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lHE GUARDIAN, ~'~ n l.'sday,oaober 5,2011


R11ess Moneywatch P23

Compulife P25

Public procurement practice and Nigeria's future

Mobile money payment still raising dust close to debut

O.i! prices sllstain thl-ee-day 51 ide on rising crude supply


UDE o il plict'S d ropped for C third day In N'!w York as investofli specula[er \ that fuel demand wi ll falter ilmid slowIng g lobal growth -mcl ri sing s u pplies. Goldrn ;- n Sachs Group Inc. lo~rd Its 2012 foreGUl for IIr~ nl (p lde. Crude o il for NovemberdeliveI)' declined i!.S Illu-:h as SI.69 to S7S.92 a barrel in electronic t ra d ing on th e Hew Yo rk Merca ntile E:';(hil nl!~ and was a t S77.16 at 5:10 p.m. Sydn ey time. The Conlr.l (\ cn Monday fell 2 p<'r cenl 10 m Y; I, the low· es t dose since Septem ber 28. 20 10. r ri co: are dQ .vn 16 per centthlsrear. Brent oi fo r Nov:=n lbe r settlement sli pped O.J p ~ r ~nt to SIOl.40a barrel on d ie l ond on· l>ilsed ICE Fulu rl' ~ EuroJl e exch ange. The Euro pean benchmark m ntracc was at a premiu m o f S24.16 tt , New Yo rk cnde. co mpa red wi ha reco rd 0[ $26.870n Se ptem ler 6. FUluresslidas mu cilas2.2 I>er cent .. fterf.. 1!ingon ""ondayto the 10w~S[ scnlelllel, t In more tha n a )'t'a r. Eumpem leaders indiCilted llt at inve'iton may ha ve to take blWr l')Sses IhJJI previously im um e-O on Gree k del::L

Group Menaging Director and Chief uCl:Uli ve Officer, Stclting Bank Pic. Ade~emi AlIeol a (left): Chairman. A!hajj Suleirnan Arle gunwa: and Company S~cre talJ, Ms. Justina lewa. at the b a l1~·s cllu r1 'lIIdered meeting. In lagos, last lftek.

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Nigeria's signatory to EPA inimical to manufacturing sectol; says Soludo

By n.o~im Ohere

Even when Vie had the discretion to choose our I:'ORMER Gove rne r of th e r Ce ntral 8<l nk o r Nige ri a own terms, Nigeria has largely signed away any (CBN), Pro f Charle ; 5oludo, has co nd e mn ~ Nige ria's sig- room to maneuver. As the WTO plus' imitative nataI)' to l he t.: uropeiln under the EU-EPA with ACP countries goes on, Union·Economlc Pdrtnershlp one cannot help but wonder whether Nigeria's A~mem (ElJ.EPA'. describing it as unfavoural, le treaty national competitive interest is on the table. (0 Nlgerla's icldustrl a l growl l.. 5olud o, wh ile d eJ iverinl;l: a lectu re titled; "u n Nigena's Manufacturing and rharnla ce ulical mduslry Co ml>ete". at th e It, I yt"a rly natio nal co nfer( nc e of Nigerian Associa tio n of Ind ust ri<ll Pha rm adas(NAIP) rece ntly In l agos, sla ted thilt

Nigl!!'rlJ md Y become mere tl"<td ing and cons umpti o n POSt, if the agreement COlnes mto e ffe<L .... ccordlng to hi m, spec-mc groups wilh JXllitical powt'r use lhat power to secm-r gClVemment's Inte rven tio n to protect dl l!!' ir Interests, whil e claiming to sl't"k benenu for

the nation as a whole. He sa id: MIt Is little 5urprise tha t Eu ropea nd America con· tlnue to spend more than $500 billion to subsidise agri· culture and refuse [0 remove the subsIdi es, while allowing Africa wIth a compolrOl.tive adva ntage in agriculture supply them with the food they

net"ded. We areal l waitIng to see the day American gove rnme nt or European governmen ts would buy cheaper 'made In Japan or made in Korea' cars fo r t heir police and publlcoffi clals. "An In~epth l'v.I luatlon of Nigeria's commitments under the World Trade OrganisatIon (WTO) dr.lrnaUses our lack of seri ousness as a nation, as well as our frac· tured policy process. Even when WI:! had the discretlon to choose ou r own tl!rms, Nigeria has l arg ~ l y signed away any room to maneuver. As die 'WTO plus' imItative


Govt plans 1.2m jobs from cassava production Fro mJobAhMlU, l\btja ". " E Feder.ll Government may A soo n dou se the co untry's unemployment level ....'ith plans toge ner.Jll' 1.2 mllllol' Jobs from GI.S...-<.1V<1 prod uction; nd rl'"VO lutIon in the counay. Minister of AgriClllture and Run l De"elo pm '~ nt, Dr. AkInwunmi Ades l/l<l, ;;tid yesterday that as gove rnment was planning to IIlves t in cassaV<l production, no fewH dIan on million une m plOYE d you ths woul d beco m e gainfully

eng;1ged in the co untr)( To stn'ngth en dI e V<l lue<hain in cassava 5ub-sector In Nigeria, hI!!' .saId the Government hasconcluded plans 10 establish a Ctssava Market and Tradl!!' Development Corpo lon, to drh1! the V<llue-added activities. Sr.eaklng ~terday In Abuja, wlule addressingpartlclpants at the stakeholders forum to Signal tlle kick"<lff o f cassava transror· m.:ttion action plan and implemenlation strategy. he saId goyI!!' mment Intended to create1.2 millio n ;Cbs. half on·f<lnn ilnd

half off-fimn, besides Increasing tlle Inco ml!!' o f over 1.8 million t.asSilV<l Fanners In tllt' country to 5450, through imprm-ro productMty yil!!'ld of 125 lonnes per hectare. "1"he CilSs:l\·a tran sformation agenda 5eeks to crt'ate a new generation of CiISSiI\'<I f<lnners, oriented towa rds co mmercial production and farming as a busi ness, and illso link them up with reliabl e d emand, either fmm processors or a guafil meed minimum price scheme of the gO\ll"rn~nt," he said

Adesina regretted that cassaV<l production In Nigeria was IJIOl.'asingat three per~n[yeJr­ If, while the cou ntry continued to tmportsrarch, flour, sweeteners thatcan be madl!!' from cassa· ~

According to him, cassava prod. ucts ha\ll" been unolccept.lb1e In Nigeri.J because of the manner In which they ....~n:: produced, marketed and consumed. To fuUyexploit til l!!' potential of G1SSava., es pecially as a substitute for Impo rted raw materials CONTINUED ON P/IGE 16

A reccnt Sltr \'ey n'\'{'a ls Ihal 95% of m arried WfI\1lClI cry ins ide dai ly bcc:tU:,;c u f lack of ~e ;<; ual fulfilm cll t. unknow n to thei r husba nd~. To so h ·e this prnh lcm. Ihe DIPDIOGER and Sll rE R~ I I\N weTe man ur.,e turec! 10 bel p lIl en s :tti ~ f)' th eir wi\"cs ca~i l y.

The Dipdiggcr is to IJe: worn O\'cr Ihe lIlaic orgrm 10 incTI!;Jse its size and it is co ve red w ilh sensil;vc: stull~ II mt gi ves th e WOllm ll ex trclIl!: plcllsll re. The Surcrman is also 10 be wo rn ow r the matc org;Jll. it has a vi h rnting lllcch:mi $m and uses lAA ba \tr ries . The SlIpcnn,m is grea t fo r Ihese II'ho are sulTe ring fro lll erreelile d ys ful1 cti on but ean be used hy ;Jny man who would love lo take Ilis wi fe to the 1


010l7Z617U, 08D24D!21M ; Aha: 03053 ISISB1; Abul': OaOWi61021, Ab! okllla: OBOl126~209; "do-Ekl~; 0501iS457751: Ahn!: 08Il1J14114, 01031511510; A~~ba: OBl:J4~a~; B;!J'IIg : 08 t:l£51S8!6; Be"ln; 080SS2SmO; Enu~ : 08033005166; Gcmllt: 08055957711; GUlIua: 01061352505: Ib!dan: 08?Gi:645178: nt· lit: 08H20l120S: ~crin: 080J3S401SI: Iladon~ : DT0J76S'Z9l. 080l74:J4241; hli.a: 040855979'5; M~~.urdi : 01031694546; OII'1oQbo: 01?ll1Ot29J: O!OS6SS6(~O:

0ift1Ti: 08120371457; Pit: OSmI8S613: Stl~.olo: 09085597948; Uyn: 0802314lnll 010l4E99.1S1I: Umo~hl a: OBOEOm~BJ OBOSJ151 SB7, W~rrI: 0706n~220; Yo": O!055!S1111

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