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n-tEGllARDlAN, Tuesdal!,AprilIO.2012

Total renews partnership agreement with host communities Speiiking oJ[ the pannership

F,.. ............ """HaRan ~AL



~ PnxIucoon Nigrrw Umiud

(JEPNG) .... ..........,.. pmnerShip~ withsomeof its

hoM communiul!S, ;aimed ;at

the IlYelihood of the peo~ ensuring puce.. 1heoomprmyin2008signeda



""""""'" 01 U " - n g

(MOU) with t\ndonl. Mgbuesdaru and Rebesl cornmunides..n In RMrs Sm.e but ~ £ililed to Implement mea~l

The community leaders


~ that lht lnabilll)' of ~ company In executWt the

"""""'" IW """""", _ _ opment and affected thecordial


mrfiing recendy In

Port Ha:rcourl

oil ~

of MgbuI!:sIlaIiu c:ommunity In Port Harcowt l.ocai Counc:i1. Ezr

Ejlkr: w.ill descnbed memUapst in the agmemrnt as nonchalam .Illrudl:! by 1EPNG rowards put· ting into acDon its pan of ~

m,," He warned that noo<ompH-

ance of the: ag:reement posed a threat to the eJOSting peace between the company and the mmmWlities.

pain"" out """"""""" that youths,w.ili who wen' .lS:S\1mI would besem [oschool, employ by the company hirYr now~to~ Wall.~ urgt!d t:hea;xn.

suntiYe itenS.1ht ~ will be to work dosetv [~I!ther to ~ munaUy ben!fidal mndusloru thilt would enable lEPNG partkipate funherln the development of the various communities.· While nodng that prevIOUS

pany to ensure that It ~ up to its prurni2s henceforth to enable dnve home developmet1ain the rqpon. """","",_",0;"",,, of TEPNG~ Denis Bertheloc explained that the meeting availed lxxh p;uties the opporbmlty [0 discUss healthier w.l)'S to realIse lhe parmmhlp ilgl'l!em<nL "As we gather to commence dlscusslons. which we hope should lead 10 a new parmer·

agreements by the company muched lMs In the hosr. aJI1l. mwuties thrnugh 'IUious pr0jects and progr<lmme:s. the

deputy ma.n.;!:gU prayed thar the aumll agneement 'M)U!d yield stmiLlr rHutt and also be



show good spirit and uphekl


""''''''''''''''~. ""'ContinUing. he SOlid. "in onkor"

toail"M! at ourgoal of establlshLDg

a new pilItDership


Edo disburses N41m loan to fanners ffOll~AIII,"'QIy

tlOO _ """"""",L ....Lhe wrcRml. disbuned

about N41 million to f.lnnen

In Xl rommurudes across the stare as pan: of its effons (0 boost foOd producdon and empower I'iu-inm In the state.

The stare gOY'l'l1U1"lent $ilkIlt

would in the tim quarm' of rhe~r ~~ cultivation of 109 hKtn:S Of cassava, 2S hec:.

ms of rice, 15 h~ of cocoalDlantain Intercrop and

several Other hectR:s foi pial)taln, pineapple. ware tam. oil plam. pawpaw; seed pm and then the prtMsIon of a cassava mill al a cost of

N78.> million. The state Go\Iemor; Adams Oshiomholr, who WOiS rep~ semed by hi.s Deputy. Piw Odubu stated this at the 1iOigging off or 2012 planting Sr.l-


and distribution


cheques and farm Input to benefkianes said the first tranche of the loan would



cover land pl'qJoUildOD and planting. The ~ also Silld the stale ~ had paid its counte:rpan funding of NI69.06 million fur the lOO9. 2010 and ZOIl for FADM1A lU project. adding that £:do Stare was the only stilte in the SouthSouth [0 hive met that obligation Just as it did under the Root and Tuber Expansion Progra~ {R1EP~

to fiim. &:to Slare goverlU!\mt

mOon has done in that S«tOr.

"WeWlSh m I!XpresS ourheart·

I'eIt gratitude to the ExecutM Gove;mor




Comrade Adams Oshiomholll' on tilt ~ of the flag off of this ~ 2012 planting season aiKI disbursement of funds in the initial sum of N41.6m m [he CBNRMP-ND factUQred agnrulru~1 enn!l" prise groups Iitm r1 benefid;uyconunuoities.

has paid Irs counterpan fund ofmOmlllionforthepenodof lune 2010 to March 2012.

Younes Power System Nigeria Limited H_d Offtc.:

NatiOnal Progmnme Co-oTtIi-

naror, Community &sed Naru~1 ResolU1:e Mawgement Programme, MIS. II1!Dl' 11JlIlbo.I~ at the occassion commended the stale gtMIlUDl'Ilt fur prompt: disbursement of funds (0 fanners in the Stine.

Plat 1301, AkIn AdoHob SUeet, \iIctoria 1slMId. \..aIO'i

FKlDry. M3If.I. IfelKl Ode RoMI.llIDrodu,


Tei: 1.23-4 ) 01-950 0788. 7'90' 4555 MQbIIe! 0810 900 0000,

5M called on Oshiomhole m help peISUadr: his colleagues troin oc:her NIger OdQ stUf:5 m replkale what his adminJs.


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