Bl siness ---,----Appointments P35
Nigerians and the new wage scheme: The waiting game continues Govt expects
additional40MW of electricity from new dam F,.. Job Ak-.. Abufa 'A 11TH Ji proj«tcd (omple-
VV tlon <Ut~ of April 2014,
Ih~ Kashlmbill~ Garnovo multl.purpose dam when completed. will add 40 megawatts (MW) of el«trid· ty to the National grid, the Minister of Water Resources,
Mn. Sar.lh Ocheirpe.1w SOlid
The dam, according to the minister. 1\015 the GlJ»dty (0 supply water of 6O,OOOrn3 per dily for "00,000 people. IrrI~le 2000 hKtaru of f;umland. with the tounsm and fishery polfillials.. Expressing Siltlsfaalon at the I~I of woric on lheconstrucdon of the dam and assodiucd structu!"H. shl' Silld "thell' was progreu and massIve Improvement three Urnes mo~ than what ~ saw thrte months ago. ~miSlic that if the tempo of work Is m.llnrained conuacton Will be abk to complae the work at the speclflftt date.·
Ochdcpe:. who mtcd lhls
while inspecting ~I of work on the dam alongsidr Minister of ~te for Powrr, Darius Dickson !shaku, Tl'lluated tht' determln.ation of M-aI"1 Dne10r and ChIef Exeeu~ 011\ClW, PoI$Il Hiln linlfllli, t.h. Ma'tllsibor (l1&ht), Chairman, Hcstle Nirma PIc, C\kIsecUrI Qsurlk8yl; I0Il ~I OirK.OI'. Lap Wille Manaemnem AuTlIonty. Ola 0ftsaIIyI " the MCOnd Professlonall,,. Re\'oIu1IC11'1In Hipril . . . .. 1n lqv... _tt..
Nigeria to partner Thailand on cassava business From JokeAbnmu,Abo.Jta
, •. _, 1
Go .,.,., ~era \'emment l. has unfolded pkns to col)aborate wlm Tha. TaplOGa Development InstJtute of thailand (TTDI). Ul cassava productJonandmuuting. The mow is mmlng on the hffis of ~YleCged challenges r~ng Nlgfria farmers In getting m.lrket for the.irc.asscrva. The MJnls~r of ApIculture and Rur.lII ~loPment, Dr_ Aktnwuml Adesilla. said the mlni5t:r)t undrr th~ transformatlon agenda, would I!'nsure that
I I r Nigeria should prepare to play in the sector ~~II'nd°1 hll~. "ea~[! rom "~leO a ,w '-', u,enum-where it is the largest producer to be the btr three In CUSilW, producI 1 rt tJon and the largest exporter arges expo er, of the commodity In the ace taken for NigHian farm- President of nD!. Adul world
ers to ha~ access to imp~ VMiety of cassava as Wdl as ~a[e ITIilI'krt... Hesubmittedthatln~ase In demand forassava would among others things stabJlIse market prkeorthe produceforfanners.. Adc:slna, who gave the hint at the Wftkend, while m::c1vIng a team of Thailand cassa-
Vlnalphal. pointed out that Nigeria has z:uo per am in the gIobilI value chain of casSilva, ~n as the country f'!'malns numtitr one in its productJon. He gid: -Nigeria should prepare to play In the sector where II Is the largest producer to be the largest expomr".
The mlnlsterexplalned that the palU'lefShlp between the two countries would bring aboul optimum utilisation of cassava that Nigeria has In abundance. He added mat Nigeria's goal Is 10 make cassava a cash crop, which explained the decision of the g~ment to substJtute Importation of
savallour. on the long he said, would create market and employment oppommilies for Nlgeri.lns. The leader of the (cam. Vlnalphal, gid me Institute. established In 1992 as an IndependenL, non -profit organisation. with the sup: portofThaILtnd'sMlnlstryof Commerce and the Royal nul Govemmmt. is meanl [0 promote research and developrnent on tapIoca (cassav,)) varitt.tl improvements., production technologies. mechanised harve:sdng and
government to complae the project within the lime rrame, saying that government will ensure tlmdy reluse of funds with me pas. sage of the 20U budget.. According to a release by the Deputy Director, ~ In the ministry, Mrs_ Olawumi Ogunmosunle. the turbines, IrrigatJon componentS and reservoirs af'!' $Orne of the outstanding worts that will provide emoloytm'Ol opportunitl~ forme youlhs. Ishaku txpIaJMd that though thchydropowerromponentof
coocrae wort ~ t-n ~ expressing optimism that ~ wfll tit subsrantial ImJ>fO"ttnmt by me end of 2Otl.
The Kashimbilla/ Gamovo multJ.purpo5C!d.1m PfUIC'Clwa5 awarded to Messrs Setr.lCO Consttuctlon Company (SCC)
Wlm a revised rootract pncr of N60.63 billion foc- the muldpurpose ~Iopmrnt of IIood conU'OI to check the thf'!'o¥ from the .structurally ~ wi--
nKes!'''1'".:.._''~':''':-_''::..:''c''':::rt:'::.:I''':::.~by:!..'''::::'~V1:.::':'_..::H:''~'O:P:'":"'::.:I:h:"~':h:,~,:~::::uy.!.._w_h~'~"_w\ __I_h_h_lgh::..~q~w_1_1\}'::,,=__!O\~h~,~,"..~p~I~OQ~prodl!!!~u~=~__...:":"~k~Lili=~""2::~In;::c.::::"""'".::.:::::::"-:;.
Etisalat considers facility sharing, may sell Nigeria's towers, others
By ~ Adepellm with qenq
N75bUllon). The Ut\E telecommuniations
-1E United Ar.tb Emirate (1.JAE) tdKonununlcaoons grouJ> , ...... , " rurrwdy considering an option to
group. Pf'!'5('fltiy
Its combined td~ne (OW. ers otherwise ~-n as base
transceiYtr sations in Its 10 Afrlan countries o r opera-
tions. Including NIgI!'na. at a cost of SSOO million (~t
in about 10 AhiGln counUies. including Nigen.., Egypt. Tanz.ani.tand JIIOI)'Coast, with about OIIU 4500 tdecommunicalions tawen for Its oper.ido",EtlsaLtI Nigeria has the largest number of base stations mIOng the othet' Afrlan
countr1es, whe:re it cwnnUy ope!.nes With a plan to buDa addltJonal bne st.1dons to
expand 115 netWOrk.
At an leT function in Laxos late 2011. the ChieC &ecuiM OIIlcer of EtisaLu Nigeria had hlntl!'d that 1l11!' u:lecommunications "ml presently has about 1800 BTS, with a promlsr ollncreaslng It yearly by 1000.
He sa.kl: -Cutttndy. we haYI!' about 2, 800 b.tse mttoru across the country and we plan to Incruse thfs figun: to 1. 000 by the end of IJtocembl!'r. 20lL Also In 2012, we have a plan to build .. 000 base stations and another 1, 000 bast: stations In 200. bringing the total base stadons to 5, 000 in the next rwo
Meanwhile. this new move
by EtJglat, according to indusuy arWvru. is aimed at rtdudng apftal apenditure to up ItS ~ucs. Etisalat Is $lid to be considering sharing infrasrrucru~ with rtvoal carriers in all Its 10 Afrkan operations as an a1ler-
natlvt:wayofrunnlngltsbusl~ In theAfricJncountria
"EtIsaIat. I1k1!' Olhn telecom
operators In Alrie.. Is constantJy evaluating good business opportunities which Includes but (is) not Umited to inr~tructuf'!' sharing with other operators.~ a stateml!llt from the: company added The Group howeYH, said that -no final dedsion has been re«hed at this point In timt as (00) se:Uing or sharing tow",,"