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lHE GUARDIAN. Tuesday, September6, 2011


Farmers' group seeks involvement in govt formulation 01 agric policies "J'1-f E All Farm ers l Associi!.tlon o f Nigeria (AFAN), in Oyo State, has urged the Federa l Go vernme n t to Involve fanners In the formulation and Implementatlun of agriculmral poliCies. Cha irman of the assocla-

tion, Emmanuel Elegbede, told the Neil'S Agency of Nigeria In IbadilO th;!.[ the decision would go a long way In enhancing the success of such poncles oInd boost agricultural produc' tion In tfle country. He said AFAN was the only

Enterprise Bank begins familiarisation tour, organises stakeholders' fora "T'HE


.1 DirtUor/Chief Executive

omcer of Enterprise Bank Limited, Ahmed Kuru. has commenced familiarisation visit to top customtrs itS well as town hall meetIngs wit h worllen of the:. bank, with the: declaration that the bank Is no ..... poised to actl\·tly launch into the market and compete favourably among its peers. Kuru, who made the ded,}· ration In separate m eetings with top customers and worke rs rece ntl y at Aba, [lort-Harcou n and lagos. said that the bilnk has been fully recapitalised, and as such, has [h e financial capacity for rapid g rowth and evenlUal eme rge nce as o ne of Ihe most profirable bilnks within tht s hortest pOSSible time. Ht sa id t hat the rece nt tripartite Interventio n in th t defunCl Spling Bi!Ok Pic by Deposit thl" Nigeria Ins urance Corporation ( NDlC). Central Bank of Nigtria (CBN ) and Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AM CON) led to th l" creation of a fully recapll;!.llsed banle wilh the injectIOn of NlIl bil lio n by

AMCON. During the town hall meetings organised as p;!.n of a meet-the-starr change management programme to ;!.cquaint them of the objective of the new adminIstration, the MD/CEO urged ;!.II workers to e mb race the new dawn in the bank, which will focus on such va lues as quality service delivery, team sp[rit. performance. good conduct and etblcal practices dS well as high integrity and transparency to enable the new management realise Its )et objectives of building a sound and profitable bank_ He said: "As members of staff of Enterprise Bank limited, we cannot afford not to be enterprising in our overall and collective approach to business from now on. Therefore ptrform· ;!'lIcewill remain the watch-

app ropriate association to advice govemment on agricultural poliCies thilt affect the average and rural rarm-

should ben~flt from such faclllt[es. ·~perience has shown that such loans dlsbui"led through ,~. thestategovemme nts.end up He dls losed tllar out of the in the hands of political farm· N100 billion 10ilO re leased ers and not re;!.1 pe<l.s;!.nt f<l.rm· last year by the Ftderal trs who nC1.!d them.· Government for commercial Elegbede also urged the farming, about N40 billion Ftderal Government to bar Willi for the use of peasant micro-finance banks from dis· farmers_ bursing ag ricultural loans to "Surprisingly, the loan for farmers. peasa.nt farmers can only be He ex plained that although assessed for them by tht the banks were dose to the Sfat~ go\'~rnmtnt and not rural popu lace, tIley wtrt not directly by the farmers,~ he ~Ily helping with their loan stattd. policies. Elegbede suggested The chairman noted with that agrfcuhura l regret that the banks were loans should a lways pass a lways Insisting that fanntrs throu~h farmers ' associashould pay baclt tile loans on tions 10 the st.nes, which monthly basis and at a very were in a pOSition to Identl- high Interest ratt of ".6 per IY the gtnuine fanners who cem. resulting In a yearly

Ch rt PracticallF~S


stilte uuough provision or credit facilities to the prtvate sector. He advistd the a~cy nor [0 restrlct the loam to me businessmen and \<Iomen In Akure, the state capital but

E[e~bede called for a presidential initiative on livestock farming simila r to the ones on cassava and ri ce uplalnlng that the Feder.. ' Govemment had gone a long way In focusing on auble orcrop fanning at the detrime nt or other sub-se<tors. "The Ftderal Government should ensure that not all the resources thilt are available for the agriculture sector are spent only on crop production. MGove rnment should be mOTe ali ve to helping live-stock farmers . We have qu ite experienced ones wh o Cdn do \'ery well, If given the opportUnity anu necl'S' sary support"

t. t


ImplsmeHtatioH Worksho/)



IntroductIon Conversion 10 IFRS has various requirements and dates for every company In Nigeria. One of lhe critical stages in the Implementation process by companies and oryanisations is training and ski!ls developmenL


He announced that fres h appointment letters will be Issued to employees in the new bank, adding that as a p e rformil nce- orlen ted bank, there will bed reward synem that will benefit deserving starr.

Adebola SobanJo & Co.has pul in place a series of IFRS Speoal Events which will assisl companies In Nigeria to overcome conversion challenges and develop skills

Event Detail:


lFRS Practical ImpiementaLion WOfkshop

lCC1 Conference aod Exhlbmon Centre Besides MarwalMKO AblOIa Galdens. Alausa, Ikeja


ledll\!till and p''lctital implementation of Inlernational r=-rnanciaI Reportilg Standards (IFRS). The COUI5eS ha·.'l' pattidpants 10 acquire pradicaI skills and compelences on IFRS conversion.

"'J"1-IE Ondo Statl! House or should extend It to applicants

government established the


IFRS Adoption: .

Dndo Assembly calls for prompt

o~~J~~~'~~~o~d ~~~n:iate

selves to produce a partlcu·

Adebola Sobanjo & Co

disbJrsement of credits .lAssembly Committee on Acceler.ated Pover:ty Alleviation has Gllltd on the state's Micro Credit Agency to ensure prompt disbursemtnt orrredin. The Chairman of the joseph Committee, Aladetlmehln, made th t c.all on Friday In Akul'f during an

Intertst ralt of .. o ptrctnt. He appe;!.ied to government to stop passing agricultural loans lhrou~h tlle banks. notIng that their mode of operation was not helping the rural fanners. Elegbede stressed that the way out of the problem 1V.lS for the banks to review their credit guidtlines to favour rural farmtrs. Commenting on lht activities of AF....N In thell IOGII government areas of tht statt, he gid tht association had been encouragIng "cluster fanning Mamong its membtrs, especially In arable crops.. -rhis type of fanning Is such that a group of our mtmbers dealing In the same com modIty o r crop. will divide a huge expanse of land among them-

from the rural areas. He. however; wOlmed that the mandgement of the agent.)' should be rtadytoaccount for every kobo disbursed to tile people and monitor the loans to avoid diversion of fund by benefidarles. ~It is equally important mat thl! agency ensure recovery or the loans to ('lliIble other ptOpie benefit from tht programme. b«aust: it should be revo lving." A member of the committec, Dilvid Oleyelogun, representing Irtdore Constituency. said the impact of lhe agent.)' had nor btCn ftlt by the peoplt of Itare, I ~rwl, Erigi and other communities In his constltuency.



Who to. Attend' •

Implententa/,on Wotkshbp •

Content Of


grapefllng IFRS Rnam:lal St.lrtmenl



,. _

_ _

Accountants. ExIf!m'JI AudHcn. Internal AUdIItn, Financial Analysts. Prepafl!rs and Users of Financial StaternenlS;


.... _ -...II'dCor.olra! _ _ oIrt..o:bIl'aI/IDn



.... SI-.....r III ct.o.voo ... Eqofy


- ~oIc.-.~ .,.~tJI~'-

Laptops (each parllclpanl) Entity's Trial Balance (iii) Commitment to learning new skills (Ii)

... f'M1i!kn"""E!I...~ "1~gefla-l Road Map k) ,FRS and ik Implamootaliortt: . .. NigI!rian Acoounllog SlDndafds 10 dale : .. Fr;'11I~WOfk for the P<ep;ualion and PrMenlalion of Fln3ndiJI



" Fifst-TrT>I! ~Iion oIlFRS


- 0DerlM!r tfRS ft;b\."11 sr-I -~~"""'IfRS ... Clr:oIootIo!~


n FundammrtaJ St@~ 10 IFRS

"E....... Case Study

• /iT

WiseCraft Train ing Pro gram SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT INTELLIGENT SOLUTION Supported By Govt. & Private Organizations All Partici pa nts will have acces s t o o ffice s pace in Abuja Interes ted Persons should send an e-mai l to myoftlcejob22@ gmall _com (You wi ll get an instant reply with details) For further ca ll;


Mllnagng Partner 01 Adebola Sobanjo &. Co and IFRStSME Developmenl SpecialisllS

~~~:~~~J~~~!:~:~~:=::t:Ac.coontlrl9' fJ'Taocial Reporting. He Managen~nt Consultancy. Taxallon and (FRS and SME OeveiopmenL has fadlitaled and !FRS SerTlnillS df~ed

oIlASeminars In Nigeria. Sobanjo &. Co. He

has participated in various IFRS and SME Oew:~menl

For more Informatron call th" Programme CCHln:llnator: Rajl 08038638133 or Contact Pe1'$On5: Sayo 07085507nS or Stephen 08023538504 or Muylwa 08071784214 Email: adebola(!l!

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