Appointments 169
1HE GUARDIAN; Thesday,Mayl'i, ion
Institute wants more roles for women in government ,---,~..,.,..,----;-;-o,.,..---,~
From Abiodun Fagbemi.llorin
sensi ti veness
F Nigeria must attain the objectives of Visions 2020, more women must be given
and access to the nation's
productive sector. This will rail in line With our vision as a nation for th e Visi o n
more governmental rofes to
play, Director Genera l, Michael Imoudu National Institute for labour Studies, (MINllS), 1I 0rin, Dr. Niyi Olanrewaju has said. The MINllS boss, who spoke recently at the opening ceremony of a four·day programme at the institute, described Nigerian women as among the best in the areas of socia l functions and economic management, adding that such attributes cou ld be channeled towards the path of the nation's socio, political and economic growth. The programme, whi ch
Group seeks empowennent for rural poor
for an urgent review. It is high time we give every body equal opportun ities
drew participants from over 20 states of the federatio n entitled: . 'Effective leadership and Gender Issues in Employment Practices for Nigerian labour Congress (NLC) Women's Comm ittee.' He said, "Nigerian women have a lot of potentials thus making the issue of gender
"Women should be part of the development process of this nation going by their population. We need them as our productive partners. We shou ld eq ually realise that leadership qualities are not restricted to men. Women too can lead but they must start showing themselves as having the qualities of transformational leadership. They must start demonstrating their capability to lead." Olanrewaju encouraged women to anend numerous traini ng sem inars as the
first way to prepare them for the task ahead.
NDEplans agric manual to boost Job creation place in l okoja, the Kogi State capital also explored the use of
Fro!11 Collins Ol~yinka, Ahuja
~ NaiionaJ Directorate of the facilities of. the River Basin
,I. El'O.plqYment (ND~) is planning an agricult\lral traijling manual to :addressthe 'challenges of agrirult\lral prodUCe tipn i\Ild rural jbb creation in tile North Central geopoJitical zone of - die country. -Thi~ formed the ·f ulcrum of disCt!ssio~ at a one,day \"orking seminll~ for of:ficers of the Rural Employment Depa~ment ' of the NDE drawp frOIl! Na~rawa, Benue: Kwara,Plateau, Kogi and Niger Si;ltes, as well .as, the FlideriU Capital Territory; Abuja. Tne meeting, which took
Authorities to boost food production "(hUe creatingd· obs through c~pacity buil ing. When produced, the manual would also identify the peculiar agro and agro-aUied enterprises and other economic rural off-farm endowments within the geopolitical zone. The Kogi State Co-ordinator of "' the NDE, Nnamdi Asomugha, who stated this at the meeting, said the new approach would ensure proper (locumentation of all stakeholders in the rural employment activities in the zone in
order to enhance collaboration and synergy for increased food production and job ereati:;,n in the sector.· Asomugha added that the NDE also plans to strengthen rural employment as a deliberate strategy to check the ruraJ-urban ([rift in quest 01 paid employment. He said that the NDE has built Agricultural Sldlls Training Centre in · Imela, Yagba East Local Government Area of the state as. a deliberate plan to drive the: new strategy: "Similar training centres have also been built across the country," the state co-ordinator added.
From ColJins OJayinka, Abuja
A GROUP, GOOdlucklsambo ./'\Pro-Poor Project GSPPP) has tasked campaign outfits of politicians to move beyond campaigning for their candidates
Nigerians living below poverty line. The National Co-ordinator of the group, Kenneth IbeKalu, who stated this in Abuja while speaking at the inauguration of the Central Planning Committee for the Defenders of Democracy award 2011, explained that campaign
organ isations
should not discontinue their activities when elections are
over but should transmute into organisations that can mobilise resources towards empowerment of poor Nigerians, who live under one dollar a day. He argued that for Nigeria to meet substantial aspects of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, indigent Nigerians must be helped out of poverty trap. To demonstrate how this could be done, he said GSPPP has assisted 14 poor of the poorest families to get out of poverty trap in Abuja. "Soon after we launched the GSPPP here in Abuja, we have assisted 14 poor of the poorest families, who received various ki nds of empowerment eqUipment that range from hair dryers, hair clippers, grinding machines, which have enable them earn decent living for themselves and their families. "I am happy to report that the families of the recipients of that noble gesture of this organisation are now living above poverty line with most of them earning above $15 a day. The question is, haven't we contributed in moving the nation forward by contributing to the realisation of the MDGs target for Nigeria? Yes we have because every poverty alleviated is a soul won and sustained," he said. On his part, a former Secretary to the Bayelsa State Govern ment, Prof. Steve Azaike berated the action of most Nigerian politicians, who promise heaven on earth to the people and disappear into thin air until another period beckons. He added, "in Nigeria, we are used to politicians coming to the people at election period to promise all sorts of things using their campaign organisations.
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