lHEGUAR()W.I, Thulsda)l MaIdJI5,201l
News Ajimobi signs 2012 Dyo State budget From IpbalanL lbadan
~~~;~~AbIola'\lhnobl ogn<d II>< "'" Sta~ lOa
ropNdon Ifill Into law wi a prom Isr that his adminilitrauon would
ISiiation and m.lIldgenrnt to
msu~ ~smoio:: lid",",
~CDfding [g a sta~ment.lhe
ng~ wtudl rook at the £x«utlW' ChaJn. or the GoY!:mor's otIJtt ....015 wi~ by the Spum of the HOI.ISe of k:sernbl}t Mrs. Monsurat Sunmonu members of the Aso;embly~ wen 0lS JOmlbers of the stale e:xrrutiYe council
dIeriM:1y monltoi" md n'illro ....
ate all ongoing proJects throoKh efftriNr cost coottol ;mdv.ilueaddition. The~hadearl .ergi\l!"n
the size of the budget as Nrn.s billion n~upofrm_'iblllion rKUrTmt I!'JIpC!fldltu~ and N9S bWIon as G!lpir.ll ~I IW<.
Four die in lIonn crash, tankers explode in Ibadan From AI*Idun Facbenll.
I\orin Ind .,.. LanL lbadan
Inc.ludtllJ a rni~th-()jd b.oiby _re reamI kIntd by. fully bided lip" per Iony In a motor actktenl at Agba Dam .uu d Ilmin, the Kwm Slalecaptal Many pmpIIe sustaIned In luries and propmywonh mlllioosof nal~ _desuu)"I!d In lht.· acddent. whkh ocrurred t.-. MoopetWOS
~~ accounts IItYWed
"'" ""."""any;"J!",no,,",
bIodo ..... "pdlnoGlN """len, had bn!ak r..11~ .U\J the ~ RJlRquenlly lost control i1t a bend along Agb.i l)'IIn. A SOUr«!' saki ~ ~vy lorry ~mmed inlD aJ1 on"ccllnlng vehide from the Opp051~ .lim::· lion bebre crushing a row ol shops ,n the adjacm t road. IdWng lhm! ol Its passe18ftS InstJndy md an DroJJWlI of
one 01 me afkmd StlOpS.
FlIRO. flour millers COllaborate on cassava
flour 81 F..... fJI:Iu. "J"1-{E FedeaJ InstltUl.- of ~ lndUSOial ~rch Oshexil u.gos (~::L and tht' Ilour MlIIm tion or Nigma ha\oe engage::! In dJscusskKts to SPtafy IndUsUiwitk Indu" SIOll of lugh quatll}l asgva OourlnbrNd..
OirM:«~r.tI and Chkf ExKutiw OffICff of AIIW, Dr:. Gloria EIema. ~kd this 011 the end ol. I1"II!etirJg with the TechnlCill Commiu.ee of llour MIII~I"I AssocIatio n of Nlgerl.l. which sought ways LO utilise tilt rKipt' dew:IoPfti b) the Inslitlue.. The usodation is 100erutrd in ieYr:raging on.the e:cpt'ltisc of Rllta to ~ the r1!dpe ~ bv the institute f« baking bread with 10 pel" cent ca$SilViI6our lnI:lusion Spokmnan for the millers, Mr. ROOml Fadlpe. Sild tht' commll1ee! ~ commuted a tl!am to monitor tIlf' (olOpllana of all milling compitnks in l£tgos with the PoUC)
NIMASA ex-boss fails to stop trial over alleged fraud By a.m- ~
A FEDERAL HIJth Coun In IlLagos ynteriby giI~ the pro5IeCUOon one ~ within which 10 continO!! With me cue: a "nst fomln DirectorGl!nera!iof the Nlgtria Ma
It:lrncAdmlnlstr.lljonal~dSaf; tyAgmcy (N1MASA~Ra
Omiucyr, or gtt the Yct:a e disrntssed..
rg ud ~,JusIkt Btn~ ko, "reJectl!c:i Oma~ s arpilCiloon sct'k· ing dlsmiS5il of the charge ~rerrtd against him by Ute Economic and Ananclal CrimcsCo!'lmlsslon{EFCC).. The coun s deadline follOW'td alleged lack of ~ on the pan of prosrcuoo,:, to ~Ult ee suit ;t:g,I:IJUI
%:'"_ j .....
the ~ t~'!f~~ ortht cha~illgalnsthlm.. The aaitsed person ~ad
through his counsel. OlusU\il SofoLa (St\Nl urgl!c:i tht coun [g dismiss t.h~dlarg~ hanging
gh ". " _.. c ennou dillgena In p ~tI g the charge
.tgalllSt ~lm..
cullng Omatseye on an 11· count ch.trge of allcgtd corrupdon InvOMng IU~ traMOO •OOO fiom the fer of NIMASt\s account to his per. sonal accounts.. EKC iIIlso allegl!c:i that Oma~ ~ his position to ~lfl ttnden. ~dehlsomdaJhmltonwhat he could appmvr and ;J:wardfed COnU"3ClS W 10 compM1lcs. AI then'5Ullled hearing of the as!! ytSterda}\ tht pros«Ut:Ion represcntrd by a public counsd anacbed lD th ER::c..
lhe readiness of the rosecutlon to procem wit.h cross eumlnallon of the prosecudon wi~ In the absma or Mr: Godwin 0bIa, who has !.he Altome:yGmmlI of the Federatlan·s ft.1t to prosKUt~ the matter. He Infocrnrd u'\e coon ~~Ia wa.s unavoidably
But SofoLa ~ to the IJ"IO\It on tlle ground that the coon had OIL tht last adjourned date ruled thatooly Obla who has th~ AltOmI!)' CftteraloftheFederauon'stbt to pfOSKUte the matter could go ahead with Ult CiIIst.. Sofola toki thecoun mat 0bIa had on lut adjoomed datt
askl!d fOe- adjoummmt of tiltCiI5e.u
WillS In
Ahuja [0("
iIInother nwller, and that he wou~ WilIllto pro5«Utr th~ GlSehuTlself,.uthe5Olcm:iptem of the fiilL TIle defern counsel, In hili submlmon, atgutd t.hiIt sin«' ObLa's ~Utst wu granted tven when the defence w.ilS anxious to roocIudt lIS CiIISC
and prow: the IllJlC)a'naoflu ditnt. the courud In coon CiIInOOI proceed with the malIn: The derencr then urgtd th~ coun to dismiSS the charge. O!lIeging that the prosKUtrOn had aemonstraled that It was not dillgmt In pur. sulngthtmauer. But Ubi In hIS submission u fed the coon [g nt US!
al1oth~r iIIdjoummtnt to elt.her;illowmeAttomcyGl!nI!r.Irs offict.lilkr.dedsion on the mauer« rorObLl to coounue~ththeCillSc.. The judge Luer dCCeded 10 the ~ucst of 1M p~ uon and adjoumtd the mat· tert:lllMa~ll,1012I:YmO!t the dlagnn of the dtftnce counsel..
Road mishap, kerosene explosion claim 16 lives in Edo. Delta F....
.... ar,.
OVE ptrsons _re yt:Sterday r conflnned d~ad In. motor accld~nt. which occurud along the Benln-Auchl road on Tuesday. In a Similar d~1opmm1. II pt'nons have betn reponed dead from k~roStne expJ~ sions In Edo O!nd !>tIQ states In the last three! ~ks. ~ral odter passengers who reponedly SUSGllnl!c:i- various degree o()njurlts In the T"OiId accident were said to h;ave betn rushtd to different hospltals,lndudlng the £do Setteowned untnl Hospiul. Saptle Road.. Benin a~ for lRatment.
The acddenl. which In'o'OMc:l
a 16-uattr commuter bus belonging to Hlg ~ Molon and a htavy motor Yt'hldt. repontdJy occurred by the 011 Palm Estat~ along the Benln-/luchl Road. The bus was said to be heading for the Nonhtm pan of the counuywhen itronkied With the truck while oll'ertilking anOlhct"Yt'hldc. tkwasts ofkemsene uploslon In Edo and Delta 51alts dalmtd tll~ IIws of 11 ~r" sons, ..... hlle another 11 olflen were Sild to be rt'C~ivlng treatment at the AccIdent and Emergency ward of the UnlYerslty of 8min Teaching Hospital (UBTI-I) for bums they SUSl.-dned as a mull of
the explosions. The deaths 'NHe said to have betn recorded bet~n ff:bmary till date.. Nine oC th~ deaths Wl!re recordtd O!t !.he UBTH, while two WI!~ I"KOflIed In an unidtntlfied h05pltn The Coordlnator.(;eneral oC SaY\" !ocddertt V\ctfms ~ tion of Nigeri.J (SIIVAN~ Dr" Eddy Ehlkham~ saId 90 per cent of the victims of kerosene explOSion Incidents W'e~ brought from !>t1t.lStillt~ to the UBll-I, iIIdding thill the remaining 0lSeI W'ef"t rt'COrdftt in Edo State.. He Ilsttd the method oftest· Ing kerosene to Indude visua~ volatility" ~nsory and out· doorodight Qctics..
Ekiti kicks off e-school project, okays NIOO million for labs FnIIIl...,.~(Had
South Wwt
aur-. AdD D.i1i)
Teachers, students get 11 ,000 computers
"CKITI 5a~&~mcnt~ft"·
with Samsung \'A5t AfrIc.iII Umtt" .I...day kicked "off the MchooI a:I.nd Microsoft. a JtIob,lI tradeIl,OOO units of lapmp comput· mark in software te;:Ti~ ers tu swdmts and leachm of IIcsidcs tile laptOpS, tht goyu" nor also IdcWoff the distribupubIk SI!COndary schools.. tion of 100.000 .school bags 10 Govmlor~)'Olk F~ who !StUdrnu In the smt .nd sPtdal handed OYer tht compuoen to c:ompJlm to dtt physiaall)'ch;t:lthe students al ;Jin lmpressMe Itnsft1 studmu w enablt lhmt cmntO!l)' htld al the African mjoy the bmtfits oflnJorrrr.ation Church Compo!:hfnstwo HJgh and Conununil:;niom ltchnoIoSchool In Ik~rt-Ekili. said II gy(1CT} m.uked tht fil"5l P!we of di5tJi... - layem1 expI.Uncrl that tll~ gesbuoon of;Ji twl Ofn.ooo unIts oflaptopcompulmtO.stI..Idents lUre was In lUIfillment o( hisamprom"" '" """ "pi.... and leachl!rs Wlder the project.. M11able on the desk of tach sruThe protect Is bl!lng ddwn by dell of public secondary schools ~ gD'mllmtntln pill1nmh.lp In thtstil~btfore 2014. projI!ct with the dl5trtbution of
11llmde<i to trripOWI!r them to
"" """ ...."" . _ rom- srudmlS of pUbIk schools was
faytml. who was misled by his dtput}\ Mrs.. FunmlLa)V (Xayinb "nd the Sptaker tJ'I! Houst Assembl~ Dc ~Ie Omlrlo. to distr1but.r the LtpWpS iIInd school bags. urgtd the students to takt adYilmagl:' of the various insuoc· lional materials and the CODdudw: ~rnin& tf1VIfOOlTItflt the g<M'mmeu his pnwkItd tuacd In thdr ilCilldmtic pursulL iht turon: Is in )OUr hands, I uJge you to Wcr It. ~the best th,u
pu~ whkh'Win btdistributed
comptl~ Qyoo~bIy with Ihrir coIleolgutS In odlft"c.llmcs wflha conlidenct to ouuhlnt thtm The Commissioner lOr EdUG Don..5denct and ltchl"lOloD Dr. Eniola Ajayt.. Slid tht cxercist
er 1010 and Microsoft I'I:lYIe:r
lurn ;uuund the a:lUGltloo 1«tor and tmpowa- srudmts and lmChcni in public schools. She dIsc.Ioscd INI JOYmlmtnl has approved Ntoo mllllOll for tht provision of \abor.Itory IlKIU· ties In 0111 publk s«ondO!ry schools Inlhestillrwhlle ~ I10n of schools had commmcrd..
reatUl'!!S such as wtbcam. thm! USB poru. power pack.. dual.soft I!duadon SoftwMt. Norton antivirus. Skypt, adobe. MkrosoI"t Access 1010, Microsoft Excel 2010, Miaosoft Info path IksIgn-
potnt 2OlO, O!monJ~ GwernoI'" F.J)'I!RU dJsdosed thai Sarnsung West AfriC;t: Umlttd has agrftd to cstiIbllsh a comyoucanbe..Onourpilrtu~ Pl.llrr assmtbly J>l;!nt dedlC;t:ttd mem, ~wtU molinue to j)I"IJ\IIde 10 SUSGJlnabillty of !.he schefnI! you with tht JltCm;iIIrysupport to .and ICr goals 01 his admlnistraensure )OU rulise )'OUr ~rm,. """HI! pointed OUt dwl the dlSlJ1..