lliEGUARDIAN,Sunda)4Man:h 11,2012
'Climate Change Is Making Urban Pests Are Increasing With Wanner Temperature By Fabian Odum O)R an ever·mcredSmg popuLluon likl! LLagos, the challenge of ~equately nour· Ishing il wilh frt:sh and good quality vegel'" Wes r1!mains a d.!unung task; the pe.rishabih. tyof the produce the IllOSl d i mrull~ ltlseven more n1dent where there is also an ~loslon In numberof eareries. hotels, fanlood outlets aside domestic unitS that require 10 bt supplied and In a timely man· ner. Incide ntally,thert Is a ~ng nu m ber of urhiul fMlllers, With a Slglllficanl number of women, in lagos area as a ream stu.dy showed, Invof~ In producing ~IC Indlge-nous vegetables m pl.lces such as Ojo Barnd:s, Festac.lyan...lba. on lit~os-B.l(iagry expressway and Alapere-Keru ilXI5. Milk peri·urban fanning opens door for sustai nable hvellhood for nl.l~y fam ili es and young people, poverty reduruon, and enhanced food secu rfly for L.:tgosStale, the strong heal wa~. ln dl)l season and long~r dry momhs ~Ive nse 10 1Il.sea pests and (Its-ease Illfestallons due 10 hlghertemperalu rtS .Kcorthng loa report presemed byCender and Environmenta l Righllmtiat ivt (GERJ ) at a workshop In La~os. GOO Execuuw DU'Klor, Dr.JMrs)Vlde Adedayorevea led III her sru les thal lheaver· age lempeldture in the co.utal Stale oflitgos is nsing. and bv o.on cilogretS Pl;r annum, Ihe reality of climate change.. ntis has brought with it i~crease in the number of pestS and plant diseases on the fanns. Aside the litany of problems cOllfronnng the urban fanner, nl.lnageme nt of pests ilnd applicalton of pesticides by the largely III· ~UJPP«l farn}!!r folks ~ a conslslent d.lI~ ge r (of pesticide abuse ) both 10 the grow~r ~nd CO IlSUlUtor, thto SI Il~Y showoed. In an al1e.mpt 10 eradlCdte I.ns«l pestS on ~rn\s. vaned clegreeof ~iddes abuse and d lvt'fSt' ~lIlco,!lfolled pesl.K lde sales out leI were l'\1dent.. the rel)On Identified. GER!, from the various training workshops and Its Ii mnM CilpacllY asa non-govemmen-ul organlsatjon, suives to bl..111d ihe capacity oflhef.:trme.rs 10 ~thl.' issue.s.&~t know ledgo: and ask quesuons before buymg pesllodes. For now, Aded.lyo has brought .I nUl llberof d~ vegetabl e farmers in Ihe Stale 10 use the stMCes of a chemica] expl'rt, who is localed in Ojoca area of the metropolis.. ReYelal lons at the presemalion of the tepon on 'CIJIIldle ChdtJge Ihl Acrn'1lks dnd ~fJClde /t,fiJndgemem III UrWn d/W Pen-
urbiJnAXriru/wff'in ugof exposed the underbellyof pe:stJclde management in thl! Sta ll! where the larger popul.llion dC!pend on vq:er.. bles produced from Ihese lam\$. Consun'lC!rs, GERI found out, hdW' httle orno alternauvr tocollsu rnplJon of th ese fann pft)du ce, which labora lory an.a lySIS delected pesl ldde resides above ImematK>nal/Codex f.iaJdmum Residue limited (MRJ ) In ~r68 percent of sampled exocic and Indigenous vegetabld In two fanning communilJes Alapere and Ojo &uncks,evrn the dome:sticwalersourcesand soils, weredelected 10 havt' pesticide residue. In many occaskms. due to liIck of train ing and inadequalesupetvision by Slate "grirutture Ex lensloo officers, fanners have had to at)ply nu merous types of pesticides and where Ihey Ihlnk lhal il is nOi giVing expected resu ltS, overdose Is applied o r an altogether differem Iype is obtamed and used on the lann. The result is the exposure to highe r 1t'Yels geu mg im o Ihe pl.lm and SOil Dr. AdedaYOSolld the practice should be Ihal harvesti ng of Ihe cro~etables be done tilret' weeks after the a~phG1t ion of peslick!es.. On the presemation of Ihese resUlts. the agllil led fanners w ho \verl! pre;ent al the event found GpS)Ortunityto air their fruslr.r.tJons from various q uaners especlaJiy'lackof goven unem ass istance and even dlfflcuhyof acquiring liIlld for fanning purpose, Al I\aJI i-IdSsan, head of Alapere fanners Association said Illlddlell"lC!n hal'e cootlnually shOlt<hanged fa m lers to the end lhal expect. ed income from their Labour 1$ not achieved, even as theircolllribution to the ftftling of the large populalion of lagos ties on their shoulder. SGUe govern ment and Faclam.a om. dats, he pleaded, should assist fanners millS associalion es~l.l lly slncl:' rer,resentativesof Lagos State MUl lslryof Agricu tun! and Cooperatives were present atlhe programme. Hassan complained that access to the State government IS di fficult bUill is possIble to reach the fadlil\il offICe however it has been much (:alkaoo no action fmm gOvemme m In terms of InpulS and funding. Since the apparent position of government is to tum agricu ltll ra l land 10 hll ilillngof restdential hOuses. Ihe private develOpl'rs IldVI! also put heavier presSUll' 0 11 fanners, who ca n· nOi fann for considerable period oftlmt. dlail1J1dn, GuQva Farmers ASSOCiation, Mr. Em manuel Emulo I"('V't;1led lhat growers of the tll berneed about ]4 000 hectares of farm. land wilh a proce5Smgcentre. Emulos.11d the cassava SKlor is maldnggoocl
pmgress wLth Ihl.' new vanel!itamlll A blorortlfied cassava, introduced the federa l Mimstryof agriculture. So far, revea led the variety is mabng up to the third ge neration In his fann and had found good e'lIing pleasure for his chlldrtn and elllire household. To encou rage climate Slllart agricult ure, Dt: Aded.lyo hid set o ut 10 enhance fanners' and vendors' knowledge o n cllmale change process and imp.lCl;eduC3le them o n principles and Itchniques o ( rt'Sponse to pest problems and management. Pan of the ob,enfvH wasalso to teach fann· ers and vendors good practices il nd pe:stkide m.lllagemelll.lS well "s altemativt!' to reduce Its elTect o n human/enVironmental health. TIle workshop identified that a holistic and
IIlI i'gr.UOO approach I\ tth rnmaions lech· nlque is laclong In the pe!lickle pollcydocu· ments. There Is net'(~ 11 suggesled, 10 minimise dupl ication of effOlt alld I!N Ure harmonlsa· tion of purpose to aellleve safe pesdode uSiige. It nocf'd th.allhere should be ~mless clala and mfol1J1d(ion on aU is! uts concerning pestickles ~s against $CdJt:e or h idden Infol1J1dl lon of them - an act common amon~ pestkide markelersjdealers, g~rnJl1eIll, mstltutions and praninoners 11\ the pestick!e IIldustry Gender rererence,lt obStfl'e(l is noc renecroo in all rtlevant policies exjqlllg in the cou nt ry · 'wolllen art at vatiou~ dewee of risk at home, fann and indusuit':!! and such gender consider· atlon m ust be Insened in rhe polloes..
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Walver: lllrooghwhich shedSSisted IheCOUIltry's Immigration in engaging 'di.'monsrraled r1!nowned expertS' and InlellectUdIs In various fields. TIlt expens were adjudged to possess knowledgeaoo sktlis that would connibute sif· mfiant Jy to iheAIIlt'llGt n Na lion,tI Imeresl, III EcOllOll\Ics,Academics,t\IUlClIhure, Enviroomem ,AIuand SodallTl.1lle rs. The Indivklualsselected fromAh1ca and other potns of Iheworkl, mcludmg Russwn scientists and Columbian environmentalists, exuded gl1'al potentldis tocontnbUie substanually 10 the UIlJlf'd Statd kllowl!..'dgC'-biased ecooomy; 1hl' pnvate sector Ildd .Inlnulal feel of Nwauwa.AJabi's in tertStln the coontrydunng d~heydaysof lhe ObaQnjoclvilianadminislralion when she moved back and forth explor· Ing the chances of pLl}'lng big in the poverty al levi.ltion agenda or the Federal GoYernmenL The OlJICOITll!' ollhe elgln-year resea rch IS the CUlTl'nt elTon o(Nwauwa-Alilbi at propounding whalls consklered In ce nain stales as a pa..... dlgm sh ift in enterprise farming. Through the insUlune:ntillityO£tJlt BKEAN. a non-govemmentil] orga.nisanon (NGO~ which set.'k$ toabale piM!:rty In Afnca. begi nnI ng wi lh Nlgericl, lhemo5l populouscoo mryon (heconti nent.. Mrs.. Nwauwa-Alabi told n~Gu.udLin. theGIOUPseek:s 10 rueh communities III Oyo, Ebony!, /odall\awa, lillO, ElIl1$UandAnambra S1illes with tilt new ~gospet In fanning as an em erpnse. VISibly worned th.lI. nOl even the AgncuilUBl B.lnkcOlJId r~ the aspiraOOluoftfle Nigerian fanners, who J\ave lIlassive land bul are 100 POOf to meet the loan requirements oIfen:d by goYtnunent .. nd pnvatecredit inlenneodiaries. RuIdJ I".annersare.. in masl GlSC'S. expected to plll'lide, OIl least, to per cell( value of Ihe loans Ihey lIuend toaccess. For nlSlilllCe,a povt'Ry allevl.ation p~ramme for fanners in OyoStilte gets groups of 10 furmers 10 contribute N2~OOO each and get NI million and befwt.en one and
IWOacresoC land forfalmlng. Nwauwa-Alilbl belieyes thaI, gll'\'n thesodo-economic and infrastructunl con5traintsof the time, such ar,pro.Kh would not be effectfvt.o, pal· rkl.l LuJy WIt I revrds 10 lIiJnsmng from subSislence 10 mecha nised farming and addressing Ihe pttvadlng monsteroC pCJW'1"t)! To Wit, she and her BKEAN plan IOdelvt' inlothe matl er coostruClive/y; "irst, BKfAN klent iffes: when! Ihere are poor fanners wfth la rge expanse of land , buys thou · sa nds of ilCl"es and a lot: to lumps of between 20 iind",o KIl.'S. Only receml)\ It reportedly pur· chased IllOll' than lO.oooacres 1n olledthe SOUl h \-\'estem stat t'S. • Having lin le land for fanning. you are noc going 10 make money;~ wfllll'main poor for !ife: the BKEAN boss said -so, WI! glvt' f.tlem 11111l imUJn acre.age of20,and Inal'sall we do.. We are flOI going 10 bring in Iill' economics alone In determining whatkieologywould work In dbat· ing povt'rty;weare goi ng 10 look .11 our history in lhe 1)cISI)O years; we are going 10 Iookat psychol· ogyof the people righl now; we are going to In,lny alllhe irenlS with Economics lodelemline what is the potth totake.~ Nartaling tilt expl'rieoceof howshe Il\l'I a rarmer, who n~ed assistance: of N IOO~1I though he had t.1fg~expanseoflal}d Wt were. Not uti hsed due ro l.Kk funds, N>.Viluwa-Alabl said lhal BKEAN's franchlSt'aITilngemenl wou ld gtJafillUet' fanners free farrnlilnds. mech.lIlised ramm~ulPment and services and minim um molll Income of NISO, 000. Thesewill also cornea ngside free ln1gallon services and paymem o( gLmes to Ihose thaI work forllle fannen.. Fanners under the scheme, w hich will be national. WIll al§Oen joy healt h and life Insurance schemes ror asu pu Lued numbl'roffamliy memo bers. To guarantee Ihe Income, the 8KEAN pla.ns to bUy,al lhe praraillng market prices, aD fann pro-
duct' geneldldi mline Wllh lIS franch ise stalldards and under ils sl1pervinon to ensure good qualitf. Since Ihe NI50, 000 Incol1\(' mil be dependent 00 qUdlilyand ~rual .sal~o(the produce,lhe fanner is, therefore, encouraged to ust' clear.all (.Inning lechnlques as recommended and super. VIsed by BKf..\N. He IS also l.'XQKIed 10 preserve Ihe crops (rom pests and theft, as,.KCordl ng to
To rKOUP Its cost, tilt> NGO pl'lJlS 10 dedua, at source, dUllS eipenses Wllh some n"'l lw ns;and the 11'51 p s to Ihe farme[ NWiluwa-Alabi cLoims that the NCO has reddy-made marke1 foc aJ Ihe rann produce and plallS to 1ll<We <1he.w with the proce55ing of some of lhe productS t')gtJ<lramee exports.. A1re~ Nwauwa·"labl h.1Sse( up a ~m·proces5mg £actory III Nlgl.'na 8KEAN h as rranchises for com, pibeappJe,glllger and so on..
Agri c ulture & Agro -A ll i
~PK 15 - 15 - 15 NPK 20 - 10 - 10 NPK 12-12- 17 + 2 Mg 0 NPK 21- 13- 13 U " e a 46-0- 0 , e tc
FlIlCtiI blend of qunllty rCt111lzer for high crQl) yield III Malzo, nlL"C, Collo n , Yll m, CH86l1Vn, Soyhc.:II1, T01l11l10, Millcl. Sorghu m , d iruclly 10 YUlI .
1I" ·.'~ 'bI. ;;,1:
No m o r e middle m e n .
Golden Ferti li zer (a division of F lour M ills of Nig . P ic. )
1I 1r.f;~~ Ii Mffliflllf@ !.,Otd '~'lU'dI~
1"~rUiLOf ,_
~':'~Ji~:.';;'= mUM>