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mE GUARDIAN, Fridal( July1,2011

Council accredits Delta varsily's medical school From OIIdo Obfllr, Warn

A FTERabout ftvt years or In· IlcepUon, Ihe OeIGi Stale UnivtrsllyMedlGlISchool has ~n acc~lted by the Med· ieal and Dental Council of Nigeria. According 10 the Chid Med· ical Di~rof DelraStateUnlvtrsity TeiiChing Hospital (DELSUfHl. Dr. K.1ru O!zbureke, the accred it-ulon or me med· ical school means that the unl· \'CfSity would now graduate its medical students , who wue previously attached to other accmjite(J instilutions In lhe CO UI1I~ Accreditation was also glvtn totheDElSUTH louain house officers and Its nursing school to train nurses. The aneslhesl.l, obstelrics and g}'Ilecclogy and pedl· attiCS depanments have also ~n accredited by Ihe West Mrican Postgraduo!te Medical COllege 10 train sJled.1li.515 ln the "fields. The DElSlITH, which marked liS annlvcrsary, unveiled its lateststatc-of·the-aru med· ical equipmenL They include o.J6T f.IRI sam. n\o1lmmogram and fluoroscoplt


Reps seek compliance with Constitution over appointment of presidential aides From AzinwI Momoh JImoh. Abuia ~Ga bruch, the Houseof ~prtse mati~ ytslerday expresstd concern OYer the fail· ure of President GOQ(i1uck jonathan to Infonn It of his request for the appointment of special advtsers as requlm:l by SectIon lSI oftheCOnstltutiol1. Adopting ~n observnlon brought to il by the Immoolate past MinOrity Leader of the House, feml Gbajablamila (ACN, Lagos State). Ihe HollSl.' sought immediate compliance \\111i the constitution on the

5.1nl Omolort, to d~w the at· tention of the Prt:$idency [0 Ihe issue to ensure tNt the Consti· tUlion was complied with on the maner im mtdiatel~ SectIon lSI of me Constitulion stat6lhat: "The Imldent may appoint any person ~a spmal adviser to assist him In me per· formance of his functlons. The number of such .advisers and Iheir remunerations and al· lQ\vanca shOil1 be.u prescribed by law or by resolutlOIl of the NalionalAsRmbly'". Gbaj.lblamila, who decl,ued Ihal by writing a lenertoonly the Senate for approval to a~ point 20spedal aavisers,Presi·

dmrJonath~n hadatted Ind b· regard of the Constitution. When the House was .about commencing the leg1sl a!l~ business of the day, Gbajabi. amll.a was heard shouting: -Point of constitutional orderl PoInt of constitutional orderlDeputy Speaker, Emeka lhedioh.a, who ~reslded ovtr the session, qUIckly m:ognl.sed Gbajabiamlla [0 mte hls case

t;n~~~~I~e-1 ~i~~~: lion lSI of the~nstirution. This

constirulional provision St.ales lhat the President should ~k approval from tJle National f,s. S«'mbly to appoint special ad·

visers.Buriam nOlawartof any lenersent to this House In reg:.ard I h.avt even heard that the Senate hu approved that the Prtsldent could appoint 20 advisers. I do not 'Nant to be· lIeve Ihal there is anylntention to undermine the House of Representati~s but I JUSt want 10 ask that Ihe House should ensu re that the righl thing is done-. Ihtdioh<l was quick in uphold. ing the point of order and.also directed the Oerk 10 get In touch with .appropri.ate .au· thorttiC'Son the matter to make sure that the constitutional provision WilS complitd with.

He said: "In upholding your point of order,lbeliel.-ethat II is mortof an ~rslght than a deIfber.neattemptloundermlnt the House. The Clerk of the IlouS«' of Rcprnentatlves Is, therefore, directed 10 get in louch and get the iUlle sorted out-.

Uduaghan asks Delta

indigenes to invest at home OVERNOR Emmanuel Udu-' G ~gha n ofOelta Stale )nter· tl ay in ugos urgtd beJtan

citizens outside Ihe SUle 10 come back home and InvtSt.u the env\ronm~nt w.u ilv becoming conducl\'e for lri· ,.,,~


Climate change threat

to nation's growth, says rights group FlOm Anirtil Akpan. Calab. A NON-GOVERNMENTt\l. Or· Ilganisation (NCO), Developmem In Nigerta (DIN ). has idenufitddifNtechange.uthe most senous threat to develop-

"'}h~tN~N~~jr~he effecl of cli. mate eh;lflgecould possibly revtnt Ihe gains !hat ha\'t been made by successive gO\'tmmenu In an effort' to make Iif~ m e~nJngful for Its dtiz~ns. Project Oir«tor of DIN, Mr. [Olrnes Odt}\ stattd IhiS rt(ently In calabar, Cross RiverState capItal, during a ont<lay In lerac· tl\~ 5ession on clinutechange. He uid climate change w~s "r,able of fruurat ing lhe deve opment Initiatives imd pn:lgr.lmmC'Sof gQ\'trnment at all levels, hence the n«d toder~oy drastic mtasu~ to lackle According to him, climate change 1.5 tvid~nt in all sectors of the economy Including agrt· cullure/for~sllY, human senle-

:,~r~c:gn.:,~~~esa~d~:s Ihat il requires the efforts of both govtrnmentand Indivld· u.lls tocurb Ihe menace Odey said: -Given the'severity of climate change Imp.1ct on human Ii\-es and" the low I~vel of capacity to atlequ;uely respond there Is need for a coar· dinattd " pproach to taclde the m~-

Zamlara Assembly okays bu dget From Isah Ibrahkn. Gusau 1 A lfTH a or about three

YV bllllon naifOl, theumfara State House of Assembly~ster. ~lo ~!~ this year's budget The fonner gove;nor. Alhaii Aliyu Shinkafl, had prestnttd a total budget of N59 billion forthls fiscal Y"ar, while the CUrttlll lawmakers apprtMd NSf> billion. Presenting the report, ChOlir· mOin. House Comminee on fl· nance and App~riation,AllYU M~hmud

~~~r~~llm~~Jtl,nee~ tingofthe budget: soas 10 avoid failing Into dellelr and to foremil any unexpected shortfall that may affecl the acrual rtYmue of the state. The Speaker, Sarlosi G.lrOO Rlk· III, uid the new amendments carritd out by the lawmak· ers affected both recurrent and capil:al expendi tum.


Lagos, PFN join fight against cancer B1 ~kachl Mary UfW\Ioka u fellowship of Nigeria (PFN~ in con· junction willi Nallonal un· cer Preven tion Programme (NCPP~ orga nlsffi a fathers' Day celebration n t he Na· tional Thealn, 19anmu, Lagos, to mark the 'Ism blnhdayof Gove rnor Bahalunde Fasliola of Lagos State and to r.llse awareness on the malignant disease ca11ed cancer, with men as the main focu s.



sen tatlve of Governor Fashola, Dr. femi Olugbile, permanent s«retary, Lagos Stale Ministry of Health, wid· In~th~on~maners

by giving free medical servo Ices where necessary. ~ Lagos has taken It upon II' seJrto provide screeningcen· tres to reduce cancerous deaths. Even If they go to

~:~~ ~::J~~i:h!~r'~:~~!

posrpontd-, he said. Also speaking, National Coordinator of NCW, Rrv. Dr. Kln-Egwuonwu, decried the rising rale of cancer among Nigerians, saying: -Cancer kills more people thiln heart disease, HIV/A1DS, ma laria and tubercufosls. Nigeria Is one of the countries with low lire expectancy rate due to suess and poor heallh main· lenance-.

On his part. one of the or· ganistn of the event. Dr. feml Oomrerguson, the deputy dl· rector, l'lannlng ilnd S"trattgy, Lagos State I'fN, said: "Tfle programme Is all about our hearlh since It Is neceswryfor u5tol'acldecmaln mtdlcal lssuts. We started a health week on Monday last w~k (June 20) and It CUIS across Lagos State. We conducted Glncer scree ning in aboul t2 centres in Lagos; we also screened people for diabetes, obesity, prostate cancer, ski n cancer, amongorners. This Scrft'nlng rostsas much as NI5,OOO per person in other clinics, bUI we ~n t out ourlum of dOctol'1 to screen

Council seals 200 medicine shops in Abia Frnm ConIi Udullh. Ab~ TN Its reinvigorated war Jagainsl Ihe dIstribution or me(lidne5 In open markets and unllcmsed premises and persons. the Phannaclsts Council of Nige ria (I'CN) has sealed ofT over 200 premlsts ,1Od shops al umettry Market and N~wMarket both In AOO, AblaSlilte. The COuncil also urgtd the stale Pollee Command 10 prevtnt the owners of the sealed prtmlses from continuing their Illegal mde therein. The closure or the shop followed the swoop on the two markwonlUesdaybythe PCN Inspection Team led by the

Slate l'ilarmaceutlcal Societyof Nigerta (I'SN) Chairman, Emeb Ogbonna. Ogbonllo1, while addressing joumalistsonWedntsda}tsaid thesulingof the shops was In accordance with the laws or thecounny and for the beneOI of the public. He added: "The premises/s hops In these twO markttsare nowseakd, medl· dne5an! notallQ\vtd to besoJd in them again. TllePCN hereby calls on the Abu Stare rollce COmmand to maintain sur· veilLlnce In lhe2 ~misesand arrest any person found con· lravenlng the law there~. The PSN chid' urged pharma·

peopleactoss the s[;]te freeof cha rge. Dignitaries, who graced Ihe occ.asion Incl uded Senator Fellx Ibru; the Onlmo/e of Lagos, Chler Kayode Adeslna Onlmole; f"ror. Laz Elrurul'me; ChalrpersonortheCovtrning Cou ndl of NCPP. Mrs. M3r· ga~1 Rose Adeturu; Chair· man, Lagos State Chapter of PFN,Aposlle Alexander Bamg· bola; bishops, pastors ami other men or God. The pro~mme ended with cutting or cake in fashola's honour.

The governor, who made the call while commissioning an ulua·modem Mercedes Benz Cen tre ~t the lekld I'tnninsula, said Investors ....'tre needed to boost tiM! Slale's econom~ (lnldtS, the gOvtrnor, who identined youth unemployment and job creation .is the greatest challenge f.aclng the country, tasked Deltan indl genes In the Oiaspora to come home and establiSh busi nesses as the state wa.o; blessed with abundant human and natur-Ii resources. He assurtd Ihal his admlnls tntion was pullingsU".1legic Infrastructure In place to f~[·{fack the Industrtalisatio n of the Slate, adding that-all we art doing Is that thty(Deltan In dlgenesl.are in{e~ttd In com ing bolc home to do busints5 beause you cannot be doing It for lagos St:ate alont-. He, tliertfort,solidted that the nut outlet of M·B Automobile Sen.'icesshould be in OeIt:aState. hlnllng thai the operational h· cence of the Asaba Interna Airport will soon be Issued. Governor com· mended his lagos 5I:lIle coon Babarunde fashol.l. lOr providing an erubllng environment for business to thrive In the nation's commercial tal. tvnl as he described De ta indigenes resident in Lagos as goodtenantJ. Also speaking. a rtpresentative of the Mercedes prOducts form Gemuny; Me Steffen Raununn, ~Sittd th~t die lagoscenln' Is a benchmark not only for th e dry but.also for the whole coun-



his pm. Chalnna n of M·B Automobile Services, Mr. lohn Edotien.said the Merctdes s"nl ctntre"l$~drtam come nue- as It took 20 }'tars to m.ateriallse.

Tokunbo Cars For Sale t·1itsublshl Montero 98 mode!....... ...700,000 ... 300,000 Toyota Corolla 97 model HondaCRV 2001 ........................................800,000 Toyota AV'tflSiS 2003................................ 500,000 Nissan Pathfinder Ofi model................. ... 1.3 million TO'VQtilI Ulndcruiser 2008.. •...... 1.5 mil1ion

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«,utical companies in Nigeriil 10 stop their represent.tlives rrom selling or di.5tributlng Ihelr produru through unlf· censed persons and unll· censed premIses. He said doctors should prevail OIl their patients to procu~ theIr presaiptlons only rrom or through registered, licensed persons or premises just as he solicited the support or all and sundry for the S1JCCtSS of the PCNset todismantle.a11 ilJegal and unlicensed medlcfne shops or p~m lses that -have becOme safe havtns for medi· dne fakers and places \vhere fake and counterfeil mtdl· dnes are sold to the people-.

......... 400,000

InIlnltl FXJ5 04 "lode!... ............................ t.2 mUllan Toyota HIaa{t85eater}200fi.......... .800,000 '·\ercedn 5 Oass 20021T1Ode1... .......... ..900,000 _ .ncs; ng. Phone:0803S00468 1,GS014476212.

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