Delta flays Shell, Chevron over tax evasion From ctDI Ocab', Warn 'T'H E Delta Srare Board of Ilmemal Revenue (OB IR) h,lS accused Aoglo·Dutch oil giant, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), and Chevron Nigeria limited of falling [0 pay itS due tax to the state. The board alleged that the oil firms, especially Shell, had failed to pay acrur.ne laX [Q the state where they operate multl·blllion naira 011 flelds. The Executi ve Chainnan of DBIR, Mr. Joe l.Onowakpo Thomas, who made the rev· elation In Warrl few days ago, warned the 011 flrms to pay all outstanding taxes or risk the full weight of the law. He said It was
Plateau raises hope on agric projects' completion EVEN ongoing projects meant [Q boost agricul. tural yields in Plateau will be comp leted In six months, t he Commissioner for Agricu lture, Maven Barko, said yesterday. Barko told the News Agency of Nigeria, in los, that the projects would s hore up the fortunes of the sector, which he said, had suffered much neglect over the years. He listed the projects to incluue three agricuhural service training centres In Mangu, Kassa and Shendam, as well as four other commercial projects spread across the three sen· atoria l districts of lhe state. "The projects COst a total of NIO billion. We have spent about N8 billion and will need another N2 billion to get the jobs done. "The projects will addres5 (000 production and open up employment windows to our teaming youths. ~ The commIssione r expressed confidence that the projects would C'ncour· age more youths to engage In agriculture and mIn· imise the migration to the urban cen tres. He decried the over· reliance on the oil sector, harping on rhe need for alternative sources of rev· enue and foreign exchange as Ihe current oil depOSits, according to him, would dry up one day. Barko notea that Plateau had the potential to pro· duce co ffee for upon, say· ing that Uganda, which was less endowed In rhar area was already ex[Ulrtlng the product. fl e explained that tht state government had made available enough fertiliser for farmers in rhe curre nt farming season, and cha llenged workers of the agri· culture miniSlry to doub le up efforts toward encour· aging more farmers back to the rarms. The Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Belleri Elisha, a lso laud ed the quality of work at the sires of the seven projects, not· ing that the work was golng on at an appreciable level.
sacrosanct for individuals and companies operating In rhe state ro be respon· slve to tax payment. Thomas said he ordered a lax audit and ra x InveStlga· tion Into the activities of SPDC and Chevron wilh regards to tax payment and femiltances, adding thaI both finn s were un-<oopC'ratlve resu lting In the board Issuing the order.. ~S I'DC especially, has not
been paying its due tax... For the past three to four months, Shell payment of tax has been dwindling. We have called for tax investl· gatlon Into the activities of SI'Oc. They have deliberate· Iy prevented us from hav· Ing access to their re cords for very nimsy excuses. We In 81R know what they are up tol We will only advise (hem to keep pOstpOning so t hat they can have
enough time to perfect their records and they should a lso not forge t that there is a limit [0 obstruct· Ing duly authorised officer oCthe Board from gaining access to their records. Sec lO5(a) (b) is clear about the implications of obstruct· Ing the Board Crom carry· ing out its lawful duties and sec 53(1 ·2) provides the options open to the Board. Consequently, I want [0 tell
Shell and Chevron that we will no longer tolera te that, because we know t hem to be very law abiding campa· nles In their home coun· tries. We may be forced to invoke th e Va rious provl· sions of the law: Joel. Onowakpo said. He expressed dissatlsfac· tion over the attitude of SI'DC and Chevron towards payment of taxes, noting that the Board has
that tax payment from the companies have be~n dwindling In the last three to four months with· out the companies advanc· ing any reason. Th .. [ax board chief equal. ly advised companies try' ing to hinder [he Slate s pla n to build a Delta State wi rhout oil, to have a rethink as the Board was pre pared to explore every av.,llable legal means 10 get e~ry kobo that is due it.
Assodation wants legal baddng for 10 per cent cassava flour indusion policy ~E
Cassava Growers .l Associatlon has asked the National Assembly to give legal backing to the 10 per cent cassava Inclu· slon policy for baking flour initIated by former President Olusegun Obasanjo. The Chairman of the Cassava Growers ASSOCiation, South-West zone, Dr. David Ogunsade, made the call on Friday in an Interview with the News Agency of Nlgerid, In 050gbo. Ogunsade said that the policy, which s tipulated the Inclusion of 10 per cent cas· sava flour In baking fl our would encourage Nigerians 10 engage in cassava farmIng.
members in theSoUlh·West, presently have m of!!' than 1,000 hectares of cassava
ready for harvesting, but we are confronted with mar· keting problem. MWe ca n nOl meet [he cost of production, a[ the cur· rent price per tonnes. ·Some cassava mill fanDrles are buying at between Ns,ooO and N6,OOO per tonnes, when It should be a round NtO,OOO. -So It Is discouraging when fanners plant, harvest, but have no buyer for their products: Ogunsade said that e nact· Ing the law, which would make It mandatory for all bakers to use 10 per cent of cassava flour would lead 1"0 Increase In cassava output due to the availability of a ready market. He explained that t he inl· tiative was aimed al curb-
TIlis is to infonn Ihe general public that the OXFAM half page black and w hite advcn tilled "OXFAM VACANCY" published in the GURrdian newspaper of I'" o f August, 201 1 on page 18, w hich the closing da le for the. submission 01" npplicn tion appcar.:d os 30'· Septem be r 2011 \litiS clTOneously cnrricd.
ing the various challenges faCing cassava growers and to promo te Its cultivation. Ogunsade urged the National Assembly to exJ>(" dire action on rhe policy
-BSCJHNO in Marketing or any Social Sciences Pos s e s sion of (Marketing)!s an added advantage. -Minimum of 8 years experience fn Business Development, Sales and Marketing, 3years of which must be In capacity asAse a Sales Manage r in an Ffo.-ICG Company. -Mus t be pronelsnt!n Ihe use of Ms Word and Excel . 'Must have a valid E·Class Ualnse. "Not more Ihan 38 years of aga. 2.
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We sincerely upologi:ol:e for any inconveniences this
ma kers to put Ihe Interesl of millions of Nigerians, who a re farmers at heart ralher than the (ew wheat Impo ners, who would be working against the policy.
Do you haV6 passion Sales and 10 meet achievable target? If yes, :~;;;r;;;~; service Is needed In a reputable Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) L with branches in Soulh_South, South-Easl & North Cllnlr.ll Nigeria .
The com~cl date is Tuesdu}'. 30" o f August,. 20 11 ,
1. Marke t ers Pure ly on BasiS. 2. Front D es k Officers from good I 3. House
and make It a law. so that farmers would be able to se ll their products and meet the cost of produc· tlon. He urged the natlon'S law·
Holde r s
'BSCfHNO in Marketing or any SOCia l scIences. Possession of (Markeling) Is an added advantage -Minimum of 8 years experience in Business Development, Sales and Marketing. 3 years a t which must be in capadty as Trade Marketing In an FMCG Company. "Must be proficient In Ihe use of MS Word and Eltcel, "Not more Ihan 38years.
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