29 N'g.,' . n
Tdb "ne
l\ 1<lnd"y. 3 1 October.
PricesoC rams soar inJos
EW days to the EidEI-Kabic festivit ies, the prices of cams
ha ve gone up by abou t olD
per cent in Jos cattle macke t and other sale points in Plateau Stale. A su rvey conducted by the News AgenL)' of Nigeria (NAN) recently in jos s howed thai a very big ram Ihal attracted N90, 000 th is lime last year was now being sold fo r N140,OOO. The s urvey indicate d thai rams, w h ich sold at N7Q,OOQ las l year, now cos t N I OO,OOO, ,w h ile a me d ium s ize ram tha t a ttracted N30. 000 10151 yea, now goes for NSO, 000. Acco rdi ng to Ihe survey. a s mall s ize ram thai last yt.-a r sold for N I S:OOO
now cost N25,OOO, while the smallest size sold for N IO,OOO al the same period last yea r now a ttracts N20,OUO.
s u rvey
showed that the prices of cows had also go ne up ahead of the festivi!y. According 10 Ihe su r· vey, ill big size bull tha t last year wen I fo r NI30,OOO now a ttracts N200,OOO. The s urvey a lso s howed th at it m edium size bull that last yea r cost N90,OOO, was now being sold for N 140, 000. Simila rly, an ave rage size bu ll was being sold at N IOO,OOO, up from th e N70,OOO fo r w hich it was sold last yea r. A s ma ll size bull tha t yea r Ilttra c ted last NoI5,OOO now cost N 70,
000 . The survey a lso showed that the J'rices of goats had gone up. with b ig ones going for N35,OOO. Alha ji Kawu Moha mmed. the Chairm a n, Plateau c hapter of the Cattle Dealers Assadation, who comme nted on the development, aUributt!d the pricc hike to the , ' f nSI )) g cost 0 trans portatiOIl and animal feeds.
"A corps member, Miss Prisca A nJ-WilH.a.au inmates of Ibara Prison" Abeokuta, Ogun Slate, d uring the pre5l!l1tatJon of items donated by A" j, WiUi.uns to the inmates rec~ntJy. PhDto: OJa)'irtb O/uloya
College Cresrentresidenls taskvigi1ance group onenvironmentallaw By S2:ye AdeniYI EO PLE who are fond of throwing refuses on the rand have been warned to stop I.lte u n h ygenic habit, while som e residents of College Crescent in lbadan South West Local Government Area of Oyo State, w ho are in Ihe habil o f e mptying their rdu se bi ns and drums ins ide gu tte rs a nd drainage on
those in the habit of doing this to be aware that some people had been tasked w ith the respon sibi lity of a rresting Or to beon the look-ou lfor:the perpetra tor of this dirly ac t with thl! de terminali o n o f appre h e n ding them :l nd be made to face th e co n seq u e n ces of their actions. Ano the r ho use owner in the area. M rs Flore nce
the roads, es pecia ll y a t
Some ho use owners in the co mm u ni!, gavt! Ihe se wa rn ing wh e n s om e m e mbe rs o f th e la nd lo rd s associa tion of the area e ngaged Com munity Ne ws in a n in te rvic \.... A ho use owne r, Alhaji Kazeem Abolade, ex plained Iha t despite the warn ing and ins tru c tion 10 resid e n ts of the area tha t nobo dy s h ou ld be t h rowing garbages o n the roads or ins ide flowing s tream, som e defia n t res iden ts of the area we re s till in the habit of com ing out in the n ig ht to e mpt y ~he ~r domes tic gatbages IOs ld e gullers d d . an ramages. He, h owever, warned
for a n act of the parliame nt on the proposal. Tabling the bilt. KI ...ara Slate Secu rity.Trus t Fund Bill 201 1, the gove rno r urged the lawma kers to cnsu re its q uick passage into law. ' According to him. the bill So..~ks to establish trus t fund fo r the purpose of providing equipment and logis tics for securi ly agents in the s tate to e n-
O lukoga, said alt houg h, people I"'ere complyi ng w ith the e n vironmental law of n o t th ro wing re fu se in d iscrim in ate ly during the day, esped a ll y \',I' h en it r a i ned, s h e was s urprised that some defian t people do snea k out in the nigh I to go aga inst the e n vi ronmenta l la w. Meanwh ile, a m .. m b"'r o f the co mmuni ty vigi -
Lalia . T h e turbaning ce r new village head for Kenu rommu e m ony was perfo rmed at nily in Okuta Dis- the Emir's Pa la ce retr ict of Baruten Local cent ly amids t pomp and Government Area, Kwara pageantry. Address i ng the State, has been appointed crowd that g ra ced the a nd ins talled . The new village head. occasion, the emir ca lled Alhajl Id ris Ke nken, was on all parties involved in appointed by the Emir of the seleClllln p rocess to Oku la. A lh aj i Idri s fo rg c t the ir d iffe re n ces Abubakar Kperogi Aton and s upp"rt Ihe newly III , a ft e r a n in le n se ins ta lled village head in s..:heming by the people order to ent rench peace which h e said h ad w ho s howed inte rest in el u ded the com m u n i ty the throne. fo r II lo ng time. Com m unity N ews l ie admonished other ga thered th at t h e app Oi ntmen l came six co mpe t it o rs for t h e years after Ihe dem ise of throne to accept the verdi ct as a n act or Cad, no te e rs tw I e VI age h d M il K ing th at they were a ll ea, a <1 m omi qualified a nd compe tent enough 10 run the affairs o f I,he co mmu ni ty irre~ I re their optimu m effi- specti ve of thei r age p r socio-economic status. clency. Ahmed said a board of T h e emir also sa id trus tees drawn from pub- that the c hoice of Allah lic and p ri va te secto rs h ad pre va il ed , adding would be sci up to man- that everyone s ho uld co· ope ra te for peace and age the fu nd. He noted that a speedy d eve lop m en t of Kenu passage of the bill by the commun ity. Al so s peaking a l the leg is lature would boos t thee{{orlsof both the s lale even t, the Chairman of governmen t a nd SL'CU rity Baruten Loca l Governagents in combating m e nt. A lha ji Aliyu Ko ra Lil li a Sa bi , w h o was crime.
lance grou p, keep ing watc h overCollegeCrescen t envi ron m e nt, b u t who ''''ould no t want his name in p rint, told Communily NewSlhat heand o the r m e mbers of h is gro u p were kee ping watch ove r the area to apprehend those defiant resid en ts in the habit of s neaking ou t al night to dumpga rbagesinsidethe gullers or drainages.
h d 6 ' aft age gets new ea years er
Biola Aze ez. 1I0 rin
h'l 'II
Kwara to establish S1F ov
E RN 0 R Abd u lf a t ah Ahmed of Kwara has expressed his government's intention to establish a Security Trust Fund that Will ca te r for a nd ensure maximulIl seCll rity t<l r a ll res id ents. Ahmed, in a leiter forwi\tck-d to the state House o t Assemb ly recen tly ro ughl the establishme nt of th':.fu nd th rough a bill
J' ressed concern over the irregula r rain pattern in coastal area in recent limes. TIle farmers att ri bu ted the phe nome non to c1 ilIlate change, sayi ng that II had taken an immense loll all their famling. In separa te interviews \Yilh the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). th e fumlI; U conte nd ed th,1t predi.:table rain paltern was lIecessa ry for them to I.now th e right time to p lant beca use different 'mps req uired differe nt periods for planti ng. On;;!; of the faon ers, Mrs Elida ld iong, sa id tllat cassava cou ld no t adapt t.3a changing rain pa ttem. Jdiong. who plants cas~av a, said irregular rain I,a ttern had resulted in poor harves t of the food r r(lp. '" haye observed that l.. n p redictab le we<lther ii nd rainfa ll is affecling I,le gTllwth of my cassava. " At the lime w hen they li re d ue fo r harves t you \lill d iscover that tuLei'S arc decaying oue to I,eilvy rainfa ll in October. " W e have been wi tnCS5ing very heavy rainfall duri ng this period of the } ~a r when the d ry season bexpe.::ted toset in and the pattern of the rainfa ll has b~n h regu la r. " It I<las not like this las t )' o!ar and crops find it har..! t" adjus t." Speaki ng in t.he same \'-!in. "'Irs Udeme Joseph. ". ho cu lt ivates wa ter Idves, complained that too n .udt r::&in at this timeo! the y~r was unsuitable for the Sol)wth of vegetables, Sh e sa id that "vegetables, like wa ter leaf and o che rs, req uire water in r..,gulated quantities and tl.e lack or excess of water b undesi rable. ' The heavy rains have lEd to the d ealh of water lea\'es ,md thai is why you h.we scarcity o f wa te r I"JI'cs. " A t present. the amount o f rainfall is too much for 1\ ~t o!.r IcavC:l to grow well; \\ ~ would have preferred d lywealherbt.."C.1use it Wi ll p lo'/ide 115 the I,pporhm ity to wate r o u r gard e ns
re prese nted by the Vice C h a irma n. Alhaji Uma ru Ahmed, thanked ' the p resen t ad mi nis trati on in the s ta te led by Abd u lfa la ll A lh aji Ah med and the Emir of 1I0ri n. Al haji Ibrahim Su lu G amba ri, for the fath e rl y ro le p layed in h a ndling the de l icate c hi e ftain c y iss ue of Ke nu communi ty. H e particularly a p prt!Cia ted the patience of the enti re peace- loving people of Kenu commu nit y without which he noted the peaceful resolution of Ihe ch iefta incy maile r wo u ld not ha ve bee n rea [izeJ . He also commended the e Horts of the (b ru ten Traditional Cou nci l and the s tate Ministry of Local Cove rn men t, Chieftaincy Affa irs and Com munity Development towards an a micable reso· lu tio n o f the chieftai ncy tussle in h is doma in. Prese nt I'l l the ee remony wc re me mbers of O kuta Council o f Traditi o n al Ihd ers, Vilia ge lI eads of.Bo ri y a. S hi ya and Taberu: the Nigeria Police Force and o the r securi l}' agencies. IT,anually a nd in the re=~==========~=======q~.llif'ed. volume.."