lHEGl..IARDiAN,1hursday,AprU 12,2012
Adamawa labour unions condemn strike prohibition bill T ABOUR un'OflS Ir ",-lamaw.ll !..&tate tvw a;:ondnnnaJ the
"""" ~thr state HOOS<' of It.s5ml to pass. bUJ for ~ law pro lblting ;(rlk~ by I5scnti,d scrvke workers..
Spuki~g_ wlUI the ~
...."'" 01 ,..,."" (NAN) 00
Tuesday In Y(lla, the state chairman of the National MsocbUou of NIgrrb Nurses and Midwfvtos NANNM). Comr.v1e Adanm Natu, said DIan by the Ado! mawa lawma'-en wou un u~llfiable. Mtanwhilethe b'II, which Is being sporuoml by Alhal! IIas$an K.1~ (POr-MallY).
has ~ .th~,~h stcOnd
rt'iIdmg and n:kmofl to the H~ tommlt~ ::JO Labour.
nx- rommiure is I[~ed to
conduct ill public I ~lriJlJ5 on the maurr .lind submit ol report wtthln ore month. NAN ~ tl~1 the bill
~ks (0 ~ the SGlte gom-001' the pov.terS to p~
ilny tracie union or association
of woriceJs thatengages in actS ~m~ to haw dISrUpted ~ economy or obstructed the smooth running of any essendal ~n'ice In the state. The bUb seeks to ban uaffic warders, hl!allh workers,
mITers of revenue service. and
n~ service workers from otgiInlslng or partldpating In strikes when pas5ed into law. It also seeks to outlaw any form of pkkrting prior to the dKlSion of lfie Narlonal Industrial Court. It p~bcs sill: months Imprisonmt:nt or N250.000
fint'.orboUJ I'oranyempl~
who"'" pm In.
\'t'aru. howt:ve£.s;Ud that tM
association woukl rt:Sist tht: law. ea:plalning that strikes
I think they are not doing justice. Moreover, it is not within their own power.; as per the constitution, and Iam assuring you that even the NLC at the state level are pursuing this issue. If they pass it into law it will not see (he ligh( of the day. It will not be respected. wt're 1~1 and that labour matters were In the concur· rent list of the' Federal Republic of Nlgt:r1a. He added that o nly the National A\scmbly h.;td the power to ~Isla[e on It. "I think they an not doing justice.. More'OY'ef, It Is not within lheIr own powoers as pauleconstltuool1.and I am assuring you WI even the M.C at the sate ~I an pursuing this Issut:.lf lhn' pus h into[awk wtU not~tbC Ibtht or the da)t It will not De
RAITAWU urges Kwara to approve
review of weigh-in allowance "J1iE
KwalOl chapter ~ of RATIAWU on 1\Jesday appealed to the state govt:mme:nt to approve a review of the weiglHn ""Uowana: of lu mt:mbers. Mr.Abdul}t:ireen Gt:sUil., the stale's chairman of the union, made the call In an Intt:rvtew with the N~ws """'''' of NI. .ri, (NAN) '0 1I0rin. He s.IIfd the Ft:deral Government's approVil.1 of the weigh-In allowance for Its media workt:rs had provided an opponunlty for the state goW!mmt:nt to do the same.. Gesua said the union would dispatch a lettt:r to the st.ne government and rekvant age'ncit:s [0 Infonn lhem o f the Federal Government's dn::ular on the approval -Since t998, there had not been any review In the
-I don't think there should be any problem on this allowance j( goYt!mment w.111a: to be sincere with us," he said. He claimed lilalrne nation· al body of the union was looking up to the KWoilr.l goy. t:rnment to first le'Yiew the allowance to .st:rve as an t:lWJ\ple to othustates. GHua said the 6nanwl implication of the allowance be made known to the government vt:ry soon. adding Wt he wu optimistic payment would commma!' in Ma)l
Ekiti employs 1,500 youths to boostagric fnIIII'*"IIw""""""OIiIi KJ11 State gow:mment has nflOUnce(! that arr.U1gt::IIlfilt5 have bet:n concluded to employ ISOO youths under ill Youth Commercial Agrlcullure Developmt:nt Programme (¥CAD) by the end-of this month. Commissioner for Agr'lculturf' and Natural Resources, Mr. Babajlde Arowosafe, who disclosed this II] Ado-EkitJ said the YCAD scheme would be launched by the Mlnlstt:r of AgrIculture ilnd Rural Development. Or. Aldnwuml Adeslna on April 26. The move is aIOH'd at /'MUCing unemploymt:nt In the start: and ensun that agrIculUlrtconnibuteSO percent of tht: state's Inlemall,¥(;ener.lted Revenue (IGR~ lhe inltJative Isalso Intended to rum the' rann settJemmts In the Statl! into centres of exreIlence In Agrlcultunand ensure all·round production of cash crops In the state.. Arowosaf~ noted thaI YCAD Is a step by the Governor
, '1
media workers' salal'}t So if that should corm up now. Sincerely. the mle govunmenl shouJd wllllngJy Impl~ mt:nt this ""Uowolfla because It Is lust compensation to ""ppredau what we have been doing for the gOVWl-
Kayode FayemHed admlnfs. troItlon to promOle agriculture and enhance youth empuwt:nnent In the state. According to him, "the progJilmmt: is aimed at en~g fng st:tiou.s-mlnded youths willi t:n~rentur spirit to be enga to becomt: successful usiness pla~rs in the future The commissioner; who assured that the selection of be:ne:fidaries of YI:AD would nolbebased on partisan affilIation of the Interested youths stressed thai andiDates would be shonllsled for intervieW aftt:r a thorough revJrw of their applica. tion forms. Ht: advised youths interested In the scfit:mt: to obt4Iln application forms at the Agricultural Developmtnt ProiKt. (ADr) offices. farm settlt:ments and Wm cent:r't:S nearest to them. emphasising t.ht: net:d to complete and submit the forms In order to be piI!t of the selectlon of lhe first phaR 0 the scheme.
Elizade varsity gets BoT, governing board ~ Ny! BeIo, Alan
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t:Stabll.~ h ed
~ Elizade' university, lIaraMokin.Ondo Stat1!.owned by Olainnan o r TO)'OOI Nigeria limited (TNL). Chid Michael Ade Ojo, which Is ea:p«ted 10 commence acadt:m1c actJvi. ties by the end of this year, hils Inaugurated a Board of Trustees and Governing ",,""dl Speaking at lht: lnauguradon Ade 010 ea:pressed delight al the calibre: of ~ pie on the board. noting that he: was convinced the unlventty would maku suc· cess with tJle suppan or tJle boon!. Membersofthe board, who also spoke at the occasio n. commt:nded the foundt:r for sowellng so much to esta~ ifsh "" YIOrld<las.s unlvuslty and assured him of their suppon at all times. adding that they were committed to the progress uf t ht unlVt:rslt}t Mem bers of Ole bOard Include Chlt:f Michael AM Ofo, Prof. Gabriel Olawoyln and Prince Julius Itdel usl· AdcluyL Others are RL Rev. Mlchilef OmoJoyegbt: Iplomoye, Chid Sam Dr. Feml Bolarinde, Ogunsanya. Mrs. Funke
Oslbodu, Mr. OemolaAtie-Ojo and Prof. Ladipo Adamolekun. Abo while' Inaugur.lling the governing coundl, headed by Pro( Sylvester Adegoke, a rtnowned Geologist. Me 0)0 charnd me:mbris to be pre~rftI for tJle big wk aIle'ad of thrm adding that he estab. IIshed Ellzade Unlve:rsity In ordt:r to brinS a.bout a change In the Nigman educalion S)'Ste:m. which ilCCOrd-tng to him. had lost itsgJory. He notl!(! mal things Wl!rt notbdngdonethcnght way In Nigeria, iI sltualion which he otiserved was ~ble for the slow pace of d~op' ment In the (ounU)!, Members of the- ~g Council Include Prof. Sylvestl'r Adegokt. chalnnan and Pro[ Peter Adenlyi as mt:mber. Othermembersan PIn[ Vincent Anlgbogu, Mrs. Yetunde ~urueye., Mrs. T.tJwo Ade 0, Pro( Henry A1dntunde, hleJ (Dr.) Ayo eto, Dr. NA Sallu, representIng the National UnM:rslties Commission, Mrs. Talwo Kolawoll!. n!p~ntingOndo St4Itr governmt:nt. Pastor ~ Orunmakinde, Mr. Ayo AJayt and the PI'tnm VI~ Chancellor, ProlAdrian Bull.