THE GUAAIJIAN, Mondajoluly n, 20n
Don urges CBN to provide incentives for youths' participation in agric "J1iE Vice..chancellor, .1 Ffiiera l University of Agriculture, Makurdl , Prof. DomlcJ Uld, has urged the
e ITorts .JIlmed al reducing
to provide Incen t ivu t ha t wo uld attr;\ct youths to "gri-
Nigeria Incentive-BOIsed RJsk Sh aring Synem for Agricu ltural lending (NIR·
unempioymenL He made the ca llan Wednesday in Abuja at the
N stakeholders' conference on
Clllture. Uza said th at such inctll"
lives should be channelw throug h d new progr3mme and tll pressW the h ope that it woul d boost the nation's
SIlL). NIRSAl is a new eBN lni tia· ti~. meanilOensurea holistic tra nsformation of tht' Nig erian agricultural sys-
tern as well as addRss the ga ps In both Iheag ricullural and nnanciai va lue chains. "' wi llllkr to call on NIRSAl to provide an Incentive, 01 specl;lI incentive thOit will OIur.lCl youths to agricu l. tu~. 1 don't know how it will come but It may come as technical suppo rt o r something eise, but we need the you ths to be employed: he Yld.
Accordi ng to him, the surest way to reduce yout h ' un employment Is through ilIgrlculture. which he Insisted, m ust be aUrae· nve forthe m. The vlce-c hancel· lor disclosed t hillt his instltu· tlon ra n about 39 agricultu r· 011 enlfl:p~neu rial schemes a nd caned for efrective fund · ing toe nab)e them m.1ke the desi red impact In th e li ves of
the people. · We want [0 a lt o n NIRSAl to give support to some of Lhese agricultu ra l entrep renturia l skills Wt have devel· oped In the unl versit ies,~ he said. The do n desc ribed NIRSAl as a -big revolution" that he llOpcd would enhance errorts 10 nnd a last· ing solutio n to m any proble ms con fro nt ing the coun· t\'ie cited the Boko Haram pheno m enon .lind mllitan· cy in t h e Niger Delli!
region 015 some of the sodal malaise resu lting from un employment. Ille su rest means to em p loy youths is back to the la nd; Our tomo rrow's agri· cu lturisu a rt the yo uths because they must repla ce Ihe ageing Tanners: he SOlid. He nOtM that lhe average age of farmers in the coun· ny was abou t 60 years, adding that a good num ber o f youths graduat· ing Trom the universities should be attracted to OIgri. culture.
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ilcad. ifl!i!ITo3I Aldl, Kaktwa OiseI:ulr House. Mr, &to Azeel (lefI), ~ 01 Cl:mnin~ DI 0Ilef iflspedorsollbnks 01 NigIria (a:tBN) aid O!ief iflspedOl oISkyeIbnk.Mr. Bcb~IiAd.8uslras~~~Ihe~OIreeforlChlelbeca.l!MOffi;:e-oII<alo:--.Mr. ~fltdci""'lhe AldIor 01 CCIIN DIieIInsper;Ior 01 U::cbri. Mr. Fm KomoIafe #! Ihe ~ cenenl ........ 01 a:IBN. hosted teeen11y "- Kabwa l..lcJIs-~.
89St Quality, Affordable and A ttrac 'iv~ Pric es
Institution unveils programme for chartered accountants rn a vlilon to d rive Wo change through IntJusny by addressi ng both r rofes. slonal and manageria lTain· ing needs, King's CrOIVn Susinrss School (KCSS). has unveilnl path that will b ri ng great bcndits to studen15, employers and the Nigerian economy wh il t been proud to provide a vibrant, crealiw and Inspiring at mosphere to d M lop potentl.aL KCBSs has st~[ed that it will commence the Aca E:cKuth'e Programme In lit.sos to CatCf for ,11] ntegories o f ' stud entS who asprrc to become academica lly an d proft.Ssional1y qU OIlined Chartered Accou ntants.. The programme, which is structural 10 1<ISt for I...." .lind ha lf years, allows students to aCI:l,Ulre livt different qualif.. atlons withi n th is period of timt,ln which the Association of Chartered Certtned Acc:o t.s, UK awards distinct certiRcatl!S 011 different stages of the programme to students who 6CelS In the var· iousexaminatlons.. 111e DirectorGtneral o f KIng's Crown Business School Limited. Deil Awobotu, .lit a forum recently said tha t the programme modu lt runs full lime, part lime, wctkdaysand lY~ekends and Hudents .lire at liberty to detennlne wh ich of the module best suit thd r per· sona l schedule. Accordi ng to him, -the KCBS's u nique and re levant progr-Immes will bring~al benefits to personnel. adegates, employers and the overall eco nomy; OUr facu lty memo bers are made up o( se~ned professionals who h.aYc: made tremendous contributions to both aardemics and btisinl!S5 world The school also believt thal accounting. m arketing, Investment banking .lind human resou n e proTesslonals are the backbont of busl-
nl!S5, and sho uld
elm rmna$ement skills..
VVlth a visroll to d m"!! ch.1nge through Industry by.1ddr6s, ing both rrofes.slonal and m an.1geriOi training needs, KCBS's un ique .lind relevant progr:ammes will bring g~at benefits to students, employersandthe Nigerian economy 015 a whole wfijle bet:n proud to provide a vloont, crea tl~ and Inspiring atm osphere to develop stud ents' polentiaL Ki nJ!"sCrown BuslnessSchooi Umfied, dlillde l of profl!S5lollallea ming, is .. leadin~tu ilion prO\~der for the Assod;lIion of
Certified Cha rtered Acco unt..;mts. United Kingdom (i\CC},~ Institute of Chartered AccountanlS of Nigeria (ICAN), Chartered Insti tute o f Stockbrokers, Nigeria (CISI and Ch.1nerM Institute 0 Management Acco untants, United Kingdom (CIM!.) and \VOIS est.ablishnl wi th a mission to prepare students for le~er· shlp,ClIcelienceandsuccess.. Awobotu st~ that the programme Is m ta nt for sec· ondary schoolleaw:rs with or without secondary school «r. linnte or Nt-CO orGCE result:
. -.
awa iting their t hou SSCE[NEC~ result: OND, ATS and HNO gradwtl'S who need B.Sc. d tgrces;ca ~r lnd l· viduals without finance pre> [mlotlal qualifica tions; grad· uates wi th out good grades Trom school; individuals who need an Intemationa l 8.5c. degrffS to enhance anti advaoce thei r caMr; national professional accountants who nero to be ~ised Intema· tionally, and so many other ategoril'S of individuals who are nOl menllonnl a nd are interested are also tliglble to enroll forthe progTilmmc-
P.O.Box 1 59, LAGOS
We the under listed persons, being the current directors of Progressive Special Investments Private Limiled (" the Company") and enUlled to receive noUce of the meeUng of the board of directors of the Company hereby resolve:
1. "That the Company be liquidated forthwith, 2. That the firm of Akin Adebowale & Co Chartered Accountants be appointed as liquidalOf to ihe Companf. Dated th is 30th day of June, 2011.
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