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m EGUARDIAN, TLtesday; August 2, 2011


FG launches 'flood early warning system' for food security From Fbw:e lr.nmca.1\bo.JP 'T"O protect Nige-nans ;!nU 1 f,'lrme-rs from food shonage- as C'Xpcrie-nCC'd cumntly in East Afrlc.l .lrising from r,mn produce- losses, the Fede-raf Gove-mme-nl said it Is poised to OpC'n .l WEB Based f:1oed Early Wam ingSystelTl. The World Food I'roxramme o~r the Wffkend- rt'II~ilsed thC' huge migra' tion from of Somalians afre-ned In the- on"&olng food crisis arising from drought when~ nine million p~ple \\'UC' anected and n~ing to nC'fghbounng countriC'S like Eth iopia ,'lId KC'nya for rt'fuge-e Thl!: Federal MinlSlry of Environmelll5aid the system will be launched tomorrow in AbuJa Jus t as In tcoma t",na l fo r Encorgy, (C'ntrco Environment an{l OC'\re lopment. (ICEED) CAlled on the govtrnmellt to re form Inc agriCultu ral scheme. A Nationa l Working (o mmitlee handling the project revea led In ilS rt'pon thilt the systtm will forecast likelihood of n ood Inci· dences In miljor citiC's nationwide ilS againSt the 1.1S1 year dOlVnpou r of heavy rainfall thilt brokC' somC'tiam thiltled to noodl ng in Sokoto and some othC'f SfiltC'S In the country .he sysleln whe n o~ra­ tional will pre~nte-conOll1lc losses suffered yearly by

Nige-rians as we-II as promote basic knowledge o n IssuC'S o f to some exten t will reduce noodlng to the barcosl mlnimum,~die-y said_ ThC' comrnitttC' was inau· gUrilted recently to work out modalities and mechanism for the establishmen t of Rood Early Warning SystelTI (FEWS) against thC' backdrop of 100 lTIany n ooding In major(ities including lagos. Mem!>ers of Ihe commlttCC' wert' drawn from federal and agenclC'S such as Nigeria Meteorolog)'. Natronal Emugency ManagC'ment Agconcy(NEMA} and UNIOO. Also, I(EED at a forum Coln· \'asset! the rt'form of agricu l[ural reform scheme- Tn the country. In the current sc he m C'. only less than I pe rcent farme- rs hu accC'Ss 10 Insurance cove r [0 protect them againSt the adverst erfcct of dimatechange. Over 90 per cent of crop production Is dependent on ralnfC'd, tin: sector (on· t ri butC'5 42 per cent of the country's Gross Domestic I'raduct and employs about 70 per ctnt of the pOjlulation of thC' workforce but confrontet! lvith limited irrigation system o f filrm lng. mC'<:hanlsation among other challenges. The 1!xC'CUl ive Director of [(fED, Mr. ElYah Eltri, who led the voices o f other stake-

nood which

holdC'rs, expressed that the Incosant cases o f nood ing a nd C'xtfC'me drought in so mC' p.ilrts of the country In rccC'nt time re:quired urgelll nC'ed to develop special insurance cove rs for the Nlge-nan rarnlers.. According to him. National Agricultura l InSUr;lO(CO SchC'me in t he cou ntry only restriCted agricu ltural insura ncl!' to on~ one comp'IIlY which provl . ed funding for only 500,000 farm trs. represl!'nling less thau l percemofthC'country farming population. But a climate cha nge bued InsuranCe sc heme would nOlon lyopen up the pil)eifne of funding 10 farmers through banks. but il lso protcct tl lC' m against also prot«t them ag..lnst cllmale change. he said. "TIle- ~ent masstvC' nnodIn~ In ugos is happening at a tIme we are also witnesslng extreme drou ght In some parlS of Northern Nigeria. This Is posing a grl!'.1t threat to NI~erlan agricu lture today. One of the medlOlln is ms lYe com use- to addrt'SS th is disaster (hat Is hilppen· ing is the InsurancC' mC'Cha· nlsm. But unronunatdy in Nigeria. the insurancC' ma rkC't is underdeveloped. less than 1 per cent of all Nigeria ramll~rs ha ve dCCC'SS to Insurance to COveT lhelr filrms.




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Bureau de

Change operators seek improved security at Lagos Airport


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PaIi!lml Chr, 'aMma. CeDtntl america..

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SUI\\'III.-n:eanDllIl"ll'fl'Uri This Is Just as the body advised mtcmbers of th e- public to

l'l'fr.Iin from pe:ldling fakr currt'OC)'C5JlC"d.11lyaround the .llrport. stadng that if cauWlI any violator would be h.mded OYer tothepolla. Vl~ Olalnnan of the- Ntwr1; BUl e-au de Change Complex, lagos Airport, Alha )l Ahmed Tijanl Ibnhlm made this known wh ile speaking \vlth jounullSlS against the backdrnpofrne ~suspC'ClS apprehe-nded by the police for trying rosell r.lke United SQtC'Scu~n· tyllmountingtoUSS2000tot!)C' bu~ilU.

III!' said:"'to """nl gm'C'OUTlC't1i to J.;now that \~ a~ dC'iln and do flO( deal 111 f.lli:eauT<:ncyand thtse people who come- in give us a I»d n;!1T1C' opedilily .11 theairport here whkh is tfie gale~yorlhenatIOTl.

"'Nt do n('(!(! tht police: to do more and we ha\''C' abo improved on OI.Ir sun'l!illaoce. I;'k knm... th~t O\o~r )00 members art' rcoglstered with us and they ha~ gWfilntnrli and we Imow them so th~ arc dismissed or handed O\'C'I" to' the pollee for anym01e.. In bet. we have rules and regu lations which they-abide to." S«'retary of the il!socIAtlon. Adamu Yllhaya.. who abo spoke to our cOl'TtSponde-nt ailed on the police to in\'nIigate the sourer: of the rake' currmcy and bri'!!l; the perpC'tuafOrS 10 book as thIS son of thing brings the rountty.toq~utt,. ____ _


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