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ntEGUAP.DIM',Tuesday, Ju1YI2.201J

Moneyr fuOl World Bank showcases strength of development model By IIu\ky 0IajId1 with


repon A S countrirs across Mric.;1 Ilseck a pal h 10 g reater pros perity after the Alo bal !inancial crisis,.1 new World 8;mk publication has give n examples of proven, homegrowll solUi lons th.:1t could serve .15 inspiration to many; Titled, ·Yes Mrlc" Ca n : Success SlOries fro m a Dynamic Continent: the bOok gives insight into wh at worked and wha' d rawi ng from 26 casessLU II'S, of which 20 a re national ill scope, while six Involvt' mult iple cou mries. The case stud ies cut ;,cross t hemes, programmes ;,lId sectors_ t h ry include well ·known success s tories - such as vislonuy investmenlS in hllma ncapital;, nd economic dl versiOcation in M'1Ur!t!us ,1Od BOlSwana - AS well .IS those thaI are less famous • for example, Somallla nd 's Quiet emergence as a re liable trading post il lo ng the Gul f o r Aden_ -rhe past two decades have been ChUd( lerised by rcmarkilble pmgress in subSa lla !"Jn Mr1c.1, so we set ou t to chart the dl'lenninann of tho~e successes,· sa id Sh"nta l)ev,tnla ll , WorlJ Rank Arrlca Region chid e(onomlst. ·Ourgoa! he re is not o nly to look beyond t he usual headlines {hJt pa int a monolithi c picturr of Africa, but also to make sure that successful r::pc rlrnc6 ue shared and possibly

re pli c~ l ed across lhe conllnenL· Overall, the case stud ies show that success was driven by collective action, usua lly but nOI always led by go~rnment. to either overcome or avoid the failures of Ihe p'asl. ·WllIlr t he exact circumstances of Mrfca's previously slow g rowth Vilry from country 10 counlry, there are genera lly two ma in c.-1II$es: market failures Jnd governme nt policy distortions,· s.1id P"un;l1n ChuhanPole, a lead economisl at Ihr World B;;rnk and Ihe book's molin editor. ~ Mark et fallurrs can be corrected by c rrating Incen tives for drsl rcd outcomes, but government fail ure Is moredifficull to add rcss, ue(ause II is us ually harder to dislodge powerful individuals who arr benefiting from the status QUo. ·Wherr poiltiCal checks and bala nces a re Stron g, bad policies wi ll not persist." Devaratan said. · When you look at Ihe V3St array of rdorms docul11entrd throughout the book, what emerges i.~ vivid proo f of the innovalion, dynamism, a nd rndurlng spirit of the African peoplr." The case srud ies fall into four broad c3 legories; namely, rrro rm illg diSlortlon" ry poliCIes, rebuilding a gover nm ent, ratlo nilli sing govrrn menl Involvrtllent In markets and listening to the people,

Sarah Atade (lell); Tunde ltmo. balh depuTy I~n," of th CenllalRank 01 Micella (CaN); and Prince Aj"lbalJ. Alonja, Chailman, filII Bank of Nigeril Pic ,II conference on Non -Inlernl ban kin g seminar orcanlsed by CaN reeenlly.


Eda fanners may lose access toN12b facility IE F.tIo Sute gO\'(!rnment ]1has heen urgrd 10 pay ~445 . 92

million hring thr 200S 10 JOIO counterpart fund , to FAOAMA III programme.lllls Is to r nable Ihe SLlte to .leeess the ~1.l2 hi!· ilon of the programme·s funds, This is contallll!d in.1 mrmo sent by the Slale Ministry of Agricu llllre 10 Gov. Adams Oshomhok. Thr f'ennan rnt Seaelary, t. I r. Mallhew Ogedengbe, signed the memo anJ a copy made a\'ailable to the U('II'J M"ency of NiJ;erid (NAN) in Auelli on Sunday. II stated that l he non·paymen! of the counterpart fund lldd also made It impossible for fa rmers In t he state to benefit fro m the pro· gramme·s '"cllities and aela~ the rxecutioll of ·si;c specl,,1 agricultural proj«ts-. The ministry UIJrrssed

~rti~~mc~I~~:t!he ~YTue~~ would afford theTr:mers lhe opportunity to access raclliti ~ 10 lhe lo ne of ~5 t O.97 million. The agricultu ra l pro jects aV3 i1able In th r state, under the Fede ral Government programme, according to the mlnislIy. are Fadama 111, Root a nd Tubers ExplOSion programme (RTEJl)~lld ECOWAS

Ash Fund_ Others it added included Rur.:l l finance InstitutiO nS Programme (RUFIN), Communi£)' Basrd Natural Management Resourcr Programme (CllNRMr·NO) and Nation,,1 Progr.unme fo r Food

Scc::u ri£}'(NSPFS~

Reacting on issur, Al haji AIJdulahi Mohammed. the co-ordln':llor of All famlers Association of Nigeria (MAN) in the statr. regrfeued th.11 non·p;tyment orlhe coun terIJart fund had pl"ced Edo behind other pa rt icipating stat6 In thr agricultural progf3mmes In IneCOunl1)'.. He urged the statr government to pay its 2011 (ounterperrt fund to lhe programmr, tO,It least, make fanners in thr 5t.:! te benefit from the programme this yea ..... He added: M Gove rnmrnt must make efforts .11 paying these coulllerp<lrt fUn(ls so th.:! t farl1l e r~ can benefit fro m these I)r~ralllmes. - Edo is too btg not to h.:l\'(' paid before now. .1nd r don't thin k tJlat ~'(' are askl ng for too much by asking the governor to makfe tllesr contrfbutlons. ·Oshlomhole is excelling In othrr sector'> of thr state economy .md he should give good attention to the agricultura l sector too:

ITTl, DOCTORAL RESEARCH CENTRE '" vely uniq ue. boutIque un ....elSity that is largely (onaed on rueal(h aOld practical processes fOI crealing academl( excellence. IransrOlffiation , congruency. sUSlainabllltV. community and mu hicuilural human! businus e:nvironmenu . The MBA In Entrepreneurship a lso Je rvu as a P;l$5 Ih roug h p.ogramm e for Ihe PhD.


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