Nigeria eyes China for agrie development From Joke Abnllltl. Abuja
'T'U achlevc food security in ~th e nadon, the Federa l Govcrnme/ll , yesterday, unfolded plans toexplore lhe bllater.11 relations It has with Chipa, to dc\'dop the agricu'(ufill settor of the etonomy. Permanent Secrl"lary.
Ministry of Agr1cultu~ and Rutill Devdopm conl, Mrs. Fallm;) Bamidele, who Slaled this ~terday.ln .... bujal while recdvtng iI Chinuc (IC'lega. tlon heai:led by China's VicC'Minister of A~rlcul[ure,
Zhang Taolin, highlighted the areas of coope:r.ltlon \0 include capacity building.
uchilnge programme in crops, livestock, fisheries, se'eds, fertiliser and land resoun::~
resources and processIng, d tslgn, fabr1calion and Installation of seeds nJu1pmenu ilnd machineries "nd tilt' establishment of live-
Bamidele, also so ught for techn ic;l] assistance In Ihe
stock b~lngcenters.
local ~mblage of tractors nsh quality assurance and nsh disease management,
self 5u Hlcienl in lenns of
uplo ita tion of th~ tuna
She noted thai with a populillian oflJ billion, China was
Osun St"~ Deputy GOYl!mor. Otunb;a TIliiayo UO'(I!-TomOfI (mlddlB); Frlderlk Min;uet of the Frmdi Develop!lll!nt Acem;:y ~tt):."d Rural AccuI and Mobility Project Task Tum lader, Nitholu Pelttu . dUllnc the iolnt mission meetm, of theWorlcl Bank and r",nci Development Acency with Own St~11 lDVemment. in Ol~. '(IIsterd.,.
Rot~ ~S
CHOOSING MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AS A PROFESSIONAL CAREER, ALONGSIOE TAILORED UNIVERSITY DEGREE Will ADD GLOBAL VALUE IN AWARDING INTERNATIONAL WORLD lEADING RESEARCHES ACCORDED WITH APPROPRIATE BACHELOR OEGREE, MASTER DEGREE ANO OOaORATE AS DEGRE EPROGRAMMERS, RECOGNISED BY ST. ClEMENTS UNIVERSITY.IClMA) ST. ClEMENTS UNIVERSITY BOARD HAS REAFIRMED: its approval of reciprocal recognition for ClMA fully qualified members as stated in the certificate of recognition insured by the University. CIMA makes a difference 10 the increase desire of Nigerian economy as one of the professional body(s) which adds value and complements ,he regulatory accounting professions, also strengthen and promote the transparency, accountability and review of operations as adequacy control of information to~anagementand pull Nigeria out oflhe monumental wmplainls of lasl decade:
Nig~ria with a population of only about 140 million was still KJdppllng with food production d ~splt~ abundant resources. - If China Mth ! population of 3.1 billion pmpl~ can be self-sufficient with food production, it Ihen m~ans tlley h;l\'~ don~ a 101 of things right and It will makes a lot of sense to pann~r with h~r in this regard-, Hamldele statoo. Whll~ highlighting cash crops such as:Cocoa, Soam~, Soya bean and oll·palm, which the country was hop~ Ful of a LugeSQI~productfon for t:'xpon 10 countries such as O,lna wh~re the crops are in high demand, the Permanent Secret;\ry said agm-trade, agro-Ieth no logy, quality and $.lfety manage· ment of (ann products, proIenlon of agricu ltural etolagy and the environment .1mong others, as areas the country rrqulrrd assiSLJnce from O lina. Responding, leader of the Chinese delegation, Taolin said, China had enjoyed a frl~ndly atmosphere with Nigeria ever sillce they ~nt~red the bilateral agIffment In 1971, noting I:h;\t, Chil1.1 was prepared 10 further paMer with Nigeria, for agricultural development, describing Nigeria .1nd Chln.1 as agricu lluralstates. He said the two countries complement each other In
Oil prices fall below $99 Cantinul from pale 19 etonomlst .11 Nomura.. -rhere's quite a substant ia l risk premium built Into the oil markets ilt the moment; Sheard saId. -Oil Is on~ o f the wild cardsortheglobal eton·
Nomura expects Brent 10 aver.1gc SI09 this year and 5107 next yea r. Analysts ilre concerned an escalatio n of vio lence and Inslability in the Middle East would .scnd oil prices higher and undcnnlne global ('("0nomic growth. "If Brent g06 to S140, for
ObIon AdubI
Shell Peu-oleum .1 Developmcnt Comp!n.1 of Nigeria LImited (5I>OC) has declared foret' maj~ur~ on Honny Ughr 10.1dlngs for June and July201l The (orce. majeure came Into effect at noon yestcrdol . '. T~e detlaratlon was scquel to production cutb.1cks caused by leaks and fires, which occurred lut week on the funs Niger Pipeline
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surc you're goln$ to ha\'~ -l. doublc-dip TeCt!SStOn in most advanced «onorm es: said Nourle] Roubln'. the New York University «onomles professor known for predict· ing the n nandal crisis. -Dem.1nd Is growing rastand supply is not growing fast ~nough:
lhis Wttk, im~stors will be eyeing thc l.:Itesl etonom!c data from the US and Chin;a. Some an.1lysts exp~cl Chlnt'Se crude consum ption to remain robust despitc signs etonomlc growLh may be weakening.
Shell declares force majeure over pipeline fires B~
Professional Expens Tutors. PET·AT CIMA Secretariat, Ojuelegba lagos.
th~ fi~ ld of agriculture, nOIing Ih.11 the visit will further nren~en Ihe relatlonshlp. TaoITn txpressed Chinese readiness loassin ;md panicipate in Nlg~ria's agricultural deve lopment in terms of ~uipment and tethnology and ~rsonnel training. He said the lripanite ag~ ment showedJhat China will be dcpJoying 190 experu and tethnlclans within the ~rl· od of five years, Qylng tJlal, already 56 ~x~rtS and t«l1nlclans have been dispatched lowo rk in Nigeria ana another batch of 24 t:.'(prrtS and tethnlclans will be scnt in August. -In the four·~ar or Impltmentation oT the South· South Corporation. with our Joint effons, the Chinese f-li nistry of Agriculture hilS dispa tchtd 496 uperu and technicians thill have covered 75 diffell'nt disciplines. Tht'Sc experts and t«hnl· dilns ha\~ provided t«hni· nl aid In demonstration work In 109 projccu which are located !nlhe 36 states of Nigcria-, Taolln said. According to him. - During this period, the collaboration with the Joc.11 p.1rmers, and the t:.'(peru and tethnkians delo~loped ilnd expanded the agricultural [cchnology .1Ccord ing to the diUerent envlronmenta' siruations In thc different arca.s.
lo[nt investigad o n visits conducted by government agcncies. communities and sPoc. found thai the. Incidents were caused by ha ck· saw cuts, which Indlcatc third party Interference and activities of unknown persons. The leaks have. been rcpalred leading 10 resumption of production on Sunday. The TNP, which lriInspons production from 5POC and third panles In Its E.aSIe.m opcrations to Bonny Tennlnal. was affected by leaks and five scpaTiite fire _Inddcnts on both the 24"
and 28~ lines In Bodo, Rer.1, Biera and Mogho .111 In ~onlJand, on june 9. SPOC Immediately shU! the linn, mobllls~d Its pipelines rcsponse itnd fire nghting teams and extln· gulshed the fires by June II. Production defcnnent ove.r the period has .1ffected Ihe 10.1ding programme at Bonny TBTIIlnal, and SPOC will now h.1V'C LO advise cus· tomers of a revtsed .sched: ule. Vice Presld~n l USE, Infrastructure and lO1tistics, Shell Sub Sah.tran Mric;a, Babs Omotowa said: 111e leaks and Ores show a worrying trend not only o n the TNP but a Iso on our rilcllidcs clsewhere. Sadly. the trend is continuing unabated.. At end Apri l, we record ed more tllan 3S sabotage s pills. According to him, "SPOC Is continuing to upgrade fadl· Itln, rep lace pfpclin~s and Improve. oil spi1J response $}'stems. But no matter how much we improve our performance, until the activi· ties of 011 thieves .1nd Uleg.11 refiners are brought to an end, the vast m ajo rity of a ll spills In the Niger Delta will continUe."