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lHEG1..IARDIAN,Monda~ Junen.2OU


APCON seeks change in marketing

S~l~~?~~~h~~~!~~~~ol"m'm In m"k,"ng I Prac[ltlon~rs

Counci l of Nigeria (APCON) has called for a sh ift from brand exposu r~ to involvement of cus· tomers in marketing communications str.u~gies.

A statement Issued by APeON Corporiit~ Affairs Omc~r, Chules Obasi, on Friday in AbU\'a Siid £hat the council wou d organise a s~minar on ~Plannlng (or Engagement: A shift Irom Brand Exposure." It said that the se'mlnar would make public the marbling communications snategles foreffectiveadv~r· tlsing. ~f.ra rk e ting communica-

ing 10 upose th~ brand 10 custom~rs to involving and ~n$.aging th~ customer. As a result, media pian. ners, buyers and users require a sh ift in Slrat~ic f~us and iipproa ches,~ II said. The natement cominued [hat th~ seminar was pan of iu profession.1 d~velopment programme thiit would expose panicipants to srralegles for Involving ilnd ~ngaging customers In ii m~.uura ble .nd cost emcient manner_ It said th,u th~ semi nar would also highlight the shUI from brand exposure to


flations In the methods of int~rfacing media planning with communications strat· ~g't

lh~ seminar, it add~, was liifgeted at media executiv~s and other stak~ho l dus to lhe Industry. ]tsaid that notable adllenls· IngpracthionerssuchOlSMr. Uche' Aligbe o( Media Monitoring Services, Mr. Tolu Oguilkoya of Media Reach OMO. Dr. K~n OnyealiIkpe of M~ia Com and Mr. Kenny 8.ldamosl o( Orange Academy would be the resource persons at the semInar.

Farmers lament suspension of work on Adamawa irrigation project DWIERS in Adamawa have r t'xprt'ssed concern ov~r Ihe SUSllenslon of work on the Chouchl Irrigation projm. Th~ N~ ....'S .4gencyofNigt!riil

NAN) reealfs that contract

Ibyor Ihe PTF project was III 1999 and laler award~d


re·awa rded by che Federa l Minlsrry of Wal~r Rfiourc~s

in 2006.

A cross section of farmers who spoke to NAN recemly in Yola. urged the federa l Government 10 do som~­ thing about the prole'c! in vteVJ of its poteOlialto boost food production and erad i· cale poveny. Auwal ,'bubakar and Musa 8ubili. who farm along t h e Chouchl River. saId that they wert diSlUrbed by the susI>f:nsion of work on (he' proJect, adding that the proj~ct w,)s expt'<ud 10 be completed in Decemberthis year. "Th~ pres~nr level of work al the proj«t Slle and the:

fact [hal work hu Stopped ls a polnt~r lhal th~ Decem~r dat~ line is no longer realistlc.- Auwal Jament~. Wh~n contacted on the proje<.:t, the' Chief Resident Engin~~r. Mr. Tony Ologbosere, said th:1I only ofncials of Impresi! Bakolari ltd, Ih~ company handling !.he project, could say why tht')' susr,ended work. Accord ng (0 him, the proJ' ect \Vas not facing any finan· cial problem as the Federal Gov~rnment rdeased money bur the' ContraCior could not collect Ihe money, as he could not present cer{jfjCat~ for job done to warrant claiming the money: ~ I( is not ihe problem of money that Is slowing the job but the contractor. -8clofl~ the g~nera l declions in the counlry. Ihe minisuy releast<! money for the prolect but the compa!"y [auld not present anycertlncate of work done so Ih~

NCC to introduce number portability system after SLM registration ..,..-tt E


ulalors, operators. eonand stakeholders meet to deliberate on Issu ~s in the Indusrry. TIle 62nd edit.ion fe'arured pres~n t'alions by resou rc~ persons on th~ b~nefilS of SIM card registration on th~ economy and security of subscribers. ~x~c utlve com mlssion ~r, ~W~ will introduce an Stakeholders Management innovarion in lhe induStry In the Commission, who called number ponabili!'y, said this in Ahuja rec~ ntly which will comm~nce aft~r Oil Ih~ telecoms consum~r Ihe ongoing SIM card regisparliamem, add~d that [he lfiItion ~xercis~. system would begin after Mit is a system [hat allows a th~ ongoing SIM r~gistra­ subscriber to maintain his tlon. mobi l ~ number ev~n when H~ a dd~d that all subhe or she (hang~s a servic~ scribers ihould ~ndeavour provider, this will make to register their SIM cards service delivery more effilvith the service providers ciem and effective," he sait.!. befor~ the September 28 H~ further SOlid that Ihe d~,)dline to ~nab l e th~ number portability would commission (0 proc~~d only work effectively when with its programmes as ')11 s ubscribe rs were regisscheduled. tered. The Neil'S Agency of Erany! said that Ihe NCC NigerliJ reports that Ih~ \\.'Ould focus more on the 62nd telecoms consum~r ongoing SIM card r~gistra­ parliament had In alten- tJon 10 ~nsure that innova' danc~ representatives of all lions Introduced in I h~ the telecommunications indusrry did not fall. operators in Nig~ria. conOn the ongoing SIM c.lrd s umers as weir as other r~gistratlon in the country, stakeholders in the indus- [he NCe official said [hal Ih~ r~glS(r.lIlon was the NAN recalls (hat the tele- flnal s ('~p In £h~ acquisition coms consum~r parlia- of a mobile number by a ment Is') forum wher~ reg- subscriber.

I e 0 m m u n I cat ion Commission has said lhal it would Introduce a number portability synem for s ubscribers as pan of its plans [0 ma k~ tel~commu­ nleatlon services in the country mor~ efficie'nt. Okechukwu Elanyi. {h~




was tak~n back." added. Ologbosere explained that Ihe sTow tnce or work had aff~cted many Structures .Iready. adding tilat the job done was abou t 50 per cenL Effons by NAN to gel omclills or lmpresit for their comm~nlS were unsuccess· Ologbos~re


Meanwhile. agriculture experu hillle said that the project, when completed, would boost food production, check nooding .nd erosion In manypartsofYo!a.

AB UJA: I Odu50te Bookshop Urmled 2. Ten System Bookliitore 3. Russel Cenlf!! 4 . Nicon HilUm HOlel 5. Shilron Ultimae Hotel 6. All Silinls Gr..oelll House 7. le Mendiiln HOlel 8 CSS BQokshop 9. Valencia HOlel 10. World Slar BookshOP 11. lIZ; Tasletl Foods

- TIAN PLAZA. Ulako DIStrict Abuta - African Peace Mission HaM. NeWD. Cemral Area - Martamil Junc;tlcm. Zone 3 Abuja • Maitama. Abuja - Area 3. Garki. Abuja - Wuse. Zone 3. Abuja - AreCl 11. Abu/8 - Wuse Zona 5. AbuJa - Wuse Zone 4. Abuja - Sheraton Hotel. Abuj.a - Anon Plaza GuduA.po IBcn NounmCl')

JOS: 1 IShola Supermprkel _ 87. Ahmadu Bello Way. Jos 2 Mac Andy Agency - 36. Venda puye Street JO$ 3 . Adage Venturelii • MobIle FIlling 518\101'1. Bauchl Road Motor Pat" . Jo. 4 Ishola Supermarket - 10. Ahmadu Ballo Way. Jos 5. Te)taco F~ling Station - OpposIte Mr Biggs. Temllnus MarXet. Jos 6 . Mobil Filling StaUon - Bauchl Road MOlor Park. Jo~ KADUNA :

1. A-Z Mobile Phone SlalJOn - 17 Bannawa. Ph.. ,e II Shoppll'lg Complex

2 Nigena A1rforC8 Booksoop - 24 RabOIn Road . Kaduna :I Alrpon Bookstand

- Kaduna Airpon 4 . l ellemi' BooJ..stalld • levanUs Storalii Roundabout Ahmadu 8allo Way 5 . M 10 First Baptisl Church - 252 Ahmadu Bello Way. By Taiwo Road 6 . Kaduna local Go ...1. - Moga)1' Road . GCln. Kaduna ZARIA: 1 HashIm & Satlau Enlerprises Ge....m11 POSI Offiee. Weslern Way. G R A una SOKOTO: 1 Double 7 Supermarket - 2 FodKl ROoiId . 50koln KANO : 1 Cenual Ho tel

- 3 Bampat Road. Kana

2 luXUrious Molar ParX - Gold Coast Roao. Sabon Gari. Kana 3 Royal TroplCane H Olel 4 Ufuoma Restaurant 5 JAS Entarprises 6 Otal l Ventures DUTSE:

- 17 NIger SlIltet. Kano - 130 CI ...1c Centre. Kana - Main Posl Office. opp Nile' OffiC6. Kano - 22 Bello Road . Blila, Kalla

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