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THE GUARDIAN, Tuesda~ Ju1y12, 2011


RUFIN empowers village savings

groups, says coordinator "T'-I E Rura l Finance ~ In stitution Building r rog ramme (RU FIN) has strengthened and formed vtllage credit and savi ngs grou ps consisting of 126,341 m em bers in the 12 pa rt icipati ng Hates, an om clai llas said_ Alhaji Azeez f.hl siba u, the n:Hio nal co·ordlnato r of RUI:IN said this rece Oily In lana at the wrJp- up session of th e program me's second su pervision m ission. Musibau SJi d that t he groups comprised 72,<10 0 ma les, 53,942 fe ma les, 28,847youths and 1.9)) volne roilbl!" grClups. The News Agency of Niger/.l (NAN) repo ru that RUFIN is fund ed the lnt ernilt io nal Fum for AgriculHlral Development (lrAD)wlth the fe dera l ami participating state go\'ern· menlS contributing COtln·


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terpart funds. The p rogra mme is aimed at im proving access by the rura l poor to s usta inab le ru ral n na ncial services. Earlier in an interview, Musib;w lold NAN that the progra mm e had enhanced access to cred it facilit ies In the ru ral areas betwee n Novem ber 2010 and May 2011. It had also bu il t the capacity of Micro Finance Insti t ut ions (MFls) such as coo perative societi es, u nion s and coopera tive finance age ncies as we ll .u grassroots informal InSlilutTons. Accord ing to h im , RUFI N was fund ed th ro ugh IFAD loan totall),S27.2 million and S4oo-mllllo n gran t. I-Ie said that du ri ng th e seven years of im plemem atio n . th e programme was ellpected to attract n n~ n ces tota lly SIOO mill ion fro m

vuious fin anci al instltu· tio ns, includ · ing commercial banks. fhe co-ordinator furt her

said that t he programme wa s targe ted 10 benefi t 345,000 fam il ies of wh ich 138.0 00 wou ld be

1Y0m en headed households. The participating sta tes Adam awa . lla uc hi,

Z~mfara, Katsl na. Bt:n ue, Nassa rawa , Lagos, Oyo, Anam bra, Imo, Akwol lbam and Edo Sta tes.

Benefits of organic farming to Nigeria, by expert RGANIC fa rmin g wit l o ffer Nlgcrla il lot of busin ess opportunities If well developed, i1 Guman agrono mist, Dr Ma rtin Baumgart, has sa id. Orga nic fa rming Is a form of agricul ture that relics on techniques s uch as crop ro tatio n, g reen manu re; com post i1 nd biological pest cont rol to mal ntol ln soil productivity a nd conIrol peSts on a fa rm . Raumgart, ;, Iecturer at the Unlverslly o f Giessen , Germoln}" m ade the remark In an inte rview wi th th e News Agell CY of Nigeria on Monday, In Bcrlin. Baumgart, who \'Iorked as


Farm ers need to be provided with improved seedl ings and information to know th e type of crop s Ihallhey will planl lo adapllo climale change. a researcher In alternative plant I)rulect!on In West Africa Tor 10 years, u rged Nigeria to tap mto the m:t rke t available fo r organic prod ucU overseas_ -rhls huge potentia l c<l n be tap pea and a legal framework be deve10ped to enhance o rga niC farm ing In the count ry. "There is also the need to deve lop a syste m ic app roac h on certiTicatlon of organic prod ucts wh ich

budget for rese Mch to boos t agricultu re in the coun t I)'. In addition, he said governmen t at all levels should sup port farmers b}' Is m ore ecologica l a nd p rovid ing t ra ini ng and e nviro nme nta lly frie nd· Informa tion needed for Iy produclS," the lecturer t hem to Increase their yie lds. saiO . ~ Farmers need to be proAccordi ng to him, organiC with Improved produclS l1ave offered busi· vided seedli ngs and In formation ness opportun ities in Ghana ~d dl n g that to know the type of crops Ihe count ry curren tly that they wi ll pl ol nt to adapt expo rts organ iC products to cli mate change. ~For Niije ria to achieve to f urope. Si milarly. Ba umgart. who food secunty, an integ rated also is an organ ic farmer, app roach is needed In the urged th!" fe deral ~o\'e rn ­ agricu ltu ra l sector: the men! to allocate adequate farmer added.


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