mE GUARDIAN, Monday. May 14, 2012
'Insecurity may affect food production this year' 'THE All Farmm AssodaOOn 1 01 "'""" in Abup., said (MANI thal the""""" ~ Of
Insrcwity _ In tbe country mlgbt affect food produc. tion dUs yeat. The RnandaJ Secnwy tX the iISSOdiInon, Dr. Thnde Arosan)1l1lOld [he Newsl«mry ofNiI;mD lhal d Ioc off.trinefs
lYdihe:irmor.!Jedampenedby !he Ind of lruerunty In the -"l'
An:JQnyln saki lboll some farmm in !he North Easr: zone hiId migRled to ttlt Southern partsolihe country, that IS rmdvely peaceful, to ~ in
~~~~~hese r:::::.
en: had fTlO'mf to oJreas when.o there ~re thms and reser· volrs, some had moiled 10 St"lU5 within rhr lower NlgerRiver Basin project. "Some of them boIve rmMd
Provide incentives for IPPs, expert urges govt
10 KosU. wbae ~ have the Lower"N~ RJ\ti Basin. Some
~ne 10
C¥:t St1.te. and
pam.of <>sun to engage in the
eager to begin tht plantIng season, some ~ still con-
fuied about bow 10 key into the
The MAN offiaal s;Ud that most of the limnen hold thelT
addns the issue, it mj~ also afTert litis yt'ar's proJuct:ion
tnOriI1e dampened beause the
·M~ d them still bold lheir input subsidy scOOne of the COSt of production -s bigh Fedrr.r.1 Government. and the market pricts of some m.tl7e and sorghum in their Hrording lO him, some od,. Ibt:lr productS "Ut' not st or~-s; £hey could nO( sell bec.J use me: market offer canthe assodadon M:I communi- ers were unsure of I~ OUI· CoIled 10ilSmembeniMdforu come of iM St.t5OO. /OlJowIng ~ned thai some of IlO( tflllgany profit lor them "Wilh 0111 ilieSe problem oJll~ moJd~ by lh~ Fed~ral dlt high cost of production, lhem StilJlwve thclrproduceof Government to address the noting ·that rh~ few that were I.ut )'W in th~ir stores, Silyfng tndri rOng end. l1IQSI of l~m Issue of insKuriry m the COUll- able 10 register for the scheme that Ihef.1nnerswere unable to h.J\~ thelt morale dampened and had access 10 relecommu- st:1I OIl the prevdlling 11\iIrket ilDd 1:nIa's somernlng Is done try.u~ also noced thou tilt fann.. nk:.auons nelWOrk mlghl gel pria: bec:ituseoflow prof'ililblli- (0 oKI:I~ this Issue. most 01 m' ~ ol prepm.oon for this results ImmedLate1y. while them "ill I"IOl be engaged In yeoJts plan-dng season those In the hinterland might Amsanyin warned that If fanrung amvIdes this ye;n:," he ~ al:Joo.or 50 p« ant, oJddmg face some challenges.. meolSUIl!S were 00( tHen lD that althoUgh the f.mners larm1ng~. 6eSdid Arosanym.~,sald thilt
DlR the refonns In wblch bad oonuibured 10 C lhe power SKlor to suc- Increased 1\iItioIWI electricity ~ upen, Pro( gener.ldoD in !he rounD)' Adeola Menildnju bas Adenikinju.~. Called idYised tbe fft:Ieral for credible rommiunenl on GoYertunent to pn:wide 1ncen- the P-:Ul: of government to a IMs Indeoendent f"oo,ver welFdefined and properly Producers (1Pt\s) in the rural phased l:imetat»e forthe mer· dectn1k:iadon SKlOC gy refonns to be ruccl!SSful AdtonikinIU, who lectures at ~ to him the nm:I the Uni'mSlty of Jbadan, gave lOr policy arid politbl SIabiJI. the advkr whlk pRSrJUing a ty to ~ a(lequ.ale powapaper m:rntly, in lbadan. He ~nu.ltJon. He said thai no aJso advtsed govemnv:nt to mauerthenwnberofliance: addressissuesTdalingtoaio. ~tedtolPPs,no6nnwould cal intEl"rSt groups in the dec· mvesl in the energy sector aidty senor. unles govmunent was ready Admlldnlu. whose paper to give guarantet!$. noting was mtll1ed: -Enet"gy SeCtor tbat although the Nlger1.J R,t:fonn: Prices and- Private EltctrtClty RfguloJtory Sector Response: spokr 011 oJ Commission had granted seminar organised by the (lll.ti30lianastolPPs,oruya Nigerian Jnsdtuu of ~ fewboJdestabUshedplantl
Cft!d. an
ani) Economic hsearth He listed cha.l1enges m1l1tat· (NlSBt), Ing agaion prtvale S«UIr HeGilledongtM!flllneflllO respo~ to energy sectOr put in pI.;:II2 modalille: and , reforms lO inaude the InfrastrUcture that would ahsencr of guaf'Ullor lOr ~y minimise the unttnainties in men! risJc, Inadequate o;ms. ~ emnom)l mission and disriibution of The don rec.tUed that the lnfrasuucture and UIUullst:ic ekarlci'-'l H!'funns in '100) ~tiDns ~ pm\eCl ~ p!; blnfl to three ma\Or lPPs, open..
DncIra', Row . . PIc. PIIJ BledecIo (WI): I'nI*a III f'oa--HIrwst TIIChnoIof:r WId ~ ~ SI....... UrMniry, SouIh AInca, I..ku 0!Jn,
~~a.....m.oIea-.c.()48CC'),£rMb~~SI;;t.~b ~~~ 1lt.ct.m.',UlJl'2D12. ~'InaIdII!l~c.-."""-'~b,f\cQMill.klu...Q"'"
With gratitude to the Almighty God, we anoounce of our amiable beloved husband, father, grandfather,
Mr. Justin ChuKW'ueme~~~fl Nwaneka Umenne 3 : 07 , 1950 - 31 : 03 120 1'2 ~
PnJrer Night at his hom. fOWn Po. Ju5tin Umenne's tompound; Umudim·Awo rosi Villgge. Uoo TOWTl ./o9uctD LG.A of Anombta Slate Time: 6pm • 8pm WEDNESDAY 16TH MAY, 2012
Body Ioys for in tennenl 01 his home town residence. Tlme: 9am
SUN.DAY201H MAY 2012 Thonbgi";ng ~ce @St. JamesAngllcanChurch, Umudim· ... wcfQp Village, Ugo ToWl'l AA:JmUro Stat e.
eo.""'~N~ visit at lhe IOmtI Y&I'lU8.
SurvtYed By:
Childr.n Gt-ond Children
Signed: Mr. Kenechukwu Umenne (or the fomj/y