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THE GUARDIAN, 'fuesda)lMardt ~20U .

IFAD initiates $70m project for Nigeria ,-tlE International Fund for 1 Agricultural Development (!FAD) is developing a $70 million value chain project for 16 states in Nigeria, its president, Dr. Kana""

tuber development project; the cassava programme in Nigeria and other West African countries has been the most successful projects to the extent that Nwanze, has said. . Nigeria became the largest proNWanze told the News ducer of cassava. Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on "There are the opportunities for Sunday in Rome that the project us to make good use of cassava, aimed to revolutionalise agri- not only for food, but for fuel, culture among peasants and eneWe and by-products of cas saother agriculturists and help to

boost rural

economy and

reduce poverty. He said that the value chain project was the logical sequence to all that had been done in the past as it would create opportu-

nities for fanners to increase their income. He stressed that it would also benefit those who add value to farm produce from prodUction, processing, marketing and consumption. He said that IFAD had prepared comprehensively for the


Fund had been. He added that Nigeria had the capacity to feed its people because of the diversity of its ecology; resources, good climatic condition and endowment in agriculture input. He said that Nigeria needed to maximise its agriculture potential by installing the right poliCies and building on its human capital. "IFAD supported FADAMA I and it was so successful that the World Bank came in and supported FADAMA II and it received recognition by the World Bank as one of the best countl}' projects it had supported. "FADAMA III, which is a much larger project was supported wholly by the World Bank and that is a success story. The other success story is the root and

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on agriculture as the founSation for economic growth and food security, there would be a transfonnation." Investigations by NAN showed that IFAD had financed eight projects and programmes in Nigeria since 1985 with a total commitment of $1533 million. Some of the ongoing projects are Rural Finance Institution Building Programme (RUFlN), Communil}'-Based National Resources Management Programme in the Niger Delta and Commumty-Based Agriculture and Rural Development Programme.

Embassy tasks SON on export

goods' quality THE Nigerian Embassy in 1 Germany has told the Standarels Organisation of Nigeria (SON)tocheckthequalityofgoods exported from Nigeria to other countries. The embassy also lamented the imbalance in the volume of trade between Nigeria and Germany. The Head of Mission at the embassy, Mr. Emeka rosakweker, in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in


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