mE GUARDIAN, Tuesday, MaylO, 2011
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i5 first class graduates of various universities get car gift each at Daniel Olukoya Academic Award of Excellence
Reward for hardworl<, diligence. • •
LUTH appeals to relatives of abandoned patient "n"JE Lagos University Teach· I ingHospital (LUTH) has ap· pealed to relatives of Mr. Bamidele Yinka, a l.atient in
}~~aOrd!~d' ~~k:Phf~~~~~~ A statem ent mad e ava ilab le to The Guardian, said "the
since he came to the hospi" tal." I The sta[emenf sta ted that on March 30, 2011, when Bamidel e was brought into the hospital 's Accident a nd Emergency Centre by police· Mllshin, he had" se· vere multiple injuries," adding that since then " no relative has come around to see t he patie nt and all effortS to locate his family have proved abortive." The statem ent added that after two months of treat· ment, he is now fit to be dis" charged home. Enquires concerning Bamidele can be mad e , through 01BmB45, , 07070205175 or at the Corpo· rate Services Division, Second ; Floor , Accide nt a nd Emer· I geney Building, LUJH, Idi· Araba, Lagos.
In her comments to The Guardian,
I wasable,t"o make if .l . Adeolapo Adebayo, who wants to pur· sue a career In Audit and Risk or Fi· through the grace'ofGo(:!. nance attributed h er First Class result to assistance from God. It is not aJI about the energy, "Yes, it is good to work hard, but with· outGod,labourers will always labour in YQ~ pu~lrl t(j succ¢edJbut . _ vain because it is God who gives the inis God and nothing else: a!.§.Q.abo~il~ being diligent in . crease.It Another benefiCiary, Yewande Abra· ham, said was able to achieve·the -acddemics;and serving God feat throughsheGod's favour and his bless· "as'well ~j \' . , ings upon llfr life. My Isaac lalwo Tf mean feat to have a First leiass, the highest division in the reo su its of their r.e spective university de· gree examinations. That m ea nt they were truly .the best among equals. Yet, none of thel5 First Class graduates who were hon oured during the second Dr. Daniel Kayode Olukoya Academic Award of Excellence a nd Foundation Laying Ceremony of the Prayer City De· ~ liveranee Stadium/International Conference Ce ntre took personal credit for the achievements. At the ceremony which took place duro ing the Power Must Change Hands Prayer Programme at Prayer City along lagos-Ibadan expressway over th~ 'weekend, and during whic h they each got a car·gifr courtesy of th e Dr. Daniel Kayode Olu koya Academic Award of Ex· cellence, rhey gave all the credit for their sterlin.g performances to God . Almighty. Among the beneficiaries were Adeo· lapo Tabitha Adebayo, a graduate of . Griffith College, Dublin, who gradu· ated with FirstClass.IIlAccounting and Finance; Adeyeri Toluwani, a graduate o f Management and Accounting with First Class from Obafemi Awolowo Uni· versity, Omolara Isiolaotan of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, who made First Class In EconomiCS, Nneji Stephen Ob iajulu , who passed ' out from Cove nant University, Ota, Ogun State with First Class in Co mputer Engineer· 'i ng, Agbani Ibechukwudi, from Obafemi Awolowo University with First Class in Accounting . ana Akindipe Dayo Akinfemi from University of Lagos who graduated in Chemical En· gineering with First Class.
Inauguration "n"JE Foursquare Gospel I Church in Nigeria wi ll on
"Through hard work, determination and prayers, J was able to scale through
My advice to others is that whatever their hands find to do, they should do it well and with all their heart. "As they commit their ways unto God, H.e will see them through to the desire of their·heart: sh e said. Oluniran Gideon Ayokunle of University of Ibadan also attributed his suc· cess to the grace of God. "I was able to make itthrough the grace of God. It is not a\l allout the e nergy yo u put in to succeed, but also about being diligent in academics and servo ing God as I always tell my fe\l ow stu· dents. "Youth s shou ld be closer to God with whom all things are pOSSible," he said . A parent of one of the beneficiaries, the Onirokora of lrokora Ekiti, His Royal Majesty, aba Joel Ajayi Olanibuwa, and the father of Adenuga Olanibuwa, said h e felt elated a nd happy about his son's achievement. "It is the ptoof that God is truly the reo "'iarder of those that diligently seek Him and this is the reward of seeking God in all that one does. "He is always faithful and would do his part whenever people commit them· selves to Him. No one can achieve anything without His support. "I thank God for what He has done, not only for my son, but also for a\l that are honoured and J also thank the leader· Sllip of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries for the encouragement given to youths as this would go a long way to enco urage others to tow the line of faithfulness and diligence and also know, more importantly, that it Is when you serve God that you get the best be· cause God is the best rewarder of those that serve Him including the youths.
~~t~d:l~~:~{;~;uo:~ ~:r~gu· Gospel Church to Tcl:e status headquaner at the , church promises on 1joko Road, lroki, Agbado at 2.00
I of zonal
::1 . his wife at Ihe The General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Dr. Olukoya sa id "the role of education In the nation is very vital in nation·bulld· ing and that acco unts for the rea son to always encourage our youth, as leaders of tomorrow, to be their best in their various disciplines. 'These days, when the nation's educa· tional syste m is being watered down by majority of academic pursuers, who prefer to cut corners and have certificates th ey did not labour for, which has become a co ncern for those who know what this means, it has become imperative to acknowledge a r:td . apR preciate the few of them who dlStmct themselves and .choose to tread the path of honour, not only to be faithful and work hard and put in their best to justify their certificates but also go the extra mile to exemplify themselves by attain ing first class honours. "As a church, fully informed of the role of ~uality education and desperate to obliterate the imbibed wrong noti o n by a lot of youths that it is the certifi· cate that is important and not how you obtain same, we will not relent in our effort to boost the morale of those who sta nd themselves out to serve as role models among their contemporaries and those that are coming behind them. "It is for this reason we honour these 15
graduates with First Class honours in their various disciplines wi th a car each , to letthem know thatthey are ap· preciated and to also serve as a driving force to those cominl;l behind them to em ulate them," he saId. During the ceremony of the handing over of the cars , Mrs. Shade Olukoya congratulated the recipients and en· cou raged them to keep on moving, while assuring rhem that so me body was watching them and ready to can" tribute more to their achievement and sho uld therefore, continue to remain unique as those who have carved a niche for themselves. She prayed for them to have a pleasur· able time with their cars and God's pro· tection over them at all tim es. . The Press Secretary to the Governor of Lagos State and arso a m ember of the Church, Mr. Idowu Ajanaku, referred to the winners of the award as deserved winners, who were diligent in their stud ies and works of the Lord. "They truly worked hard in their academICS but also had time for God who sustai ned them and made eac h and everyone of them to excel. "This is the day of their honour as God has rewarded them and is usi ng this avo enue to gear up all othe r students, es· pecially those who come behind them, that it pays to work hard and at the sa me time have time for God even as a student.
War d-Sank to reacn farmers on cIimate cflange via raaio
From Gordl Ud.ajah:Umuahia A BOUT 15 million people, Ilmainly small·holder farm· ers in the South·east zone are targeted to be reached through a Radio Serial Drama Programme on Climate Change, a project of the World Bank and 'Smallholders' Foun· dation' with the objective of educating farmers on how they can mitigate and adapt to climate change. .
f~~~;;:sf~~~t¥.~l!lii~~~tfa~~~ ers of i7 cQoperative societies . selected. from the 17 local
councils of Abia State at the weekend, the Chef Executive Officer of the Smallholders Foundation, Mr. Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu said the World BanK provided grant and tech· nical support for the project that commenced in January 20u,and sc heduled to last for IB months. He said under the project, special manual radio sets that operate without electricity or batteries and Global System of Mobile Telecommunications ' would be given out free .of charge to the farmers.
According to him, one radio station has been engaged in each of the five South·east states for the broadcast of 20 episode drama series at desig· nated times at which farmers and members of the public would listen and use the telephone
~h~i:oob~~~~et~~:se!~al~~~~ lions to the Smallholders Foundation. In the case of Abia, the State Broadcasting Corporation Radio has been engaged. Ikegwuonu said the airing of
the drama would begin in July and last for three months in the first instance and there· after; a three·month period of reView, involving question and answer aft~r which the drama airing, would re-commence. He urged all farmers and in· teresteil .members of therub. lic to avail themselves 0 th~ drama programme when the exact takeoff is announced. Describing the programme as a useful farmer·educatlon project that his ADP will adopt as part of its extension pro· gramme, the General Man-
ager, Mr. Enyinnaya Elekwachi commended the patriotism and foresight of the Small· holders Foundation forbring· ing the project to Nigeria from the United States. Commenting on the programme, a participant from of Mbano Ukwa Cooperative Society, Elder Levi Nmeme Nwokocha told The Guardian· it had be£ome possible now to cultivate and harvest twice a year, stressing that this had arso resulted In both in· creased agricultural out and availability.
rt~ill be officiated by the General Ove rseer, Rev. Felix Meduoye, and wi ll wimess the installation of Rev. Isaac Fanika as Zonal Superintend· ent of the Itoki zone. Alumni hold election D ECENTlY, the executive ~ommittee of Comprehen· sive High School, Ayetoro, Ogun State, alumni associa· tion, which was led by Dr. A. L Adelekan was duly dissolved and a caretaker committee consisti ng of a member each I of the a. lumni pending the take over by a duly elected execu_, Apostle Makin.ite (68·72) was elected cha irperson of the committee whi le Mrs. Molola ashodi (81 set) is secretary. One function of the committee is to co nduct election to usher in a new execu tive to oversee the affairs of the alumni. The election holds on Jun e 4, at Upper Lounge, Eko FM Multi· purpose Hall .. For more information,call OB0372029Blor 08033303735.
.ra'::J t~X~~ndi:~~e~ff'airs
Essien, 95, passes on "n"JE death has occurred of 1 Madam Christianah I Josephine Essien of Mbiaya· Uruan in Uman Local Coun· cil of Akwa Ibom Sta te, at the age of95. Until her death, Madam Essien, a devout Catholic, was th e matriarch of the Asuquo Esslen famil y, and will be remembered for her industry a nd diligente. She is survived by children including Mr, Wilfred Kokoette Essien, Mr. Dominic Esslen, Mrs. Margaret Akpan and Mrs. Maria Ekanem and several grand children, among whom is Mr..Larry Ephraim Ettah, the Group Managing Director/CEO, UACN Pic. Funeral Programme will be announced later by family.