MIRO DG On Cassava Bread, Food Security HInIn: . . . . Asata Sol ofno.tll\lng . t lem.lIN1n's tnrufOflTlo1tion AgmW.lhe DlrKtorGmeT;a1 or 1M kdenI
InsUtutl'oIlndUSO'lillI ~uch Oshodl (FJlItO~ Dr
GloN Ekmolw;co1ll1'don Ihr ~tJOn.IIlAurmblylornKt
IcgHLmon th.u wfli comptl !'lOur milm to Incll.ldt'~ In flour Mrs. &mo. who ~poU In As.IboI dunng thI' AnnUli GeTteRl fI,~ngorthl! Nutrition Socitty or Nlgf"IY. whI'no she WoIS INdr .lI lrllow, ~Incd tlwt thr mtttuno 01 C;m.JV.lI,Ind whr ..1 bythr mllll'" wiDgoillon1t W.lI)'tn YVlng thr counlryo1 qJbst.1~ tl.al mIOOnt or monrywtlkh would ~ brorn usM in IhI! im port;ltiort 0( wnut. "hI'disdosrdWI from 'nIf· vrycoodootd ~ Ihto iMOlUtr. thr inclusIOn of (;I5'W\~ In Ilouran ~,Itr thrn' mJllkln jobs wtlkh is subsunU,Il .lidding thill il WllI.I!so br.ll soomolfood K't"Un!y.llS g.Jrri, fufu. Chips.. gllK~ Mlheshtt ",nd $0 nun)' ath"" products.llre dmYrd from as-
Shr wid thoit -Vb«k In thto 70s ROO h.lId .lIlrudy worbd on CoUS.lI'\~ Inclusion In bre.ld o1nd h.lId with thI' \lo1nd.lrdis.J.
1100 oIthr 1'Kl('lt, nnr COln hudly dirrmnll.nr bre.lld lhill h.u G'tQ\~ WIth Ih~ lhoil h.J\ll'IOOJlf'fCml~~ilL
~ DlrrctorGnlnoll SOlid: "Thcrl' I~ no probInn In thr R&f)wtuch hoi~brorn donrilnc:l
fouhl' nurkrt..A11 we
nffit now I1lmplrmt'nLllllon, In<lumn ri(thl fmm the m,ukrt. Thr(tl1Ynnmml b("J!'ilt·
log th(' n«~ry,lW.UTf~ ,1rMhboLllrlrrsh~bttn
lI'1ouscd on whrill iI bit. This is 10 mcour.JKt' local indUDOn
~nrM 10~lhrlrg:W.lllon
.lIloog 10 k2isLur Inmw tfUll
noun In Nlgm.a ~houkliltw..)'S
coolollln,l «nolin pnunLligf'
of aNv.II flour." Shfo LUnnurd thollt!lOO'll' boIk· ~ ~ bttn u~inlt GISSo1V.l
to Mlullffillr (Mir Rou~ hoi beoc,mSl' 111m! Is no proptt:
docurtlmLlilinn.lt vnydlffi. cult loaltgoric.lJlyptnpolnt IhI' ofTmdlng boIkmn. Acmn:Ilng loMn. Einno, 1M
Imp&emmL1tinn ofthi' polK'll Isdifficuil.llSlt 1$l'I0II euym m monllor IndMdU.t1 boIkmebut IflhtlOUl"Ct' IS from thr f1ourmi~ then 11 ciln b( usllytMnllomi Ir Iht
flour In tlv m.ulm conwns
some pm:t'f'It. of c.tU.1\~
ShtMldrd:"You don't ~ tD lnat lhl' tndlvidUolI b.l1rrts ID iIdd USS.lIViI on thor own braUSot)Ool an'l Sl.llnd.lrdisr it. 'ttJu won't knowwhtno Ihry
.lind III nutntlOUS form lhill tin fIlM illi thr I"KfIrT'Immd I'd dtrUryillklwollltt. Tht nuin pmhInn we M~ Is to TNDfNltv UIUiu wNl WI' tuw--
from .lind If it Is prupnfv pl'OCe'lscd To I'fUUno Winduds ilnd roc thl' lmplrmmt~ Oonlobel'rr«t1~ II should
Thr ATRo ~ ..moUN thll
tl1m! Is,l n«d 10 borrow '" lr,l( from Ihr Unilrd Kingdom (UK) whrrr wi"wooll I~ m;l'(ll1\.oll,,· uti h1r.lnd.lllo;o h.n~rnollgh 10 <I'll 10 the> world, Lunmllnll Ih~ Iwoll\"y fond Imr"'"'fulion
By IIv ttmr we st.lbill7t, 1M dtfimtrly filII. II is.lIlnolIlln-ofnrTwoInd CM{ or linun will
SOt nplolIlnt'd lhill tMCOUil' IryW.llSfnod Juffiriml bill th.ll
Imported Fish, Threat To Local Fishing Business
1M fNjOf rmbkm W.lIS In tlv
ilre.l or proaulng.llnd rrewr·
lagos To Host Maiden Sea Food Festival 8y F.... oa..Jr'ld a.,.~ TN Its hic:l(1) ~tlmul.1lt 1m-~1T'II'f'I1 potmllill .lln rd.mon lo~u.aculturr .lind .lIrtl-'wn.11
fhhmn. thl' I..1gos SUit govtmmt'lll i~ org,lOwn!!: l15m.aidmkil food FnuV<1l,ilS p;1In of la dnve 10"'tLllIn pottntiill in A.gnculrure su~rn.1ncr: ,Ind 10urum.
l.- c-.a..d~ ... ~Ptn::.GboIIIwt~*frII:""-"Seaetay.yllatu
(IIjIdI ~ rWw.... s... Sc-dTI~ IOGow. r..... ~ f'obft FunII. .... pr.-~
lIJ.,I ~Confl'f"l'l"lre ~d.ll I A!.lUU. I ~ 10 umoril thl' loRa of dw: fntlv.1 l, thr St.1lr Comm\s<i:lOn(1"lor IIgJicuiturt .lind Coopenltvn, PnnctGbobh.ll n LilWoII. gid l~at.J~ for pu~~food b;tck on thr cuhnuy olI8f:nd.I b rOC"lhl' ~Il·bring of ~gosbns. ...~ well.ls fOl""dw: pooqtkmlng lhl' Jtiltr on thr InltrNUorW rourum m;ap. H~ nocrd that thr ~l'hlCOlI cNrxt~ uaor tht SUII' f.MXl r t:mnf'ndous fish ilnd sufood product;on, which Is lilt prntomtno",
occupollUon .lImong ptOpIt' IlVing.llkmg thl'
CO.JSt;l.I UC!.lI o f thr ~,Ilr. olIdding thilt the ~tt r;::nment hil~ mMfr cooct"f1ffi trron~ to fl~h productIOn for ~UWlHlolIhl~ rconomk (\nTI· ""~,
1h~ rnmml<~kJl'lcr qollrd
thilll"'" of Ihi'
thin~ thl' stolI ll' in lmd to olIChi~ dunn" Ihf' rl'"\ll\~1 SUIi'd for 5.ttuT"d.lly, Noo.'mlOO 10. 20Uill Eko AJ.Unlka~ I/ktona h l.J nd. ~gt'115 is 10 «,I~ bult 1M ~t.llIC·S tJ.ldillOllo1l drl~.lInd InolIr
IIITIll' hnitagt. d~1op Mtworklng ilmong it.J;icrhoklftj .lind positl\Tlyl m p.llC1 1m- rcmomy of IhI' ~Ir • .lImong othrn.. ·PolIn or thr "'Clivlties Of thr ft1tlv.1 l ~l l1 l ndudt ~Ibilkm by fisllnfollcs, fish and v.arlous srollf~ menu ",nd tingrr food ~ndo~.lIS ~u ;u; othnmdl tlon.1l dlnrn, O(lvr culln.1ry strvlcts, food mm:holIn15 ,lind p~,Imon(t ot~ ",111 be In ilUmd.1nct to th nll thr 8\!~
Wllhil hTmId r.ln gco f fu:h .llndsril 5}l«ie from LIgas W~ltT"\,· ht adde1.