1HE GUARDIAN, Tuesday; luly 5, 2011
SHESTCO ready to commercialise its nitrogen fertilizer, says DG Tli.ANS are underwa y by the C SHEDA Science and Tec hnology Complex \S IUSTCOJ 10 comrnerclalise IU ·slow-release" nitrogen fertili ser tha t wou ld help boost food production In the country. The Cou ncil's Director· General. Prof. Sunday Thomas, d isclosed t his o n Sunday In a n Interview with the News Agency of Nigeria In Abuja. Thom",s said the council had su cc~s fully t ~ted the fertili5er and could now be produced In commercia l quantity for use. He, h owe~l, explained that the commercialisation of the commodity wou ld require adequate supply of raw urea, which is a major ra w m;lIerlal, as well as fund s to f.1cilitate the proc~s.
·We have done field trial: It has worked wel1. Normally when yo u ha ve a product !lice thfs, t he fi rst trial is carrird out In .1 con tro lled atmosphere. "If we h.1\'f' .1dequa re fund ing, we can carry out our pilot proj· ect [0 move the process from illaboratory srulng beca use that is what we n«d U we a re to producr on .1 large sc.1 l e,~ Thom.u said. He said thilt one of prot>. tern! In commercialislng Its findings wasthr difficulty In finding entrepreneu rs tnat were wi11 ing to invest in a project.
Thomas ~xp~ss~ conOd ~n c~ In t h~ s ucc~ss of th~ f~rtiliser, addi ng that with funds, the cou ncil would p roce~ with a pilOt prol"I. H ~ .sa.id th.lt for the country to mo ve fon.yard technologicall y! research nndIngs shoulo be moy~ from the laboratori~ s to the entrepreneurs. Thomas noled that if the council could produc~ fertiliser in commercial qUOin· t lty, it would be [UrnI'd from being lust a r~s~,lTc h centre Into a n Innovative organisation. H~ expressed the hope that the council would get supply of urea to enable it produce th~ ferti li ze r, which Is made from urea and maiz~ cobs, in comm~rcla l quantity. Acco rd ing to him. farm ~C5 would apply the ·slow· release" fertirlse r only once in a y~;u as It was d~s lgned 10 re l eas~ nitrogen slowly, unlike th~ urea f~rtili se r, which must be applied two to three times In a family season. · We modified the uTl~a fertUlser to produce a fertili se r th,n would not leach easIly and that would slowly re l ~as~ nitrogen that plants need," he salil. Thomas Said th~ council was al so looking at posslbil· ity of producing an organIc-based f~rtlliser fro m th~ seeds of a giant known as " Moring; lelfera·.
Firm launches online stores a bid to provide a plat- lastlcworke nvironment for IforNform fo r wealth creation our employees, uphold young Nigerl.1ns,.1 lead· reci procal rtratlonship with Ing' glol)al interne t trade rirm, M.1nna~la rt On line limited Gro up, h.1s 1 a u n c h e d www.Manna5totes.com. a procurement company\vlth pl'fience In UK a nd Nigeria_ The Ollef Executive Orncer, MannaMa ri Group, I\yoola Be nson Ola rewaju, made this known in a stdtement
suppliers and exceed the expect.1tion o f customers with due regard for the envl· ronment". He noted that therrare limItless opportunities on the Internet, thus, we can redi· rect the e nergy of our yout hs to embrilce these opportunities and where thue are constralnu, we
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Sell kerosene N50 per litre, rPMAN urges members ."..EIndependent ~eum the NNI'C s hould make the .lMuke:ters Association of Nlge:ria (lrMAN), Western Zone Olaptef. has Itppeolled to members to sell kerosene at the official pump price ofN50 perlitrt'.. The Chainnan of rPMAN In the lone, Mr. Olumide Ogurun.lde, m.lde thr apPeill o n Sundayln LagO$ In.1n IIlterview with the Nrws Agency of Nigeria. Ogunmade said the ,ilSsooatlon had constituted monitoring committees tholt wouldensUR't.hat th~prod uct
was sold at the pump pritt. He said ItS membrrs we.re law· abiding and wouid not go contr.lIyto gove.rnment rures and regul.1tions o n sale of kerosene. To e ns u~ tha t ~ry Nigerian hold access [0 Ihe procfuct, Ogunmade said
product av.r.1I.1ble atall times. He said IPMAN was ready to ensure that the lingering cri· sis assoclollW with kerosene purdl.1SC' was addmsed. Ogunm.1de, however, urged tne NNPC to give !Ph-iAN members' sufficient products to distribute across the countJ)t ~ have Infonned ourmembers who m:ti~ kerosene to ensure that they sell at N50 perlitretoavoidbeln!J:embar· rassed by t he disaplinary committee a nd sutveillance
-Anybody caught selling the
pnxfuct atxM the NSO pump pria v.ill be sanctionm and penalised for going against the rules and regulat1ons,~ Ogunmade salll
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