l IS
11 IE GtlARDIAN, l\.Jesda)! Na.or:mber 6. 2011
Business Appointments P37 Dynamics of workplace, employee engagement u.s. election: Oil prices trade nea r four-month low j'""1U IN oil
pt1<~ ~
\..chilnRM nt'.I1 • rom n'W'IIlth k1w oX Amrnu"~ P"' ~Im 10. Il0l.(' todolf In Iht' ~kk-nu.. 1rim"", ;md., ,m lOOn oflU. non m.anubctllf
Ing bu~lI~ frllin Oc1~r (ruck- oil ro..DKnnmdtoltv MY row ." (tnt' tn \11'>.00, .. b.trTt'lillll4n .. m on dw Nrw bli::~"OIII"f .. h.i,._ltwconll-Kt drUNW'(! u; 1"""
~11," J 10 \II ... An
• bmt'l.lht ~I V1llnnc-m ~hl(t lulV 10 PrIeM
d.....,,-.rd , ... pt'fCMlllhk ~"I Rrnutlll fOflllH:nn ...... 'W'ftlc-
mf'OI IIl(U·.. ~rd I~ (tnl~ h'"
110.,'12 " hurrl (>fl thl!' II f Flltum fllf"P' t"G:h.mgr rlllOm u'l(k1:1 in " SUUl~
h.lIrd "milt hdon' W>4tr\ drodr
.nnl:hn 1'0111' ~.11'< in offict '"
dunging (..,.ny with Rt'JlUbtlciln (h"lt.-nll'" Mill Romnf"i lht' In<littllr fnr 'iuppty ~"'"iI~nrt1I'~ meln of non· rNIIUr.Kl1InliK 1'1.1<1
a - - , flrJl City ............. Pk; (FCUII),......m..1MIt I"m). __ \"_ ,..... " oIWril .... Oi' b.nk'. ~ .......... n ..... 1n u,.. """"'"
OItoy~ ... GI. . ~DineNr.
fCU8 ..... w.,u..~
I'tm'O Sl..lHD4Y AKHUlU
Domestic food production hits 8.1 million tonnes, says Minister r,.. Job r.... AbujII 'TI lE _ food "''''''' 1. YOIUInt to lhe counrrY IUs hi! 81mlllion tonn"- Iht' MlnlJlt'f of AaricuhuR' .net RUI'illI ~rOpmtnt. Dt' Aldnwunmi Ad"in. hu \,lId Adeoi;lrw Jl,l ttd lhb )'t"1r:r dq In Abujol.l ~ NlioNl st:miO,lr on I«ricultur.11 Commodity v.rue ~In ~t In NIp1iI.nd forrNl ~t,ItJon of 1M rqJOf1 of A blst:llne study of
.gricu h u~1
rMdnles ~Mlnbtt'f, whoSC'OR'd his miniStrY hJxh sin«' thr: Idc:.
orr or
1M Agr1cultur.11 Tl'ilIn!lJornullon I«tnd., • .uurnt th.JI Ihr: country woukl soon ~~ ~ Impof' 1.'1on of suplt" roods wM~ ~ counlryhu COInJ),lr.1lM iIdv,Inr.ge
The era of food importation will soon be over, as machineries have been put in place to take car. of Ihis. W. should be exporting food 10 other countries, instead of importing ... lie ukt, holY\!! 1r.1Ytlltd.1I thenoob.ndcnnn~oflht
country .. nd hAs gonm fim
h.nd IIlfonn<ltlon on lhe Joumry 50 fn, wht'faIpon I
iw .............
GMns •
rundown of tht <lchlfW'mt nlS r«orded In tilt stC:tor JO r,n, ht poIlIl«t
OtIt lhAt In the
.pprt»e;h. wh~ All pt.ym .~mD to muI.wk~bme ftl ~ d th.lt ;,bound In the !«tOt".,I s!cU,ldon wtwm lilt mI of food im porut lon wi ll JOOI"It'f'thA" I.1t« Ix r,hntd OUI b f.sl
.ppmKh ng. ~ t'f1I
of food ImpotU
lion will soon be owr, U iNChiM('rit's h<tYt bef:n put
In pLKt 10 t.kt (,Irf of this. ~ should Ix t'XpOltlng food to otfw:r countries Inseeold of Imponlng It. "pKUlty In <l~.u 1M wt tu¥r comJ),lr.1 1M «tv.JnlAgf. N~ must be • fDlXf srlHuffidtnt n.1ttoo· He rubmlunt ttwl .grirul lUll' mUSl Ix run In ruch " ~ 1tw.1 ,In tilt poc.mtMlJ In the $«tor ,ll't' unlocktd. Mlding thAt the focm of the oKfmlniscr.1 tlon Is to mstlR' ftwl the !«t0fJ1 brues ttwl
hlndntd lllt~tof tht' wetOf',I~ conrrontro. He dbdostd Itw tilt \';1lut
chAin ilR'.IIJ In focus. including
c.u.av•. sorghum. Pllm oil, c~ And r1tt tww btom f.Kt'hft~ Just A~ lhe -nulliw' cor
ruptkJn In fntllll~ procuR'mmt thAt hAJ Lutt"d Tor long hH now btom dimirwtro. ()(htt Imporunt mildtOfl(:S. .. ccordi"l 10 him. Inc1udt growth en h.nctmtnl sup: port scheme. Inltgrilltion or tM youngrr gmrntion Into tht' J)'5lem..u WIt";as ~orurt'
menl or
I"'""""'"'Tht' Acting Executlvt' OIR"Ctor, Asrlcuhur.l .nd RUrilil M.JNRemt'nl Triliining Instltutt, 1I0rlnm. Sttphtn AJoby.m, SJId 1h.l1 milt: dwin d~~mtnl Is not only .bout v.tlllt: addllion to commodll~ .u f.rTMn. PfOCt'S'IOn .00 m..ruter'S hAY\' In
one way or the oem oIdded ~I~ 10 thrirproducu.
He SOltd thAt the~l~ch.in
for rt'tfntion or I.1rgf proportion 0(' the bus.. nesses. Thb h.ls led to log of buslnrss oppon u nlties to forriKn undrfwrlttn. COYn
binsurttl act ~ fi~nNl bKkstop to 11UUr.11U com~ nks hdpi ng to p.1Y ror
CYirru In mum
I nsu~rs' prr.m lum. Thr:y undt'fwritf ~ tN. n 60 per
eml of tht' rtsks c.rritd by tht undnwrttlll(t Hom. ~ Immtdl.llt j»Jl ch.llr fTW1
of the
NI~n I nru~
IInodoIl lon {NIA)I;. OIusol. lAdl~,wid t t most of tht' ~ ol~ sclu png mro.d bta:uw of the' ~ Igfi f=um<y of "'''''' portfolio to the oil olnd PJ undrrwrltCONTlNUEO OH PAGE i6
J"f'f(mlo(thtt(~kllin 'j.4.l In Octollr'f from th.. poor monlh·~'!i",L ·~Ul'ms do no( hkl!' UIX""
'''Imy.lnd .In 11lMf' ~ltm~ .hntit wh.1t'~ ~IlS to h.1f'1l('~ ,1ft"" ttwo el«uon. wKi J«otl (omoll.loul<vtllr. kmttKk)' b.IIW'd "",llyn ,I' "i:ummll
F""8Y IIIC~ whkh nuNS" mnrr th.l" SlO btU"", ,,, com p.I"~' """UAI ~ 'q'IC'nd InJt. i1)t'rSMllllmht1',~ .. liule
I;it""rish. ~ rronnmy I~
cqxion 10c('ll1~umptlnn.
· lSyNrs.'"
METHOD OF APPUCATION ........... ~tIIIouId~ .................. ..,...
.... _"""'d ...........'"
NAICOM restricts insurers' retention in oil, gas underwriting business "nct
dC'vt'&opmtnt procru tflCom pHst5 ~ fulll'illllgr or,l(livl tin .net 'lervicn rf'qUiR'd 10 Imn8 ,I ('fUduct rmm lu con
"'"""' v.illch {rMT'I"hollt q.o