama 111 In the


Ab eo kuta ClubIb . ce e ra tes 40th anDlversary

tty. fOCUSing Oil four ar

'";';;'7:,~:, dlsdmd

aUng enabling environ me n I for Ihe lransronna tlon the agriculture Stt1or. III order to ix'tlt'f the lIvt:a farmc", and the nlral dwel1ers Captain Wada. repre

scntc:d by the Commts sioncr ror Agriculture. Dr Oluh:ml Bolarln , notc:d that the avvor."Ut commltmcn! or the slate gon:rnment to all donor 5Up ported proj«11I was un shakable u eVident by thepromptpaymentofrequlrc:d counterparl funds

tOf" Iblkllllic AJTIO!!Iun. wlll be the special auest of ~

!t£Ula AgcnCSl of Nigeria (NAN). Lap omt't' 11(' said Ihal Iht' Fro ('ral Goy('rnmenl IIhould adequate')Y fund .,ltt'n

e lC's and programmes 5uch 85 lht' National 1)1 r~tOnllt' of Employment and lh(' National ro~rty Endlc aUon I'roJ{rammC' 10 acillC'v(' Ih(' goals of

810la A.eez , Uo r lD profn50r of PoilU cal SC"I~nrt' Pretf~ .... o r lIa"5a ll Mllhu, has !NItti Ihat the ~"n'-. m ... ",-d', 0'




topic: "Le.1dershlp C hal honour ('OmmunlC"attolll5 nol d oIengeslnDlac-kAfrka"to Soyodc .• fonnerVlce ' Ina enounh In Ihearea of be delivered by Chkf Me C hancellor , Olablst ~ .. BablllOla !SANI. unckrthe OnabanJo University S«"Ul1ty managcmcnt ehalnmUlshlp of fonner lOOUI. Ago -I"oye . satd Spt:aklngal a capRcUy Prellldelit Oluae"un Ihe club would ('O nUnue :~~~II:e~ by ~::~.:~;: ObuanJo .nd AlhaJI Jo alaallC-lhe (Ulure o( not ""8pondentll' C hapel of AUko Dangote as Ihe JU5t Abeokuta. but Ogun the Kw-ara Stale's chap book launcher. on No State and Ntgerta In gen- ter of Ihe Nlgerls Union vember 2 cral by raising Ihe neKI of Journallst5 INUJ\ for TIle book would be re gen~"'tlon of lead~rs Ita m~m~r ... h~ ut~ed II vl~wed by Professor lie added thai tJ~ dub 10 buc kle up In annt Juatua Ayo Sokdull of would continue to rn'Ive. tnl!. Instcu rHy In the the National Opcn Unl IJrnII!IOCeanderxouragc.lnI co unlry verslly !NOUN) diliolls. bellds. fesllvals lie recomm~ndcd thai Award c~r~mony and and customs of the: Egbas, JOu rn a 11515 m ua I be Introduction u(new mem nle ~tdcnt sa id that Iraln~d on security r~ betS hold o n Saturday. the club . through the por ting 10 ~nabl~ Ih~m under Ihe e halnnan1hlp Joint A~tlon Commltlee to co pe wllh the rhal GO'.'•• ',"n',d of IlIlcl1m of E~ C IUM IJAC1. had lenges of reporllnl!. aecll ~ ("hlef bn-n ftllte 10 (OSier socto· rtty "lIuatlon o f the Ernesl Son~kan. while ~Iwmle devdopmenl of counltY the stale ~mor. Sella Egbeland


court thai the accused had.OI1Oclobn I .ulllaw fully enl("red Ihe apan ment of Uldr I("nanl, one Comfort ObO'I. and threw her belongln,,, Into Ih(" strects Mbcrno said that the aeeu.sed commltled Ihe act wilhout an ordel" or a court lie saId Ihat Ihe BC' cused aillo .tole two laptopR "alued at N300.000. a nat acreell leJevllllon sel valued al N I 20.000 and IWO dlgllal ca m eras worth N450.000

Olht"T" Items were Iwo No kIa m obile handscls NSO.OOO; a box contalnIIIg la ce materials . N300'(>OO; Jc~lIery box wtt h gold tl1nke15 worth NISO,OOO and N200.000 cash The prosee ulor said Ihat the lotal value of Items slolen "a 5 NI.S70.000 Mberev saId thaI the .ccused also damaged beds. wardrobes. mlrTOl"S. land pholle. rerr1genuors and breakable plales wort h N I 3 1.000. T h e proaeeu l or said

,.I'ltr" .... d Ihal "outlls had takrn to (rlme~ d\l~ to unem plormenl a nd pOVU!\ and expre~ ... td opllnll"illl Ihal mnnln,lOtflll t'Il,lOta.t{(" nlCTlI of tht' voulh ..ollid tt'duce vlct's l.sma '" a l'l-O u rgt't:l t'm powcrment of t il(: youl h . Ihrough vocatlon.llraln In,lOt and 'round tduC"alion to encourage tlll:m 10 ~ II~I(· reliant lit said that many youlhs werc ~l1do"ed wllh tale llt .. that could enablt t hem 10 ~ ~df d~pcndt'nt. If den:lo~d The 11550ctallon s pre"ldtnt howc ver. ad vised the youth to dis cover Ihetr lalcnt" for per .. o n al and nalional 1If'



lie ul"Jlt"'d them to reslsl u'lCd by unpatriotic N'.erlalls to perpetrate vtolcnce al1<l O(her vttt.. bcl~

Journalists charged on security reporting

86-yr-old, sons arraigned over theft AE,86year-Old landlord and hi s two n5 who allegtdly 5tole Ulelr tenant's valu abies worth Nt .S mll110n ha~ bttn c hatgt"d before a Surulere Maglslrate5' Court. Lagos The acc used w~re Nurudct:nAlowonk.86aJld hl5~ TaJud~. 51 a nd Lated.4 1 Thq> were facing a n~C'OU('Itchargcofcon.sptracy. unlawful e n lry. stealing. wtl(ul damage 10 property and breach of peace The p rosc:cutor. Corvora l Merve: Mberev. tokl the

pov('rly rf'tlu('"lInn

Ihal Ih~ offen cea . "hleh look place al No 5. (shaga Road . Surulere. co ntravened secllons 1OOd\. 285. 306. 3-41' a l1<l 409 of Ihe ("l1 mlnal ("od~ Laws o( La.os Stale 2011 nleaCC\IM"(I . IIOWt'~Tr

pleadc:d nol guilty 10 th~ charges n,e Malllsirale . Mrs M A Ladlpo . admitted eRch {If the accu.ed 10 ball III the a um of N250.000 wtth lwo aurc tlea caeh In like lIum. and adjourned I h ~ case to Novcm~r 2

Ill' also c hallen ged journalists "10 le t the go¥ernmenl kno" Ihat when we have aU prop ~rtt~1I of ,;ood .'t0verlIan ce. Insecurlly "ti l n o l CT«p In" Profeno r Sallhu who aald the security sltua 11011 In Ihe cou nlr v I" a llil worl1somt. hlamed Ihe Irend on what ht' called UIlIlCC~S1ary rl valry amon( Ih~ nation's lI~cul1ty all(" n cl("" "Ilitelllltt'nce jtalher1n.'t Is Improvln,lOt_ bul It s nol ~ood I:noulth vet.- he sa id . urlllll!!. Ihe 5("curlly operall¥e" to dl""lpl'l~ 1II0r~ t'nc rR-v III lackllnlit Ihe Iloko Ibram In"llf Jt~lIcy


howcver. ap the r~moval of formcl mlnistt'r of defeIH"~ and Ihe ersl whtl~ Nallonal Security AdvI1"r. 1I0 ll"ll lhl'l. "af ler I h~ r were removed from offlc~. al lea,,1 wc n oticed Ihat Boket Uaram III"urjtcn("'e "'1'1 1uh"lild In~ • Declarlllit Ihe ""ork " h op ope n . Goverilor Abdulfatah Ahmt'd o( K"ara Siale calied on Ihe mt'dla 10 ('()lIti nue to promolc Idt'''s Ihal ~"oliid e nhance lhc devl!lop ment of Ih~ counlry nl~ gov~rnor. repre "t'nted by tht' Commls .. loner for Informatloll . Prince- TunJI Moron!oye, n o ted Ihal Journalist s rt'tlulrt'd traIning and re tralnlllg 10 t'nable Ih~m 10 p~r(ornl I h~l r dullt's jllaud ~d Ih~


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