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South-West CAN worries over noise pollution by religious bodies socit'I)'_

By """ .......

Coordln"tor SOUHIWEST or the Chrlstl"n Associoltion or Nigeri" ICAN) on Noillional Issues "nd new Provost or the wvlours AfnCoiln (hurch, Ageg~.




Ogunmuylwa has ullrd on the Lagos Siale XOYC'rnm~nt to enrorc~ the lolwon nolsr IKlllutlon, 5.lIy. Ing that the """y religIOn Is proilcliRd 10 (lvlhsrd SOCI· elles or Ih~ world If not the 5.lIm~ way II Is bring done here In Nigerloil Ogunmuyiwol, who spent 18 yrolfS In th~ North, 'Wid ~Inc~ 1 coilm~ to loiIg~• .u tally dS .. am, our brothers in IsI"m come up with ull for pra~rs alld all saltS of things and Ihry won', SlOp untJf7oi1m.1 don't woilnt illo look ,IS If I "m biu«l and I "dYlS«' the loiIgO$ Stale 80¥~rnrTKnt to come up wllh" lAW to twn this public nUl wnte we "re holvlng - Ir il IS a church and you walll 10 do olnythlng. do it wltlun your chu rch plenusn. Don t put louder spe:olk· ers outsKk the x"te This I~ lor bolh churche\ "nd mosques.. II un be moder "It'd Once you do c.. 11 for prayers, any other pre"ch Ing should be intern,,1 and not uternal P!use, I'm bothtrtd about this. leI govemlTH'nt do (omelhmg about II otherwh~ thC'\ arc making nonsense of our

Edo coalition denies allegea crack. aspirants list chances at primaries 1-,d1r\ ,I. '~II"'oilldwllh"'[lI

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"Muslims ut' In London, Ih~ .lrt' In Amrrica, ~n In hoilq I ttoilW trollwllnl!.u dnd

widt'; th~ don', do It lilt' woiIy Iht'y ,ut' dolnl$ It In Nlgt'rl. And (hnstioiln.s don'l do It Iht'w.yit isdont' In Nlgt'rla H oiIny pastor w.nts ICI prcoiIch, ht' doe~ tholl wllhln tht' church pR'misn. You don', diSturb your nt'lghbour" Vton OgunmuYlw. who

spokt' ~slerdoily In ugos .1 .. prns bflt'f1ngon hisTonhcoming In"ugur-nlon oiInd IIldoctfon servKt' billed for Sund.l),. 19 ••11 ~\liour's Arnuo Church

(.nht'dral, AKe"8t'. Ligos .n lOLm .. s.Jid slnct' ht' coilme to ugos hom Abul.l ht' hOld bttn dislUlbW by JX'oplr calhng for proilyt'n ruty In

thrmornlnll Ht' .Isa con<kmned Iht' .lCllvttlt'S of lht' Wo Horom ~Kt

"No'.ln Muslims in Iht' Nonh ~lit"lt' In tht'

Bo/(o /loram SKt IS doing Tht'SKI believes thoill If you ut' not .1 Muslim, you don't h"vr th~ rlghl 101M. M"ny Christuns.lre SKTflly ~ing killrd wilhom anybody or ~ovrrnmellt ).;nOWlng aOOul n Churches "re ~ing burnl. Ihelr ("rget Is Chnstian~. An"cklng poller nallons "nd olher places Iller tholllS IU5110 lei gOVl"m ment know tholt tMy olI'e In conHol in the Nonh: he .. K!

Farmers unveil plans to boost food production ~ tk.hov.'CVCI.s.udlhalbtotflu-""" of Ihe sam In the rwtlnn·s fmlilst'r .<hstnbuuoll ~ffll "Ie working to Solbo. ~ lhe dtnIu ol!hl: MmtSln-of Awtru!IU~. Dr Aklllwumi AdtsrIWo The ubll hr- wid. had faxnl. mct1lng b r1'brwlY 18. 2011 In l>'molturu, Yobe Slolle whne a \'Ott'o( no ronfKlrncc wouldbcpaUftlonhdcstrwon oKtountoll'lOfl1Jf'l"fomwnce Ba~ wid ~ had btotn --CranstormN. rrbroInd «I. rC'Cllgolnlsnl "nd repoS!uont'd to help subslstmre

r.lckle all the ob'l"cles m oKhin1ngthis." Hcs.udtheQb.Jlwl\khisnot (omfOlUbirWith 1M chotaof Adt'!lrw "S 1M MlnlSler of AgncUhln. pLnu 10 me lhe mrftill3 to all on l"rfosIdml Goodluck lanalhan 10 drop him. Bolndtl~y,."U In IkIYi Stolle 10 loIunch tM st"le', «lilian of Ihe a'SOC&olIIOII, lie wkt Ihe mlnister's cnncs,,~ "Iso not comfOfublc wnh AdM,"a bruusc ht- tS lhe first NIKftWn OUtSKlt' the Nofth 10 I,Xcupy the-oflke In Iht- I.1st)())'Nn. I It' wid; 1hrs IS tM fi", lime


t'fTI('fl5o«upyrngtheposlIJol1 or Minlsttf"Df AgrIculturt and fWturollly it wd! not go down wril ¥o,tft them.. The minlstn-- is doing C\I'CI)'lhu'13 J10SSIbk 10 ensu~ lhat the "gncultuTOlI


0.1 Lumtns. We howe Ir"lI1ln8 irod Indoctnn.unR OUfmcmbMsbrColuscwr~';tm 10 Iftd Nigt'Nm. ThiS rrrkieu

importation 01 food mUSC be Slopped .nd M "n- rt'ady Ul


Ir"nsformallOn "lend.! of

Prrsidml tonadwn ~ by Ginytng Lnmtn along.-

Baridrli! wid Unllkrllllhehcyodays dlhe ColIM! ~ onfy

rhOw WIth cronks In ~ mtnt twd oKCHS 10 !hi: Input. ~ilatan~lumcrlWftb now 10 buy fertilISer under the c-~lktSYSlnniSacodc5tlllIO

hIS phone to pol)' twlf of 1M prlU olftt'r the Feder.! GowmIlW:1lI had paid 50 per emtQJbsKtypertwg.On«lhlS IS door. lhe Lmnn IiIkts pM5HSIOIl oIlht farm rnput With IMtllktt wUtd 10 hrm rrom" ~t'ml f.mlbwrcompany.P He conllnur¢ '"Now fMmen h.l1/'C fertlhser dlm:1ly. You

knownatuTOlI"'lhssWlIl not go

down well With IheQb.JJ.lht-y an bent on rt'~ Adeslrw MId rnJoldclnglhelrrrihsenubSldy.P

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