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HIE GUARDIAN, ~ llI rsda)< October 13, 2011




Ekiti to train 20,900 youths on mechanised farming From ~.l uyl'na "dr.ymtI

(Il ei\rl Soul h We ~1 Bure."u Ado Ek llQ KIT1 St;l le l;:0\"e1l1ll1em on


Tuesday ~ld It I as sct u p 1ll;lchinerles LO Ir;l l11 10 ,000 yout hS In 11l ('ChJ ni ~.ed f;lnnmg by 2f11 4, just as It fl.1gs orf tra infng of 2,; 00 }'luths for Ihe second lJ,l tch cf its State Volunteers Corps at !.l Ie orien · t,uio n cam p 01 thf Nado nal Youths Service Corp ";., volun teer Ctlr IS wo uld ~in work in the neo'' t ten



De puty Governor of th e State, r. lrs. Funmi Olayi llka Wllu SPllke rece ntly ~l ,1 sum· mit l' rg" nised for the yo uths by II Ie std te govemme nt in (ol l,]\)o ra tl u n w ith Rise Netwo rks, e;.c p la lned Ihat some yo uths wou ld be engagn l ln ind ustrial d evelo pme n{ u nder which th e state governmen t intends to cre.1te li..ochnology and Ind ustria l pa rks (o r sma ll a nd med ium SGl le en te rp rises a od CSLl hlishmenl o f m icroc red it fac ili tJ~ for young

emrepreneu rs, According to her, the present ;Id m lnls tratlo n In Eklll is (o rnrn ltt tt! to ens uri ng tl1 M ou r fu tu re leil d e ~ havewh olesome men ta l, nna ncial and imcllectu allilJo!ratio n, and Is motivated to have tim level platfo rm for ta lem discove ry. 1Iltellectu.l l illld skill empo...... erTllt:nl In o((lert o stratC$ic.1l. ly positio n I h~m for ga m(ul emplo),m e nl ,l (ler schOOl. Olayin ka, who added that progr<lm mes tow,m ls revita lIsing the ti me honou red val.

ues of Ela tl forefathe~ ~ u (h as e nlig hte n ment, disci pl ine and d ig nity o f la bo ur are In th e pi peline, said not less tha n 20,000 Ekltl youths \vClUld be trai ned In m echa nised agriculture by 2014. Also speaking at the prog ra mme o rga nised by the State Job Creat io n a nd Em p loym ent Agency, t1le d epu ty gove rno r reminded tllep.1 rtiCIIl.1 nlSofthe need lo key Into tI,e vision of the Dr_ Kayode Fayt"mi's admin istr.Jt io n towa rds bring ing back

the values o f Integ ri ty ;U\d ha rd work that an average Ekili man used to be known for. Wh ile d ecrying a situation where 4 ] p er cent o f the nation 's )'O ulhs Me une mployed she u rged the ffil era l Govemmemlo rise Ul?to tJte sltuauon, wh lch calls forconcened am' OIion. According to her, "our ,arget ls locreate at lean 20 ,000 n~ jobs I.Kofore the end of the foor )'(:,u s tenu re o f the admlnlstril tlon. And ali

raluses of government n e beingt!eared towa rds making the Eku i yo uths responsihleas a w;tyof bu lld lng a fu tUfe lhat is gu~rnntced In nation buildIng a nd et"o no mic Independ· enceof the state. --rhe gove mor has met wi th those involved in the pr<x('5Ses of ban n ing unemployme nL We are committed to crea ting gilinful en lploymem (or u le u nemployffi ~uth s a nd t he u nde r em p loyed adu lts.-

career development magazine debuts A Nl:'\v p ub licati o n t hat l "l!.vou ld assist stud en ts In making t he rig ht choice In Ihe ir c.:.ree r p rospects has been la un ched. Th e pll blic.1110n. - /"'/J.let CllildlT.'lI s M,lgdzjm! is also e,~ pected 10 spur reading cuItlI~ In Nige ri an children. TIle rubli5her o f the TThlgilzine.Lanre Oluseyi. ln a media sta tem ent made aVJ ilable to TIle GUd rdJil n o n Mo nday, d escribed lhe m.lga1.ine as ~ p rod uct o f a gro up of prufl'5slona ls, who a re pilssionil te ;lbou t the to(;tl d evcolopmc nt o f ch ild ren, Ol uSl!yi d isclosed that the magazine Is a n ed ucative ,m d interactive quanerly publicatio n (or ch ildr('n with in (he ages o ( sill: to 15 }'C'ars, said it would assist studcn t in cafttr d evelopment and Ihe ability 10 think a nd reason construc-



NIC president seeks review of labour laws Fro mflblelLonF~nlllo r in

"T"1"I E President o f National 1 Industrial (ou rt (NIC), lust ice aawlu nde AdelUIllO h;ts Glllv;used prompt removal of ptrcell't d d iscrepancies from the existing Nigeri.ln l..ahou r t..1W$ if the nation must alta ir. its 2020 visions. h lejumo howel'H op ined Ihe amblgHll1l'S III Ihe inlerp retal lo n's of t he la ws w('re not peculiar \\1l h Nigt'liill1 law5. but aho lhoseof Olh('r count ries of :he world, not ing Ihilt Inl" rnilliona l labour Orga ni ld tlOn (llO) cou ld help In rest,lving the legAl lacu na.

The NIC Presiden t, spoke fl'CentJy In llori n du ri ng the open ing cerem onies o n InLem .ulonal Labou r Sta nda rds, Social Protecti on and the Decent \Vork ,A,genda for lawyers or the NIC, held at Michael Imod u Nationa l Insti tute for Labour Stud ies (MI NnS~ lionn, Rep resented al the ('\'l"flt by ludge or the Lagos brand l o f t IC NIc' lustice Benedict Kilyi m, Adelu mo slngltt! out the pasltlcrn oflhe ILO on caswliziltion concept in the world of work nool1$ t~t the stim d of the orga ruzallo n o n the cone~t remilined ambiguous. Accord ing 10 him, -some of the issues to be resoM!d a t a


fo rum o f thIs nature rem ained Ihose givi ng us he.1daeh es in courtS, especial. Iy the problem of· lion. It Is a problem th at Is worrisome. ~I lO is not fonhcom ing on whether Q suilli Z.:Jtion is IdW' ful or not.. U~ a ridd le, II con .. tin lle5 to dan le ITliIny stakeholders in the industrial reI.!· tions. The body Ius alw.:.}'S left us to refer to the g~atesl \~apon or looldug at it from the,lnl!1e o( em P!aYmenLfor Ine NIC bois. th e NIC lawye~, who represt'flt the fi rst conLKt betwtl!n the COUrt and the outslden shou ld hel p In resolving the logjam.

Oung conventio ns t98 of lLO and 1970fthe Uni ted Niltions, Adejumo said the ambiguities In both conventions have led to ingi ntell'ret:ationsof wha t they rqJf"l'SCf1 t wi th Supreme Coun having Its mVTl separate position. He added; ¥'.'1! GIll Ihem, I mean these coovenlklns diiCriminatory cOlM.'ntions. lf \~ can't agree with all these, \\~ must flO( d iscuss about them from thl! point of ignor.tna. nils is so beause Intematiorni Labourstandards arenot issues to ha nd lewllh levlty.w Descr1blngtheambiguitiesilS "unfair Labou r practice; he urged the NIC 1a\V}~~ to conlinually ra ise the obsrrvab ll!

Govt reviews Head of Service's penSion office 'Tl"I E Fed e r~ 1 GO" e rn rn ent .l has (' m iJ.l rked 0 1 a n iludlt e~e rd seo ft he pe n: ion office, o f l he lIe;l.d o f th e Civil SelViee o f the f-edel .alion. The Head of Sen ice, Alha jl ISol Hello Si'lii d iscl osed th is, Silying, "t he alldi r wou ld ena b le t h e gover Im elll to know the sl..lte of th ings in Ihe pension o m c~: "'

Speaking at a n Interactive session w it.h the execu tive m embe rs o f th e Nige ria n Un io n or rens i onl:'~ In Abuja. Alha jl Sa il said , "the nex t line of ac tio n In t h e pension refo rm wm be chartl"d a nd va ri o us de m ands m ~de by the pensio n ers exam in ed and attended to approp ria tely."

Accord ing to th e commun iq ue signed by lite Depu ty DI recto r, PTess o f the lil"old of SelVic(', Mr. Tope A raka l~, the Nat io nal Preside nt o f Ihe Nj~eria n Uni on of Pensio ner. AlllaJI Al l Abateha, Intimated Ihe head o f service with some iss ues a rrecling Its m em bers in relat io n 10 paym ents o f pensio n,

TIle communique alleged th at th e Issues Included the non-payrn co nt o f batch 15 complai nts by the pens io n refo m l task team. no n' paym ent o f deatJlbenefit to next o f kin of d et"eased penSione~, eJC l e nslon o f the o n-golng v;!:Iidatlo n ex,e rdse a nd grn nting of a uto nomy to ule' penslon refonn tal k tea m .

clas hes In legal Int erpretiltl ons by givf n~ lhefr corret"t· ed verSIOn, noong lhatl( such was no t d one, Ihe NIC wou ld lreco me helpless. Speaki ng at the vent, Director General of the MINUS, Dr Niyl Olanrewaj u canvassed the usc of "Sodal lustice- to mi nimiZl! volume of conmets In t he IUUon's Industrial system. Besid es, Olanrewaju wh ile savouring the beauty of the nat ion's vision 20 20 opined th.:.t adequale Investment In ca pad~ building of the nation s v.'Ork force wou ld make ulevtslon a rea li t}l NlC lawyers .lI the evenl were )0, whocame .:.cross the o:lstIngNlCdivisions in Ihecountr)t

According 10 her, the magazine's primary objecti'o.'c is 10 s u ppo rt t he gove rnm ent's continued erro rts to im prove t he stan d.nd of education, l he read ing ha bits of students, teach them to im bibe the right m ora l id ea ls and va lues for livi ng and patriotism fo r their co unt ry She add ed, our ~ i m Is to ~u l p stud ents with the requisite kn owledge a nd skills fo r persona l growth, "Th e magazine Is wrttten in Sim ple fa nguag e th at stud e nts wou fd coaslly un d erstand. It Is entertaining and has a lot o f construct ~ acti vo ities to occupy a chi ld's free tim e.. -It co mes in columns, whic h treal topics l i k~ man n e~ and etiqu ette, caree r guide, per· sonal hygiene, healul safcty a nd e nviro nment, wo rl d news, you ng ach ievers a nd o th er interest ing ma lle~. With in the magazlnco there is a lso a reade rs dub whose membe~h ip cuts across d iffere nt ages.

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