THE GUARDIAN, 5 April, 2011

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'IHliGuARDIAN, Tuesday,Aprii S,20ll

IITA, World BaIlk move to curtail food contamination in Nigeria By Roseline Okere 'T'1iE International Institute 10f Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the World Bankare collaborating to curtail contamination of food crops by aflatoxins, as the nation is planning to make agriculrure the main driver of its economy. The new approach, which includes draWing a road map to taclde aflatoxins, is part of the Commercial Agriculrure Development Programme (CADP) that is being supported by the World Bank. The new initiative is being imple-

mented in Kano, Kaduna, Enugu, Cross River and Lagos states. . National Co-ordinator of CADP, A.M Babandi, said at the weekend that the move was a major step by the government to ensure food safety and food security. According to a statement from IITA, AspergiIlus flavus produced by the fungus aflatoxins are fungal contaminants that hurt trade and people's health. Studies have indicated the they cause liver cancer in humans. In some cases, such as in

Kenya, aflatoxin-contaminated maize consumed resulted in several deaths. Poultry and fish areparticularly vufnerable to aflatoxins, which influence their productivity. In Nigeria, resource-poor maize farmers face rejection fro.m the premium food market due to aflatoxin contamination. The collaboration among Nigeria, IITA, and the World Bank will roll out and make availa ble to farmers a biocontrol product called aflasafe that would stop the aflatoxin menace.

aflatoxin fontamin.a tion by about 80 to !lo pen'ent The efficacy of allasafe earned the product a provisional registration from National Agency for Food, Drugs, Administration and .Control (NAFDAC). Stakeholders including farmers' at the meeting in Ibadan discussed efforts to stem aflatoxin spread. They unanimously agreed that a collective action was necessary to tackle allatoxins, with Nestle considering supporting farmers with training on

Commenting on the development, !ITA Pathologist, Ranajit Bandyopadhyay stated, 'this is . good news to farmers beca use they now have a solution to the problem.lf farmers apply aflasafe, they can sell their maize at premium prices and above all ' it would guarantee the safety of home-grown food and nealth of consumers. In on-farm research trials in Kaduna State-north central Nigeria - during 2009 and 2010 , farmers, who treated their fields with aflasafe were able to reduce the levels of

pre- and post-harvest handling of maize including storage. Senior Operations Officer, World Bank, lucas Akapa said the meeting was a success as partners agreed "to develop a holistic strategy to help Nigeria fight aflatpxins." "At the end, we hope to have a road map, which will be driven by Nigerians with the purpose of ending the menace of aflatnxins, enhancing farmers ' income, and ~uar­ anteeing food safety, he added.

Qatar Airways unveils biggest promotion in its history "11\KlNG the level of excite- Executive Office Akbar AI 1 ment to new heights, Qatar Baker said: 'The launch of our Airways yesterday, unveiled 100 th destination is a great the lon/hawaited highlight of milestone in the success story its 100 destination launch of Qatar Airways. "Since our campaign - a 'two for the price re-Iaunch just over 14 years of one' ticket offer, marKing ago, the airline has grown the biggest promotion in its from strength to strength at a 14-year history. phenomenal pace, and this The Doha-based carrier will remarkable achievement of reach the historic milestone reaching 100 destinations oflOO destinations on April 6, would not have been possible with the start of flights to the without the loyal support of Synan city of Aleppo. our customers, who have supIn celebration of the signifi- ported our business over the cant achievement, Qatar years. Airways will launch the 48"Our 100 th destination hour global promotion from launch is a perfect opportunimidnight today. ty to say 'thank you' to all our Starting from 6 April 2011 (at customers, valued partners, 00:01 hrs) .to 7 April 2011 (at corporate and leisure trav23:59 hrs) customers from e\lers for making Qatar around the world can book Airways their airline of choice. 'Through this amazing globtwo tickets for the price of one on al promotion, we are pleased Bookings are based on the to give back and to share this time zone they are booking historic moment with our from. customers. It is also a great This never-seen·before Qatar way for those who have never Airways offer is valid for travel flown with Qatar Airways between May I, 2011 and June before to try our service and 10,2011, with travel to be com- _see how our Five Star service pleted by June II, 2011. sets us apart from others." Qatar Airways Chief added AI Baker.

Chief Executive Officer, Telkom SA. Jeffrey Hedberg (right); and Mr. Chairman and Founder, Visafone Nigeria, Jim Ovia, during the signing of agreement on lake-over of Telkom by Visafone. in South Africa, last week.

First Bank appoints Eke Executive Director Dale: J't!ollday April 18, 2011 Time: 9.00am. - 5,30pm, Venue: (Food of the SU/I) Eko Hotel & Suites, ~1clo,.ia lslaud, Lagos. p t·· t' C . d It No.


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N harmony with its ongoing corporate transformaItion, First Bank of Nigeria Pic has announced the appointment of Mr. Urum Kalu (UK) Eke as Executive Director, subject to the approval of Central Bank of Nigeria.

The appointment is geared to further enhance the capacity of the Executive Management and Board, by

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(MBA) in Project Management Tech nology. He has extensive experience in banking, spanning over 26 years with exposure in auditing, conSUlting, taxation; process engineering, investment banking, commercial financial advisory services and capital market operations. Eke was until his new appointment, Executive Director, Regional Businesses, Lagos and West, Diamond Bank PIc. An astute professional, Eke has attended various executive management programmes in top rated business schools, including Harvard, Stanford, Lagos Business School, as weII as lESE Spain and Oxford University. Eke is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International. He is married with children.

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