Briefly God saved me for a
purpose __ ' -
YIAka Akure NOD State gov · erllinent has l.wuInbcd to creak' no fc:'WQ than 3 .000 em ploYlllent opportunitieS Ihrough ,,'/JlAMA III In the ",Idle ~y. 75O)'OUlhshad hcc:n nrIl)k)yt:d In SupilJT' AIwko. AIwIr.u ~Ih West. lIeOI11JI . III lie Olujl ' Okelgbo iUld Aponmu III
Akun:: Soulh Locaj ~ fOCIU ~a ~
UlC stak' Also. the Wlte gowrn ment had rcleased N65 nwOon 10 J9 )"OUth grUUjl8 under tWTerUlI ecollomk: IliterelilS . for the Implc mttItlltaon of roll'loUs agr1 cullur.t.llncome ge'llCf'IIU1I8 ~tntUfaf In their FADAM-' )'OUlh vtlI.Jgcs. ComuUSloOlCI" for ,..", c ulture:. Ademola Otorunfcmi. said the ~ W"d 10 t.TflIle jabIi and In cn:asc I'ood pnKiucUon In lhe 5'-"le. lie saki the suue t/1" erument under Dr Oluscgull Mlmlko, had Ia5.t year. cununiUed 0VCf" N7 IlUWoII to tbe <kYdupment 0( FADAMA youths elllpowennent Village at banlu. II I Akure North Lo cal Govnruncnt Nea of the Stille According 10 him. FADAMA IU W"dS wM:hored (Ill communily--drNcn devd ClpIncn.t ~ of the Siolle governmenl. whkh ltid kill to the IUCa:Ii8 of the Pf\¥1iUllfllC n the: Ia!ol UVft ",ld a haM" yc:ani. He: IilIi.ured lhat the presenl admlnlstrallo n would OOI\WIUC 10 support the pn:.w-arnme 10 8CtYI: the people benet
~Stotcgowrnor. Jh":;;;=~~~~~=~"""""""""-"'" nor, Mr'$ ~. ~lope-Ac£rifuUre (right}; IIr'$ IIQj10WU
N/Delta must retain petrQleum ministry till 2020 -Group S y lves ler IdoWli. want
ICER Delta Indtgenous Movement for kildK::a.I Change fNDIMRC). lri Warn. Dd14l State. on 1\Jc8day. wwcd to ensure the poslUon of MlnlSter 01 ~lrolC:UIII Is retained In Ole regk)n tW 2020. wilm.lng llloK ca1l111£ lOr the sack of the In-
cumbent mlnlsler. Mra Dkunl A11»on Madueke. as a raull 01 the 00 !iCC. lor probe to 5top or latt unplea.ant conse quenccs. 1lle group. In a S14Ite IJlCn! signed by i15 pruI denl. Ndly Emma. secrt: taty. JoIUl SaBot ilnd tllC public relaUons officer. Mukom Stanley. saKi It
ment Nf:1,/, ol lhe slate
Governor Peler Obi who led the demolltton team. 8IIk1 tilC war agalllIiI kidnapping and other crtmcs In the stale must Ix w" n TI JC' dcrnootlon rolJw.'Cd tile ;ju·re~1 01 Mr Eukw... ilnd n:t.'OYa)" of anns and ,unmunUkm hkkkn un dcrgtuund Ul IJtasuc: con talllCni on lhe prc::InbIdi Aloong lilC Items rccovcraJ "'ocre one
nade. UU"C't' grenade pr0pellers, two AK 47 nlIcs. 21 AK 47 nwgazlnes. 110 roundS CJi Uvc .;unmuntu.)n and mne chainS Ul rerualflllC kidnap Vlctuns Go\ICnlOr otx l>o1ki the
dctenn1ncd 10 ensure lhat no northen\C1" or any body lrom Ihe: South Watt occupied the poIiItion Wl 1112020 NDIMRC was rucUng lO caUs [or the sack 01 Mt"Ii Alison Madueke over the report of MaUam Nuhu Rlbadu led Task on Oil Reo.ocnuc. which a.I.Icg cdjy U1dactcd her
Market capitalisation depreciates by N77.5bn on NSE Odldl. OD O ma.akhaJu , .... 0. gUITY lradlng cloRd on a beaT. kI.h note on the NI.
gertan Stock Exchange (NSE)OII Tuesday. iU pruftl taking by some lllvcston halted the bull",h lrend the prec:ciling day The all share Inde. dJpped by 0 .90 per cent to ckJac at 26,739 22 polnlll. til contrast 10 lil(: 1IlCf"CaM:
of 040 per cent recorded the JJRCCduc day 10 do5e al26.98255 points. Markel capualtsatlon dcprcdalcd by N11.5 hll hOIl 10 dose at N8 .52 tril non, as ~IMt Ul(: rtse of N33 9 blilioll rcaltdcd UleprecedlngdayLOdoee al N8.59 tn1110n Trilnsactlon volume In cqullic5 lO8C by 19 9 per cent. as a total 0( 321.62 million shares valued at
-Demolishes 2 buildings owned by suspect
bungalOW. bnked 10 It kktn.ap sw.pcct. Mr ElIleka E«:kwe. hint been demol Ished by the Anambr. Stale gowernllleni. at UmU.II~lC. Umuatu ¥Ii
,,,,jrd """....."'.J, ..-
Sena tor
Jh"Timoth)l 1(/lJ: wife qJth« Ogun Sla l.gouer nor. IIrs OhiflU'LSho Amosun Uow1h IfdU and Ih.e redp4enI o.fln5plrollonal' Woman Awo.rd 2 012. Prqfeuor "'r.l llopdolo Om.oegun. d&uin,g u..openln,g ~qJl'" 12 th onn.uoJ ~ionaJ c.if-.oe ofComlnil · uc qJW'ua qJt.ago. SC:otcQfl1do.k,. at u...&ko lon Canl.-e, £ko Hotel. on~.
Anambra govt gets tough on kidnappers wo
I~I); ~tali lll! qJKa.dunoStale~,
demolition e:xcrdIIc W".as In line wUh the policy 01 til(: state government thai any properly Itnkcd 10 a kidnapper would be de moillilled lie said Ihe govern · IJlCflI woukI 001 allow anybody to bencllt (rom pr0ceeds ol kklnap and other fonns ol cnmc. wluk as suring that go\ICnlment ~ altcildy wlnning tbe ballk' lid UlC W"cI\IC of kid nap IK:r05S I.hc stale had reduced. TIle alale Depuly CommlSluoner of 1"011«:, DperoUofa. Mr Ayole Abch. said Mr Ezekwe was a menlbcr m lIlC kidr.ap gang led by Mr DllSa Iledlke. ahio known as OfC'akwu. who was arrefiled last month and wholiC IMRlSCS had eqw.lly been demol iShcd by lhe state govern menl Residents 01 Ihe com mUlllty liUlnkcd Govt:nKM"
Obi for his dcle:nnlnaUon 10 eradicale mlJlC III tile and IbSlIrcd him 01 total support.
N3.30 billion were ex changed tn 4.639 deals. compared to 213.01 1011 lion lih.lres worth N:J 01 billion traded In 4.956 dcaIs the prcccdtng (by Meanwhik'. Pftsco ,,... hu I151iUraJ Its In¥e5ton 01 conllnous supply or high qualJly producu Its Managing ~or. Mr Udily PllanJ. JoiUd Ulis at Ihe racta behind the fig urea on the floor 01 Ihe NSE on 1'Ue»d.ay Acconilng to him. tile company. listed on the E.xdwlgc with &at oIlkl g.tum rctalnlJl£60 pcrcent and Nlgertall InVUlors hokUng 40 per cenl had been cons_lenUy paylll£ diVIdends; to shareholden.
·We want to make II very loud aJ.t dear thai the Rtbadu 's report cannot harm lile petroleum IIIln Isler who wlU not vou:ale her Jx.IOOfl tW 2020 We afe detenn1ncd to ensure thai the ~U1on 01 the petroleum minister do not go to the North or the West ....l • AU attack5 and IntJnU dau.::.t of Ihe minister. .....ho has tr.:rcascd OW" vi productJon and c:urtalkd the actlv1tJcs d oil bwlkenng u..ast end now. 0ltlCrwwc M:: wW I"CCWll ftn: b fire and aU IIIqpI oil bkx:ks gIVCIl 10 liKl8C' (rom Ule WC5t and North bd"on: the cumsll petroleum m.lJlIster aunc Into omor: wtlI be WUhdruwn and pen lO tJlC people of the NJgcr Ddta. ~ tt said. While describing Mra Alison Madueke as the bot petroleum minISter ever Ul the c.:ountry. the NDIMRC said s.hc must not be by Ule PfCIN· dcncy, IOlnc:c tile IUbadu's report wou not fair to her TIle group ¥aid the ca11 IOrlhc removal of lile min· tstcr was unaccq>table to
LG bosses donate N3m drugs to"flood victims: Syh,a.aua Eu. A.-ka N tc$plX- to appeals 10 pn:Mdc rcUd matertals 10 Oood vkUms. Iransttlon commillec chairmen In Ana.mbra SLote have jolnlly donaled dn9 vrorth O\'CT N3 milUon to tile lIuenlCllly dW placed per.on. In the: Siale. C'halnnan of tllC lIMO aauon of chalnllcn III the 21 t:ouncll areall or the stale. {'hd Dana 1.J<Icralf". who pcuenled tile drugs 10 the .tau~ Commls IIloncr for Budget and Ec0nomic P'Iatu:ltng. J"'rofcsIior Stella OkUIlIUl on Tues ddy. said the galure wu a departure (rom the old order. wttere douON 1lf"C
IiOllcd only lood ltelllll to ¥IC1.1m5 al various amp6 IICru8S the SUIte. lie Sinned that the tIrugs wuuId go iii k:wlg way to calcr for Ule heallh CDndiuons of UlC VICI1ma. Q pcaauy ItI controWng OUI break or communIcable l1iscasc:Ii III the campa Udozor. who Is abo Ihe dJa.lnnan of NJlkoka I.ocaJ Government Area 0( Ule .tale. nOled Ihat -Ihls Is our wIdow's mile: to IJoo.t the heaJtllY enWU'une:ul of the VICUms In varlOUII' campi TIIia .a.hilt frum Ihe normal prncuce 01 pre IIcntauon of food Items.In her .peech. ProlC5 aorOkwulOt. "'ho rc<:cIvcd Ole donaUun on bdd of Hood .daaalCI
commlttcc. regretted tllat Nigerians had neglected the heillth l15p«"t 0( U1C campa. adding lhalthe 111IcrveflUOO was IllghIy commc:nded.
Also. Ihe slate Com mJs.;.k)Ocr lor Local Covernme"1 Matter• • Mrs A;(uka Enemuo. aaJd rda ral centres had been opc:ncd al lyalU t-pltaJ and General Hospital , Umuert. rOC" lreatnw:.nt of vl/,;Urns. after which Ihe bills would be paid by tlte IIlOUe govcnunclIl According to Mrs Encmuo. tile rcfCfTiIJ cen Ires were cslabllshed to cn5ure Ihat vic tim", re · cclvcd nece:ssary trecat men! whenever IIlC . Uua lIou '1'9K
TJ IE Ceneral OvcIliCct of Love 01 Christ Global Bible Church , Old Ifc Road , Ibadan. Prophel Olabode Odunayo. also known as Baba L.o u~ hll • .laid he ellcaped death In a rec ellt aUlo crash because Cod stili has a purpose !~ hl5 life TIle c1crtc lold news men during Ihe w«k thai he was dead bUI • VOICe IIlStruC"ted him 10 go back tnto tlac world ·An angel or God al> pe.arcd 10 me when I W.iS In cOin. and IMtruCted me to go bilc k Inlo the world. Aylllg I sul! have /I purpose ror your IIfc "le voice lold me Ula! I have thoulillnds of Ih'cs to ..... vc alld many more to be convened so a.s 10 b«ome llis chlldrcn My ministration , according 10 the angel. WIll be the saving grace lor Ihou ...nds 01 people . TIlls 15 why I am SIIli alive 10 day. - he lIald
'Youths Deed platform
[or positive change' MOST problems among yuuU. III lIle (XJuntry will be curtailed when they have platfonn 10 ct~nnd lildr energy and desire c0wards lIIaklng poSItive d ...>g<. TIle aboYC rec:ornmcnda lion (ormed part or the ~ 01 parUdp..nlS at a week long nfth A1ESEC Weal Afrk:a.n Conn«llItg Seminal" (WACSI. hdd al UlC: Untver&lty of Dorin. on 1U<aday SpcaIdng wlUI the Nigerian al tile CYCIlI. lile rountry prCWdcnl 01 AIESEC, 0Iadap0 AIdnsoAil. said dcIalcp.Icnt bcI~'Itour among youth could be changed when Ihey were bwulvcd In orgamuuons that woukI euab6e Ux:m LO oonlrilule p»IuYd)' 10 sadc.y Ilc IiiIId CXinl curncular actMues was a bm of In lonna! cducauon ..1th ca padty to baWlec rormal cdUCSIUOn In tCfUllry IIlSU tU!lons ..tao N.kJ the mo6t soda! probkms In Ule COWltry pcnAstcd be cause YOUUt had refused 10 t.akc acuvc poaiUon In 80Iv Ing them, added that -dang.:: will not come I"rom anywhere but rrom our mJn(bct.lie said AIESEC was the large.t .tudent orpnlSiIUOn 1n Ule world with aboul 100.000 mon ben gklbalIy and ill 4 400 unlvc:nIUcs lie also said member ship III.'aS open 10 recent plualCliand Wldttp"adu ales belween 11 and 30 yean 0( age. wlUI p&!IIikJn
about leader.hlp . e co l..ny. deYdopmcnt. wcrid Issue and managcmenL 8 101. ~ecll , Uoria