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" ...... 1'Tfbu.o. 8 ..Wednesday •.31



Jonathan wants more intra-African trade Leon Ua'lfbe. Ab~. RESIDENT Goodluck


Jon_chan. on

Tuesday . c alled (or morc trade: and Illvesl mcn' among African coul1Irlu. saylng lhal It wtlllllre:ngthcn rclallon shlpa and rnham."c pro motion of the of

c itizens . lie: "polite: while rc ('clvlng the outgOing Iligh CommislIlollu of Boll'lwlma to Nigeria . Mr C lifford Mulbe , who paid a fanowell vlalt to Go~mmt:nt House lie said Afncan busl

nessmen mu.' take ad vantage of lhe many In valmcnt opportunities

a"Rllable In thl! conti IIcn!. thereby Improving

economic and polltlca' relations PTl~lIldt'nl


Yo"!!'lcomro lhe report lhal

the business fOnlm held In Gaborone. BoUlwana during hla visit last month had staned ylc:1d Ing posUlvc resul!.s • • !II exploratory business "'lslls between Nlgcnall and Bot.wanan busl neaamen have com menced The oulsolng IIIgh

Commiasioner of Botawans to Nigeria , ~tarlbc. told the presl dent thai Ihe bUSiness (orum held In Gaborone, Bolswana during hi" vis .. lal'll 1II0nth had generaled Interest among partic ipants lie lIald his lenure In Nigeria had led 10 a tronger relallons be tween the IWo c oun tries . Inc luding high level vt5115 by the lead crill of bolh c ounlrles and eltpff"ued appr«la 11011 for Ihe cooperallon he cnjoyed during his slay

Exxonmobil donates N80m to flood victims nmde Oodoattawa. ~ OBIL Producing NigerIa Unllm ned IMPNI and Esao Elfpkntlon and Pr0duction NigerIa Limited IEEPNL), afrulatea of Exxon Mobil Corporation, ha~ donated a sum o( aboul N80 million 18500.000) to vtcUrns of ~ rttnIt flood dlsulcr In nve of the worst hit slalu In a stalCO\01t by u~ rompany to lhe Nigerian Tribune on Tueada,. ExxonMobll amUlltn In Nigeria said they had partnered Ihe Nigerian Red Cross to provklc ~ ltd to Akwa Tbom. Rtvcn and Ihree olher states which were severely af fmcd by UK disaaler Lead Country Martaga" ofExxonMobil AIDllales in NIgn18. MartI Ward. said ·our Stl"lCCl't thoughlS a~ wtUI Ulc pcopk cl Ntgerta wh~ hund~ have kJst their IIvu and millions more ha~ bttn hnpacted by Ulls dbasln·Ira our hope Ihat our l'IIupport for ~ Nlgcnan Red C ro.1t dforts will IlClp to add~ Ule rteeds of those dectcd by thts



Red C"rvsa, UmarMatl1ga,

MlllklnI t..yc been M' Yerdy aCr«tcd as noodl'll

Uumkcd EnonMobU. say · Ing thai ·we a~ gntdul 10 retttvc U1CSe funds, U they will allow us 10 help th~e most Arfec ted by this dlU.5ler ·Ustng our nctwurit 01" volunteers. Ihese funds will be usm 10llUpport $C. UvUla! Uta• help pcopIIe recover from this cmer

ravaged home • . (arm lands, ac:hooIs and IlC1Ith centfl!S . leavlnll many 'ft1UlOUt food. sheller. and bask amcnltk:s 1l1C:f"C Is alsoalttghr1akol"cpkkm Ies brcaJttng out in Ule af fccled areas

Disaster ManallCmenl Coordinator. Nigerian


NoUce Is hereby given by the Central Bankof Nigeria on behalf of OMO lllal the Federal Governmenlol Nigeria Treasuf)' Bills or 91 . 182 and 364-<1ay lenors amounting to and 1«7.786.390.000. respectively would be issued by DlJlch.uction on Thursday. Novembet'08. 2012. All Money M.r1<el De..... should submll bids through the CBN TEMENOS INTERNET BANKING between 9.00a.m.nd 11 .00 a.m on Wednesday. _embel'07 . 2012.

Each bid musl be In muttiple 01 N1. 000 subject 10 • minimum 01 N10. 000. Authorized Money Market Deaktrs are al)owed to submU multiple bids, Abld may be for authorized Money Market Dealers own account. Non - Money Market Dealers or Interested members of the public. The resurt of the auction would be announced by 11 .30 a.m. on Wednesday. Novembel' 07. 2012. The Bank .......... the righl to reject any bid. Allotment letters would be issued for suooessful bids on Thursday, _ _ 08.2012. while paymenl focthe successful bids should be made to your account with Central Bank of Nigena not later than 11 .00amon Thur>day. Novembel'08. 2012. The Bank reserves the right to vary the amount on offer In line with m arket reallt le. prevailing •• at the period of auctJon of the Nigerian Treasury bills.


Diversified economy, enhanced agric production will reposition Nigeria -Un TINO Provost. Oyo State ColleltC' f Agriculture . Igboorll. Profe!l!lOr Jacob Adewale . has said Nigeria will be al an advantage , If It dl\~rslfy II.! economy and enhance agricultural production Adewale told the /IIews ~CJI qf Iflgeria IIfAIf) In Ibadan . Oyo Slste on Tuesday that the nallon would be disadVantaged If It continued to ~Iy heavily on crude bll when the agricultural seclor was more economically viable country haslargc



Livestock traders in Kano record low patronage IVESTOCK traderlt In Kano State . on Tuesday. said Ihey ~cordC'd low patronage durtng the Eld-ceI' I[Qb'r cclC'brallon AccordIng 10 UlCm. -WI: have no chOice bul 10 relurn our unsold snlmals home due to low sales ~ this yn.r Mallam Habu Mu·llZU. a tnukr from Rlmln Gada Local ( of the slate . aald he recorded a loss due to poor patronage I111!1 ~ar has been a horrible one In Il!rmII of ules I brought 30 rams . but sold o nly


dght.- he stated Ife said he apcnt a lot In fcedlng the animals and in tnnsportlng UleIO back 10 lhe vll1age Another trader. Ibrahim Samlnu, said he got his siock from Niger Republk:. adding that out of the 10 rlIm!l he boughl, only four we~ sold AI'tO, RAbl'u Dalsarl. who brought his animals from Katalna State . saJd he IKlld only few 0( his l'IIlock. Itowever . aome resldenta of Ihe slale attrlbuled the poor patronage to the traders ' desperation 10 make quick money

arsble land to boost agMcullural production and It requires huge In~Slmenl on the pari o f the govemmelll . M he alaled lie aUrtbuled Ihe skJw pace of developmenl III the agncultura1 Stttor 10 poor Infra5truc ture. high number of aged famlers and Inadequate modem facilities find tfllllling Adewale said Ihe errorl o( UII! college was 10 enlture IhC' mall:lmlsatlon of food producUon In the stale And Nlgerlfl In general . through the training of youths In agriculture tte aald C'very Inalltullon of higher learning had the rClJponslblllly of teaching. research snd rendering services. saying that the college had engaged In such acllvilies to boosl agricultural production -Education should be a social SCrvlce b«-auac II produCClt manJlOWf:r 10 raise economic development o( the naHon. M he saki TIle don al~ said the collele's e((ortlt al producIng the bl!sl manpower In the a"rlcullu",1 s«tor was evident III Ihe recent accreditation of Hs programmes lind the ranking which placed the Institution a5 the third besl in Nigeria


LUCKY FIBRES PLC NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETIN G NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN !Nt hAnnUal o.n.aI MealIng 01 Lucky Ftt:w.. Pk('lhlt ~ wit be hetd -' Younis s.horun Stn!et. VIckJria Wand, L.agc:. at t I 30. m on FrkWf 23'" NowIrnber 2012. to tr.-..ct h tuIowIng 0fdNfy boIiness


To I"lH»IwI and consider the rapon of iN ~ and Ihe IItatItment of aa:ourlta 01 . . CompM1y Jor . . 31.~. 201 I , will AIpOI1





To ~ AudIIon lor ". cooW1g ,.... and authori.I:a !he Onaoni to fix the ,...,........"oItheAl..dors;


MOtU ~



any oChef ~


~ IN)'

be propatty irIrUcIIId iIl8rl Amu ..

Pro.1es ".,.,.,.... oflhe eomc-ry.-llad 10 aI8nd and 110M at . . meeIng Is encIdecI kI eppolrt • prDIf)' on hh Of her behlII A P'OXY need not abo be a member A bm of j:JI'my Is to Ills nottoa and •• II kI be ~ lor the purpose 01 the meeting must ba 00f'I'IpIated and ~ wfth . . Comperty Secraotanes Ifnenna E,je:t..", Anocl.fU, 1M n.,." RoH, of( eorpor.t#oft DrM, OoIpI'Iln Estar.. «rorf. ~ not .... 1I\an.q hours babe . . *'- of Iha meetncI NomlnaUon for Audit Commlttea In aocr.:wdanI:e wilt! SectIon 369(5) d . . CompMIu Md AJIMd AbfNta" Ac. 1HO. any MaTbaf IN)' ~ • tt.ehoIdar .. a ~ al Iha AUd4 CorrwrittH. by gh4nu notk:e In ~ d aid! nornIMtion to ruth . . ~y Secrwc.-y at 1en12 t . , . befIn . . ""..... Gener8I Meeting

I"oaou oml!. BOARD "f"ft:."ff'ilAlJEKAMA5SOC1ATU

CO"'''Al'Il ' SlCRETARJE$ 70A ".fajl Rnad,off Corpenllon Drive. Dolpbln u t.te. l k.,.l. ....lM.

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