NDIC organises risk-based supeIVision course for examiners
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J. lnsunncr
{NOlC}.ln colLtbor;adon Wlth
the ()ffiCI!: of T«hnlal Asslsunce (OYA) of the Unlt~ Sl.OIlHTtusury,lscon. ductlng ;II six· Wttk training prognmme on risk-bucd supt'MSton• .as ~n of the
Corponoon's apacny buildang for Its sufi. In hlskeynotr.tddrHSilt the opening ceremony of the Inllning prognmme, the
MilD.glng Execuli~.
Alh. Umuu lbnhlm Solid WI the flftd for the ~~ lion of RIIS mlM'WOrk In thr supervWon of blnks In the counuy Will ~ on th~ f~ thai both the system ilnd the Insuruuons wert' s~tJns
mo~ compa in ttnru of sEu. IliItu~ of produca ilnd YOlurTK of tnIl$iICtions. He iIddtd lhiIt If ~ com-
tored and conuolltd. they
could InOia~ 00 1M IrutltutJons and 1& systtm
.. b .... Alfiall Ibr3hlm deso1b«1 the rlsk·~ supervision (US) ill a p1'OKtlYr ~ tfB.. clent supervisory process, which focuseli illtentlon on the risk profile of the supervised finiincUl Institutions ilnd enables the blnk supervisors to ~ a supervisory pac.bgt for rach bmk.. The l»nk suPUVisors, ht said, would alm dfkl~tJy aliOCiltt resouras based on tht risk profile of Indivkhu.l
banks and pcoKttw.oly monItor and supnvbe the ~nks in ordt'f to promote saf~J soundness and stilbillty of N,,""'. 8..00.1 1M NDIC ChJft £x«utlve oflkr:r h1$l$ltd lhiIt the lUIS presentS a fr.a~rk with Which blnb aft assessed on the biilJjs of bnpact of thtlr ruks ratht'rth.tn on Intultl~ ilSSHSmtnt. Ht funhtr said lhiIt In contr.ut to the tnMaCtion and complianct
""'" .pr,""'" ,••u""....
sion wh ch Is biased In forvourof risk-.Jvoldance ilnd henct iI&illnst Innovative products and services, the RBS ~ts risb mitigating ud of'tRttlns as valid approaches to risk ~ ""nL Accordlns 10 him. ". risk-
b.sed supervisory proc6S provid~ fiwhlr ~nd
responsive supemslon to roster corulStmcy; coordirution .and communlC.lIdon olmoRg supervisors. reltes on the peifol'lJl.lDCt: of the risk ;assessment and dnoeloJ> m~m of a su~ory p~
proadu~ th.Jt ~ ~i
Iomf to the risk profile of Indlvidu.al Nnks. In thai
R'g;Jrd, risk-buN supervision idtntlfies mt'.1SUf"eS;and controls risks .as wdJ .as monItors risk manageml!:nt prOCUSI!:S put in place by l!randal institutions dUring
uu",,""sory pmod..
The main ob~ of RBS.
he wid, UI!: to shupen supervisory focus on the KdvltJes or institutions thai pose the greueS1. risk to
binb and other financial instltutioru IS ~II ill the a.ssessrnml of matliIIgftIlent process to idmtif)t mtillUI't'. monitor and control risks. He ilddtd lhiIl 1M: main bmdiu of tht RBS Includt amons others focusing ruources on tilch bank'S high risk arus, or dn<odng mo~ supervisory dforu lownd ~nks th.lt hilve iI hlSh risk profile, which enables tht regulalor to focus more anrntlon on banks whose fOlllurr could p~plLllr systemic crisis.. The NDIC CEO ~ve an insight on the rallonale behind the RBS tnlnlns prognmme_ He yid that tht Shift from trans.ctklO and compllilnce based supervisory apprwch to risk billed
supervision posed iI lor. of cN.1it'nges to me supervi» ry authoritks, thr biggest of Whkh Is capacity building. A1h.tlllbnhlm pointed out lhiIt thot: NOfC CWIUners and analysu who are dirKtly 1nvolY'rd In the suprMslon of banks and or.htt fiNndaJ instilutlons requlTt' ild~ quate tnining on thr ntW supervisory apprwch. Ht ilrgutd; ·We need to be ahead of the oper.tton to Ix able to understand wh.ill thl:)' ue dOing Olnd the IliItUTt' as well ill the qtuntum of risle they harbor OInd lhl: nt'Ces.gry risk miti~nu they put In ~e. This training Olnd Indttd the intt'rVt'JltIon or OTA In this ,1ftals pan of the giant Rl'idts tattn i?Y thr Corporation to'stnngdit'n the SUpt'MSOry ~b1I~ tit'S of our t'UmlMrs and
Thr tninln8 programInf' is d~iBntd by iht orA Tt'Chnk.aJ Adviser on rislebased supt'rvtsiOn, Me. 8. Co Hamilton ilnd NOles Dlrt'Clor of Bank wmln,ulon Dtpa.rtmenl, Mr_ Olilrenwaju SulOllmon and II Is brokt'n Into five arus: Seruluvity to Intt'l't':St Rale PJsk. RIsk Mmagf:mt:nt. OpnationalmdJoWht Risk. Anti Money laundering (AMi) with emphasis on AMl Intrmatlonal Trilfl$iICtions relOltlonshlps and Owntd ~J Estatt'_lt is bdnR: run for thrft ~ks each .fn Abu!" and la~ corulstln~ of SIX sessions for lWO cWys In eilch loanon and 15 to 2S parrldPiIInu Pt'f RISton..
Osunplans to access N60bbond for~apital
Diamond Bank assures customers of seamless services IAMOND 8.lnk hOlS assured Iu cuslomers of sramless serviCH In the Implementation of the cashless policy rtcently IntrodU«d by the Cenml II.Ink of NlseN (CBN ~ Spr:OlklnlolillM: founhsea-son of lht blnt's wvers promo monthl¥ draw In LIgas, the binlt s Product Analyst. Maurict IIUSU. SilJd aJWIn from encoungIng g\1ngs culture In rnt country It was .alsoan opponunit,! 10 showcast tht bank s eroduru ~ serviCes for dfKllft mOlnasemem of the cashless J»O'lcy to handle cuSlomr:n' neflts without the burden of COlrJ)1nS 100 much Gish_ Isugu Yid to quallry for Iht draws. cuslomers would jun nttd to optn uY1ngs accounl with the b.nk wlt..b Ns. DOD, addins thaI addttku",1 savings will Iud to multjp~ dcw. The drilws whkh WilS Wit-
neued by promo resula-tors. peln winners. customers of !ht bilnk ilnd mtdlil prillnitiontrs saw lS
customrrs .across the coun;uywinnlnsNI million each ill tht tnd of month drilw, whJlt OmIU Sundiiiy. iI cus-
lomtr won the "Saluy <4 Uft", that Is M will be: ent .. tied to tilm NIOO. 000 for the nUl 20 yt!illT,
Emnunuel Chller won NS million. whllt, Emtst Chldoz:k also won N2.S million.
Agric co-operatives vehicles for bio-fuel development among small farmers ~-IE
National Cc:nttt for
1. Entrgy and Environment ( NCEE) yys agrlcultum c0operatives Mt vt!hldt's lfirough whICh sm.J.1I unnrrs could hamrss potentials for bll>fuel devrlop""nL The NCEE Dll"r'Ctor, Prof. uwrencl!' Eumonyt. told the N~ AgMly of NiguU In 8rnln on Monday, that farmers could become energy producers, as wrll ilS users. through tht co-operatlves. NAN rtpON thn tht eot'fIf cenm Is f.b(o resurch centtt of thl!' Entrgy
Commission of N1Stria. and that his situatrd In thr ampusof tht UnlYe:rsltyof knin. '"Thest CD-Opt'I"iltlV't!i offtr Y1;able, equl~ble and costeffrctl~ Wily! of hamrss.ing 10GiII1 polentials for blofuel~~lopment. which would be ofbrndillosrn.all f"nnrrs, tht' runl poor and ruritJ women, both as energy producers .. nd users.. '"The co-opentlvn ha~ tht institutionill ,",pacitles 10 provide ftit'Vant information and promote OIwareness-bulldlng at community levtl. to oYtt'Come chill-
ltng~ in bio-fud devt)opment for IiveHhOOd Improvemrnl," Eumon~
The dirKlOrdlscioRd thilt tht (('ntTt' wu planning a natJornl workshop. In collabontlon with the Ahian FoWldation for Agricultural Dtvelopment. He said thl: workshop is for fanners In tht 36 staltS of the frderarion on bio-diest.1 production Olnd would Oldd more villue (0 the expected production. -It wtll also enJUTt' m.at fa.rmtrs set muimurn benefiu from these CG-Opt'B-
uves,," Ezrmon~ explained He ~drd thilt lnadequatr or Inequitable access to t'nergy aff«tS the IIY'tUhood of mlllioru of small fanners, )Olndless Olnd Indigenous ~ple. "11ie role of co-opentl'l\"S In bio-fUlel-dt'Yfclopmt'nt can be nude compatible with current national su.trgles, priorititS and progrOlmmes for produclion. procrsslns and marketing
.r bh>fu<1 products
and services. with the tmt'fSt'flCt' of favounble mnds and conditions; the
'1'1iE Osun Gow:mment is ~ plilnnlng to ilCCtSS the N60 billion bond loan for the rucution of SOON' caPIlal prolKU across the State, tht Commissiont'f Inforrurlon and for Straltg}t Sunday Akt~, hill said. Ake~ lold tQum"hsu In Oshogbo, ill the wtt'kend. thai the ~lIt'C\Itive would soon forwud Ol bill to be known as Bond and Asai Responsibility BUI In thilt rtspKIlO the Sate HoU!ir of Assembly for coruldention and ilpprovaL He oplillntd that Ihe bill, when apprO\ord .lDd slgntd Into 100W, would olIuthorist the stilte sOVt'mmtnl to nlse the long term loan at chtap and fix.td Inttrest ntt'S throughout thl: pmod of the loan. 1M loan. which will be collKltd In rwo tnne:ht's or NlO billion each, will anraa intt'rtsr roue of ~n 14 ilnd 14.5 per Ct'J1r pay.tblt In St'WnyeOlrs..~
AktTt' gid the nHd for tht loan btcilme Impt'ratlve beause thr Stale ExKUDve Council (SEC) had nottd lhiIt the state sOVt'mrnt'ot wu In ~dll't' need of funds to Ut'CUte some projects~_ Ht, howtvtr, expressed optimism that tht fildllty would ensure successful tucutlon of aplu.1 prolt'CtS ror th(! dt'Ytlopmrnl or the stille In consonance with the SilI.-Polnt Integ:r.ll Action Miln of the starr BOYemmt'n1-