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Niger'." Tribune

44 nlU~a~



Yobe to train2,<XX)women, youths on livestock farming IE Yobe 1.1~lock n c v r: lop III c n I


Programme said It

had targeted 2 . 000 youths and women for training on commuclal livestock fanning before the end of the year. Programme Manager. Dr Mu~tapha Galdam, disclosed Ihls In an Interview wlth the News Agency of Nlgerio (NAN] In Damaturu on Tuesday. Ue said that the tratnlng would equip youths and women with techntqucs on commercial livestock farming as a mcam of employment and wealth creation -nn: programme wtll teach beneficiaries on dc - worming. feeding. hygiene and accommo+ dation . among others. for Increased dairy and bed producllon "Every household In Yobe engages In U\"eI51ock farming. but we wanl to move away from the IrndlUonal method of livestock farming 10 Improved methods that 115 rich In dairy and meal .- he said Galdam said Ihat pamphlets had been produced In English and translated Into lIausa langunge whUe Iralnlng was conducled by the programme In some parts of the slale . "There Is a greal fortune In livestock production wailing to be e][I>IOlled across the stale .

-Yob~ Is

leadlnJ,! livestock production state In Nlgerln We will exploit the 1)OIcI111alio generate employment and wealth for the bcm:n. of our It

programme ha'J culllvnlcd fodder banks

provide walu for lhc animals We arc about


In some parts of the

harvestlng somc


stalcloprovldcltvcslod feeds . while the govcrnmclll has conslructt'd bon:holcs to

feed (anns. e"'ipeclnlty the om: at GIIJOO.- hc <>ald. The programme managu appcalf'd to


or the




or Iht'


tralnill/i( (rom the


IradtHo",,1 IIvcstoc' k farming 10 a morc prontahle producHoll tcf'lUl!(IUe


-·M,. ~; £a1{eS Nigenan leaden on development

GOOD ,l! OVt'1 n ,I ,.. , j>lIrpost'rul If" a df" l",,, hlp and prmJrll! mall 1l. ~r lIIel1l of re,",o llr('('s h1lY(" been Idenllfied 3'! a ('Undillon for ka<le rs o r the country 10 {lirb dwindling dcvclopm{'llt In all a$pC (" ls o f tht' nallon's life The c hairman . caretakt"r c ommittee of Ibarapa East 1.0('111 Governmt"n! Arca or Oyn Siale . Mr Lanr(' Olaosegha , droplX'tl this hint when he received members of Ihe ProJecl Monltortn,l! Commillee of Ihe N ig eria Union of JO UrTIQI I$ l.s (N UJJ. O vo Statr! council lie said what tht' nallon needed "at Ihls critical sta'l,e- Is slrlt't"re leadership driven bv desire to rt'dlre-f"t turn lhlngs around 8 y Stephen Cbadamas l

OAU begins


Mimiko : Emmanuel pass. Irr Sino Kowonise and Olldo State -From Do.niel·s visit to Gooernor Afimiko In Akure. on

LG boss tasks traditional rulers on security HE Chairman, Bwnri Area Councll of the Federal Capllal Territory [FCT). Mr Peter Yohanna. has charged lrndtuonal rul ers In the area 10 work toward ensu r i n g ad equate security In Ule IIrea _


The chairman mnde the crul In ~111 Int('rvl('w with lhe Nf!UJ$ .\gency oj NigerlQ (NAN) III Bwarl. on Tuesday. He said that there had been series o( meet Ings with IrndlUonal rul ers In the area to fore slall security Lhrtats In

Ihe area In view of the security challenges In Ihe country. Yoha.nna said IIIIlI he was woTTled over!K'Cur1ly threats In the recent past , and urged resl dents 10 report any susplclous movement to law enforcement agencies for

Minister tasks FRSC on safe corridor project Clement Idaka. AbuJa HE Minister of Works. Mr Mike OnolemeTnen . has chllrged the Federal Road Sarely Corps (F"RSC) to further ex:tend Ihe fron lIers of Us operations under the World BankaSSisted sare corridor projects . to Include some notable crllical routes on Ihe natlon's highways such a~ Ihe Lagos - Ibadan and AbuJa-LokoJa roads. Speaking during the formal handing over of 16 palrol vehicles and olher operationAl equipment 10 Ule FRSC. un der the World Bank Safe Corridor projects, Onolcmemen said. -this occasion clearly undel"li n es the Federal Roads Developmenl·. obJec lives 10 reduce falalllle~ on Nigerian roads by 50 per cent In order 10 im p r ove safety along the selecled Safe Road Corridors .• lie noled that Ihe dt:ootrlbutlon of Ihe pa trol vehlcies along the safe corridors would enhance road safety man agement and Increase



safe enforcement stml egles In the country. lie said the Federal Go~rnment's "detennlnallon In Ihls regard could not ami would not. In the least, b~ compromlsed because the lives or our citizens using Ihese roads are vital ror our soclo-economle re newal and Indeed. nll -

1I0nai transformation According 10 Mr Onolememen . "the key goals of Ihe safe corrl dor model arc to chOO8e a corrtdor Ihall~ Importan I 10 the nation and apply a series of Inlegraled measures . In cludlng crash prevell tlon, enforcemenl.

awareness and post crash medical care 10 create mcanlngful and measurable Improve menl a long the corridor a n d promote lhe corridor as II sare place and to promote Ihe sare corridor model for Inclusion In (uture road projects and rulure phase of I-~RDP. -

prompt aelioll The chalnnan noled thai traditional rulers were meant to promote peace among Ihelr com munltles . and urged Ihem 10 supporl any move Ulal would promote peace. He assured the people of th .. area of adequate protection of life and properly. Yohflnn9 also urged all Ihe Stturlly agenCies In the area to be on tht' alert lie: promised 10 al ways ellgagr! the se:rv1ce~ of vigilance groups and security al'lencles In taCkling security chal Jengc:s In the are:a .

BATIFADAMAll donates N5m cassava processing cottage to community Uma!" Mubam,med,


runS'-1 A.merfcan Tobacco Nigeria !DATI. In collaborallon with the Slate Fadama II I. on Tuesday. dono led over N5 million of cassava processing cottage Industry to Ezzen FADAMA III Users Croup Hukan-sldl community area of Na5arawa Stale. Inaugurating lhe cassava processing cottage Industry In Lafla. the state capital. Ihc chairman or BATN founda tion. Dr Christophe r Kolade who was repre sented by Ule exccullve director or the organisation. MrCbc:nga


Iblkunle. said the aim or lhe project waS 10 Im prove Ihe quality of We In rural and urban areas of Nigeria Ihrough the Implementation or varl-

ous com munilles dcvelopment projects Mr Illlkunle. who said their choice of choosing Eu.en FADAMA III Users Group Bukan -sldl COIll -

munlly ror Ihe parUCu lar project W(lS II result or serlcs of c onsulta tions with the slale co ordlnator of FADAMA III and his team

Nigerians charged to expose criminal activities Johnson a abajlde. Ma ku r d.1 -IE Mtnlster of Inlerlor. Comrade Abba Mora. has rell.eraled the need by Nigerians to Join ha nds wlUl Ihe Federal Gov ernment 10 hall acUvl lies or the Hoko Borom sect . Moro, who spoke through his media aide. Mr ceorge Udoh. over Incessant killings or 111-


noccnl Nlgcrlans by Ihe dreaded secl. described the rece nl attacks on people as barbariC and unwarrnnled_ The mi n iSter. accordIng 10 t h e statemen t. said -there Is need for t h ose engaged In the daslardly act to have a n!Ullnk and respect the sancltly of human lire . Life ts p re cious and Ulen! is no JUsIIncalion for any Indi vidual or group to kill In-

naa:nt souls.· Ue also called for an Immediate halt to the killings of Innocent Nigerians under whatever guise. u rging all stakeholders In the country 10 condemn Ihe Insurgencies . In addlUon. the minister callet! 0 11 all Nlge· rians to rtgard the current set'urHy challenges as a collecllye respollSl bUHy

e-iearning January 20 13. MOVED by Ihe need j(l provide fUnctional alld qualltatlye- e-ducatlon to studcnts who fall lose clIre- Ul1lyt"rsltv admls sion as a rt'suit o f lim lied Intake c apa c it y o f tertiary InSlllutions. the Obafeml Awo lowo Unl Yerslly (OAlil. T1r 1ft' . Osun Stale . will. III January next year _ plo neer electroniC learning The Innovation. whl('h will enable sludeITIs to recelye lectures and In teracl with lecturers online thmu,l!h Informa tlon communi c atio n technology. wtll begin In January 2013 . while Icc ture'S are to ('ommen!:e by March of the same ye-ar Pott'nllal c -studcnt 'i will have 10 write the Unlned Te:rtlary Matrlcu lallon Examlnatton "! ItrrMEI conduc led by tht" Joint Matriculation Ex amlnatlon Board (JAMU) By Dare Ade k a nm bl

Ka t,i.. fe-introduces montbtJ sanitation mrdse KATSINA State govem TIIent has re -Introduc ed the mOllthly sanitation exercise with effect from November Ihls y ear acros~ the 'tate Bnenng new .. men ar ter a stakeholders' meel Ing. chaired by Governor Ibrahim Shema al theGovernmenl Uou~e chambers on Tuesday. the stale Commissioner ror Informallon. Glde San I Batagarnwa. said the e][erclse . which would be obo<erved every lasl Saturday of the month . 115 Intended to eradlcnte poliO dlseaSC' In lhe statr,: b y 201 3 S eg u o Olan iy.n. Katslna

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