1lIE GU\RDIAN, Monday. NoYember12, 2012
Association allays fears of rice shortage Fn.InnI~A/qI.
'"(1iE Rice Processors l Assoclatlon of Nigeria has guarameed the Nlgt'rlan populace of enouKt! grains despite the 0000 dlSiSter that ravaged most statl'S of the federation. Spraking ilIa press bneling In Ahula on tuesday, the chairman of the assod.lIlon, Hon. Mohammed AbubakM uid preliminary investiga' lions in the floOd affected area estimated that aboUl40 per ce:nt of the: ria crop may ha~ been lost particularly in the low lands and swampy a~as near major rivers. A developmem, which he said mayc~a(e a supply shortage of about 1.5 million metric ton~ In the locaIav.aiJablU· ty of paddy t~nsladng 10 milled rice snonfall of about one million metne tonnes. He, however,said this shon· fall should not createa major food crisis or shomge: as somt propone:nts or rice Imponatlon mi~t want the people to believe. These groups of riCt impone:rsand me:rchams, he added, a~ not adding anything to the econ· omyas mey a~ flO( ln~tlns: and CRating job opponum· liM; for Nigertans. He remarked that 'We iKknowledge that me may have dealt a serious blow on yam and cassava also, which cOlIld ha~ /,"',. vided some I"tlief in the Dod chain In the absellCl! of rice gr.illn. yet lhe~ is no need for pank and speculative hype calling for nct impons: They association among other things appealed to the govemmem to: • Resl'.il the prt:SSUrt from the cabal of «ollOmic saboteurs to abandon and r~ Its SITollegfc plan and lisaol policy on the food sector In responst to tht disaster caused by flood. This ~ lion saufis a fu~ a!.nn and
• Establish a IlUnimum pro. ducer price for paddy har· vested to enable: funners sur· vi~ and rise up from the itd'lt'rslt)t
• Only dO a conuolled Impon If 11 becomes intvltiJble that impen has to be done to meet the shonfall lri local capadty,lt should btdone by issuing Impon permits to bonafide local In~ors In me rtl4!vanl su~or. They maintained that only bonafide millers should be allowed 10 Impon a rrederer. mined qUiJntity 0 brown rice at conc~lonary duty roUt for a shan period. They said on no ilCCOUnt should finished rice be imponed In view of the damage u lis will do 10 10001investments in the value chain. • Dlslribute lime proven viable seeds to enable the embark 011 massi'lt' ~1'~'''I' u the new season
S,cnllary, Hipiln Red Q-ou Sodlfy.1..a&95 8rantt\.1jeoma Hwek, (leh): Head. Corporell SocIaIln't'llSllIII!f1l, SIInb!c IBTC Bank, MorW!~; and Chairman. KI...... ~ C6ou, t.acos IInIndI. Onlbudo Motx.bjI Ole, II !hi: 1w!Io:'. pratef1lulon ~ I HID l1IiUlon dwque 10 fbe SDdefy for 1'- rehabi~Tllion of fIoaded ~ i1 LqGL
ITF adjudges Fideli ty Bank as best contributi ng employer in 2011 "'J1iE Industrial Training .1 Fund (ITF) has adjudged Fideliry Bank the besl Contribuling Employer in tluman Resource Developmem in lOlL 1Tf, the olpnisers of the award.sald ttul Fidelity Bank e:merged lOps alnong seven! olher organisations nomi· nated for the award pmnarlIy because: of me bank's commltmeR! to saff training and devt:lopme:nL /IJ. an ImttKtivt forum held for Human Rl'soun:es/ learning &. ()t,velopmem Praaidoner nantJy. lhe ITF said that FidelilY Sanlt's robwt carter dMlopment plans for staff \NilS particu!.r· Iy oulStiJnding.. They praised the: courage and vislon of tJlt management forlnvestlng In the- future of their stafL R«t!iving the award on behalf of die bank, Chid Humiln Resource:s Officer, Fk:lelity Bank Pic, Napoleon Esemudje thanked the
olpIlistrs of lht award rOJ'
working assiduously hard to imp~ the lndus~ tie said thaI me award Is a glUt testimony and rt$ult of the Board and Management's commitment 10 improve J\O( only the welfan of staff membe.rs but also achieve professional ucdlence and brand Image til FidclityBank.
Goldlink Insurance PIc CleO
..~ i"novatlon drive n by experie n ce
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