HIE GUARDIAN, Frid.ay, M.arch 9, 1012
Oxfam alerts on food shortage in Nigeria F"...Joka Abr.u. J.buiI XfM1 Int~IKlfuJ tws
Owarned thr counoy
"""'''''-''''''''th.K migtK likely hit therounuy
1ht ActIng Counny 1)IA'Clor of Oxialll. Tllotk Ojei gave lM warn ing ~tJ)' durillK an award cer~mony orgoamstd by the Volunlary Strvic~ Ovtrsus (VSO) and 0> rdm )'l'sl~rddy in Abuja. He Silid that some of tM counuitS surrounding Nigerid such as Maulil.lOl.. CNid. M~1i ~nd Nlg~r \YeJ"C ~Ire~dy witnessi ng Ihe Imj»Ct of food shandge In their r~pKt iYe countries.
NASENl to establish solar panel plants across Nigeria
adding that the .ffectKl n.uons might soon come into lMcountry for food sup-
This. he S.JId, might Nigeria In f!5pe<t orrood .Jde.. qUclCY i( proper me.lSure was not taken. He . lso.Ktvlsftl tlle FffierdIGoYernllle m to quick. Iy .ddrcu the df«1 o f drought In the country. Ojei uk!: "Nigerid cumntly is SUITOunded by countries tlUI U~ .Ire.dy gelling hit seriously by the food crisIS. We tal k a60llt Mauritania. Nlgff.ChiKl, M.U and in those pl.ce:s, food crisis haw more than doubled .md dll t he countne:s at some point will .KtUally come Int o Nlgeriil to buy food and then ~ will be pRSSure on the I'ood 'o\~ ourwfves dS • country .Jre depend 109 on.
"So. If we do not dCt IOw.1 Ids ensuring that we o;ecur~ rnough food (Of thoe tryrng tl~ we might tKe .some difficulties aoo I .m not 5d)'Ing luu the goyoemment bUt we ulndivldu.Jls TillSlng Ih,1I awaren~ss advocating for 101m coliaoor.llio n. wit~ dl.C Terellt o rgam.5dlllons Speaking on the .ward lheme.M.Jlilng Food MarketS GtoY< lhe coumry dlreclor lamented that Nigeri.n famlCfS had betn Mgitcted <kspite their Immeme contribution towards food sumchmcy In lhe COU ni ry. lie said thell' was n~1 to celebrate Ihc-m. str essing that the joim eROIl was to e ncouTilge outstanding snuli scale (amler! th.tlwd JWnnered VSO In the COUIl-
Ojel noted that the .IWil.rds., EntrepreJICUriai .lIld Female Food Hero Award was aimed to grYe confidence 10 fanners. e:speci.llly wom~1I famlers who haYe tkmollSlraled qUoJ lity perfomunce in food producUorL "Srnall scale f.mlers pll'J'Vide 15 per cent of the food we eat III tire country. Out of this. owr60 percent of them.re women, so this Is the very lit· tie contributions towards recogn isi ng the role they pl,)y in the society having something like a natiol1.1 aW;l rd for them: he added. In her rell\ulcs, the Country Director of VSO. Dr. Kenn. Owoh ilttnbuttd gender dJr· ferrnces and Inequality d5 some of the ch.llk:nges file· ing women f.lmlers In the COUnlry.
May commence local produclion of Iri-cycles FroIII E..u ......... Abu)a
u Ndtional Agent} for l1 Science and Enghlftring Infrastructull' (NAS ENII h.Js unfolded plans to rephcal~ its solar pdnel production p ldlll in the six geQ-pol,llcd' zones of the country TheMini}ura(Science dn(l Technology,lld akon B.n~. on his rdn hascal led o llthe Cent ra 8.ilnk or Nrgeri.J dnd Ihe Bank of Industrv 10 nsist wIth fundmg to (-ommerc\,,1ise some tire resu lts of rese.rch agehci~ in the COUll try. Th~ mimste r. who vi<hed the solar panel production ldni estdblished by NA1ENI n Abul •• strened th.lI (·rnd· Ing was required to sel up the plan ts in the six g~ politk.I! zones of the country to bring o ff-grid elKtrlcity to the ruTil1 communi· ties. ~ribing the NAS[M 1.5 meg. walU solar plnel IThlnufacturing plant .IS eumple of using Innovation to drive the economy. he commrnded the n.Jn~gem~nt of the .genc), for establishing the p~ n r.led ~s the third In Afrlu. I-Ie str~s~ tha i the .w'ncy hold dlsplavnt ellcepc1"n.-1 .blllty .Ina Cdp;!billt~ to drrw the solu tKhnology III Nigerra. adding th.t through ~uch contribution. Ihe admlnlsn;ulon's VIsion 20:2020 would be e,ully rulised. He S<lid: -Solar tech nology Is .In upKt of powrr production Ihat governmen t Hnds useful for the cou,uy. It is for use. e:speci.lly ir· the non hem pan o( the "Jun· try. The K.1rshl poi nd plant has shown Its capacity .nd ablllt)' to provide solar panels tn at should ~ .ble to drive technology In NlgrrLt. The l!lIpt'rtis~ rnvoh·eJ In Ih~ asJembly of thr p.1nels Is ellemplary. The panels were .. 11 produced frorr the Kra tch What I s« is th~ drive forthe K.Jrs hi pl.nt to uslst th~ n.lion in lhe produc ti on of so lar p.nelThr minister streued t hat the ministry was at the point o f using NASENI technology to driye .. lurdbast'd duster t«hnofoE;y to d~velop the ru ral dt~u. St~ssing that the soln p.11l~Is would soon be USftI .IS sta nd'dlone lighting sys· terns to provide electricity In rura l areas and commu· nitles where they .Ire no t ronn«t~ to the n.lllnal
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