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WAAotAN Th=da)<lune7.2ll[2

Bllsiness Appointments P27 Still 0 women empowerment for national development

CB1\f offers 75 per cent loan guarantees

to fanners in states, Fa From ..... 1lIw-. '100,. 'T"IE~tBI BallkofNlgma .l(CBN) is to gual'<1lltte 75 ~r ceont loans .}I'l)Yidtd by

Deposit Monq ~nk5 to farmers In the16 Stat~ of the FNeBtion ~nd the Federal upilal Territol"j. d.'i pan of drom 10 uilnd{ nn the oigrtrultur.d S«tt'r. TIle InitiaUve m.y have been scripted to .dd,m: the iI~

thy lroalling the ntlliQllon of CBN"s NI89 billion "gOwINral credit (Kilnl'l,,! statrsoind ~~~

'fhe 1000n guarJJltee Is being

Approves N7Sb for NIRSAL's take-off packa~ed under thC' Nigerian<i Risk SIlaring In Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL). a public private estill>IIshed by the CBN; IhC' &nken' Committee; and the Fedel<ll Ministry of Agriculture and Rural IkvelopmenL The Head of NIRSAL ProjKt Implemenlltfion Office under the Development finance Dcp,;utment of the CBN, Jude UzonwanM.stJled this }'\5terday. In AhuJa. at a presentation on me role of

NIRSAL to the Minister of State fOf" the ~enl Caplldl Territory, Olo~ Olajumoke Akin/ide. Uzonwanne SLUed that the guomnteewoukl be Issued by the NIRSM to the fannen In the slates and fCT through commen:lal b.1n~ and ollier financiallllSlitUlkms. Acconting 10 him, "NIRSAl mobilises Onanclng for Nigerian .agribusiness by usfng credit guilrantees to addrtsS the risk of defaulL NIRW. Is a f\o.ible financing

The initiative may have been scripted to address the apathy trailing the "tilisation of CBN's NIB9 billion agricultural credit facility by states and farme<S. 1001 designed 10 changt' the ~haviour of financial illStJ·

ttlUons. "It (oven all crops and 1Mstock actlvillt's In Nigerlil, while driving improved Investment OUlcomes ;;md fob creation. II is also build· 109 on iI I~cy of previous CBN Interventions In agriculture that hilS hC!lpm crtille thollQnds ofjom. CBN proHe Stated thaI


gnmlm' was drsig~ (0 cr~ ale iKCtsS to finana' by Inl~ grallng end-la-end agriculture ¥;Jlue chains such as Input producers. farmers. "'gro dealers. agm processors and induslrial manur..cturCrJ with "griolltural financIng VoIlue chains- loan prod IK1 ~Iopment. emllt dis-

tribution, loan orfgi n;ujon, managing OInd priCing for


'Follow due process In PHCN's liquidation' "l1 IE Senior Staff As:sociatlon J.of EltctTicity .. nd Allied Companies (SSAEAC) illt'rday. I!UlstM that the I uldd' tion of the J>owtor flo ding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) mUSt f~1ow the (h~ process. The Pr~idtnt Gcncnl the aMOClatk>ll, fkdt Opafill, tokl



lagos. thill lhe government needed 10 P-Jy st'VCl<lnce ~ .. nd lenninal bel* hu 10'Workers bdln the liquidation. He said thill PHO! would continue 10 exist unlil its proper liquidation, adding Ihal government ought to haYt addressed oulSlilndlng IJtOOur Issu~ before unbundling the orgil nlsa tlon. Opara, who notM that unbundling of I"IIG~ hJtd been lingering since 200S. advtsed government to Implemenl Ihe ilgreements reJtchM wllh the Hassan Sumonu·led concilialory commiltee. "Uquldatkm of f'HCN ha5 to follow JudiClilI process: MiO! still tmts.. \Ik heM loki goYemment at seYC'filIl meetings we had with Ihem to ensure p;tyment of workers' sn'tr· ance packilges .. nd terminal benefits before liquidating MieN. he said Special AdvIser on Mrou to Prof. B.lnh Nnaji, Cdon Adinuba, the Minister of f'owtor, h~. wid tNlthe unbundling of PHCN was provided for In the E1t'Ctlicity N.1 012005. He explainM Ihal the unbundling of lhe t'H~ wol$ nlll ongOing, adding thilt rt'fonn of the ~r seelQr W<l5 2f<I(iually unfoldm~ Mlnuba disclosed that by July, the Bureilu or Public Enlerprueswould all the 152 prospective Invntofli who had indlated rntc-rm In buying inlOIM I751Ku:SSOf"com ~~s carved OUI from



Group Deputy Man.!kI1 Direc.'or, Access 8l!W; Pk, Herbart W!p'I (leh); NicbIodean'IIIMn'UflIOI ",e-sd!0D4 heroine, 'Oora no. &pl..... , . pupil of Dlrisbnd C*p, Ornobollllkl OI!ubena;

=":="of ~~S'~e ~ Un Ablmbol.:l FHhoIa" ,'he IaundI Af Atau Ibnk'i hrfy S:Mn F'"III,nci2llilllFllC'!' for !Com Co!mp,lr in laSII$ "tf'-'INflIfy'

(IBN, lCAN mourn crash victims, Oba Olashore •

ByW........ '"('1-IE Chanerrd Institute of J. Bank~n of roIcgm.a (OSN) h.u apms«! shxk OIInd dismaY(Mrtheunumelyooth ofSOfMmemoo.,(.(thrbank· Ing communi!) ,md other Nigerians who k!St their lives In the IlHated Dana plane crash .1 rlu IshdY.-t a~ilI In Lagos. which dalmed 0V'tf IS) lives. But aviation 1w:.!\Cl"S ColUtionM gowmmeTtI "galml hasty dtdsions ,tbout the crasft,~llytho'alb(rom

the Niltional Assf'mbly for the sackohomem.dnnchiru.


NUATE decnes calls for sack of avtanon chiefs The l"RsidentJChal~n 0( Couocl1.0BN.ScgunAina.lna St.'l~nt made avaliabk to 1M Guaroi.m, descnbed the

Nollionoll I'clrolcum Corporation and National Universlt;csCommlssionwho

unfonunale and a grNl loSs to lhe economy in palticulolr ilnd nation In general. "On bcIW( or the govnnlng council, memben, manilg~ mentand St:affofthe Institute, I commlse:ra t~ with ililihe famlll~ ;lInd organisations, Including the management .. nd stalfof Central Bank of Nigeria. banks, Nig~rian

inthecrash-,Ainas.J1d.. He~ thatGod In His Inft.. nlte mercies 'should grant tllt'ftl and Indeed, lhl! entirenation the fortitude to bur lhe inqw:r.lble Ioss.lhis is another tlYing period In the history orour greal niltlon and wc mll5t live- by Calm asil people",htgld. Similar!)! the InSIJlUl~ also C'XtendM its condolence 10




Ihe filmily of lhe l.lle Oha Oladele Olil5ho~ of 1I0ko'Iesha, fonner MiniSter of Anilnce, former Milnilglng Director/founder of defunct lead Merchant Bank rk.1OO Fello.... of The Chartered InrutuleoCRallkCfSofN~

ihe OIanered Institute of SankffsoCNlgerla;mdincked. the entl~ bitnking Industry wilisurdymlssi-IRBObshort' whost' achievements .. nd Invilluable contributions towards the growth and deve:lopmenl the Institute, the



banking industry and the Nig',",. «onomy will ~maln indellble-, St-al~ mentaddtd. nlC Institute of Chanertd Acrountalll5 of Nigeria (ICAN) also expressed grief and a deep sense o f lOss over lhe S'lKIdtn passing ilway of sb: of Its ~mbtl"5 In the unfonu nate 0a1'lo1 plant' cr.lIsh of Sunday;

number: 6601~ ~eT Anoslke (Membt'rship number: 10880), Vusuf Ibr.thim (Membcn;hil.' number: 4179) .nd Adct:unJI A1dntw 0I0k0 (Membmhip number: 4789). According to the Rtglnrar/Chld Ex«UtM of lCAN, OIutoyin Mep.llte. lhe news of the Involvrmcnt of nve mcmbm of the Institute in the plant' cmh WiI5 most

the crash wcrt' Awodogoan Olusanml(MembC!nhipnumber: 2Sl22). Komobfe Olugbcnp (Membenhip number: 7J88~ Ogechl Oo~..gocha (Mem~rship

"'Tht' M'WSame 10 all of us as a shock. bul the Incklcnt was beyond our conlltll Whlk: we pray to God for [he I"tp02 o(




fHE GtJARDlAN, Thu~lune7.20tl


NUATE decries calls for sack of aviation chiefs

M.ilehr• ....,.•• tar.r. Mipr;., B r _ PIc.. Tony AcI!O!llOnllBl (leh); MItW~Onctor. Waller Drenth;Saies Oincl«. Huber! Ele;.wI ~ Dhelol''' QIiM bBCllfion! Offica.1MS AIMnisInt ~ 0111 ~ .. tile __ a.ncn offddbIrJ br HipriIn ~.In Ibadan. on Fnby

(BN approves N75bn for NIRSAL's take-off COHTlNUED FROM PAGE 15

mit. anti loan dlsbursemenL "The inttgralion isdriYl!n by NIRSAL's 5 pilla~ p.:uticular.

Iy the R1s.kSharing Pillar and tlH~ Ttchnlcal Asslstance pillars such as Risk Shan"f: fOJclllty fN45 billion. Insur-met: F.lcfllty (N-4..s bl · lion). Technical assistance facility



AJtrlcultural bank rating SCheme (NI.S billion). .md

Bank iocenllvt' mechanism (.!'lIS bilUon). NIRSAl will share risks with b.lnl3 r.Jnging from )0 JX'f cent to 75 per cent of loss depending on the ~enl. We .ue prepared to 0 t'r fol·

lOWing (enns to fctrmers in Ihe States and ,rcr Ahuja: IS per cent gualdntees on all IOptll. working Clplral and limited living cost loans 10

plant the crop, and loan duration should be about 24 to18l11onths: hi! not~ Aklnjkk ;murro that NrR· SAl. was cardilwl to thr SUC'




Feder.. 1


Agricultural fonnalionO'lI Agenda (ATA)n It was eSlablished to addrn.5 lhe grry areas Inhlbillng agncultura l growlh In Nigeria. ~N I RSAl under Ihe ATAseek to address 0111 Ihe technical administrative .lnd nnanclal

Ca nadian International Development Agency (ClDA) CONSULTANCY OPPORTUNITY I SHORT TERM EVALUATOR


nttds of tht fimnrrs iliong the ;elected agricuhura:l

valut chain cominodilies In

which the cou m ry hilS com· paratlve ildviln tolge.~ said Aklntlde. who was rqJll'Sented by the Director of Trusury In the FCT Mministrallon, Alhilll Ibrahim Bornal TheministersLnM mat the siX .an.a councib of the KT hilYt' bee:n directed to Idenli-·

tv .and key Into the value cnain co mmodlll~ to be promOloo In their respeclive .ared of jurisdiction. She added that the FCTA had commenced the Implementiulon of the Growth Enhancement Scheme of Fedenl Ministry of Agriculture .and Rural Development In order to empower the Lumen in the territ°rJ

PHCN workers seek due process CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 According to him, the next Slage of the privUlsatioll would be the MI'J"CSt of the bkkleri technical and final}cial proposal in luly. !he narwctJon timellne m.oeal5 d1.ilt the eonIUilIion of the technical bids will take pLKe In AUgust. The: National Council on i'riviulsatkm will the resullS or the

~~~~~~~~~tion on or "lhe dead li ne for the shottlisted bids for the generation companies to submit their letten of credit is September, whUeOCtoberlsrortheshonlisted bids for the disUibulion compilnles.~ he.added. Minuba .aSSUI"M that all issues rt:loIling 10 prtvati.So1tlon oll'HCN woukl be coneluded heron Deumber.


E.. nluat"r tti ccnJuu a c;}mp:ch~::~i'.;.: c'.J!uaticll 01 :.he r,madalillu for i.flcai iniliatiycs iCFLi) acilinclllcllIs from 2007 to 20 II rhe t.:ollsultal1t will also documen t the best pracht·co;. md Je s~o[l'" leaml during the pcrioJ under fm le\\ The CFl I IS a rundillg mt:chani"l11 "ilhin lhe l·ont!!...:1 0 1' Ihe Canadial! dcvclopnll'nt poliCy rramcwork through \\ hich

Int ercsicJ Ca n dida t e~ sho u ld \ is il h ttu; /Ici da ns ung.nn 0 ,£olll .ngl ror the co mpl ete Term s of R eference a nd sen d " c pyo fth eir CV. [1 no more t ba n41l age co nce lll Dol e (Times Nc" ROI11 :'lll F Olll 12) 0 11 ho\\ th ey willulldcrtnke lh e a ... si~Jl Jll e llt a nd a copy of a similar e\ al U:l lio l1 10 va canc,J{j cidaus


A pplica 'on Dead lin e: 22'" June2012


He nOled thilt setting up ilnotMr Investlg;l1iYe commit· I~ by the NatiOn.aJ ~bIy will ;eopardtsr the nallm.~ gation by the .agerq


Thc Canajian International Dcvcloplllcnt Agclley (CIDA) Programme Support Unit wishes 10 fccrull a Short lerm

~11l"11 lI1~ odc!\t sca lc Pl lljccis arc funded to undertake initiatives Ihal II \'( I- c tedlllicili. enll1ol11 ic. cdUCallOni.11. cullural. and 01 ~l'llUl ( c\ dopmcnt assl~l;.tnt.:e to Ihe local population.

CONTINUED m OM PAGE 15 the souls of lOOse involved in the crash, wt' sympalhlse with their fO'lmllin .and all Nigerians, also p~ytng !hat God will gr<Inl them the fortirude to bear thls grot k6s and !.he consequential pain. stem the tide or GlLlmilies and restorr peace to our be~ land: he said. The NaIIoRilI Union of Air Traruport Employee (NUATE) has cOndemnoo call by rrnombers or the NatiOnal Assembly to sack top offic:lais of aviation a~nc\es,sequelto Dana MD83 air crash thai claimed man than 15] IIw:s on Sunday. Speaking 10 nponen in his office. tfie Kllng General Secretary of NUATE. Abdulblftm Motafo. dismiMed the all saymg it was unnecess.ary .lOd unQlled for, bLunlng ilie various aviation commlttt"t'5 for not perf0rmIng their ~Ighl functions In the sector. According to him, · the members wen busy chasing shadows .and ha~ tAken .a WTOng step Imo the InYHtjgation with .a GIll to JaCk ait'lKies' chid!, adding that it was ulWC«'pliIbk fn.a hiithly Iechntallndustry IHcr amlion" The Sen.ate hiId on ber.ned the managemenl of the .avi.Jdon Ind~ calling for the .sw; or thi? DirKtor-Gener.d of Nigeria Ovli Aviation AUlhomy, Dr. Harold Demuren and officials of Olhe.r avlation regulatory age.odes. 10 paYt' way for Investigations Into thedlsast.er_ 1M workers vi~ the action 01 the Smale a.s ~ as their anion, they :wId": could adYefsely arrect the ilM!SligaIkxllnlotheCRsh byAa:idem Investlgatkm Bunau (MBl and the United Stale's National TransponoltiOn Safety Board (NTSB) lh.1ll"lilYt' alnady commenc:rd Investig.llion Motato advised thatlnvestiga. lion illlo the crash ~hould be left In the hands of the profes. slonals while illi necessary logistic: should be provide(! foi them to aid their assign·



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