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lHEGU'JUXAN, ~1Iprtl TJ, 2012

Gndo partners Portland Paints on infrastructure development frollHlylBelo.Akure N Its bid to add aesthetics [0

Iits rumnt drom at infrasiructun dtvclopmt:nl:!; the

Onda Stale government has entered into a pannership with Ponland Painrs and Pnx! paints manufacrurer. agents of the cwo partlesdlsdosed 011 die weekend. The partner.;hlp, which is s.aid to be mutually bent'fi· clal to the (WO bodies, according 10 the duo of [h~ State Commi s sion~r for

Urban and PhySical Planning. Igbekele Dawodu and the Milnagmg Director of the company, 8a.yo 05100, is centred on procurement and supply of paints .md other producl"S. And to concn-list' the part· nershlpand expand lIS Rtall business in the state, the company has commisslont'd an office In .-\kure, the state capital with special fealUn's to handle irs various prod· uCts for Increased parronage. Speaking at Ih~ opening cer·

emony of lhl' office, O5ibo s.ald me company deckltd to go into partnership with the stille government because, according 10 him, the currenl admlnlstr.II..ion In tht' SLUt' WilS unique In I"enns of developmental projects it had been carrying out. He pointed OUt r.ha.l the company was known forproducl.ngqualityproduw;;md seMces with warranty of at leastfiveye.a.rswhlchm.a.keit one of the most customer· friendly among the big play-

Govt trains farmers on wealth creationthrough cassava farming, processi ng 'T"HE Fedt'ral Ministry of J Agnculrure and Rural

~vdopmem, in cooJunc· tion with the Cemral Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has evol~d modalities to give loans to caSSilVii farmers in the countI)' through vanous banks. commercial An official of the ministry, lames Olatunll. disdosed this at a one-d"ay workshop organised In collaboration with Nasarawa State Ministry of Agriculture in lafb., for brmers from lhe North Central Zone of the counlI)t nll~ focus of the workshop is on how to create ~Ith from cass.ava production and processing, the News Agency of Nigeria repons. Commenting on lhe essence of the workshop, Olatunji said that lht' cassa· va to ethanol project under the Cassava Value Chain Programme had greilt

pOlentlal for wealth creation. He IdentlAed the North Cemral zone ~ [he hub of cassava produCflon in tht' country. According to him, Nasarawa State was cho· sen dut' to li S high casu· va prodUCt Ion capacity and being surrounded by other cassava producing states. In a remark. the NasalClWil Sta.te Commissioner for ASriculture, AlhaJI Ahmed lijaRl, represented by the Permanent Secretary. IJhaji Yahaya Ibrahim . .'iiIid the progr.unme WiIS capable of reducing povt'rty among rural dwellers. He assured [he panlcipanLS of the state government 's commitment fa the ftodelCll Gov~rnmen t Agricultural Transformat ion Agenda through lhe proylslon of Improved seedlings,

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machlnt'ry, agro-chemlcais and other Inputs. Earlier in an address of wei· [orne, the Programmt' Managt'r, Nasar awOl Statt' Agricultural Developmenr Programme (NADP}, NaphthalJ Dachor, said the state produced about two million wones of cassava yearly. He solldted the Federal Governmem's support for Increased production and effecrive milisation of the crop. NAN reporu mat the workshop attracted agricultural experu from all the Stalt'S in t.he North Central gffipolitlcal zone of the COUntry.

ers In the paint industry. While disclosing that the new office has Lhree unlrs: the Sandrt'X palnrs, Ponland Bathrooms. and Col,?r Boutique URlts, Oslbo said the company Is a sole agent of the world renowned brands of s.anitary ware Amltage Shanks and Idea.l Standai"d and has been supplying quality productS. According lohlm, ""we are the major s uppliers of qua Ii· ty bathroom products [0 home, hotels, schools, hospitals and factories and the products have been tried ilnd [esced by our numerous natIonwide. client s ~People of Ondo Stan: can now CTe.lle colours that truly renect their personalities. They JUS! visit Sandtex Paints Color Boutique whe.Jl" [h~ can easily choose and mix color for their buildings from our uo[lc menu of over 15,000 colours . Our hitech paim dispenser can do h in jun rwo minutes.: In his contribution at the event, Dawodu, who pledged to facilitate lhe use of Portland palms on all COilstructioru taking place in the state., said -as an architect.. I haY(' tested and demonsmtt'd SandteX products In hos· pltals, Portvilte and comffit'rclal bUildings ilnd so on, It stands out as number one palm In Nlgerla.-

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