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THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, August 3,2011


Govt moves to reduce farmers' post harvest losses From loR Nruunu. ~buja N a renewed elTon to m:lu~ post. ha~st losses often


rerorded I.Ir Nigerian rilrrnt!rs,

the r~e~ Govemment has rc'lter.ned its commitment to

strengthen commodity value chain (or inuColsed roOd sccu-


The Minister of Agricu lture and Rural De\~lopmenl, Dr. Akinwumi Adeslna, who attributed post hiuvtsl losses and poor remunerations (or the Nigerian f'lrmers to derisory markets (or agricul· rural produce. said th;1t the move was in IInl' with r reslde n t Goodluck Jonathilll's tr,u lSfotmation .lgendil 10 I't'posltion the SK-

lor. Adesln.l said t ins rKenlly in Ahuja d uri ng an inter,lctiYI'




Ministry and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), to discuss Nigeria's Incent lve·based RiSK Sharing Sysl ~ m for Agrkuhurallendlng (NlltSAL). for lh~ ~nlhron~Jll~nt of best praaIC~$ in agricullural lendin g. . To lhls r nd. h r malnLlined th.ll th~ minlsuy would collaborat r with the CB N 10 S1~ngthen mukrtlng inn itUllon5 10 de~lop an effKtlve m.ukrtlng rnfrastruclur~ for ,lgricu llu ra l commodllles. Hr nOled Ihallhe su~nglh­ ~n lng of commodil y .Ind rinance va lu~ chains had brcomr imprrali v~ if th~ farme rs wt'r~ to ~nloy Ih~ fruiu of their labour. . Unde r this paradigm shift,

the mlnlsle, disclosw that plans were underway to rebuild mral infrastructure like .lccess roads, effective transp<>niltlon. mukets, micro-finance Institullons, ilgric insurance, extension services and o t her ilgrlc . Inputs supply chain. In his remarks, the Minister

of State in tilt> ministry, A1h. Bultar 1i/.:ani said that the Fadama II project targeted s mall, m edium .Ult! large holder f.:anTlers to mnimlse ilgrlcultural productivity through the exploitation of available human and natural resources in the country. in his contributio n, Millam

SJnusllamido Sanusl.gover. nor of the Central Bank of Nigrria pointed OUt [hat commercia l banks wou ld find it difficult to extend lo.ans to farmers under a broken value chain of stOr.Jge. processing and marketing which posed gTt!.11 tisks to fanTlers.

1he Cenlr.J1Bank Govrmor the refore urged the fedenl Ministry of Agriculture and Rura l Ot'vrlopment to strengthen the commodity va tue chain 50 as to make agribUSiness mo re comprtirive. attractive a nd mutually bendlci .. 1 to f.. rmers .Ind Investors.

Govt urged to implement recommendations of institute research From Olarle. OgugbuaJa, Owerri 'T't-I E Federal GO\'e rnrnr nl ~ has lJeen urged 10 imple· ment filldings of rtsearch rfforn conduc:led by panic. ip.1nU of Nigeria Institute of Policy ,lnd SlJat~io: St ud i~. Ku r u, n los. Governur Rochas Oko rocha made th ~ apptal in Owerrj duri ng a dinner h~ld at Go\'e mTll~n l House, Owerri, ill hono ur of particijla ll u of Coursr I) of th~ institute who Sptll! aoom a \\"~k in the state, touring six local councils .. s pHt of thei r co ursr work. Okoroch.1 rioted that th~ academic ~ctiviti es done by the participa nts were Impcriltlve to the growth of

~~~h t~au!;~~~II~~ds11i~Jld t~~~ be thrown to the winds after enormous resources ,lIId thne hild been s pent. Sa id he: -The Federal Governmenl should take research rindings of the Institute of rollcy and Straregic Studies serjou s l ~ in imple me ntation. The leilde r of the teolm an!! the Acting Director. Monitoring and Evaluatio n. Abubaka r Alh aji Mohammed. noted that their tour in the state took them 10 six states where they intr ra cted with monarchs of the communities in thr counci ls, addine: that lhe trip was rewardlllg to th em.

HRM AI~tnorI RiIlwanlBabllunde .¥emu MloIu I. Obi olugos (left) and Ambasndor SeIU'l Apa, •. ch.:irlrman 01 Nigeriln Bonlinc Company Pic (NBC). al NBC'160 anni¥er-v. in UigO$. at rilCl wuktnd.

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