SundaY. NQo.'eJllbe:r 4,2012 )45
"1'1-t:I'c<lcRlGuYann'k:fIt,lhroughlhe~ I ltdllYl:SOncnl PrOjpdIl~.ISx{ IOrooU1'll:nl..~ IllolUllo'l' n...e "'mung .II the bulk ot UOllld Dun ill
N.bdidYl" SUI.:
t.liniSlu ollnlorm.tUull. Me 141wu.n M.aku. WI
eot Ihb..n the ~Lrnd. \00 h.."fI he' Il'\J d l1e1c.'g,.I1JOO
uI tIIeNdlk.ltwJC,;oooj~L"lourlOW (lulna Dilm. lk Wd"ll'Wfllllk'flllS rdwbLllldung utlr.struaw-... Ullhc "LKc, Inchawllg thr Img;tlaon PUII~ to )I.ut 1iI.... produruon on the Wnk
.... Ih('(1.lIo nexI ~..r. Ihc' dam, ~ i1k-h h.l:s th... (dp..lly lor u.s nuillon •ubic mcUd" l!> t.lll"hk 01 Img,a.l1ng 2000 Ilt'O.w..,ol bon.!. -lllelllfl;lSljl,.ll.1.w ....-MolL.uwki, -Iwobeoen Wd .&Ito.! b to!Aly.lk-IM. .... wballhegllwnUfl('fll b.u duc~.ln tt(.)!'8llUllO undtor the SUR.E Prugr.mUflC. Ii IU~'" SUl1'Ie uI the monty ttw w..' oI'L" fa:UWflJl8 from sulbkly raiUctiOIl on ' ..... ruk·Ulil pnx.lUCb to .qcriCUAurt'. '*f1I1 Doillol lliun IS ono:o Of the (0:'I1U15 v.~ 'WI!: ~ usmg 10 promote na production. ;ht govnnmrnlM gMn SOIT\Ie money to mdtUSI ttwo pumps.uk! ~ ... the irTipuon Infrr \I,", Hm~lh.u IUIi~()Il groun,J.\O LJldl from IIC'JlI Lunungk.lWn. w..-OPl"t IO~" IIW,Wft uI ..UVlUd in lomJ.l) ot aaUoll prooJu.:lJon ull1I..t'
Guinness Boss Laments Poor Consumer Purdlasing Power
I""'HAIRMAN (.II GUlOnl$S NlgeI"W Pic, Mr. \......Bor,~lunde S.wOIge. h.u 'lUnbutrtl tJ~
da.lillc In pUrth.ulng powt'rol coruurnen to II"'~ In Iud pnc:e olnd mrupun;alion lOiL He also wid the 8olto II~TiJm IRsurgeocy in tile nonh I~ ~uycly ;lflcctcd tfils year's aonomic pt'1'furm.;uKC!.. ~v ..gt'. wllo spuU m:enLly.u the shardlold.m lorum In ugos. noll!<! WI the <119 PH cwt hike In fud pumplmce, which led to dOllbUng of pr1cH IOrconsumcr goods olod mmponillion, plIt pfHSU~ on dlipoYble Income o(thr publk. which aCftcts boctom IJ.nto of buslnes.scs. "Although the ~enIl ~r nurUt dedJned, CUlIlI1CSS br.llldf SOllie incne:Hftt in the year: Ocspilc sllff compelluon, HMp U:gef ker
ECA Introduces Model To Advance Policy, Economic Planning
[OnUIlUcd to suSU!in irs po$IlM momrnrum '" hs 20U prrfunnancegr_ .mr<lld of Lut
polICy rtSc.lrrh 00 Afna..
111!'t!XpWinftl ltu.t Impaa or the newwlcs Ulll iJillgn 'Bot fnlO)'~ IVim JUrp: .lind the bUnch of ucltmg 1D~lion. the brand ""II·
S<aJon. '",no",k nt mil NEPAD OI\Uion ofU Dr.AdmlE1hJrilikd.v.-ho ushenod tJ)I! i.nnov~ tool to
II~ mol'\!' ~.,;o:pt.lbility.
IrullJilll under lhe i1uspt<e5 of UNECA Solid: ·rhe ()(IANS wdJ$at.e b lhr first of Its lund \\It belieYt
"A1~. Snumofllcc cx.hlbncd. strong growth in voJumt.' 'Uld ..... lul! comp.trcd to Wt year," he gld, oMidmg Ih.t the prrformanu!
dwtlhrlnl~tooIw!lI b:oxne Jo WlIqUc! hub rur mJ.ln~~Jond Integraung INClOtc.OIlOll\1C and secunl pollodi in
".u dnv . . n by inc~ased .utvutmug. ~Iva&e S,IId: the com~ny ~ rKOmmend\"d. dividend uI rKOlUm... nd~ 800kobo per ~~ for the Wr... ho lders He saKJ Ihe company b commin~ 10 conduct IU bU51flOS in iI socl.lUy r~ponslble
RiIlIOOolI ~ment Slrattog.ld..· TIle Ollef EconomIC Mooder Jot Applicod DM-Iopment Rdo:.udt
Young Entrepreneurs Urged To Imbibe Honesty
. .--
BustneSlCS., Coogk NIgcrv 8unnu a.rt)oJond.!.wyn; TOSUI AIOSe otwb!un.whosp!JC\SOI""Nwsummn I II.lYe ~n «ivts«IIO 1nUt! ~ wtuch~ Jobou[ 70 pmiClp;utts WId tJ~ WillLhwon1, budd truslln them- .111 cntrqx\'ueur InUSl be qUIck .n spot)t;lvn.md k.un from theircxp61-
~enl.J t'Pn:IM."Un; u llhecowIUY
u.ng oppommloo.. filling Jo n«d oiItNt auUng i1lirsl OUI of iIIly 5J1UiItI01l.
the best policy In busancn. Then= ~ il1w.1y1. ch.I.U.eilges, bot)urn from
think of oil frHh persp«ttve.. AaORling to hun. honesty rt:miI.ins
nma: with )OM 1.:1I~.nd .mooat.es.. Beitew- U1 )OUr.wd( PI."opIe an buWl,
Forum Tasks Government On Poverty Alleviation
T IFr~ ttovertyOrga.nisalion(I.APO},.nrD()WIgUll,M. oncwy businassununit ~ny ",lIevliuion Insl.J[Uljon. held ItS 191n Ulganbc.'d In ~ by a )'OUth b.ued Anmw Dm!lopment Forum In Benm Gly! thr group.luniOrCNmllerlntemiluorul EdoSUte caplta~ last week whue It alled on Llgos ~~ governme-nt to n=.1OtVate-: Its fight i1pUUI powr-
The communJqulllOl.~ thedearth.ofphysluJ oimd IOdiII tnfra)tructu~.cross the- ,ount~ k..d· e-nhlp dlililenge-.OO urged NJgenans selec1 ho~ est, commmed.OO J»Uiouc lndlv!?~1s Into \eldenhtp POSitions ,In future elections. CAhtr~Jotthrevent~ ty. Conun.endlnglAPOscommllmC'ntlopoveny Ikb.iness: -From ide<1 tomrt-tlp ~ In an eight·point communl~lissu~ .lIthe .Ueo.1.JUon. they urged tbe-:gOftnlment to prothe MilI~~ ~iIIld end of me forum .nd signed Gener.tl mote small and lnewurn ~ enterpr1ses PromOOons Kunle":OnJ.If~ Mafl<1~r,Siblfl<1ld(M"U-Osth me-: puticl(S.\1Es). boost fnod productIOn through mechaNunder.lLAP AltiQ., Nddf Nwund.I; ~nts utged govnnment to idenllCy.nd Implenised tinning iInd implement the Universal menl polides m.r would KOnomiCaUy t'IJ1powu bute EdUGlt10n (UBE) pollcyon providing. mN! Product ~Small toMtdlum the. poor KrOSS the country. per cby for puplfs In prim.ary schools In the COWl-
try. In hiS ~Icorne .ddres.s, LAI"O ExecuUveDirK1or,Mr. Godwill EhlgiilmUSOe'. who Slid the o~niQtJon IS committed 10 KOnomic. heoillth .nd SOClilI em~e-nt of low-illCOme ra m ers. lAPO Devdopment Forum Is iIIl iIJUlua1 n'f:nt. which brings p<1.ltIdJWllS rrom dvll society
o~dons. ~e~gcM!mmt:nt.lndumy
.00 Infannal business sector togaheTlO ~ issues me\'ilnt to poYI!:rty illItviation .00 sodiIl wt:libclng of 1M country.