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Delt. increases bursary

IITA, others plan NI.9b scheme to boost yam fanning

to l.w~tes ELTA State Governo r, Dr.

D Emmanuel Uduilghan. "'as .Jnnounced ·00 per iJ.

ilnd ~tholic Reli~r Services

rm Incruse In die bursary tid to law gr.lldwl t'.5 of the ~Ie origin In LJw Schools ,cross the coulluy. Uduilghim , who ;mnounced the i l(re"sl.' from N50 ,OOo.c o to NIOO,OOO.DO ptf ,t l:dent while pne~nung I h<"qU6 10 benendaries yest~nlay In Moab'), said lh ~ I lcruse should take relfo! pective dfKt from lhl.' IdS[ Ioa(cll. In his s~ ,at th!!' rwnt. CommISsioner for Higher Education.


'1'1iE International Instltule .l or Tropical Agriculture (UTA) and a host oT p.umm: will soon begin ;a new Inltia· tiVt that wfil dramatically boost yam productivity ani:! double the fncornes of about lhlff million yam fMmers in W<stAfri<>. TIle project, Ihe Yam ImpfOY'l!fl1ent for Income and FOod Security In West AfriCc1 (YJIFSWAr. wnlcli is supponeil by '" SU million or Nl9 billion ji!;r.lnt!Tom the: 8111 & Mr:linda Gates foundAtion, will be led by rrTA In collaboration with the gOYl!rnments or Ghilna and Nigeria. the UK's Niltural Resources Insdtule(NRJ). th~ AlII",nce for a Green Revolution In Africa (AGRA)

I-Jo~ ~n·


Eghagha, enjoined thl!

dielaries to br!' good ambassadors of the Stille, fsp«lal·

ly as govrmmellt v~s pn> viding the schcllanh lp In spite or ( onlpt:ling demands.

OAU tasks nevi

Enugu varsity probes admission

students on studies fnlmTWj~O"l



J " dents




Awolowo Unl~nlt) (OAU). 1I~lre. Osun Stan, have been urged 10 refl"il n from any unruly bchaviOILr Glp.lble of leading to the d ' lsure or the unlvuslty ~ml c o n~ quenlly utend theh s :ay In thescliool. This year's m~trl c uLulon ~ unique as ~ se ~)luage­ nulan and retJ red ( o lond, l.iIylwola Ajeremi MegunJu , wa s dmong 5,000 students who g.l lned adm ission to study lilw at the university. A statemem ~ th t Public Relations Orncer o f the University, A.JltJdun Ol.arewaju, Slated th a t the Vice Chancellor (VC). Pro( Bamllille Omole, as! te<1 the studen15 to rdr;al .. from umoward conduct th;at might hamper a Citdemlc ;actfvlties_ Omole , who~el;a _al presiding over his nrst miltrlculatlon ceremony ;ami the 50th one for the uOIVI.'rsity since he assumed office as the VC ;about 10 llo nlhs ago, stated tha t the nuden15 ....'ere his own symbolICnrstOOrn-.


""'~idobags "



honourary d"lrOO m. Jam AkIbl, INrse E'O R his passion ;and servo r ice to humani ty, the Federal Univers it y o( Agriculture, Abeoku ta , will on May 4, 2011, co n fer an Honorary Doclor.lle Dtgrft on Gowornor Sule lanl'lo of awa Slate at the unl\'ersis 28th Convoudoo. ce Ch;aocellor o( Ihe unl· verslty, Pror.Olufemi Balogun, who disclosed this when h e paid acounesyall 011 Laml410 In his o ffice on Monday, said the school's Council chose the governor for the illI/;ard In rKOgnltion of his efforts In tr.msformlng ;ajpicu lture In IIgawa ",na rflgr riil "'t l;arge_ He SOlid the COu",\! and the Visitor 10 the un i'~ t! Ity, President Goodluc'k Jonuhan, unanh,ously ",pproved the choice 0 ' the gove.rnor for the honour. In his accept"'nce s peech. Governor l.iamldo salll he ~s el;aled to be honoured by the university, Hilling th"'tme ilWard would motr· VOIte him to do mo~ In thc sctvlc~ or /Igawa "nd Nigeria at luge.


FIOIIl Uwr8iaIIt*u,. EAlIII 'T HE Enugu Sld~ Univusiqr .l or Science .nd Technology ( ESUT) has constllut.ed a pan~1 to Im'e$Ugate: Its members of stilff illiegedly Involved in the Illegal Jami:;slon that led to the expulsion or 544 studems of the school. Vice Chancellor {VC~ ESlIT, f'ro(CypiYnOnyrJl. whodisdosed·this at th~ 31st mauiculatlon cClemony or the uniW't!Ity, also Si1ld the panel would review protests from some of the o:peUed stu·


He assured lhilt any studenlS found to have: been expe:lled in error would be reGllled whl\~ members or stafr Implicated In th~ allqrd admission racketcer· Ing wou ld be .unctloned_ Although On~i dkl not disdose the compos;itlon or the panel, he advised the marrlc· ulatJng students to LlU seri· ously thdr studies. warning that the Institution would not spdre any of them round In~ In aOIminalion fIliIlpractice. Restating that the school

has Iero-lolerance for examl· nation cheats. the VC SOlid II studenu of the university haW' been expelled and t4 others suspended follOWing their estabLished Involvement In examination mal·


He OInnounced that as part of measures to encourage aademic excellence In ESur, espeda.ily among the stu· den15, scholarship now ",willts students who made a cumulatlw: grade point OJW'r· age (CGPA) oT 450. On~jl said such students

Nnamani gets court's nod to travel for treatment ................ UJRMER """""" " Enugu CStalt!, ~ Nnamani, ~terday

got leaW' from


FedtraJ f-IlgtI Coun In l.agos to

tram;a~ to lre;n iln undlsdo5cd illimenl Nnamanl, who ~ pilk ill 1M hearing of hb modon on notice file(! by his cou~~ IUdqo TiI(ar (sAN~ h.i!od u~ the coun for iI 1uw: to tra\oeI ~rstilS for whill his doctor desaibed ;as -OIl. long avrnilX: medial lreaanent". 1ht a<cused. who is iIIso a rormer senator, was IiISl ~r ~ .Hr.1lgned ",longslde his erstwhile commissioners .nd some ofhl5 compil.Rles on '" 124count cha~ of a1~ money laundering .nd KOnomlc oiJne 10 the: tune of about N5 billion by the &::onomk ~nd Arwnclal Crirrno:s Commwjon


However. In OI motion on

notia: daled March 28, lOU.oo

brought pursuant to Order 24, Rules t,2,] of the: Federal Hhlh Court Ovil Procedures Rures 2004 OII.ndSections 6(6)(E).36(5) ilnd 41(1) of the 1999 Constitution as OImended., NnollTwnl pr.I~ the court for .n order 10 tmId atxo.d on the ground of III he.lth. In support or me motion was 01 ~ragraph alJld.tvit, iI wtit· 1m .iIoddress and rour exhibits marbd exhibits ARlo AIn, A8J .00 AIk, ;as wd1 ;as iI sIx-pa~ graph addUjonal ilffidilvlt dilted March 29 and .m exhibit nwiIzd \oIIhich was a medIal rtpott by Dr. Segun [);awudo, ptiysldan to Nrwnanl, stating the need (or till! former governor to go on WJHlI mftiIal therapy 1J'm".


= But

counsel [0 lhe EFCe. Rklw.rd Magilii. In iI tJ!· p,U<lgr;tp:h counter.. mdilvtt dilled !.prll).opposed the ilpplicallorl on ground5 th,u II was not SUP:' ported With suffidmt DliIteriaI disposition 10 Wilrranl the coun togr;1nl It. According to the prosecu-

tlon, the medlul doctor In Eahibit ARt railed to dlscIosr the natul"l' of the illlmml nor did he stale Utilt he was an expmontheilllmmt In his ieI:. to< The prosecurlon counsel, who !'died on the QSt of Abadw II; the SLUt'. rtportt'd in the mta-ated 'Nreldy Law Report (fWLR) Pm 98 II. 81, at Pages 899-900 where the Supmne COlIn In th.J1 CU!: ~ the

:O~S~re~~~I~f. mmt but rather wing Ihcskk· ness ;as iln alann, urged the court to dismiss the .ppUcalion.

But'tlf.u, In his reoIvon point oIlav(SliIled tNt thiCU!:dtt'd was not T!!levant as It was an ilppUatJon f'ora He, there~ lIfRI!d the COUrt to grant the aPP]li::aHon. iIS he hOld ~lted suffident milteriilLs bdi:n the court. IncltJd. Ing the qualification or the medical doctor who wnxe the enable the roun I!XI!Tdse Its dlscn!t\on juditiousl¥ In his ruUng on the ilppb tion. the lriill ludge, justice Otarks Archlbon~ ~I~d the prOS«Ullon s objection ilnd granted Nnamanl ru..'(! 10 tr.tvd ilbroad and rome back the next ildjoumrd dilte.

would enjoy free tuition for one ilcademlc year and would be addrr:ssed as "Unlvet!lqr Scholars-, The students could .Iso milln the!hlp ilnd study rrftly untJlthey g~du. ate I tJley.scored up to 4,0 CGPA in their subsequent )'eat! or study.: The VC rurther disclosed Lhilt iI programme OIlmed at encouraging and rewarding excellence fn tr:Jlclilng and rn:earch OInlOng academic staff or ESUThasbeen put In

pL= Under the progtil:mmc, Ony.:11 SOlid two awarus entJ· tied: "Distinguished Teachers' Award and "DlSdngulshed Researchet!' Award"lwYr been Instinnecl 10 motiY<lte academic stAff excel In their various fields or


of the aw;ards would smile home with N3 million yearly. Four thousand fresh stu· den15 fIliItrlrul"'tecl Jlt the .,.nL

The YJIFSWA project will focus on incfe",slng yields through beller sced tuber supply and Improving mar· kets for the underground edl· ble tuber. Yam WiU nrSl domestiated by African fann~n 7.000 ~ars ago. Todil14 48.1 million tonnes of yam aT!! produced yearly ;across 4.4 million hect;ares or land In West Africa's -Yam Belt~-which extends !Tom Cote d'ivolre to Nigeria, representing CM'r 90 percent of the gIoNI produc-

tion. Speaking on the initlativl!. Dlrector-General, UTA, Dr, Nt~r;lIlya 5.ilnging<l, said: -Rlght now; most urmerscul· tivarr tubers of yam mainly for household consumption, but If ~ can Increase )'kids. while also Improving milr· ketlng condn..ions, then many of these fanners should be ilble to earn a steady Income from growing


~m prices have been rising In «<enl)'edrs ileaUSC' there is a slrong demand for the crop In Africa. OInd even In places like Europe "'00 the United States (U.s,). where rapidly growing West African Immigrant communlues Stili hilve a big appetite for their tradilionally preferred SIiI· pie.· The YJIFSWA proj«t is an ambitious, multifil«ted RYe)'edf effort with iI vision of doubling the Incomes of three million sm.lI ·hold~r fannlnjj: bmilia TIle Inttial focus or the proj· t!U is on 200,000 smail-lloJd· r:r rilnn Camllles In Gh.Jla and

~f~~; r!'ilia~e::~=

A key priority Is to ensure thai affordOlbfe pest and disease-frft ser:d y;am ilrt' ilVoIIiI· able to bnners. along with storage ilnd h.ndllng tech· nologles that ciln reduce post.flarvest loss.

J1lJ9J'SALES!! ......



Tab ~ 01 OU' SEASONAL SALES PACKAGE_ .,';,.. FREE GFT VOUCHERS. O&r IaIt 110m 1M of AprIl fa lOCh '"

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